“Is it a mysterious man?” As soon as Leon had finished dealing with Hermione, Snape leaned over and asked in a low voice.

“Well, but there is one thing I want to ask you, Professor, what do you think of Voldemort?” Leon nodded, then looked at Snape and asked.

“You know all about it? Yes, you know everything. Snape smiled wryly and shook his head, then turned his gaze to Lily, who was counting down Harry: “No need, I’ve found the next path.” ”

“Congratulations.” Leon smiled and nodded, then looked at Snape and continued: “Harry has been psychologically damaged by me, at this time you go to comfort him, and then take this opportunity to establish a good relationship, and the rest of the matter will be very easy.” ”

“I don’t need you to worry about my affairs, take care of yourself.” Snape spat at Leon angrily, and then pointed to Hermione behind him, the meaning was unclear.

Leon didn’t explain much, just shook his head: “So be it today, tired, go back to sleep.” ”

“Hmm.” Snape didn’t say anything more, just sighed, nodded and sent Leon away, and then seemed to think of something, and quickly walked in front of Hermione.

“Professor Snape.” Hermione looked at Snape and greeted him rather suspiciously.

“Leon and I used to be very similar, both proud people, so if you really want to go with him, then you have to consider accommodating him.” Snape dropped such a sentence and turned away, except Leon and Lily, no one can make his mood fluctuate anymore, maybe in the future Hermione is really with Leon, he will give her a smile.


Hermione, who was confused by Snape’s words, looked confused, and for a moment, Hermione reacted, and then she was overjoyed, this is Snape expressing his support for himself.

She knew the weight of Snape in Leon’s heart, and also knew Snape’s preference for Leon, without an elder Leon, Snape could already be regarded as an elder, and how much weight Snape’s support represented, Hermione naturally knew.

Leon didn’t know that Snape had sold himself and had basically invested all his assets in Hermione’s shares, and now he was bathing in the public bathroom, there was so much going on tonight, Leon was extremely tired, and his shoulders still had the smell of gunpowder left by the rocket fire.

The public bathroom of Slytherin is not large, the men’s bathroom is basically a bath with a magic jet, and the bathing center is not much different, and now in Hogwarts, there are basically not many Slytherin students staying on campus, so basically Leon is now alone in the bath.

“Ha, comfortable, this time Voldemort is defeated, the next days should be much easier.”

Feeling the warm water temperature, the water stirred by the magic force hit the whole body, like a girl’s gentle massage makes people flutter, Leon felt the benefits of the bath in the wizarding world for the first time, in the past, in order to save trouble, he took a shower, washed his head and ran, running the bath, or the first time.


Just after a while, Leon clearly felt the ceiling above his head vibrating, as if he had just driven past a muck car, and at the same time, the water flow in the pool also stopped, and the water temperature in the pool became lower and lower.

“What a situation.” Quickly got up, used magic to evaporate the water stains on his body, Leon put on his clothes and ran up, I don’t remember that there was such a special situation in the book, can Hogwarts also encounter earthquakes?

As soon as he left the Slytherin common room, Leon noticed that all the students had gathered in the Great Hall again, and their expressions were even more frightened than just now, and the professors, including Dumbledore, were basically guarding the back door of the Great Hall.

Ignoring the panicked students, Leon walked directly towards the professors, and before he could ask, he understood where the vibration had just come from.

Mountains and swarms of eight-eyed giant spiders, at this time, overwhelming swarms rushed towards Hogwarts, but they had not yet broken through the bridge connecting Hogwarts to the Forbidden Forest, and one stone statue after another resisted the entrance of the bridge, sending the eight-eyed giant spiders rushing over.

“The entire clan of the eight-eyed giant spider has moved? What’s the situation? Leon asked as he stood beside Snape and Dumbledore and frowned.

“I don’t know, after hearing Hagrid’s warning, we rushed over and found that the eight-eyed giant spider was about to storm Hogwarts, so I activated the castle’s defensive golem.” Dumbledore replied, then looked at Leon.

Leon shook his head quite speechlessly, saying that he did not know about this situation, after all, this kind of thing was not mentioned in the book, it should be an additional accident, or it may be a butterfly effect caused by a series of operations different from the development of the original plot after he crossed over.

“What about Hagrid?” Glancing around, and finding that the tallest Hagrid had actually disappeared, Leon asked.

“He went to the Forbidden Forest to find Aragog, she is the oldest eight-eyed giant spider, and these eight-eyed giant spiders we see now are her heirs, and Hagrid, who once raised her, so he went to persuade Aragog to give up attacking Hogwarts.” Dumbledore replied.

“The eight-eyed giant spider has intelligence, it is impossible not to know the impact and threat of attacking Hogwarts, this is forcing war to start, let us take the initiative to eliminate their threat, but this should not ah.”

Leon heard this and analyzed, and then looked at the eight-eyed giant spiders who rushed towards this side as if they were running for their lives, and suddenly thought of something.

“I probably guessed the purpose of these eight-eyed giant spiders coming, they are not here to attack Hogwarts, they are here to escape.”

“What do you mean?” Dumbledore was stunned when he heard this.

“Basilisk, the mortal enemy of spider creatures, there is one in Hogwarts, the case of Myrtle’s death fifty years ago was because he saw the eyes of the Basilisk, which is the legacy left by Slytherin, found by Voldemort fifty years ago, and controlled the Basilisk with his parseltongue cavity, the death of Myrtle, Hagrid is behind the pot.”

Leon explained, and then ignored Dumbledore’s strange look at him, and continued to speak: “Voldemort not only wants to rob the Philosopher’s Stone, but he also wants to take revenge on Hogwarts, so it should be that he summoned the basilisk and drove it out of Hogwarts, signaling him to go to the Forbidden Forest to find the eight-eyed giant spider community, so these eight-eyed giant spiders ran to this side in fear.” ”

“So, what do we do now?”

Hearing Leon’s analysis, Dumbledore asked Leon.

“Kill, don’t keep one, anyway, these eight-eyed giant spiders are not native species of the Forbidden Forest, and it doesn’t matter if they are all killed, if you can, teach you to contact the horse people and let them assist us, after all, the horse people and the eight-eyed giant spiders are also blood feuds.” Leon said with a grim face, no matter what these eight-eyed giant spiders are for, in short, the dead eight-eyed giant spider is a good eight-eyed giant spider, and Leon is still hungry for materials such as venom and fangs on their bodies.

“This…” Seeing Leon’s answer so crisp and decisive, Dumbledore hesitated.

Instead, Professor Snape threw out a volley of 10,000 bullets first, controlling the pebbles on the ground and blasted towards the eight-eyed giant spider like arrows, supporting Leon’s resolution with practical actions.


His mother’s, went out to take out the garbage and forgot to bring the key, froze for more than half an hour, thanks to the balcony was not locked, turned over.

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