Start at the Pinnacle of Life

Chapter 232: Run away the mage, kill indiscriminately

Adjusting the focus, Qin Yu responded: "Help you find inspiration...Don't move!"


Laziness, charming, quizzical smile when sleepy eyes.

The temptation to turn around and look back when I overlook, and the elegance when I move my long hair.

The dexterity and mischief when the slender waist twists sideways, the raised white fat feet...

The oblique V curve formed by the legs and the rear axle.


Had it not been for Auntie Cleaning who was still cleaning inside, Brother Yu would already devote himself to art.

I made my own "linked" shooting with my heart and soul.

Inserting the storage card into Sha Man's notebook, Qin Yu pointed to the screen and said: "Let's see for yourself, maybe it can help you."

Sitting on the sofa holding the notebook, Sha Man quickly plunged into it.

I often stare at a certain corner of a photo in a daze, sometimes scratching my head in distress, and sometimes suddenly laughing.

Taking out his mobile phone and sitting across from him, Qin Yu clicked on "The Choice of Destiny."

It was dark in front of me, and a big gun went online.


Role: A big gun.

Race: human.

Grade: LV10.

Occupation: Master.

Skills: Burst bomb.

Wealth: 1 gold, 20 silver and 15 bronze.


Strength: 28.

Agility: 12.

Intelligence: 13.

Lucky: 4.

Owned items: broken wooden staff, candles, broken hoe.

Look at the profession [Mage], and then look at the strength value up to [28] points.

Brother Gun's brain buzzed.

This point is not allocated by him, but automatically allocated by the game system.

Calculated according to 5 points per level, the automatic allocation plan should be 2/1/1/1.

It's just that the lucky value needs to increase by 1 point for every 5 points of attribute value.

So currently there are only 4 points.

He also wants to be a soldier, but the problem is that he has no choice!

As for the game burst rate, nothing to mention!

So far, apart from earning 1 gold coin, Gun Brother has never seen anything.

At this time [a big gun] was standing in a desolate village.

This is the place where he was resurrected after a second, and it is also the so-called "Novice Village." ’

The previous gun brother said that there is no choice, here is the problem.

The only profession in the village is a mage, there is no second choice!

Otherwise, it would be better to be a career in physical attack, which is better than his current situation.

As for the town closest to the village, it is 500 miles away.

Need to cross two canyons and climb three barren mountains.

[A big gun] I tried it when I reached level 10.

Then, the system comes with two free head hammerings, 80 (ding) ~ 80 (ding)

The third resurrection [a big gun] changed its past and used the most determined tone to submit a full-time application to the mage who had more air than air.

The mage raised his black hand like chicken feet, muttering something in his mouth.

A blue light flashed, [a big gun] successfully completed the transfer.

Then... the mage belched!

According to the orders of the village chief, a pit was dug outside the village to bury the mage.

The unexpected harvest of 2 copper coins was regarded as his hard work.

The ragged robe worn by the mage had precise lines on it.

If it is intact, it must be a high-end product, but it is a pity that it is already in tatters.

[A big gun] I want to pull it out and try to see if it has any special effects.

I can think of all the villagers staring at him. He felt that compared with this beggar's robe, his life was more important.

This is all his experience in the game.

Now, [A Big Gun] decided to go out to practice and upgrade the level as soon as possible.

We greeted Xiaoqiang, the guard in front of the village, and walked forward seven or eight hundred meters.

A group of roosters with blood-red combs, curved and sharp beaks, shimmering with metallic luster, appeared not far away with steel beaks that were as tall as a man.

The moment he saw him, the chickens became restless.

The chickens suddenly flutter their wings, lower their heads, and raise their steel beaks to make a dive.

Then the wings stirred frequently and rushed towards him on the initiative.

The eyes of the steel-beaked chickens that rushed the most fiercely turned red, as if they had a vengeance against him.

"Fuck, is it necessary to catch your wife and go back to lay eggs?"

[A big gun] Scratching forward with bare hands, the hard broken wooden staff appeared in the palm of his hand.

Grasp the slender in the middle, the thicker you go up, the front end is like a wand with wooden knots.

[A big gun] Suddenly raised his hand and swung it down.

The round tumor on the front of the staff is in the middle of the steel beak and walks the cockscomb of a free-range chicken.

A **** arrow spurted out, and the local chicken ‘chuckled’ to the ground, convulsing silently.

The strength of 28 points, plus the hardness of the broken wooden staff.

Killing a chicken is like going in and out of no one.

[A big gun] The staff in his hand is like a group of demons dancing in a random way, leaving only chicken feathers flying around.

The corpses of free-range chickens walked in a circle around their feet.

After squatting down, if you see which one is still twitching, you will use the staff to relieve it intimately!

"Everyone, see you tomorrow."

He skillfully unfastened the ropes on his shoulders, and tied the corpses of the steel beaked free-range chickens one by one.

Brother Gun just dragged the ‘Lying Free Chicken’ back to the village.

"These monsters that can't be killed, tui~" Xiaoqiang at the door saw the corpse dragging behind him, and his eyes uttered in disgust.

Gun brother has already taken no surprises about this. The freedom and realism of this game have exceeded his imagination.

So far, he still has a little knowledge of the game.

But in terms of the realism of the game, the intelligence of the NPC and the freedom of game exploration.

If this game can be opened, Yu Ge dare to say that all game companies on the market have to go bankrupt.

What fist, storm, goose factory, everything will be finished!

Unfortunately, so far, he is the only player in the game.

There are still three sleeping goddesses, waiting for his strategy and conquest!

"The village chief, the monster projection outside the village has been cleaned up."

Brother Gun threw the corpse of the steel-beaked free-range chicken at the village chief's door, and the village chief with a goatee pushed out the door.

"Well, you did a good job, your strength has improved again."

"It's far behind the village chief, what other tasks do I have to entrust to me?"

Gun brother greeted the village chief with a smile, and took the cigarette in his hand.

Skillfully licked the edge of the cigarette paper with his tongue, and glued the cigarette.

Gun brother lit a cigarette on the village chief’s fire, took a sip, and spit out smoke rings.

Although he doesn't smoke much in reality, he is already an old smoker in the game.

Hearing the +5+5 sound to the ear, the posture of [a big gun] smoking became more arbitrary.

The way the game is upgraded is different from what he has previously known.

Characters are required to complete tasks and then get various rewards from the hands of NPCs.

Such as bread, cigarettes, herbs or other things. ;

When these things are used, they occasionally provide special gains.

But they all come with unified characteristics, experience points!

After smoking a cigarette, Gunge found that he was only 20 points away from level 11.

Looking at the cigarettes that have burned to the bottom of the **** with regret, Gunge said, ‘If only I could smoke two more puffs. ’

Watching him throw away his cigarette butt, the village chief said amused: "You kid, you smoke a cigarette **** every time, aren't you afraid of burning your mouth?"

"It's a bit hot, but you can't live up to the village chief's good intentions!" Gun brother responded with a smile.

"Okay, don't say these are useless, don't you want a task?"

The village chief stood up and threw another third of the cigarettes on the ground.

Then, in the distressed eyes of Brother Qiang, he smashed with his toes vigorously.

Cigarette paper, tobacco leaves and soil are integrated.


Gun brother wisely chose to turn his head.

When the village chief came back to the house, he had an extra sheepskin roll in his hand.

"Recently, five kilometers to the south, a group of blood crows was found entrenched."

"If you can get rid of them, I invite you to eat at home."

That's what Brother Gun was waiting for. He grabbed the sheepskin roll and turned and left, "You can make your meal as early as possible and wait for me at home!"

Walking along the dusty dirt road to the destination, both sides are full of dry and cracked wasteland, no grass grows!

500 years ago, the demons invaded.

The three goddesses were sealed and fell asleep, and were imprisoned in the Temple of Destiny.

Demonic energy invades the earth and monsters breed.

Since then, the earth has become barren. Only in some large gathering places, with the help of the mage, the soil can be improved to barely grow some crops with a small amount of magical energy.

So nowadays meat is the least valuable food.

On the contrary, grains like bread are more precious!

"I don't know what the large gathering place that the village chief said is like, and the human heroes..."

With the wise level of the village chief, the powerful aura faintly displayed.

To save the three goddesses of destiny, there is a long way to go!

When he arrived at the destination in a crazy way, Gun Brother saw from a distance the blood crows entrenched among the dead branches, like strange branches growing on the trunks.

At the same time, the sharp eyes of the Blood Crow turned to him.

The indifference in the eyes first became a little more suspicious, then suddenly turned into consternation, and then turned into hateful anger.

"Crack, traitor, kill him!"

The black blood crows rose into the sky, forming a terrible cloud that looked like before the storm, and swooped down from the sky toward [a smoking gun].

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