“Okay, you won, do you need to add the materials for the Wolf Poison Potion now? The money you gave me, there are still more than six hundred gold gallons left, and I was going to use it to help you pay off your debts. When Snape heard Leon’s words, he didn’t feel that this guy was bragging, after all, Leon’s depth, he didn’t know.

“Oh, is there anything left?” Leon was a little surprised, he knew the potion, but the price of the potion, he was not very clear, the reason why he knew the material cost of the wolf poison potion was after the last refining, Snape told himself.

“Of course, what do you think, potions are not scarce, except for some precious potions that are difficult to cultivate or obtain in a single way, most potions are very cheap, and can convert potions into potions, that will reflect the value of potions, so if you want to make a lot of money in the future, potions is essential.” Snape rolled his eyes at Leon, thanks to his own help for Leon, otherwise this guy who wanted money was pitted by someone, I am afraid that he would not know.

“Thank you Professor Snape for your explanation, then, the material on the wolf poison potion, please.” Leon replied with a dry smile, then looked at Snape holding his knife and fork, knew that he seemed to have disturbed his meal, and immediately left the dining table of the faculty and staff.

Anyway, he was already full, so he left the auditorium directly, turned around and went to the library, although last time Dumbledore said the meaning of the representative of Venus and Taurus, but Leon still didn’t believe it, so Leon planned to check it himself, which can be regarded as an insurance for this matter.

For basically an afternoon, Leon was immersed in the library, the first-year wizard did not have any major exams, nor too many subjects, the basic teaching curriculum was to familiarize the little wizard with everything about Hogwarts and lay the foundation for future courses, so the course arrangement was not much.

What puzzled Leon was that he hadn’t seen Hermione in the library this afternoon, but he didn’t care, Hermione did like to learn, but she was not the kind of ruthless learning machine, and it was not a big deal to relax occasionally and not come to the library.

The kung fu paid off, in a divination book called “Astrology Miscellaneous”, Leon found the shorthand phrase that Dumbledore said, which can be regarded as confirming that Dumbledore did not fool himself, but let Leon breathe a sigh of relief, put down the book, and then returned all the borrowed books to their original places, and walked out of the library with a scared face.

Compared with related books and idle books in other disciplines, various books on astrology and divination are simply not read, those messy, boring content, Leon almost didn’t faint when he saw it, now he is extremely glad that he has no talent for divination, otherwise if he wants to develop in this aspect in the future, Leon feels that he has not mastered divination, and he has to go crazy first.

Compared with the library, the auditorium at night is much more lively, but Lyon, who came to the table money, found that today’s table did not serve a delicate and delicious dinner, the table was empty, and most of the students also stayed at the table of their own college because they had not eaten dinner, and complained with their peers about starvation and other topics.

However, Leon didn’t think anything was wrong, he knew that Dumbledore and others would announce the new Defense Against the Dark Arts class, so as to avoid some little wizards running away after eating and not hearing the news.

So Leon patiently waited for Dumbledore to appear, until all the students were seated, Dumbledore, Professor McGonagall and Snape appeared in the Great Hall, looking at these hungry little wizards lying on the table, Dumbledore smiled, and then took out his wand and put it on his throat, casting a loud sound on himself.

“Little wizards, from today onwards, the Defense Against the Dark Arts class will disappear forever from the Hogwarts curriculum!”

Dumbledore’s words blinded countless little wizards, and then the younger wizards cheered, but the senior wizards shouted anxiously.

“Professor, what about the O.W.L. and N.E.W.T’s Defense Against the Dark Arts exams?”

“Is it because of Professor Quirrell’s disappearance?” Professor Snape could serve as a temporary professor of this course, there was no need to cancel it. ”

“The Defense Against the Dark Arts class can’t find a professor willing to apply?”

“Silence, silence! Then I’m done. Dumbledore continued to shout, and then brought Snapla to his side: “Although we do not have a Defense Against the Dark Arts class, but after our consultation, a new Defense Against the Dark Arts course will be launched to replace the Defense Against the Dark Arts class, this year’s Defense Against the Dark Arts practical course will be temporarily replaced by Professor Snape, as for the new Defense Against the Dark Arts course, it is the same as the previous Defense Against the Dark Arts class, the only difference is that this new course, you will have the opportunity to conduct actual combat duel training!” ”


The little wizards who were still a little flustered heard the magic duel, and the atmosphere exploded in an instant, and countless cheers almost overturned the roof of the auditorium, the little wizards at this age can not be idle, and the energy has nowhere to vent the stage, now the school’s new Defense Against the Dark Arts practical course actually includes a real combat duel, how can it not make them feel excited, this is a course that wantonly releases the spell and shows their strength, and it is still the legal kind.

“Don’t be happy too early, you know, ordinary spells also have a certain degree of danger, so in this new course, we will adopt the model of junior wizards and senior wizards taking classes together, tentatively set for first and fourth grade, second and fifth grade, third and sixth grade, and seventh grade students because they need to take the magic level exam, so you are teaching separately.”

After Dumbledore finished speaking, looking at the reactions of the little wizards in the audience, he found that there was no objection, and nodded his head without thinking: “As for what this brand new course is for, perhaps, after you take this class, you will know, now, fill your empty stomach with food.” ”

After that, all the tables were immediately filled with dense, colorful and fragrant food, but most of the little wizards were not in the mood to eat, but excitedly discussed the new Defense Against the Dark Arts practical class.

Leon didn’t care about this, what Dumbledore said was discussed by them in the afternoon, and what Dumbledore didn’t say, he also knew, including the high and low grades to take classes together, which was also Leon’s suggestion.

After all, the senior little wizards have mastered much more spells than the younger little wizards, so it is very reasonable to fight against each other, one attack and one defense, and as for the attack and defense of the senior grades, it is mutual, which can also open the eyes of the younger wizards who are in class together.

And this kind of practical combat class, most of which is based on basic spells, has little impact on Leon, after all, as long as Leon opens the fifth-level iron armor spell that can play the life curse, not to mention the little wizard of the fourth grade, the little wizard of the first grade goes together, I am afraid that it is not enough to fight by himself, after all, as long as the magic power is enough, he can replenish the iron armor spell at any time.

“Sure enough, I often look out of place with these ordinary little wizards because I am too good.” Leon thought helplessly.

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