Start a mysterious island

Chapter 680 Unusual Weather (Two Chapters in One)

Bang, bang, bang...

Lin Li aimed at the edge of the large hole in the wall and kicked a few times, further widening the hole.

He walked into the small house and searched the small house again. Except for an underground passage with stairs, there was nothing of value.


Could it be that all the valuable treasures are hidden underground?

Lin Li looked at the underground passage with stairs in front of him for a few minutes, and then he made the decision to enter the underground passage to explore.

It was pitch dark in the underground passage, and it would not be safe to walk down like this.

With an idea in Lin Li's mind, he took out two pieces of equipment from the mysterious island...a safety helmet with a headlight and a flashlight.

After putting on the helmet, turn on the headlight installed on the helmet, and a bright beam of light will immediately emit. Then, turn on the flashlight in your hand.

With these two pieces of lighting equipment, the safety factor immediately improved a lot when entering the dark underground passage.

Don't let me down! If you go back down and explore, but your trip ends up being in vain, then that's really...

Lin Li muttered a few words in a low voice, then stepped forward, stepped on the stairs, and walked underground in an orderly manner.


Under a cloudy sky, a group of people arrived at the shore of the rippling blue lake.

Many of the gorgeous flower beds were destroyed, muddy water was mixed with many petals of different colors, and countless exquisitely crafted pavilions on the shore of the lake collapsed.

When everyone saw the messy battle scene on the shore of the lake, although they had expected that the fighting here would be fierce, they were still a little surprised.

They are all gone, and we don't know who will win in the end. Zhao Xiaoya said.

With the look of the scene, the group of people fighting the alien beasts should not be at a disadvantage. said the guard captain Chen Zhiyuan.

Everyone thought that the ones fighting the alien beasts were other treasure hunting teams, but no one thought that the one fighting the alien beasts was a lone traveler.

Miss, let's go back! Zhao Xiaoya suggested.

After Wu Qingfang arrived at the scene, she had been observing the situation around her. At this time, she heard her maid suggesting leaving, then she raised her finger and pointed to a place in the distance and said.

Let's go there and see...

Zhao Xiaoya turned her head and looked in the direction pointed by Wu Qingfang's finger.

She found that there were a lot of stones scattered around the place pointed by her lady. There seemed to be a small dilapidated house slightly closer to the shore of the lake.

Wu Qingfang stepped forward and walked towards the dilapidated small house that she saw. When the others saw this, they naturally stopped staying and immediately followed.

After a while, the group arrived at the dilapidated small house.

There is an underground passage in the house! Zhao Xiaoya said in surprise.

The experienced guard captain Chen Zhiyuan found some footprints on the ground. Based on these footprints, he quickly came to a conclusion, Someone has entered this underground passage...

Wu Qingfang looked at the small house in front of her that looked a bit dilapidated from a distance, but from up close, it was not damaged at all and gave people a very solid feeling. She thought for a few seconds and made a decision.

Uncle Chen, let's go down and explore! Maybe we can get unexpected results...

Guard captain Chen Zhiyuan immediately frowned after hearing what Wu Qingfang said.

Miss, we don't know where this underground passage leads to. If we go down hastily, we may encounter unpredictable dangers.

In my opinion, it is better to send a few people down to explore the way first. If there is no particularly serious danger, you can go down then.

Zhao Xiaoya agreed at this time, Miss, Uncle Chen is right! Don't rush in yet...

Wu Qingfang looked at the guards protecting her, thought about it, and shook her head.

There is no need to send people down to explore the road. Let's go down together now. If we encounter danger, we can just return immediately...

Guard captain Chen Zhiyuan looked at Wu Qingfang and saw that the other party seemed not to change his mind, so he stopped persuading him.

Then, the group took out their lighting tools, entered the underground passage in an orderly manner, and walked underground along the steps.

After Wu Qingfang and his party entered the underground passage, a few minutes later, another treasure hunting team came to the lake shore.

They also discovered the small house on the shore of the lake, thought for a while, and made the same decision as Wu Qingfang and his party.


Tap, step, step...

In the dark underground passage, the sound of footsteps echoed constantly.

More than twenty minutes had passed since Lin Li entered the underground passage, and he still had not reached the end of the underground passage.

I've been here for so long and I haven't found anything. Isn't my trip really in vain?

Just when Lin Li thought that his work might be in vain, he suddenly discovered that the slope of the underground passage had changed.

When you first enter the underground passage, the slope is downward. After going some distance into the underground passage, the slope becomes straight.

For the next ten minutes, I walked forward as if walking on a flat road.

However, at this moment, Lin Li felt that the flat road under his feet was beginning to become a little steeper, and he felt like he was climbing a slope.

Soon, another staircase appeared in front. This time the staircase extended upward, which was completely different from the downward staircase seen when entering this underground passage.

Tap, step, step...

The empty underground passage was eerily quiet, except for the sound of Lin Li's footsteps as he walked, there was no other sound.

Looking at the stairs in front of him that stretched upwards and led to nowhere, Lin Li paused for a few seconds, and then decisively stepped onto the stairs.

Another ten minutes passed, and just when Lin Li was about to complain again, a little light appeared in front of the stairs.


There is light ahead.

Is it the exit?

The thoughts in Lin Li's mind ran rapidly for a few times, and then the pace of his feet quickened.

Ten seconds later, Lin Li, who was walking quickly, arrived at the end of the stairs.

The stairs extend upward, and at the end is indeed the exit.

After spending at least half an hour in the underground passage, Lin Li walked out from the other end of the underground passage.

And when he walked out of the underground passage, his face was full of surprise.

At the other end of the underground passage, there was not a single dark cloud in the sky, and the annoying thundering sound naturally disappeared.

The clear sky was cloudless and blue, as if someone had wiped it with a rag, it was very clean.

The place where Lin Li was at this moment felt like he was in another ruins space.

Looking around, except for a valley in front, everywhere else you look, you can see the endless prairie.

There are no chirping insects or birds at all in this place. It's really quiet!

Lin Li stood at the exit of the underground passage and observed for a while, and discovered some unusual problems here.

He found that this place was too quiet, unusually quiet.

Surrounded by endless prairie, this valley looks very unique. Let me go to the valley in front to check it out! Maybe I can make some discoveries...

Lin Li thought for a moment and walked quickly towards the valley ahead.

Looking at the valley from a distance, you can see waterfalls falling from the mountains.

Although Lin Li hadn't gotten close yet, he could imagine at this time that the waterfall in the distance must have created a small river.

The situation was just as Lin Li thought. After he walked towards the valley for a few minutes, he encountered a small river halfway.

The meandering river is sparkling, and the clear water flows into the distance.

Lin Li stood on the bank of the river and looked at the clear river. He didn't find even a fish or any other creature.

He had seen this situation before in the moat of the ancient city.

Logically speaking, in this wilderness, there are at least some small fish and shrimps in the river, but there is nothing in the river in front of me. It is really strange.

But as long as you think about it, the place you are in is a ruin space, and everything is unreasonable and abnormal, and it becomes acceptable.

Walking along the vast grassland, I didn't hear any loud sounds along the way.

When Lin Li came to the waterfall outside the valley, various loud sounds suddenly appeared and fell in his ears.

Wow, wow, wow...

The waterfall fell into the pool, and the sound of splashing water hit your face.


In addition to the loud sound of the waterfall, there is also the constant sound of the wind blowing the grass blades.

Different sounds intertwined together, making the area where Lin Li was very noisy.

The water here is so cold, and the wind is blowing constantly, so it's very cool. It's a good place to camp here...

Lin Li looked around. A little further away was the entrance to the valley. He could go forward and enter the valley now.

But he didn't choose to do that, because it was already noon, and his growling stomach reminded him to eat lunch quickly.

After searching around the waterfall for a while, Lin Li decided to have lunch under a small tree in front that was not tall and had not many branches and leaves.

The small tree in front of me is about two and a half meters tall. Although the branches and leaves are not extensive, the shade area is not bad.

Normally, Lin Li would have looked for a tall, prosperous tree, but since there were no decent trees around the waterfall, he had no choice.

With an idea in his mind, Lin Li took a lot of camping equipment from the mysterious island.

There were no dry branches around, but this was not a problem for Lin Li, because he had stored some wood on the mysterious island for emergencies.

After placing the wood, I threw a small fireball on the wood, and the wood in the stove quickly ignited.

Smoke curled up from the kitchen, smoke rose, and the aroma of the food began to float away.


In the dark underground passage, a group of people walked in an orderly manner.

Everyone was very quiet and didn't speak.

Suddenly, the girl with a ponytail saw something happening in front of her.

Miss, there is light ahead. Zhao Xiaoya said excitedly to Wu Qingfang beside her.

It seems that there is an exit ahead... Wu Qingfang said with a smile.

Afterwards, Wu Qingfang and his party walked forward quickly, and they quickly walked out of the exit of the underground passage.

The weather here is great! Zhao Xiaoya said in surprise as she looked at the clear sky.

I didn't expect that the place where the underground passage would eventually lead would look like this. Guard captain Chen Zhiyuan also had a surprised expression on his face.

The other guards had the same expression on their faces, and there was a lot of discussion.

This place is so quiet. Wu Qingfang soon discovered the unusual situation in this place and said to everyone.

After everyone heard what Wu Qingfang said, they immediately closed their mouths and listened.

It was just like what Wu Qingfang said, the surroundings were so quiet that there wasn't even a sound.

After coming to the ruins space for so long, this was the first time they encountered this situation.

Miss, there isn't even a sound of insects or birds in this place... Zhao Xiaoya said.

Uncle Chen, do you know where this is? Wu Qingfang turned her head, looked at the experienced Chen Zhiyuan, and asked.

Miss, I don't know where this is, but I'm sure we are still in the ruins space... Chen Zhiyuan said.

Wu Qingfang thought for a few seconds and then said, What do you think we should explore next?

When everyone heard Wu Qingfang's inquiry, they looked at each other and thought about this question seriously.

Zhao Xiaoya found a plume of smoke near the valley in the distance, and her eyes suddenly widened.

She observed carefully to make sure her eyes were correct, so she quickly reported to Wu Qingfang.

Miss, there is a smoke column near the valley ahead...

Wu Qingfang turned her head to look at her personal maid, and looked in the direction pointed by her finger. As she said, there was a column of smoke near the valley ahead.

It's not like the smoke column rising from a grassland wildfire, but it looks like the smoke produced when cooking... Chen Zhiyuan, an experienced person, observed the smoke column rising near the valley in the distance and guessed.

Could it be that they entered the underground passage before us, and the people who came here were cooking and eating there. After all, it's time to eat now. Zhao Xiaoya said.

Wu Qingfang heard this and said with a smile, Xiaoya, everyone who comes here eats the dry food they carry with them. No one will bring pots and pans to cook here...

Zhao Xiaoya nodded immediately after hearing what her young lady said. However, she found that the expression on her young lady's face had changed.

Miss, what's wrong with you? Zhao Xiaoya asked very confused.

As soon as Wu Qingfang finished speaking, a figure of someone appeared in her mind.

In her opinion, if there was anyone who was most likely to light a fire and cook in such a place, there should be no other person except that person.

Miss? Zhao Xiaoya noticed that Wu Qingfang suddenly became a little excited and shouted again.

Uncle Chen, let's go there and have a look... Wu Qingfang raised her right hand and pointed to the place where smoke appeared near the valley in the distance.

…………(End of chapter)

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