Start a mysterious island

Chapter 676: It’s impossible to distinguish true from false gossip (two chapters in one)

Chapter 676: Rumors that cannot be distinguished from true to false (two chapters in one)

Lin Li looked at the gorgeous mansion that appeared in front of him, glanced at the plaque hanging above the door, and said, City Lord's Mansion?

I learned from Wu Qingfang that the City Lord's Mansion is located in the center of the ancient city and can be said to be the core of the ancient city.

Lin Li's previous location was very close to the city gate, but then he accidentally entered a strange area and was trapped inside for a long time.

Now that he was out of trouble, he suddenly arrived at the core area of ​​the ancient city, which surprised Lin Li very much.


A loud sound came from the city lord's palace, and a black column of smoke rose into the air.

Lin Li was a little curious about what happened in the city lord's mansion, so he thought quickly and ran towards the far wall.

Although he could enter the City Lord's Mansion directly through the gate, for reasons of concealment, it was obviously not the right choice to enter directly through the gate in a swaggering manner.

Arriving at the wall, Lin Li immediately bent over and pushed his feet on the ground.

He rose up from the ground, supported the bricks on the wall with his left hand, and climbed over the wall easily.

After Lin Li entered the city lord's mansion, he immediately started to sense his mental power.

He soon discovered that there were many spiritual energy fluctuations in the distance.

If the guess is correct, the ones emitting these psychic fluctuations should be the treasure hunters who came to the city lord's mansion to hunt for treasure.

The loud noises that Lin Li heard at the door of the City Lord's Mansion were probably caused by the treasure hunters fighting each other.

As for the reason for taking action, it may be because of the grudges between each other, or it may be that they found some valuable treasure and started fighting for it.

Just when Lin Li was about to sneak towards the place where the battle was taking place to see what happened, the alarm bell in his heart suddenly sounded.

call out……

A harsh sound broke through the air, and Lin, who reacted quickly, immediately ducked sideways.


A stone pillar in the distance was exploded, and the broken stones fell to the ground with a clatter.

The enemy who launched a sneak attack on Lin Li was a very ordinary-looking plant.

Although this unattractive plant does not emit psychic energy fluctuations, the lethality of the sneak attack it just launched cannot be underestimated.

If the person who was attacked was not Lin Li, but an ordinary person, there would be no way to avoid the plant's attack. Once the attack was successful, the hard stone pillars would be blown apart, and one can imagine the fate of ordinary people.

Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh...

This ordinary-looking plant is two meters tall and wrapped with dark brown vines.

After Lin Li dodged the plant's sneak attack, intensive attacks came again.

It's endless, right? Lin Li muttered, and then he took out the spiritual weapon sword that he had stored in the mysterious island again.

Click, click, click...

The extremely sharp spiritual sword collided with the dense vines that came over, and the winner was decided in an instant.

Lin Li looked at the vines that he had cut off, and found that green juice was constantly coming out of these things, and the smell of green grass began to float in the air, which smelled quite good.

Without the vines, the ferocious plant that attacked Lin Li immediately became calm and motionless, like an ordinary, inconspicuous plant.

... Lin Li looked at the motionless ferocious plant and was speechless. He thought in his heart, You were so ferocious just now, but now you are so honest. You really can see the situation clearly!

Tap, step, step...

Footsteps sounded, and Lin Li walked towards the motionless ferocious plant.

Don't think that if you act calmly now, I will let you go. Since you wanted my life just now, it's my turn to fight back.

Lin Li smiled and muttered a few words to the ferocious plant, and then looked at the ferocious plant that was twisting again, looking very frightened, and mercilessly waved the spiritual sword in his hand.


Seeing that the spiritual sword was about to slash at the ferocious plant, the plant rose up from the ground, its roots entwined together, turned into feet, and fled away quickly, at a speed that was jaw-dropping.

... Lin Li looked at the ferocious creatures fleeing and thought, How come so many of the plants in this ancient city can run away on their own?

Since he had seen many plants that could run away on their own, Lin Li was not surprised.

There is a saying that if you offend the abbot, you still want to leave? Therefore, Lin Li would not let go of this ferocious plant that tried to kill him just now.

After running away and chasing each other, the ferocious plants and figures that fled quickly disappeared.


Blue Star, Rongcheng.

In a villa community in the North District, in the study room on the second floor of a magnificent villa.

Zhang Xiaohao was dealing with work matters, but he seemed unable to concentrate. Looking at the documents in his hand, he was thinking about other things.

Dong dong dong...

There was a knock on the door, Zhang Xiaohao put down the document in his hand and shouted.

Who is it?

It's me. The person outside the door said, and then pushed the door open and entered.

Wu Guilan, wearing a cheongsam, came to Zhang Xiaohao with a plate of cut fruits in her hand and placed the fruit plate on the desk.

Eat some fruit!

Yeah. Zhang Xiaohao nodded, and then slowly ate the fruit.

What I told you before... Wu Guilan started, but before she could finish speaking, Zhang Xiaohao raised his hand to stop him.

Mom, don't talk anymore about Su Yue, I will take care of it...

Seeing Zhang Xiaohao say this, Wu Guilan nodded and said no more.

Counting the days, dad's business trip should be almost over. When will he come back in the past few days? I will pick him up at the airport then. Zhang Xiaohao asked.

Your dad could have come back the day after tomorrow, but something temporarily delayed him. He needs to wait until the National Day holiday is over before he can come back, Wu Guilan said.

The mother and son chatted for a while, Zhang Xiaohao finished eating the fruit, and Wu Guilan left the study with the empty fruit plate.

When Zhang Xiaohao was alone in the study, he opened the drawer and took out a photo.

The woman in the photo has a graceful body, a flowery smile, and exudes amazing charm. Zhang Xiaohao looked a little lost in the photo.

Dad can't come back until after the National Day holiday. After he comes back, I will invite Su Yue to my house for dinner in his name. Su Yue will definitely not be able to refuse...

Zhang Xiaohao looked at Su Yue's photo and murmured to himself.

After a while, Zhang Xiaohao put Su Yue's photo back into the drawer, and then picked up the unread documents.

Only a few minutes after he started working, Zhang Xiaohao, unable to concentrate, threw the documents in his hands on the desk again.


While taking a long breath, he raised his hand and rubbed his eyebrows.


After that incident happened, whenever Zhang Xiaohao calms down now, he can't help but think of Lin Li and this guy who makes him extremely jealous.

It's been several days, but there's no news at all. Could it be that they took my money and didn't do anything?

Zhang Xiaohao was a little irritated and muttered to himself. He put down his right hand that was rubbing his eyebrows and thought for a few seconds. He picked up the mobile phone on the table and dialed the phone number he had previously contacted.

Beep, beep, beep...

After dialing the number, the other party picked up the call after a few seconds.


A low voice came from the mobile phone. Zhang Xiaohao, who was originally a little agitated, calmed down immediately after hearing this emotionless voice and thinking that the other party was a very dangerous person.

Hello, Mr. Xu. Zhang Xiaohao greeted the other party with a smile.

In the past few days, Mr. Xu had been having a headache due to the unknown enemy, and all his thoughts were spent on finding the unknown enemy.

Now that Zhang Xiaohao called, he remembered that the things he had promised to the other party had not yet been completed.

You made this call to ask how the matter you entrusted me with is going, right? Mr. Xu asked.

Yes. Zhang Xiaohao, who was eager to know how things went, went straight to the point without beating around the bush.

I have already arranged for someone to do that. Please wait patiently for a few more days. Mr. Xu said.

Um... Okay, as soon as there is news, Mr. Xu, please inform me as soon as possible. Zhang Xiaohao said with a smile.

In fact, Zhang Xiaohao was not very satisfied with Mr. Xu's answer. After all, he had paid the money and it had been several days, but now there was no progress at all, but he couldn't express his dissatisfaction.

After all, the other party is a very difficult person to mess with. If it had been anyone else, Zhang Xiaohao would have reprimanded the other party aggressively even if the matter had not made any progress after receiving the money.

Since I have received your money, I will definitely handle the matter you entrusted me with. I have other things to be busy with, so let's do this first. After Xu Sanye finished speaking, he hung up the phone.

The smile on Zhang Xiaohao's face was frozen, and his right hand holding the mobile phone kept exerting force, which showed that he was very angry now.

Fuck, you hung up on me. What the hell? You received the money but had this attitude. If I had known this, I would have...

In the quiet study room, Zhang Xiaohao's incompetent and furious roars kept ringing.

Fortunately, the sound insulation effect of the study is very good, otherwise the housekeeping aunt at home would definitely be shocked.


Under the leafy tree, Mr. Xu finished answering Zhang Xiaohao's call and looked up at the white dove standing on the roof in the distance.

Gu Gu Gu Gu...

The white pigeon's eyes were sharp. When he saw Mr. Xu finishing the phone call, he immediately flapped his wings and flew up, landing on the grass in front of Mr. Xu.

Is there any news? Mr. Xu asked the white pigeon.

Not yet. The white dove mouthed human words.

Then why did you come to me? Mr. Xu asked doubtfully.

I just received a piece of gossip related to the practitioner who used the white mist power. However, I cannot confirm the authenticity of this gossip. Do you want to listen? White Pigeon asked.

Stop being so secretive. No matter it's true or false, just tell me quickly! Mr. Xu urged. Now he wants to know any information about the unknown enemy.

Last night, the practitioner who used the white mist power appeared again. White Pigeon said.

Um... After hearing what his friend said, Mr. Xu said, If you are talking about what happened in the city center last night, I know it without you having to tell me.

After all, what happened in the city center last night has been widely circulated on the Internet.

Not long after waking up this morning, Mr. Xu learned some of what happened at that time by watching short videos.

The videos you mentioned taken by passers-by are all well known to everyone. No one knows what happened after that... White Pigeon said with a smile.

Mr. Xu nodded, because there was no video of what happened next.

According to the video content at that time, it can be known that the practitioner who used the white mist power escaped.

Do you know what happened next? Mr. Xu asked.

Yes. White Pigeon nodded, According to the gossip I received, the practitioner who used the white mist power was quickly caught up by investigators from the Superpower Management Bureau after he escaped.

Then, the two sides fought in a very remote place in the suburbs, and finally...

Halfway through, the white pigeon suddenly stopped talking, which made Mr. Xu very speechless. He asked his friend anxiously.

What happened in the end, you tell me?

The white pigeon said with a smile, Does it need to be said in the end? It must be the practitioner who used the white mist power and successfully escaped from the investigators of the Superpower Management Bureau.

If that guy hadn't escaped from the investigators of the Supernatural Power Administration, the news broadcast this morning would definitely tell everyone that the guy was caught.

... Mr. Xu fell silent immediately after hearing the gossip from his friend.

Cuckoo... Seeing that Mr. Xu didn't speak, the white pigeon called a few times and then combed its feathers.

I don't think this rumor is reliable. It must be fake... Mr. Xu, who had been thinking for a while, said to his friend.

Why do you think this rumor is false? The white pigeon stopped combing its feathers and asked Mr. Xu.

From the videos circulating on the Internet, it can be judged that the investigator last night had a third-level preliminary level of cultivation.

The method of the practitioner who used the white mist power is unknown. If he pays some price from the beginning, there is a certain probability that he can escape from the investigators at the beginning of the third stage.

If there was a big fight between the two sides, and then he ran away after fighting for a while, I don't think that guy could escape successfully... Mr. Xu analyzed.

What you said makes sense. White Pigeon agreed after hearing what he said, but he asked again, What if it's really as the rumors say?

Impossible, absolutely impossible... That's an investigator at the beginning of the third level! Mr. Xu shook his head and said with great certainty.

The practitioner who uses the white mist power will never have the strength to stand up to the third-stage initial investigator.

The white pigeon thought for a while and felt that he was indeed out of his mind.

It is not an easy task for a practitioner to break through to the third level.

If the practitioner who uses the white mist power has the strength to stand up to an early-stage third-stage investigator, his own cultivation level must also be at the third-stage level.

Since you have a third-level cultivation level and can directly kill the important personnel of the organization in Rongcheng, why waste time on attacking the minions under your opponent?


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