Start at the Pinnacle of Life

Chapter 217: I'll take HNA from now on, it's useless to persuade anyone

When boarding the plane, Qin Yu said habitually: "Hello, please have a glass of orange juice."

He is used to it now, drinking a glass of orange juice after registration, taking a nap with a blindfold and waiting for landing.

"Okay, sir, please wait a moment!"

The gentle tone gave people an immersive intimacy, and Qin Yu couldn't help but look up.

But only saw a back figure walking towards the workplace.

Just the temperament exuded from the back makes people's eyes bright.

Slim and slender.

The legs inside the shredded pork are straight and slender, and their heads should be at least 170 cm tall.

Look again... there really is a flashing red dot on the map.

Is he on a Hainan Airlines plane today?

Qin Yu's spirit came all at once!

After flying for so long, he finally met 90+ flight attendants today.

From now on, Brother Yu will sit on HNA, it's useless to persuade anyone!

Scanning analysis system:

Xing Lu:

Age: 34.

Height: 171cm.

Weight: 47kg.

Specialty: Flying master, weak and boneless, antique and fragrant.

Face value: 95↑.

Body: 91-.

Mood value: 70-.

Favorability: 50-.

Freshness: 88-.

Miracle belief value: 1 [shallow believer]

Analytical data: elegant and intellectual coexistence of temperament and beauty, tenderness to the bones.

[Yan Jinbu shakes the temples and flowers, and the warmth of the hibiscus is **. 】

【**It takes a short time and the day is high. From then on, the king does not come early. 】

"Sir, what do you need?" A voice suddenly appeared in his ear.

Qin Yu thought it was Xing Lu who came back, and looked up and found that it was not.

The badge says Zhuang Yuan, and looking at the freshness of 78 points, his appetite is instantly diminished.

"No need."

Indifferently rejecting the other's initiative and courtesy, Qin Yu leaned on the seat and looked out the window.

"Sir, the juice you want." The sweet voice sounded again.

Looking back, Qin Yu felt astonished, and he deserved to be 95↑.

Take the juice from the other party, "Thank you."

Xing Lu smiled sweetly: "You are welcome, can I help you?"

"Yes, my phone seems to be missing, can you use your phone to dial for me?"

Qin Yu looked down in confusion, as if he really couldn't find the phone.

Xing Lu was taken aback for a moment, and then realized that she had been molested.

"Sorry, sir, the plane is about to take off, please look for it carefully."

Brother Yu was surprised that the other party's favorability value didn't move at all.

Since the sunlight value reached 87 or more, this was the first time anyone was unmoved.


Qin Yu stopped Xing Lu who was about to turn around and leave, "Then please help me find it."

As a service industry, shouldn't it provide customers with the services they deserve at this time?

A hint of help flashed between Xing Lu's eyebrows and turned around and pointed to the phone on the armrest and said, "Sir, isn't your phone right here."

Qin Yu nodded and responded: "Yes, it's here, but what I'm looking for is another mobile phone!"

Hearing what he said, Xing Lu could only help him find it.

But I couldn't find it anyway.

Qin Yu would feel strange if he really found it!

There is another phone with a ghost, and he only has such a phone.

Will do it again.

Seeing the plane was about to leave, Xing Lu had to say: "Sir, what is your number?"

After reporting the number, Xing Lu waited after dialing.


The phone on the armrest vibrated slightly, and Qin Yu picked it up and took a look, "Well, I found it, thank you."

"..." Xing Luyuan widened her eyes wide.

How could there be such a person who lied without changing his face.

At this time, Zhuang Yuan happened to pass by, "Xing Lu, what's the matter?"

"He..." Xing Lu took a deep breath to keep herself calm. "This gentleman said that he lost his mobile phone. Let me find it for him."

The manor who heard it looked at Qin Yu with concern, "Excuse me, sir, did you find your mobile phone? Why don't I find it for you."

Qin Yu's expression was different from the previous one, and he responded with a cold face: "I have found it."

Take out the blindfold while talking, put it on, lean back and close your eyes for a sleep sleep!

Zhuang Yuan bit her lower lip discouragedly, and she could see the black starry sky on the opponent's wrist.

He forced his breath back into his stomach and pulled Xing Lu back to the flight attendant position.

Fasten the seat belt, Xing Lu pretended to ask casually: "Why, that guest is important?"

The manor scorned his lips, but when he raised his head, he was already smiling, "Did you not see the watch on his wrist? Patek Philippe's new generation watch king, 6002G, from a suite in Hudu."

Xing Lu's expression changed unnaturally, "So what, what does it have to do with us."

The manor retorted: "Of course it doesn't matter now, but if you can catch him, it won't matter."

Xing Lu didn't think so, "But people may not be worthy of us flight attendants. How can such a man lack women around him? Besides, even if he does get it, the property may not be distributed to you."

The manor sneered ‘cut’, “It depends on your own ability, and you can talk about it if you can.”

If the words are not too speculative, they are not the same people, the topic becomes unpleasant, and naturally they won't say anything more.

However, Xing Lu's mind flashed through Qin Yu's deception from time to time.

In fact, he seems to be really handsome.

It is a pity that Xing Lu has a prejudice against handsome men in her heart, and thinks that men who are too handsome are unreliable.


Why do you always feel that he is very familiar and inexplicably feel at ease?

Feeling the looming prying gaze, Qin Yu secretly smiled in the false sleepy sleep.

As a ‘miracle believer,’ even just a ‘shallow believer. ’

Nor can it escape the influence of [Miracle Propagator].

Time was spent peacefully in Xing Lu's cranky thinking and Qin Yu's false sleep.

When the plane landed on the runway and taxied forward, the moment Qin Yu took off his blindfold and opened his eyes, it was exactly in line with Xing Lu's eyes looking at him.

She straightened her body quickly, Xing Lu turned her head away with a slight hot cheek, and said, ‘how come he was seen by him so I wouldn’t misunderstand anything, right? ’

When the plane was stable and Qin Yu was about to disembark.

Xing Lu suddenly said: "I was checking the safety of passengers just now, don't get me wrong!"

Qin Yu asked in astonishment: "Have I misunderstood something?"

Xing Lu said embarrassedly: "It's fine if you don't misunderstand, please go slowly."

As soon as he walked out of the airport gate, Qin Yu saw the three **** coming to pick him up.

The initial impression of Li Xiao's stability and maturity has been almost destroyed by his own hands.

After receiving the luggage from Qin Yu, Li Xiao smiled and asked, "Brother Yu, how do you want to make arrangements tonight?"

Xu Hao pushed his sunglasses to the top of his head and screamed: "Eating, sauna, massage, all in one package."

Seeing the new car parked on the side of the road, Qin Yu asked curiously: "First, who bought it?"

Qin Yu naturally knew the famous Pagani Fengshen.

The top big toys in the supercar club, even if they are both super sports car owners, they will be envious.

The engine can output 730 horsepower, 1020 Nm, and it only takes 2.8 seconds to 100 meters.

The concept of this data is that even if the rear tire of the 355 is used, it is still unable to grasp the ground.

(There is a slot here that I want to vomit, but I didn’t hold back!)

The price is extremely beautiful, landing 30 million.

Li Xiao enviously touched the carbon fiber on the car body: "Whose can it be besides the soldier?"

Yang Chengjun went home and talked to the old man about setting up the factory, and it was not a day before the castrated version of the drawing was handed over to his old man.

This Pagani Fengshen stopped in front of the house.

The old man was very bold when he gave the car keys, "I'll give you this car. Who has an opinion let him come to me."

Naturally speaking, he should be heard by others, after all, the old man is generous to others.

The former owner of this car counted, Yang Chengjun had to call his brother-in-law.

But who makes the old man happy!

He really didn't want to take advantage of others, besides, the old man paid for this car.

"Brother Yu, here you are."

Yang Chengjun threw the key to Qin Yu and motioned for him to drive.

Qin Yu looked at the iron-like key in his hand and joked: "You are not afraid that I will touch it for you."

"Just touch it, I don't feel distressed if it breaks, as long as it's okay."

Yang Chengjun cares about such a car?

It must be fake to say that you don't care about But if you want to say how much you care, that's actually the case.

As the only seedling of the Yang family, he is very light in his heart.

Compared with a Pagani Fengshen, the relationship with Qin Yu is the most important thing.

Maybe one day, with his shareholder spirit, the old Cheng family will be able to return to Shangdu, which will make those people fall short of their eyes.

Seeing Xing Lu walking out of the airport, Qin Yu opened the door and sat on it, "Soldier, borrow your car for a use."

With a light blow on the accelerator, Qin Yu parked the car in front of Xing Lu under the gaze of Li Xiao's trio.

Then the two of them didn't know what they said, and Xing Lu pulled the co-pilot away and sat on it.

Qin Yu stretched out his hand in the car window and shouted, "Brother Hao, I will leave the luggage to you."

Before the words were over, Pagani Fengshen flew forward, leaving a beautiful arc at the corner and disappearing.

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