Start at the Pinnacle of Life

Chapter 913: Energy crystal recycling and daily

"Kylin, starting today, we will stop the creator's production until the technology of the controllable nuclear fission power source reaches the standard!"

"Understand." Qilin.

"Xing Tian is the same. I have some inspiration recently and I should upgrade it."

"Okay." Qilin.

"Liquid~No, it is the reserve level of advanced energy crystals listed as the highest level. It is a strategic material, and I need to personally approve the use of it."

After deriving the true value of the advanced energy crystal, Qin Yu chose to stop production for the first time.

After finishing all this, Qin Yu called Xu Meixin in: "Use e-mail to inform Lao Bai that his batch of Xingtian mechas should be maintained.

In addition, our technology has improved a lot, and can be upgraded on the existing basis. Ask him if he needs it.

By the way, there will be major changes in power. The previous energy source has some hidden dangers. This time it will be replaced with controllable nuclear fission technology. "

"Okay, boss, do you need to notify him now?" Xu Meixin asked.

"Yes, let him know now, the words are as usual, just a routine notice!" Qin Yu emphasized specially.

"Understood." Xu Meixin left with orders.

It is a big project to fully recover all the high-level energy crystals.

Fortunately, with the help of the'Ministry of Science', the fission-class power armor has been sent over.

With ready-made products, scientists will soon be able to complete the imitation and reproduction, designing a controllable nuclear fission portable reactor belonging to the Church of Miracle Science.

At that time, the existing mechas will be updated and replaced uniformly, which can make up for the losses caused before to the greatest extent.

Although Qin Yu was already very careful, the comprehensive recovery of high-level energy crystals still aroused the concern of those with a heart.

It is rare for Ye Jinlan to take the initiative to call and ask him questions about advanced energy crystals.

"Only at this time, can you take the initiative to call?" Qin Yu said teasingly.

"A big man like you, can I interrupt it casually?" Ye Jinlan turned against the guest, and blamed him instead.

"If your Miss Ye Family is an unknown person, what am I?" Qin Yu said amused.

"Rising stars of science and technology, giants of the times, dark horses in the business world, giant capital crocodile, investment evildoers, father of reality and virtual..." Ye Jinlan said like a few treasures.

"Stop, stop, I was wrong, Miss Ye is merciful." Qin Yu hugged her head and begged for mercy.

When have I got so many titles, are the sand sculpture netizens all right to do it?

"What's the situation? More and more people are paying attention now, that there any difference?"

Ye Jinlan turned the topic to the main topic.

Such a big movement from the Miracle Group has replaced all the power sources equipped with ‘crystal’s.

How could anyone fail to notice such an obvious problem.

"Radioactive." Qin Yu responded.

"Yes, when the mecha first arrived, it had already been checked for radioactivity, and nothing was found," Ye Jinlan said.

"If the existing technology can also be found, what else is the miracle group doing?" Qin Yu said easily.

"You don't need to ask me to buy Xingtian, just make it yourself."

Although this explanation is not perfect, as long as it can cope with it.

No one will run the risk of offending miracles and cling to such small problems until they are fully certain.

"I will tell you the truth, besides, when will you come?" Ye Jinlan missed him.

"I don't have much time before October. I have to push it back." Qin Yu's recent schedule is very full.

First, arrange for Yang Chengjun and his team members, and always pay attention to the progress of Vulcan to ensure the smooth implementation of the first immigration plan.

I have to take the little pumpkin to my birthday, and I have to spend the holidays with Lu Qing.

There is also ‘the world’s No. 1 martial arts conference,’ select appropriate personnel to control [creator] to enter the star gate.

To solve the biggest survival threat at present, we must always pay attention to the progress of cell engineering experiments in the end.

In short, he must be busy this quarter.

If you take the time to go to Shangdu, you can only let Xihe run once, go by in the evening, and come back in the morning.

Brother Yu feels that this is really unnecessary. After all these days, find a time to live there for a few days.

Take a good stroll with her and Ye Zhiqiu. By the way, you can also check the operating status of Xing Lu's book cafe!

"Just say you are a busy person, I know, I know." Ye Jinlan said silently.

"Next time I go, I will stay longer!"

After getting a satisfactory reply, Ye Jinlan hung up the phone contentedly.

Qin Yu should also go home from get off work to meet his little birthday star.

"The busy people in our house are back." Liang Chuyu muttered disgustingly, but people had already unconsciously walked to the kitchen.

"Auntie, change to noodle soup at noon, Xiaoyu is back, he likes to eat this.

Get an oyster and burn some rice wine...I don't know why he loves seafood so much now, and he didn't grow on the beach! "

"By the way, is there any more grapes? There are also watermelons. Cut the watermelon in half and dig it with a spoon. I have eaten it like this since I was a child."

After a while, the coffee table was filled with various fruits.

There is a glass of happy water with two blocks of ice on hand.

Liang Chuyu held the small pumpkin in one hand, muttering "Don't always drink cold," while filling his half of the glass.

"Watermelon, eat more of that watermelon."

"Grapes, you are not your favorite grapes. They are also seedless... What are you looking at? They are not specially bought for you.

It's your dad, who doesn't know what to buy so much for, he can't finish it for days. "

Old Qin, who was sitting next to him drinking tea, said speechlessly: "I wanted to eat last night. You didn't say that. You said that I wanted to keep it for my son..."

"Drink your tea, why do you talk so much?" Liang Chuyu cursed with an angry smile.

Qin Yu digs watermelon with a spoon in one hand, and throws the grapes into his mouth while holding a spoon in one hand, drinking two more sips of Happy Water by the way.

Master, I'm back again! ! !

"Big brother, I want watermelon too." Little Pumpkin opened his mouth and moved forward enough, also wanting to eat the sweet big watermelon.

"Don't give it to him. I had diarrhea yesterday. This will be just right." Liang Chuyu hugged him in his arms.

"Mom~" Little Pumpkin raised her head bitterly, wanting to plead for a reward from the great mother.

"Don't even think about it." Liang Chuyu ignored his eyes, she had seen such small eyes many times.

Now, there is enough resistance.

If you want to take down your old mother with a little thought, who are you looking down on?

Finding that selling cuteness is invalid, Little Pumpkin lowered his head helplessly.

The **** stirred together, and the watermelon was forgotten behind his head while playing.

Then, the sound of chewing sounded.

He saw the sweet big watermelon again, the eldest brother ate it deliciously, so he wanted to eat it! !

Hey, what's on the little toe, little pumpkin goes to play with his toe again.

Ha ha ha ha ~

Ah~~ I really want to eat, I want to eat!

Forgetting and temptation jumping repeatedly, Little Pumpkin's head is about to explode.

Fortunately, at this moment the aunt came out and said with a smile: "It's time to eat."

Noodle soup, oysters, and a fresh slice of fish.

A few refreshing cold dishes are all that Brother Yu likes to eat.

Sucking, sucking~

A bowl of noodle soup bottomed out in two mouthfuls, grabbed the oyster and put it to your mouth, and gently sucked into the oyster meat.

The soup is filled with the white meat in the mouth, and two more sour and refreshing side dishes are finished.

Crisp and sour, the appetite opens up at once.

Two bowls of noodles and three dozen oysters left Qin Yu to take care of it alone, but Lao Qin could only sigh with excitement.

Young man, it's amazing!

This way of eating is not afraid of being hot.

After playing with the little pumpkin, it was the daily lunch break.

Qin Yu returned to the bedroom, took a shower and changed clothes.

He took the car key and went out. Yang Chengjun's plane was late, so he just took the time to come back for lunch.

He, the host, can't be absent from the scheduled game in the evening.

Rafa's grumpy engine sound can't be concealed even if he wants to conceal it.

In the room, Liang Chuyu, who had just coaxed the child to fall asleep, closed the door and whispered, "Away?"

Lao Qin raised his head and looked out the window, and a touch of red disappeared outside the door.

"Well, I said he can't stay!" Old Qin leisurely shook the newspaper in his hand.

Even in the electronic age, he still feels that paper-based things look more comfortable.

Visible, tangible, and feel at ease!

"You old man, you're quite proud of your son being away from home every day, aren't you?" Liang Chuyu said angrily.

"Do I mean that? Isn't there another one?" Old Qin tilted his head outward.

In the baby monitor on the bedside, the little pumpkin is sleeping with her **** pouting Zhengxiang.

This kid has always been able to eat and sleep, and his heart is as big as a fight.

This character is exactly the same as the old Qin Atmospheric, cool, no grudges!

"I said so, but can that be the same?" Liang Chuyu wiped the hand cream and went to bed.

Leaning on the bedside, he sighed: "I felt that I finally raised my son and relaxed.

Now my heart is empty, but fortunately there is still a small one. "

"You have to thank your son for not, until you regret that..."

"Okay, why do you say such a long distance!" Liang Chuyu interrupted angrily.

"Well, don't tell me, I have to sleep for a while." Lao Qin put the newspaper on the bedside, turned over and fell asleep.

Liang Chuyu whispered: "If you didn't do that back then, you should go to college, right?"

"Go to sleep, it's fine now, don't think about it."

"Dead old man, you didn't mention it first..."

The wind rushed to the company, and as soon as he parked the car, Qin Yu saw a canopy parked at the company's gate.

"Brother Buy!" Qin Yu strode forward with a smile and beckoned.

"Brother Yu, haha, you are handsome again." Yang Chengjun's stern face burst into a smile.

"Get used to it." Qin Yu said, touching his face with his hand.

Yang Chengjun smiled and said, "The skin is getting thicker."

"Go, the mouse is waiting for you up there, I'll take you to see you."

"Okay, I haven't seen him for a while, so I thought about it."

Qin Yu looked at him with weird eyes, and joked: "I said you two were not right, and I got my guess."

"Fuck you, you are not you understand brotherhood?"

"I don't understand, I dare not understand!"

Give him a hard punch, Yang Chengjun shook his head speechlessly, pointed at him and said, "When will I see my sister-in-law, I have to talk to her."


Brother Yu's face sank and said seriously: "I just thought about it, it seems too extravagant to come back once a year. Otherwise... once in ten or twenty years it will be fine."

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