Start a mysterious island

Chapter 692 Condolences (two chapters in one)

In Ping'an Garden Community, after dawn, the quiet community gradually began to become noisy.

Migrant workers in the community who get up early to go to work will invariably stop for a few seconds in front of Building 3 when they go out to work to look at a house on the sixth floor with broken windows.

It turns out that this house made that noise last night!

As I suspected, the window glass of someone's house was broken.

Did the couple quarrel?

Not sure.

Go to work quickly! It's too late.

Lin Li, who was sleeping in the guest room, heard a loud noise coming from outside and opened his eyes.


He raised his hand and yawned, lifted the quilt and got out of bed. Because the noise coming from outside was quite loud, Lin Li went to the window and opened the curtains to look outside.

When he saw many people downstairs looking towards his home, the remaining sleepiness immediately dissipated.

Damn, why are there so many people?

Lin Li knew why there were so many people standing downstairs looking at his home right now without having to think about it.

That hateful woman...

A hazy figure in the white mist appeared in Lin Li's mind. He quickly closed the curtains in the guest room, then turned and left.

Ding dong.

The doorbell rang at home. Lin Li was about to go to the bathroom to wash up. When he heard the doorbell rang, he immediately walked towards the entrance.

Opening the door, Aunt Wang from the residents' committee appeared at the door.

Xiao Lin, I saw a message in the group saying that last night at your house...

Aunt Wang from the residents' committee went out to express condolences after breakfast. After seeing the smashed window glass in Lin Li's house, she said indignantly.

How come there are such bad people? In this day and age, they still do things like smashing the windows of other people's homes.

After chatting for a while, Lin Li sent Aunt Wang away from the residents' committee who came to offer condolences.


The door of the neighbor's house next door opened, and a cute figure walked out of the house.

Zhou Tongtong, with her hair gathered into a ponytail, wearing a school uniform and carrying a cartoon schoolbag, came to Lin Li. While curiously asking what happened last night, she poked her head into Lin Li's house.

Brother Lin Li, I heard from my mother that some bad guys smashed the window glass of your house last night...

Lin Li smiled and asked, Do you really want to take a look?

Yes. Zhou Tongtong nodded honestly, Can I take a look?

Of course, it's not something that can't be seen by others. Lin Li said, then stepped aside.

Ah! Zhou Tongtong exclaimed as she looked at the smashed window glass.

Tongtong. Xia Qing's voice came from behind, and Lin Li said to Zhou Tongtong, Zhou Tongtong, your mother is calling you...

Brother Lin Li, that villain is really evil... Zhou Tongtong said angrily.

Lin Li smiled and stretched out his hand, touching Zhou Tongtong's head, Okay, you don't need to worry about this matter, I will take care of it. Your mother is calling you, she should tell you to go to school quickly.

I'm leaving.


Zhou Tongtong turned around and left. Xia Qing, who was waiting at the door, saw her daughter and took her daughter downstairs in the elevator.

I have to call the decorator later and ask him to come to my house to repair the windows.

Lin Li looked at the smashed window glass and muttered to himself, then turned around and left the bedroom, heading to the bathroom to wash up.



The elevator door opened, and Zhou Tongtong ran out quickly carrying a cartoon schoolbag.

Tongtong, don't run so fast! You're going to fall... Xia Qing shouted to her daughter.

Yeah. Zhou Tongtong quickly slowed down her running speed. After coming out of the corridor of Building 3, she immediately saw two small wild cats squatting on the grass in the green belt.

Meow...Zhou Tongtong is out. said the little black cat. don't have to say it, I saw it. The little white cat said.

Zhou Tongtong came to the green belt, squatted down, stretched out her two small hands, and touched the furry heads of the two little wild cats.

Meow... The two little wild cats purred, with expressions of enjoyment on their faces.

Xiao Bai, Xiao Hei...last night, some bad guys smashed the window glass of brother Lin Li's house. Zhou Tongtong said angrily.

Meow... we know! the little white cat said.

Meow... we saw it last night! the little black cat said, thinking of the scene he saw last night.

What does that bad guy look like? Zhou Tongtong asked.'s a thick white mist. the little black cat said.

Baiwu? When Zhou Tongtong heard this, her little face showed a puzzled expression. She didn't understand what the connection between Baiwu and the bad guys was.

Meow...last night we saw a thick white fog appearing in the sky, and then something flew out of the white fog and smashed the window glass of Lin Li's house. The little white cat explained in detail .

Meow... then Lin Li flew out from home, and then the thick white mist disappeared... the little black cat added.

??? Zhou Tongtong had a question mark on her face after listening to what the two little wild cats said. Then she caught something that made her eyes light up from what the two little guys said.

You said brother Lin Li flew out of home?

Meow...yes! said the little white cat, and the little black cat squatting beside nodded, Meow...didn't we tell you before that Lin Li can fly?

You didn't tell me! Zhou Tongtong shook her head.

Meow... We have seen Lin Li flying out of the building before. I originally wanted to tell you about it, but then I forgot. At this time, the little white cat remembered what he had forgotten.

Meow...yes! We forgot about this matter. The little black cat reacted belatedly, raised its little paw and scratched its face, and said a little embarrassedly.

You guys! Your memory is so bad. Zhou Tongtong said angrily. At this time, she was extremely curious and thought about going to see Lin Li immediately when she came back from school.

Tongtong, it's too late for you to go to school, come here quickly... Xia Qing pushed the electric car out of the carport, put on the helmet, and shouted to her daughter who was whispering to two little wild cats in front of the green belt in the distance.

I'm going to school. Zhou Tongtong heard Xia Qing's shouting and said to the two little wild cats, then got up and left.


The electric car started and Xia Qing drove Zhou Tongtong out of the community.

The little white cat and the little black cat squatting on the grass looked at Zhou Tongtong who was leaving. When the other party's figure disappeared, the two little guys looked away from the distance.

Meow...since Lin Li is not injured, let's go out directly! the little white cat said to the friends around him.

Originally, these two little guys planned to visit Lin Li this morning. After all, he often fed them delicious food!

Now they learned through Zhou Tongtong that Lin Li, who was attacked last night, was not injured, so the two little guys didn't need to visit Lin Li.

Meow... let's go! the little black cat said, and then the two little guys quickly ran towards the wall of the community.

I climbed over the wall as I was familiar with the road, crossed the road, and jogged towards the park.


Wow, wow, wow...

There was a sound of water running in the bathroom, and suddenly, the sound of a cell phone ringing came from the direction of the living room.

Lin Li, who was washing, speeded up. After washing, he walked out of the bathroom and walked quickly to the living room.


The cell phone placed on the sofa was vibrating and ringing loudly.

Lin Li came to the sofa and sat down. He picked up his mobile phone and saw that it was Su Yue's call. He immediately answered the call.


Why did it take you so long to answer the phone?

A pleasant voice came from the mobile phone. As soon as she heard the voice, Su Yue's charming appearance immediately appeared in her mind.

Lin Li raised his hand to scratch his hair and explained, I was washing my face in the bathroom just now. It's so early in the morning. Why did you call me?

Su Yue, who was sitting at the dining table having breakfast, asked, Last night, someone's glass was broken in your community, and there was a lot of noise?

How did you know? Lin Li was a little surprised when he heard this. He didn't expect Su Yue to know about it so quickly.

But if you think about it carefully, now that the Internet is so developed, anything can be spread in a very short time, so it is not surprising.

I saw it when I was browsing short videos just now. Someone who lives in your community posted a short video saying that it might have been caused by a quarrel between a couple in that house. Su Yue replied.

... Lin Li was silent when he heard this. He thought quickly, and said with a smile in order not to worry Su Yue.

It should have been caused by a quarrel between the couple... This kind of thing has happened before. I remember mentioning it to you at that time.

Oh. Su Yue nodded, and then criticized.

It's just a quarrel, why did you smash the window glass at home?

It's okay if the broken glass hits flowers and plants, but if it hits people, it will be out of control...

Yes! Fortunately, no one was injured last night... Lin Li agreed.

Due to time constraints, it would be too late to go to school if she left home later, so Su Yue chatted with Lin Li for a few words and ended the call.

What happened last night, less than twelve hours ago, had already caused Lin Li a lot of trouble.

For Lin Li, who never liked trouble, this gave him a headache.

That hateful woman, after I beat her up, in addition to asking her to compensate me for the money to repair the window, I will also ask her to compensate me for some mental damages... Lin Li said as he recalled what happened last night. chanting.

A sneeze.

Su Yue, who was changing clothes in the bedroom, suddenly sneezed and raised her hand to touch her forehead, but there was no fever.

The temperature is normal and I don't feel uncomfortable. Why are you sneezing suddenly?

After changing her clothes, Su Yue came to the living room, picked up her bag and walked to the entrance, changed her shoes and went out to work.


Because of what happened last night, Lin Li was unable to go to the ruins space today.

After having breakfast, Lin Li picked up his cell phone and called a decorator he knew and asked him to come to his house.

I have work on hand. It will take about an hour to arrive at your home. The decorator who was dealing with a window problem for another household thought for a moment and said to Lin Li.

Okay, come over as soon as possible after you finish what you are doing. Lin Li said.

I'll try to be at your house before ten o'clock. The decorator replied.

After ending the call, Lin Li walked into the bedroom with a broom and began to clean up the broken glass on the floor.

Strangely enough, the dark brown ball that smashed the window glass last night was not light in weight.

Logically speaking, if the object weighing more than a hundred kilograms fell on the wooden floor after smashing the window glass, it would damage the wooden floor. However, the wooden floor in Lin Li's bedroom was intact.

After thinking for a while, but unable to get an answer, Lin Li stopped thinking about this question.

After cleaning all the broken glass in the bedroom, the doorbell rang again.


Lin Li went to the entrance hall and opened the door, and found that it was the aunts from the residents' committee.

Aunt Wang, who had been here before, said to Lin Li, Xiao Lin, after everyone knows what happened at your home, they will all come to visit you...

These aunts formed a group to express condolences to me... Lin Li thought in his heart.

The aunties in the residents' committee all have good intentions. Lin Li smiled and thanked, Thank you, aunties. Come in quickly!

Later, Lin Li warmly entertained the aunts from the residents' committee who came to express condolences.

After he sent away all the aunts from the residents' committee, Lin Li returned to the sofa in the living room and sat down, feeling resentful of the mysterious woman who attacked him last night.

Ding dong.

The phone in his pocket trembled. Lin Li took it out and took a look. It was a message from Liu Jialin.

As expected, the message Liu Jialin sent was related to what happened last night.

I went to work this morning and heard from my colleagues that there were practitioners committing murder in the community where you live last night. Do you know about this?

Lin Li read the message sent by Liu Jialin and replied with voice, I know! I am the victim, and the incident took place in my bedroom.

Isn't it? What a coincidence? Liu Jialin, who had just come to work and sat down at her work station, had a surprised expression on her face.

It just happened.

With your cultivation, didn't you catch that person on the spot?

The person who attacked me at night and smashed the windows of my house was the guy who could use the white mist power. Lin Li explained.

... Liu Jialin was silent for a few seconds, and then said, Are you sure it's that person?

I'm sure, I saw it with my own eyes when I chased him out... I originally wanted to fight back, but because I was concerned that there were many ordinary people in the community, I didn't do anything... Then the guy left and disappeared without a trace. Lin Li said.

That person is very powerful. He has the cultivation level of the first stage of the third level. You didn't choose to run away and even thought about fighting back. You are really brave... Liu Jialin said with emotion.

…………(End of chapter)

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