Start at the Pinnacle of Life

Chapter 300: It's nice to have a daddy

When Liang Chuyu came out again, Lu Qing's face was red.

"What's wrong with Qingqing?" Putting the cut apple plate on the table, Liang Chuyu touched Lu Qing's head with concern, "Isn't it sick?"

"Auntie, I'm, too hot!" Lu Qing explained bewildered.

At the same time, while Liang Chuyu was not paying attention, he glanced at Qin Yu fiercely.

The affectionate, charming charm that radiated from the cut water in his eyes made Qin Yu wish she would rectify the Fa on the spot!

"It's okay, come and have some fruit." Let Lu Qing eat the fruit, Liang Chuyu looked at his son: "How much is the tuna you bought?"

Qin Yu smiled and said, "I don't have much money, let you and my dad have a taste of something new!"

Liang Chuyu gave him a white look: "Why, when your mother hasn't seen the world, can you fool around?"

"Is the bluefin tuna cheap?" Although Liang Chuyu hadn't bought it herself, she had tasted it with the unit leader and had seen it before.

Last time they ate more than 100,000 yuan for a meal at that Hao Ting Hotel.

The bluefin tuna on the table is worth thousands of chopsticks. Can it be cheaper?

Qin Yu licked his face to please: "Hey, more than 80,000!"

Hearing him say this, Liang Chuyu was immediately unhappy, "More than 80,000 yuan, why do you buy it?"

Mom feels distressed again!

However, Qin Yu had already figured out a countermeasure, and raised his hand to Lu Qing: "Qingqing wants to buy it."

"Huh?" Lu Qing stared and opened his mouth wide.

Liang Chuyu's voice was nagging, and his voice immediately softened, "It's Qingqing! I said how this stinky boy can have this heart."

"Qingqing, how did you know that auntie likes to eat this, and your uncle likes to eat it too, great!"

Seeing my mother holding Lu Qing's hand, she gave a touch of praise.

Brother Yu is almost...

There is no way, who is his mother!

Anyway, what the prospective daughter-in-law does is right, that is, if the house is lit, it can also be heated.

My own son...

I'm afraid it was sent by the boss when he made the phone call.

The boss may have to catch up with two or two meats, or my mother may not be willing to take it...

"What are you talking about?" Qin Han put everything down, and the family gathered in the living room to talk lively.

Wait until Aunt Qiao informs that ‘the meal is open,’ and then they will serve the table together.

"Old Qin, you taste this bluefin tuna. Qingqing bought it." Liang Chuyu held Qin Han with fish fillets at the dinner table and asked him to try it.

Comrade Qin had also seen the world before, and had eaten this thing twice occasionally.

The meat quality this time is obviously better than the previous two times, and the taste is richer and more delicate!

"Yes, Qingqing is interested, did you get it for your parents?" Qin Han didn't forget the old buddies when he had a good meal.

"Qin Yu sent it over, and it should have been eaten by now." Lu Qing responded shyly.

Qin Han nodded and gave the talking time to the women.

Qin Yu was the same, just burying his head in eating.

He found out that he is in this home...

High status!

No one dared to talk to each other, is it great?

Satiated with wine and food, Qin Yu drove Lv Qing home.

There was another noise in the car. When I came back, I found Qin Han and Liang Chuyu were sitting in the living room.

"Why, are you in the mood to watch TV today?"

Looking at the TV series broadcast on TV, Qin Yu curiously asked: "Dad, there is no need to write a report, documents or something?"

Regardless of the age of the Internet, things that should be handwritten are still indispensable.

Qin Han wrote a summary report so thick in the dictionary how many times after working.

Anyway, just because he knew it, it had to happen once or twice a year.

Never cut off!

Who made the dad write a beautiful pen calligraphy that would satisfy the senior officials above!


The two looked at each other, Qin Han's expression was a bit awkward: "Um, Xiaoyu, come and sit down!"

"What's the matter?" Qin Yu kept looking at the TV without realizing that there was anything wrong.

What kind of drama, the main room and Xiao San's face-to-face confrontation, they were killed face-to-face...

Are current dramas so exciting?

"That..." Qin Han mumbled for a long time without saying a whole word: "Your mother has something to tell you."

As soon as the voice fell, Qin Han took the remote control and tuned the TV to the court station.

Turn up the volume, he has to pay attention to national affairs first.

"Old Qin~" Liang Chuyu seemed to be coquettish with a bit of gentleness, but he was helpless!

This kind of thing, my son is so old, it’s really hard to tell...

"Mom, what's the matter, don't you two be so weird." Seeing the two of them had weird expressions, Qin Yu turned to face the two of them, waiting for them to give them a word.

What's going on here?

Have a showdown with yourself and announce his true identity?

"It's okay, it's okay." Liang Chuyu's eyes rolled, "Well, it's about you and Qingqing."

"Oh, we are okay!" Qin Yu felt that things were not that simple.

Could it be... what kind of best relatives have come to the door?

"Who is coming to the house?" Qin Yu asked, "Sister?"

The best white-eyed wolf can be thought of in the family, it must be her.

When I use you, it’s the eldest brother and the short brother, and the sister-in-law is like a fairy, like a living Bodhisattva!

When it's used up...

Don't talk about eating, just don't even have a word of thanks.

Where did you come from, hurry back to where you are to cool off~

"Don't mention her, I feel angry when I mention her." Liang Chuyu said and looked at Qin Han, "Your good girl is coming this year?"

Qin Han pretended to be deaf and dumb, and his heart was clearly like a mirror.

His relative here is just such a sister, although...

But after all, he grew up together, the university he contributed to, arranged work, and looked at getting married.

It's really going to be broken, how can it be so easy!

"I want to ask you something!" Seeing Qin Han pretending to be stupid, Liang Chuyu slapped him angrily.

Qin Han looked at her in a daze, "Ah, what, I didn't hear it clearly?"

"I said that your sister is coming home for the New Year?" Liang Chuyu was not polite at all: "I told you that if you want to receive you outside, I'm not free."

Thinking of all the things back then, Liang Chuyu felt wronged and angry!

For some people, that is to feed unfamiliar dogs.

No matter how good it is, you have to bite you, and your heart is broken.

"Yes, you guys don't fight anymore. If it doesn't work, just hide out. My dad can greet him."

Qin Yu didn't have a good impression of this sister-in-law, because he basically had no impression.

The two houses barely moved around, and she had never seen any snacks or clothes for herself.

But I often listen to my mom talking, Dad Qin Han ran to help her again, and how much money he borrowed.

"Your dad is just a dead brain, he's still silly and happy when he gets scammed!"

Liang Chuyu hated iron and steel and said: "People take his benefits, but they look down on him in their hearts and don't take him seriously."

"It just happened that he leaned forward, I really..."

Qin Yu hurriedly went to coax her when she saw her mother's enthusiasm coming up.

If this continues, Dad is afraid that he will have to sleep on the sofa tonight.


No, the house is too big, at least I can change to the study room.

"Anyway, don't involve me in these things. Our family will have a good meal during the New Year, and I will make arrangements later!"

Qin Yu didn't bother to care about the grievances of these previous generations.

Every family has scriptures that are difficult to recite, and this kind of thing cannot be explained clearly with just two or three sentences.

It does not mean that all relationships can be interrupted and cleared up with a stick!

It is better to leave these things to parents to solve, he has to arrange his own time...

"That's right." Liang Chuyu suddenly turned to Qin Yu, her eyes wondering: "What is your situation now, school is so idle every day, there are no classes?"

Liang Chuyu finally remembered that her son was still a college student.

Every day, I’ve been flying everywhere, and I have returned several times in half a semester. It’s a month before and after all, right?

I don’t know how many trips have been made elsewhere!

Just like this, have he ever been in school, do you know that he is in class there?

I lost~

As soon as Mom pointed the finger at herself, Brother Yu's heart jumped wildly.

" I remember the last time my sister-in-law seemed to call and said she was asking my dad to borrow money."

A dead fellow is not a poor Dao. At this moment, Brother Yu realizes the greatness of his father's love.

With Qin Han's furious eyes, Qin Yu ran back to the room in a hurry.

From the living room came the preaching of my mother: "You lent her money again, how much... Qin Han, do you feel that your life is too comfortable and you have too much pocket money?"

"From tomorrow, you will hand in the salary card to me."

"Don't listen to your son's nonsense, what money can I borrow, isn't it all for you?"

"Do you have any I don't know? I don't know if you opened a small vault, you will bring it back to me tomorrow..."

Ba Ba Ba, the small vault that Dad ‘robbed’ from himself last time is gone.

Qin Yu expressed sympathy for this and walked into the bathroom humming a little song.

"We people! I am so happy today~"

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