Cheers and laughter at the dining table, but all the voices of Zhang Zi.

Hyorin and Ji Yun were silent all the time, not as lively and talkatively as they used to be.

Especially Ji Yun, she is often called ‘Hua Jiyun’. ’

But today, she seemed to be gagged by something.

"Zhi Yun, are you accustomed to eating hot pot?" Qin Yu asked actively and caringly.

"Ho, **** ho." Clearing his throat hoarsely, Ji Yun said in a hoarse voice, "It's delicious."

"I'll prepare honey water for you." Xu Meixin stood up.

This time she made a mistake and forgot the boss' hobby.

Looking at the two poor little girls, they must have suffered a lot, and their voices are so dumb.

Go to the secretariat and open the cabinet.

There are a variety of throat lozenges, honey and other throat care products, as well as several cans of different flavors of lubricating oil.

Food grade!

I made two cups of honey water and added two lozenges to it.

After melting away, Xu Meixin returned to the office with a tray.

Seeing the boss who moved from the sofa to the desk, Xu Meixin put the honey water on the coffee table as usual.

Then put down the tray and walked quietly to the suite!

It seems that they are going to live here tonight, Xu Meixin needs to make adequate preparations in advance.

One bed is not enough for five people.

But the fact is that Xu Meixin's worries are unnecessary.

Qin Yu did not stay overnight at the company, he just left late.

It's a holiday now. As a young man with aspirations and ideals, I want to give all the young ladies a home.

How could Brother Yu not come home at night?

It's just that when you go home, you need to struggle for a few seconds, which home to go back to today.

However, this time he didn't struggle, and drove the car directly to Teacher Song downstairs.

Tonight, he is going to learn official language here!

"Wang Wang, Wang~" As soon as he entered the door, Xiao Hei Dou shouted at Qin Yu with his head held high.

The spirit of this little bullfighter is great!

Perhaps it was because every time Brother Yu came, he had to be driven out of the bedroom to the balcony to sleep. Heidou had always been very unfriendly to him.

Until now, nothing has changed!

"Hi, Black Bean." Lifting his foot and hooking its abdomen, the dog flew directly.

Reaching out, Qin Yu hugged it in his arms and walked into the house with its slightly wrinkled skin.

The two **** eyes are full of questions!

who am I? where am I? How did I get up?

"Qin Yu, is that you?" Song Yuqiao's voice came from the room.

Qin Yu didn't tease her, but responded with a smile: "It's me."

The door opened, and Song Yuqiao rushed into his arms sleepily, with a happy smile at the corner of his mouth.

When all he was waiting for fell asleep, Song Yuqiao thought he would not come tonight.

"How come, I promised you." Qin Yu said softly.

"You have worked overtime until now, have you eaten?" Song Yuqiao asked concerned.

"I have eaten, and ordered a hot pot takeaway with my colleagues who worked overtime." Qin Yu casually threw the black beans in his arms to the sofa.

With a bang, Heidou fell on the sofa dumbfounded.

Holding Song Yuqiao who was curiously looking back, Qin Yu strode towards the bedroom: "Wait, let's rest early."

As he entered the door, Qin Yu hooked his foot back, and the door was taken home.

Heidou, who hurriedly jumped off the sofa to chase him, was still a step late, and his ugly face banged on the door.


"Black beans seem to be calling."

"Now is study time, it has to stay outside the classroom."

"Are you sure we are studying?" Song Yuqiao's nasal voice sounded heavy, as if he had a bad cold.

"Of course, Teacher Song, otherwise you think you are doing it?" Qin Yu's voice was bright and crisp, full of vitality.

"I thought...this should be counted as after-school tutoring."

"Well, just as an after-school tutoring, I will be paid."

"Really? I'm a famous teacher, and the price of 1V1 guidance is very expensive."

"For me, the most feared thing is expensive! I'm just afraid it's not expensive enough..."




Working day and night, Brother Yu still went jogging before dawn.

When he returned home with his breakfast, Mr. Song Yuqiao, who did his best to complete the night tutoring, was still asleep.

Seeing that it was impossible for her to wake up in the morning, Qin Yu had eaten breakfast and left a note on the table before leaving again.

Compared to leaving a message on Weibo, Qin Yu prefers to express his emotions with pen and paper.

The tangible, visible, and ink-scented text can trigger sight, touch and smell in an instant.

Go straight to the heart and let the words convey the emotion you want to express.

This is a cold electronic product that can never be surpassed.

Therefore, all the women he values.

Every time he left, he would leave a handwritten note, even if it was just a few simple words, a funny symbol or the like.

It's better than the boring tricks copied and pasted in WeChat, the boring words of affection.

Even the punctuation marks in each sentence radiate false signals!

Compared with Qin Yu's busy schedule, the post-disaster reconstruction of Xiawa Village, with the support of Lu Qing, has made amazing progress.

In just two months, Xiawa Village has completely changed.

The first is the cement road in the village, which has been re-widened and paved in front of every house.

The second is the dilapidated building, which can be repaired and reinforced.

If it doesn't work, just push down the heavy cover.

Although it is not a small two-story building with reinforced concrete, it is countless times better than the previous dilapidated building.

At least live inside, don’t worry about bricks falling off the top of your head.

The entire reconstruction project was the Miracle Charity Fund contacted by Lu Qing, who asked them to match up and find a reliable construction team to contract the project.

Supervise the use of funds to ensure the quality of the project!

After all, it is difficult for a small place like this to attract capable contractors even with policies.

This kind of project is neither profitable nor well-known.

The project has to be done well and solidly.

As long as there is a problem, there may be a big thunder behind it, and it will be blown up directly.

It's thankless, that's the kind of work that I'm talking about.

I really want to let Xiawa Village find it by myself, or find some pheasant contractor team if he decides.

It is conscientious if you can give you practical materials. Don't think about the design and quality.

Part of the money is provided by the village, and part of the support is provided by the township and district.

The surplus...Lu Qing paid for it out of his own pocket.

More than 160,000, which is not a big number for her, but it is a huge love for the village.

When the project ended, the village wanted to give her a pennant, but Lu Qing refused.

"The secretary, don't thank me, I am not a great saint. I just feel that I have arrived in Xiawa Village and become a teacher for the children.

This can be regarded as a kind of fate. Since I have encountered it, in addition to such a big disaster, I should do what I can to provide some help. "

"If you guys really want to thank me, you can support your children in studying in the future, and let them do less work in the field."

The party secretary naturally agreed, and immediately patted his chest to assure Lu Qing.

In the future, if anyone opposes Wawa going to school, his party secretary will personally come to the other party to make sense.

After all the finishing works were completed and only a few days after leaving school, Lu Qing returned to the abandoned city again.

At this time, it was the Miracle Company, the first batch of game cabins: Spark.

The big day when the official shipment is out of the warehouse.

Discussions about "Spark" on the Internet pushed Miracle Company to the top of the hot search list within an hour.

The number of participants in the discussion shown at the end of the topic is: 200 million.

Players who bought it are waiting impatiently to receive the goods, and they have to look at the real-time logistics information every few minutes.

Those who haven't bought are actively discussed on the Internet, waiting to see if there are any big guys who get it, and come out to show off.

It's best to come to a detailed explanation and tell everyone what is different about "Spark".

What kind of style does the battle game loaded in it belong to?

Is it the mecha battle that everyone discussed before, what is the quality of the picture, and who is more authentic than "Ghost"?

And the most important point, how does the actual operation feel?

Wait and wait, wait and wait!

Until 3 o'clock in the morning, the joke of "logistics collective missing halfway" appeared on the forum.

Only one player suddenly left a message in the forum: "For Xinghuo, I can only say four words: Miracle Niubi!"

"That's right, there's one more sentence: I got the Spark, didn't buy the evil pen for the inner armor, right? Ha, ha, ha..."

After saying these two sentences, the boss disappeared, the kind that didn't hear from how to call.

The angry and unidentified player yelled at the following: "Half of talking, you don't have a good eye for a son."

Be quiet, everyone seems to be missing.

Even the big talkers who were active on the forum in the past are missing.


"Hi, everyone, I'm your little anchor, Cheng Xiyu." On the note, Cheng Xiyu had a long-lost live broadcast.

LSPs flocked to the crowd, and the popularity was over 10 million in an instant.

The name of the first sister in the live broadcast was not called for nothing.

Even if there is less time for live broadcast now, there are more and more opportunities for Cheng Xiyu to show up.

News, platforms, interviews, various cocktail parties, business meetings, exchange meetings, etc.

All of them could see her, appearing in the venue.

And, always stand in the C position!

It is precisely because of this that Cheng Xiyu's appeal has not decreased but increased.

However, this time has not spread to the game circle.

Until Cheng Xiyu turned the camera behind him, a brand new pink customized game pod appeared in the screen.

"Fuck, this is Spark." Seeing the Jiyun goddess sticker on the side of the game, players immediately recognized its origin.

"Yes, someone in the barrage has already said its name, Spark, the latest battle game pod released by Marvel."

"And this." Cheng Xiyu turned the camera again, aiming at the dark black iron box on the chaise longue.

"It fits the inner armor, the all-around space suit, and 10 million people walk."

Regardless of whether it is affordable or not, netizens know a lot.

Know astronomy from the top, and geography from the bottom.

Before and after five thousand years, you can understand everything you can mention.

Let's not say whether you are good or not. Anyway, you don't need to be good at astronomy and geography in your daily life, and you can do everything!

Pretending to be a beep, what are you more serious? ? ?

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