Start at the Pinnacle of Life

Chapter 893: Discover the inner beauty

"Qing Qing~"

"Husband, are you okay?"

"It's okay, do you look at me as if something is going on?" Qin Yu said with a smile on his face after removing the bandage.

"Are you really okay? Mom wants to see you, wait a minute." Lu Qing turned the camera to Master Mother.

"Hey, is this called?" Qin Yu teased.

"I hate it." Lu Qing smiled shyly and said: "Mom, look at him..."

"Xiaoyu, can you speak... Stand up and let my mother look at you first." The maternal master murmured angrily, and then he became concerned about his son's health.

Nowadays, nothing is more important to her than her son's health.

Who can really understand how proud Liang Chuyu is for such a prosperous son.

Not to mention that there are three long and two short, but there is a bump, she is also like a knife in her heart.

"Mom, it's okay, look at it!" Qin Yu put the phone on the table, got up and turned around the camera a few times.

Let the mother-sama read it carefully to see if there is anything wrong with him.

"It's all right, it's all right." Liang Chuyu's heart was finally able to let go.

"By the way, why did you run to Smecta? Why did you run so far? Come back quickly. It's still our domestic security."

"By the way, let Qingqing say a few more words to you, she wants to kill you." Liang Chuyu handed the phone to Lu Qing.

Since the child is okay, she doesn't worry anymore.

The rest of the time was naturally handed over to the young couple. What did her old lady mix with?


Outside the door, although I couldn't understand what was said inside.

Hearing that nasty tone, several women are already jealous and are going crazy.

Seeing Lin Run'e sometimes frantic, sometimes stomping, sometimes gritted his teeth, and sometimes proud.

A few people suddenly thought of something, Lin Rune seems to understand Daxia language!

"Run'e, what did the boss say?"

Lin Rune turned around and saw Zhang Yeyuan, who was almost turned into a background and unthreatening.

Look at the women around who pricked their ears, pretending to be nervous.

Rune smiled triumphantly, and pulled her friend Li Shaoxi over and bit her ears and said something.

The other woman waited eagerly, but what was waiting was a whisper from the two.

Assi, it's great to know Daxia!


When Qin Yu came out of the box, the sword-struck atmosphere remained the same.

"Let's go, one of you is here by car." Qin Yu looked around.

"I, I, I, Oppa, my nanny car is outside!"

Lin Rune rushed to answer in standard Daxia language, how could she give up such a good opportunity.

Qin Yu reacted when she heard Run'e's Daxia language that was careful, and she became accustomed to speaking Mandarin after the phone call.

Looking at the embarrassing and curious expressions of other women, Qin Yu didn't explain, and said with a smile: "Let's go!"

When shopping in Smecta, the two words you can't get around must be Myeongdong.

If young people do not go to Myeongdong, they will be despised by their peers.

So, a few nanny cars went straight to Myeongdong New World, this is the first stop.

However, the whole process is a bit like a spy movie.

The girls were fully armed, got out of the car after making an appointment and scattered, and walked on their own.

Afterwards, they gathered in the store and indicated their identity to the store manager with the sign of "Suspended".

They took off the masks and sunglasses in unison, enjoying the new products in the store happily.

The first stop thought it would be the donkey family or grandma, but they did not expect them to choose the Balenciaga family.

So, are you here to buy the attack fast outfit together?

For Qin Yu's appearance, the store showed 2,000% enthusiasm.

There are several female celebrities in the Mingming store choosing goods, and Qin Yu just sits on the sofa as a salted fish.

There were three service staff around him, kneeling all the way!

Xi Han Wen Nuan asked him if he was hungry and thirsty.

Do you want to eat, drink, or else some red wine to relax...

In Smecta, young people like Secretary Jin, Pei Zhuxian, Lin Run'e, Zhang Shaoxi, and Li Yili can be brought to the mall for shopping at one time.

In addition, he has the ability to make these women live in harmony!

The identity of the other party is at least the heir of the chaebol, how can they not be careful?

Especially the titles of several female stars, "Chairman Xi~"

"President Xi, is this good-looking?" Lin Rune gestured back and forth with two ready-to-wear garments on her body, asking Qin Yu's opinion.

"Very good, you must look good on it." Qin Yu responded with a smile.

Lin Rune laughed presumptuously, and when she was about to say something, she was knocked away by Pei Zhu's ass.

"Oba, I think this off-white will be very suitable, look, look..." Pei Zhu is now very active.

Stimulated by Lin Run'e, the calmness of the past has also become lively.

"Well, very good, it will look better with a darker skirt." Qin Yu said and looked around before getting up and choosing a pink pleated skirt.

"Here you are." Passing the skirt to her, Qin Yu continued: "Go and try it."

"Ah~ good." Pei Zhu was stunned, and ran away holding the clothes with joy.

The clothes that Oppa personally selected for me must be worn on my body to make everyone angry.


"President Xi, can you take a look for me too?" Li Yili asked, jumping in front of him.

The coquettish expression and the coquettish tone, one word: Absolute!

Little black dress, the skirt just reached the thigh.

With a pair of black short boots, it is dark, charming and glamorous.

"Pretty." Qin Yu said pertinently.

"Hehe, thank you Ouba." Li Yili took the clothes and ran away sweetly.

She wants to change into this suit immediately and show it off in front of everyone.

This is the only match that Oppa praised for "beautiful"~

"President Xi, look at me~"

"President Xi, is this good-looking? And this..."

The women rushed forward, wanting Qin Yu to comment on her own vision and taste.

As for Zhang Yiyuan, she has been completely forgotten in the corner at this moment.

Whether it was the other people, the clerk, or Qin Yu, they had completely forgotten her in the corner.

Until a ‘Ouba,’ drew everyone’s gaze back.

"Oba, can you take a look at this for me?"

Zhang Yiyuan stood in front of Qin Yu with a formal expression, holding a white tail skirt, looking forward to his reply with twinkling eyes.

The other women looked at her in astonishment and anger.

How dare she be so bold, calling ‘Ouba’ right here. ’

Isn't she afraid of being exposed?

Although she is just a famous radio anchor, the kind of faceless.

But because of the ball games, it also won a lot of attention, and was regarded as the "Goddess of Football" and "Goddess of Baseball" by the otaku.

The attention is not less than that of second-rate actresses. Isn't such a rash move afraid of causing dissatisfaction from fans?

The consumption of otakus is considerable, but their choices are also very realistic.

Once it comes to love affair and scandal, it will soon be transferred to another love!

The speed of transferring ‘idol’ is faster than a woman’s turning face.

Is she crazy?

"Yeah." A faint response means that Qin Yu's nature towards her is almost zero.

Zhang Yeyuan's expression instantly turned into a lost void, and faint tears flashed in her eyes.

And the glaring of other women instantly turned into sympathy!

She looks so pitiful~

"Have you chosen everything?" Qin Yu felt that he was about to go shopping after looking at the time.

His purpose is to make an appearance, eliminate negative public opinion, and shopping is just a way.

Although being a waste is very nice!

But then, there is still business waiting for him.

After so many days of waste, it is time to re-adjust the state.

Qin Yu had asked so, and Zhang Yiyuan's embarrassment, naturally no one would raise objections at this time.

Therefore, Qin Yu readily took out the card to pay the bill: "Thank you."

"This is your card. Your total consumption this time is RMB. Thank you for coming and looking forward to your next visit."

More than 80 million, which is less than half a million when converted into big Xia coins.

The eyes of the cabinet sister seemed to see God coming, bulingbuling flashing, and she almost stuffed a note to him.

This kind of performance made Yu Ge dumbfounded.

At the same time, I have to complain about domestic services, let alone 500,000, you just spend millions.

It may not be possible to feel the half-hearted attitude of today!

Sometimes you can't even see a sincere smile, only hypocrisy and impatience of'hurry up and pay for it, don't be so inked'.

It was like watching Alpha in a 4S shop that time, and the clerk's eyes almost drifted to the ceiling.

Sell ​​a car, sell the arrogant attitude of Toyota's second son.

That's it!

"Ouba, where are we going next?" Lin Rune asked expectantly in the space where only two people were left.

"Send me back to the hotel." Qin Yu said with a smile.

"Uh..." Lin Rune's expression was startled, and said in surprise: "Is Ouba going to leave?"

"Well, there are some work matters that need to be dealt with." Qin Yu nodded.

"Oh!" Lin Run'e lowered her head in loss, and asked the driver to drive to the Shilla Hotel.

The few cars behind also quietly followed, and the other woman still didn't know his arrangements.

Qin Yu also forgot to say, really didn't take this matter to heart.

After arriving at the hotel, Qin Yu remembered that there was something else after seeing several cars parked in the underground garage one after another.

Come here, so let's live together first.

After he finishes the work at hand, he won't be too late to talk about the rest.

Furthermore, he will stay in Smecta for a few days.

Long night a few more people to accompany, it is better than a person who can't sleep alone.

Although Li Zhen handled it properly, he arranged a gift specifically for him.

But for beauty, who would think too much!

Anyway, Brother Yu won't, there are countless beautiful scenery in this world.

You can appreciate it a lot, not only can broaden your horizons, but also cultivate your sentiment, and kill two birds with one stone, so beautiful!

Under the beautiful skin, is there a more beautiful inside hidden?

Brother Yu is still very curious about this, and digging into inner beauty is what he is best at.

On the way to take the elevator, Brother Yu has been thinking about whether to understand Run'e's inner beauty first, or to find Secretary Jin and Irene together tonight.

Li Shaoxi's purity and Li Yili's seductiveness also seem to be very good! ! !

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