Start at the Pinnacle of Life

Chapter 958: Clash of civilizations

   After a simple and rude communication between a man and a man, Niken, the weeping man, agreed to leave with Qin Yu.

   Just, Niken looked at the console behind him with a tangled expression.

   He wasn't sure if Xingyue could be activated again, even if it could, they couldn't get rid of gravity.

   That will tear up the worn-out battleship! ! !

   "Captain, the power of Xingyue has not been damaged. According to calculations, the outer armor of the warship can be lower than the gravity of this planet."

   Hearing an answer that was different from what he had imagined, Niken’s expression was wonderful.

   How could it be possible? Under normal circumstances, the current Xingyue number should be unable to start because of various coincidences.

   Even if it can be started, it will inevitably face various problems.

   If the planet's gravity is too strong, the armor is damaged, the energy transmission system fails...

   So, are they lucky this time?

   "Can you go now?"

   Qin Yu didn't know Niken's shock, he just wanted to bring Xingyue back to his territory as soon as possible.

   then unload it to eight pieces...

   ahem, take it apart and repair it!

  As a five-good young man in the new century, how could Brother Yu dismantle other people's boats at will.

   The Bald Eagle Operation Command Center learned that the abruptly appeared spacecraft had reached an agreement with the moon aliens.

   The opponent's spacecraft started again, preparing to escape the gravity of the earth.

  Destination, are there other options besides the moon?

   "What are we going to do, do we want to intercept?" In the combat command center, a group of big men with medals on their chests gathered together.

   The big people who pointed the country in the past are looking at each other like a goose at the moment.

  Do you want to intercept?

   Well, this question asks... Is it too special? It's not human.

   interception, the most you get is a broken spaceship.

Then what?

  Who can hold the space-based weapons in the sky, one split into dozens of laser beams, precisely disarming all the spacecraft.

  Who can ensure that it cannot be split into dozens or hundreds, and the entire North American defense system will be completely paralyzed in an instant.

  Who can stop the anger of those ‘alien’?

   "Ah, for such an important decision, I think I should first ask the president for advice." Someone suggested.

   "Yes, the third successor passed away unfortunately, and the fourth, fifth...13th, fourteenth successors were either seriously ill or disappeared.

   What we need to do at present is to select leaders who can take on important responsibilities as soon as possible, and counterattack under the leadership of the president! "

   "It's so decided, the meeting is adjourned." A high-level military meeting was over.

   Xingyue, which was stranded on the beach on the west coast, slowly lifted into the sky under countless victims or hatred or complicated gazes.

   When Xingyue turned into a black spot, it completely disappeared from sight.

   The magic pestle that covered the sandy beach bounced up, spraying fire light into the space, leaving only the holes ‘gugu’ everywhere and splashing water.

   came to the back of the moon together with Xingyue, and the battleship landed at a predetermined position under the command of Qilin.

   Then, tens of thousands of [creators] walked out of the base and flocked to Xingyue like marching ants.

   "Captain Kenny, please rest in the base. My mechanical legion will try its best to restore the Xingyue to the most perfect state."

   Kenny's expression was a bit tangled, he didn't want to give his warship to others.

   Actually, the current Xingyue number is in a semi-scrapped state.

   came to this desolate planet out of gravity, already infinitely close to its limit state.

   If you make another voyage, Xingyue may disintegrate at any time.

   And there was not enough manpower and materials on the ship to repair the warship, which left Kenny no choice.

   "Then, Mr. Qin is troublesome, and I would like to pay tribute to you again." Kenny hit his chest with his right fist and nodded.

   "I will leave the mechanics on board, and cooperate with the people who guide you to repair the hull."

   It would definitely not work to hand over the entire ship to Qin Yu.

   But let his people cooperate with the repair, use the materials provided by the opponent, and then leave most of the members of the battle group on the ship.

   I believe that this is enough to ensure the safety of the warship.

   "Let's go have a drink."

   Looking at Kenny who was about five meters tall, Qin Yu pointed to the base door below: "I think you need to remove the armor."

   instructed Kirin to bring an oxygen system, and Qin Yu himself also lifted the nano camouflage on the surface.

   Seeing him in an anaerobic environment like this, Kenny's eyes flashed with surprise.

   Although he and his soldiers can also survive in a vacuum.

   But only for a short time, it is impossible to express such ease to Qin Yu.

   pushed aside the helmet sent by [Creator], Kenny jumped out of the Star Moon, just like him without equipment.

   strode towards the main entrance of the base, and bent over to enter it upon arrival.

   Kenny, who took off the power armor, still has about four meters, his muscles are like a basketball under the skin.

  The majestic shoulders are like two pieces of steel armor, the sturdy red neck, the bold face and the plate are full of fierce fortitude.

   When he came to the canteen, Qin Yu opened the unopened box and took out two bottles of vodka from it.

   "Here you are." He threw a bottle to Kenny, and the other party grabbed it.


   The glass ball was mixed with liquid flowing between his fingers, and Kenny let go of his hand with a slightly awkward look in his eyes.


   The glass **** fell on the ground, and Kenny scratched his head like a silly stupid man: "It's too fragile, sorry!"

   drew out a bottle of vodka again, and the [creator] who came to clean up the garbage, Qin Yu sat on the bench.

   put two bottles of wine on the table, opened one of them and pushed it in front of him: "You should learn what gentleness is."

   Kenny carefully pinched the wine bottle with his fingers, and after making sure that it would not fall off or shatter, he plugged the mouth of the bottle into the mouth and swallowed ‘boom boom’.

   drew out the whole bottle of vodka in one breath, and Kenny let out a sigh.

   pat the empty bottle on the table, click bang~

   The bottle broke into several pieces again, but this time it did not turn into **** like last time.

   "Thank you, Qin, for hundreds of years...I have almost forgotten the taste of this drink."

   Kenny couldn't bother to apologize, and looked at the wine box in the corner with his eyes shining.

   "You can do it yourself." Qin Yu raised his finger and lowered the box.

   squeak, squeak~

   The floor groaned in pain, Kenny moved the wine box to the table, pinched the spout with **** and raised a bottle.

   After hesitating, he proposed another bottle and pushed the two bottles in front of Qin Yu.

   Then, snap~




   After finishing six bottles in a row, Kenny wiped his mouth and hiccup: "This is the happiest moment in my escape career."

   "Escape?" Qin Yu caught the point.

   They are going through an escape, what can make Kenny and his people with such a huge combat power desperate.

   "..." Kenny fell into the memory, but the movements in his hand did not stop.

   After adapting to the fragility of the wine bottles, he never breaks them again.

   "We have failed. A war that lasted for several epochs. Darkness enveloped the universe, leaving only the lingering losers running away."

   "We are just a bunch of poor bugs who have lost their homes." Kenny said tremblingly.

   The pupils with large light bulbs were filled with blood red, and the monstrous warfare made the tables and chairs in the restaurant creak.

   If this continues, Qin Yu has no doubt that the entire restaurant will explode on the spot.


   reached out and held down his big hand, the power on it awakened Kenny instantly.

   "Sorry, I think of some unpleasant memories."

   This is Kenny's second apology, and there is a kind heart hidden under the rough appearance.

   "I smell chaos here, your world is being eroded by chaos?"

   Kenny stared straight at Qin Yu with his big eyes, as if to see through him from the inside out.

   "Come with me." Qin Yu held half a bottle of vodka in one hand and strode towards the depths of the base.

   Looking at his back, Kenny turned his head and stared at the box on the table, hesitating to hold the box in his arms.

   dragged the box with his left hand, took out a bottle of vodka from it with his right hand, bit the opening of the bottle and followed it with a ‘gu-dong-dong’.

   In front of the altar room, Qin Yu pointed to the star gate inside and said: "If we say the same, you should be referring to chaos."

   "I should admire your courage." Seeing the star door opened inside, Kenny joked while drinking.

   "How do you say?" Qin Yu asked.

   "You are the first normal person I have seen who dares to fix the gate of the subspace."

   Those chaotic minions have long been decayed, leaving only empty bodies and incomplete fighting instincts.

   "I didn't open it, but this building." Qin Yu said, pointing to the lines in the altar room.

   "Oh?" Hearing this Kenny was intrigued, he put his right eye on the window and carefully observed the layout inside.

   "Unbelievable, magical design... the race that created it must have had a glorious civilization."

   After seeing the lines clearly, Kenny said with admiration.

   "So, are you the heirs of this civilization?"

   Qin Yu wants to understand Kenny's He also wants to understand this new world.

   Although there are fixed open star doors here, from the current point of view, chaotic energy cannot penetrate the room and spread out.

   This is good news for Kenny, maybe they can get a supplement on this planet.

   Rest, rebuild the battle group, and reproduce the glory of the empire.

   "Let's go back and talk slowly. I think there will be enough time for us to get to know each other."

   Qin Yu once again invited Kenny to return to the restaurant to open up a deep understanding between the two civilizations.

   Earth, Great Summer.

   The 11th tribute is progressing smoothly, and the Suiren and Immigration numbers arrived at People’s Square on time after the detour display.

   Then, the salute and the deafening shouts of citizens sent off.

   Get out of gravity and head for deep space!

   The high-level managers of the Miracle Group and Bai Ze's team are full of serious expressions, without the joy and excitement as imagined.

   The sudden situation on the west coast has spread all over the world, and everyone knows that a warship from an unknown civilization has appeared on the earth.

   and disappeared again under the hold of the moon aliens.

   It’s just that countless people can clearly see that the light gate that opens on the sea is exactly the same as the ‘limited time dungeon portal’ in the previous "Ghost".

  ------Off-topic ------

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