Start at the Pinnacle of Life

Chapter 873: The red flag floats on Mars (Happy 7th Eve)

"Out of orbit, the spacecraft data is normal."

"The spacecraft's engine is running well and the power is normal."

"The trailblazer's physical data is normal."

"Communication is normal."

"All the data is normal, the destination, Mars, is expected to arrive in Mars orbit in 46 minutes."


Cheers broke out at the scene, and everyone applauded to celebrate this great moment.

The spacecraft has successfully lifted off and headed for Mars.

If there is no accident, Chang'e will successfully enter the orbit of Mars and complete the landing.

"Okay, the celebration is over, everyone returns to work and monitors the actual situation of the spacecraft at any time."

In the broadcasting hall, only busy staff can be seen.

After about a few minutes, the camera cut into the interior of the Chang'e.

The pioneers made their debut in front of all mankind, and Bai Shuang spoke as a representative.

"I am very excited at the moment. If we succeed, we will become the first alien immigrants in human history.

The other trailblazers are in the same mood as mine. They are already discussing matters after landing.

After the spacecraft landed, there were a lot of things waiting for us. "

"It doesn't sound very good. In fact, we all look forward to seeing the Martian landscape with our own eyes and actually stepping on the Martian soil.

It must feel great, and I hope I can share this joy with you then, thank Vulcan for the guidance, long live the motherland. "

In this speech, the total number of viewers worldwide exceeded 2.3 billion.

Just the right to broadcast will recover the cost and make some extra money.

No one would naively think that this broadcast is free, right?

Advertisements are naturally indispensable, but the scrolling method is below, not the cut-screen interstitial.

If you do that, you will definitely be sprayed to death, no one will be stupid at this time!

Even the BBC, which is constantly operating on the show, will learn to be obedient.

To say that the liveliest live broadcast on the entire network is the split-screen live broadcast of the small anchor.

Not only on-site, but also real-time recording on the console.

The scene of this meeting has been cut into the interior of the spacecraft, and she is also introducing the structure of the spacecraft to fans.

"Did you see the circular air pressure door in front? There is the cockpit, which is fully enclosed.

It is said that they want to violently open the cockpit unless the entire spacecraft is destroyed.

The cockpit also takes into account the role of a safe escape cabin. In emergency cans, you can escape from the spacecraft alone. "

"Sorry, the Doomsday Party was the one who designed the spaceship, right?"

Seeing the barrage, Cheng Xiyu smiled: "Yes, this design is pretty irritating, but don't think it's over.

There is also a spare escape compartment at the stern of the spacecraft, which is prepared for the crew and engineers...

Ah, now the camera is switched to the function compartment, where a large number of seeds and animal embryos are stored.

There are also some rooms and equipment needed for the experiment..."

The camera shifted as the astronaut moved forward, and this time came to the warehouse.

The tall double-leaf iron door cannot be opened by manpower.

Only those with permission can open it after three verifications.

It stores various goods for building an ecosystem and sustaining survival, including multifunctional space vehicles.

The camera turned to the passage, and when he came back, the door was slowly opening.

In the huge space, countless fixed shelves are full.

The car fixed with steel cables is in the middle aisle.

On both sides of the deepest part of the warehouse, there are a few small doors, and the enclosed room does not even have ventilation holes.

"Little anchor, what is that room doing?"

Some fans were curious about the room, guessing what valuables must be in the room.

"That is a gravity room, which can be used to store heavy materials to ensure safety, and it can also be used as a prison."

Hearing Cheng Xiyu's introduction, the barrage went crazy immediately.

"I wipe, prison, is this going to **** the aliens?"

"Maybe there are natives on Mars, this is for them."

"How is it possible, this should be just a preventive measure."

"Prepare it first, maybe it will be used someday."

"That's right, who knows if there are other life in the universe."

"There must be, the universe is so big, how could human beings be the only unique existence."

"You said, what will aliens look like?"

"Triangular head, light skin, eight arms, four legs."

"Blue skin, blue blood man."

"Let me say it must be an octopus man."

"Tentacles YYDS~"

"Alien: Are you polite?"

"Maybe it's a fellow in Central Plains?"

"Then ask him to make a bowl of braised noodles?"


Time passed in the heated discussion among netizens, and when I came back to my mind, the spacecraft had arrived on Mars.

"Fuck, I didn't feel it so fast."

"How do you feel like a silly dick, when you are on a boat?"

The discussion by foreign netizens was more exciting, and they praised how advanced Daxia's technology is.

The few NT who wanted to provoke hatred and racism were quickly sprayed by netizens on autism.

These guys are like bed bugs, and they are disgusting everywhere they go.

Vulcan Command Center, the spacecraft has entered Mars orbit.

Looking at the terrifying eye of the storm above, Chang'e began an unusually advantageous landing site.

They need to avoid the storm and land smoothly at the scheduled landing point.

Later, there will be 49 hours for them to build a survival pod.

After connecting with the spacecraft, the landing was officially completed.

"This is the Chang'e, which is about to start landing."

"Vulcan received, Chang'e, and approved the landing."

"Chang'e received it and began landing in 5 minutes."

"Vulcan received, good luck to you, Chang'e."

Listening to the communication between the console and the cockpit of the spacecraft, Qin Yu also had a silent communication in his mind.

"Your imitation has become more perfect." Qin Yu.

"Yes." Qilin.

"Don't you know how to be humble?" Qin Yu.

"Humility is a human virtue, and I am not a human being." Qilin.

"...It makes sense!" Qin Yu.

"For me, humility is tantamount to lying. The core directive prohibits me from doing this. Do I need to modify the directive?" Qilin.

"No, no, that's fine." Qin Yu immediately vetoed it.

The unicorn is hard enough now, and he has no plans to increase the difficulty for himself.

In reality, Chang'e landed on the surface of Mars.

The storm on the edge obstructed sight to a certain extent, but fortunately this is for ordinary people.

Under the control of [Creator], the spacecraft landed perfectly at the predetermined location.

"Vulcan, the Chang'e landed smoothly, we are here."

"Congratulations, Chang'e."

Applause rang out again in the control room, and then he went to the next work.

A smooth landing is only the first step, the next step is the highlight.

Out of the cabin!

Nineteen Trailblazers put on spacesuits and began to prepare for exit.

The bottom hatch opens, the cargo warehouse door opens, and the Yutu space vehicle harness is lifted.

The four space vehicles drove out of the deck one after another, with their wheels rolling on the Martian ground.

"Niu Bian, my big summer niu Bian!"

"I have a brick in my eyes, long live the motherland!"

"The great revival dream has been reversed today."

"The national flag, where's the national flag?"

"Here comes, haha, the long-awaited picture is coming."

"Ha, it's really here, I really want to see the foreigner's expression."

"Put Daxia on the public screen for me. The first flag planted by the astronauts is the red flag, which belongs to Daxia."

"Daxia Niubi!"

"Great summer is mighty, so magnificent my midsummer."

"Great summer is mighty, so magnificent my midsummer."

"The night of midsummer, this kicks off the curtain!"

"I have no regrets in this life into the midsummer, and I will still be a great summer in the next life."

"Here, we are going to plant the flag."

"All stand up, play the national anthem, pay attention, sing..."

"Stand up, stand up for me."

"My backhand is just a mouth, so I knelt and watched."

"Thank you upstairs. My dad kicked me when he saw what you said."

"Kneel, kneel and sing for the Lord!"

There were so many barrage that the screen was no longer visible, and Cheng Xiyu had to close the barrage.

At this time, she looked solemn and excited, standing in front of the camera waiting excitedly.

Just like the millions of citizens in front of their mobile phones, waiting for the music to sound.


It's coming, it's really coming.

When the red flag was inserted on the ground, loud music sounded in the Vulcan control center.

"Get up, people who don't want to be slaves..."

At this moment, countless people who were watching the live broadcast stood up and sang loudly in a choked voice.

Countless people have tears in their eyes, feeling gratified and proud of the prosperity of the motherland.

A strong sense of pride and self-confidence.

It is the pride and self-confidence of a nation that makes their faces full of different looks.

It is the brilliance of the backbone of the clan, and the resonance of the force where the voices of tens of thousands of people gather in one place.


The flag was raised vigorously, and there were bright five stars on the red.

The Pioneer Project is officially launched!



The live broadcast was closed, but the Vulcan control center was caught in a new round of busyness.

Next, guide the Blazers to complete the preliminary structure of the base.

It is the common wish of all people.

The resonance and pride in the past have made everyone full of strength.

The body seems to be charged with energy that can't be used up.

"Pioneer, please complete the construction of the survival chamber first, and connect it to the power cabin of the spacecraft."

"The trailblazer understood and started to build a survival pod."

"Bai Shuang, how do you feel?" Qin Yu's heart was full of excitement.

Witness the landing of the Chang'e, the pioneers out of the cabin, and planting the flag of Daxia on Mars.

The resonance and excitement from the depths of the soul are stronger than ever.

The body trembled slightly uncontrollably, and every cell seemed to exude joy.

"Very good, it is desolate and beautiful!" Bai Shuang's voice came.

"Be sure to always pay attention to the physical and emotional conditions of the Blazers understand."

"Bai Shuang, I am Bai Ze, you are doing very well. I am proud of you."

"Me too." Bai Shuang's self-confidence made the control room staff roar with laughter.

Why didn't she find out before, she still has humorous cells.

"What are you going to eat tonight, I think you should celebrate." Zhang Wei picked up the microphone.

"No, instructor Zhang, don't even want to set us up. No one will stop before finishing the construction of the survival cabin."

Hearing a satisfactory answer, Zhang Wei responded with a smile: "The answer is correct, Comrade Bai Shuang."

"Of course, I was nurtured by you." This emotional intelligence is absolutely irresistible.

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