Start a mysterious island

Chapter 454: The overwhelming and arrogant hornet (two chapters)

Chapter 454: The overwhelming and arrogant hornets (two chapters in one)


The exotic beast hunters who were resting under the tree were also awakened by the sudden screams of reed roosters and exotic beasts in the distance.

They turned their heads and looked in the same direction.

After a while, Lin Li and the exotic beast hunters present all knew what was going on.

I saw more than a dozen strange beasts appearing on the horizon in the distance. They were flapping their wings, making cackling cries of terror, and trying to escape.

Behind these dozen or so beasts were a large group of hornet wasps with very bright colors on their bodies, yellow and black, with well-developed jaws and venomous stingers at the end of their abdomens.

Buzz buzz...

The number of this swarm of hornet bees is very large, and it is a large, black and black area, giving people an overwhelming visual impact.

The hornets, which are as big as eggs, are extremely ferocious. In the dangerous wilderness, hornet swarms can be said to be a formidable group.

Although they are not exotic beasts, due to the huge number of bee swarms, ordinary hunters of exotic beasts will usually turn around and run away without saying anything when encountering a swarm of hornet wasps.

The dozen or so first-level reed chicken beasts that were desperately trying to escape faced a huge number of hornet swarms, and their bodies had become bloody and bloody under their countless attacks.

In addition, the stings of hornet wasps are poisonous. After being stung, as the venom spreads, the bodies of these dozens of reed chickens gradually lose consciousness and cannot use the strength to escape.

More than a hundred meters away from Lin Li and the exotic beast hunters, a dozen or so exotic beasts that had been bitten by hornet swarms all fell to the ground.

Then, these strange beasts were bitten wildly by hornets that rushed towards them. After a while, their flesh and blood were eaten away, leaving only their white skeletons.

The captain of the exotic beast hunter team who was the first to react saw a dozen exotic beasts, all of which were eaten by hornets in the blink of an eye. His face suddenly turned pale and colorless, and he spoke to his companions in an urgent tone. shouted.

It's a hornet swarm. We have to get out of here quickly...

After saying that, he bent down, quickly picked up his backpack and put it on his back.

After the stunned alien hunters came to their senses, they hurriedly packed up their belongings and said noisily at the same time.

Holy shit, it's a swarm of hornets. We're really unlucky.

Don't be stunned. Leave as soon as possible. If you wait a little longer, if they fly over and surround us, it will be over.

The number of this swarm of hornets is several times larger than the swarm we encountered in the wilderness on the outskirts of the Northern District last year.

I have been an exotic beast hunter for four years, and this is the first time I have encountered such a huge swarm of hornets.

The exotic animal hunters present have been in the industry for several years. They often hunt exotic animals in the wilderness, and it is inevitable that they will encounter hornet wasp swarms.

Although everyone has experience in avoiding hornet swarms, it is inevitable that they will still feel panicked whenever they encounter such dangerous things.

The alien hunters hurriedly picked up their backpacks and fled towards safety. As they fled, they did not forget to remind their colleague who was traveling alone.

Hey, why are you still standing there? Why don't you hurry up and leave? If you are surrounded by those hornet wasps, you will die... Don't take those pots and pans of yours and leave quickly.

Unlike the exotic beast hunters who fled in panic, Lin Li had just entered the industry a few months ago. Today was the first time he encountered the Hutou Peak bee swarm. In the past, he had only seen other people mention it on the Internet.

Because it was the first time he encountered a hornet swarm, he looked at these terrifying creatures that were overwhelming and buzzing with great interest.

Hearing the shouts of the escaping alien hunter, Lin Li turned around to look at the friendly reminder and responded with a smile.

thank you, I know now

You guys should leave quickly!

Don't worry about my safety, I'll be fine...

Ah? The exotic beast hunters who warned Lin Li were all stunned when they heard this. They were thinking, is there something wrong with this young man's brain? Didn't he see the number of those terrifying hornet wasps? You actually said that nothing would happen?

Sigh... forget it, we have already reminded him of what should be reminded. Since he still wants to stay, he can only bear the responsibility of what happens next.

Let's go quickly! Those hornet wasps are already very close to us. If we delay for a while, they may not be able to get away. The captain of the alien hunter team said to his companions.

Later, when these alien hunters were about to continue their escape, they saw that the pots and pans used by the young colleague had all disappeared in the blink of an eye.

This is……?

Storage space power?

It turns out he has awakened the storage space power!!!

I was wondering before, how did he come here alone in the wilderness with so many things? It turns out that he has awakened the power of storage space!

The alien hunters looked at Lin Li in surprise. At this time, the swarming hornets had already rushed in front of Lin Li, and a scene that made them even more stunned appeared.

After Lin Li put all the camping equipment into the mysterious island, he looked at the Hutou Peak bee swarm rushing towards him. He immediately mobilized the spiritual energy in his Dantian and used the awakened fire power.


A pale golden aura flashed in Lin Li's eyes, and orange-red flames ignited on the surface of his body.

In the blink of an eye, the rows of human bodies disappeared, and a flaming man with a body made of flames appeared on the spot.

I am the body of the elements!!!

This guy has awakened such a powerful power.

His body has become elemental, and that terrifying hornet swarm can't do anything to him now.

Hey, the focus is not just on the fact that his body can become elemental! Have you forgotten that he put away those pots and pans just now?

Storage space power and elemental body power, this guy actually awakened two powers?!!!

The alien hunters looked at Lin Li who had transformed his body into elements, and thought that this young colleague was a practitioner who had awakened two kinds of supernatural powers. Their eyes widened and their mouths opened wide. They were so shocked that their eyes were filled with intense emotions. The look of envy.

You must know that in their team of exotic beast hunters, only the captain has awakened his powers, and the others are ordinary practitioners who have not awakened their powers.

Buzz buzz...

Just as the alien hunters thought, they were preparing to attack Lin Li's hornet swarm, after Lin Li used his special ability to elementalize his body.

Facing the blazing Flame Man, the hornets immediately stopped attacking and quickly retreated.

These dim-witted hornets were very confused. Why did such a big prey disappear in an instant?

Although the hornet wasps lost a delicious prey, they still had other options. At this time, they all looked at the exotic beast hunters not far away.

No, those hornets are eyeing us, and they are going to charge towards us next. The captain of the alien hunter team saw the hornet swarm changing its formation in the sky, and immediately shouted something bad, Let's go, let's go quickly!!!

The alien hunters carrying backpacks knew that the situation was critical and ran away.

And when they ran more than ten meters, they heard a huge explosion behind them.



The alien hunters stopped immediately after the explosion, then turned their heads and looked behind them.

This, this guy is so powerful! A hunter of exotic beasts blurted out subconsciously as he looked at the scene in front of him.

Lin Li used his superpower to transform his body into elements, eliminating the threat of being attacked by hornet wasps.

When he saw that the hornets were going to hunt down the alien hunters, he raised his hand and created a huge fireball with a diameter of two meters, and threw it towards the hornet swarm in the sky.

The huge burning fireball, with hot sparks shooting out from time to time on the surface, shot directly into the bee colony, where the largest number of hornet bees gathered together.

During the flight, many hornet bees were directly scorched and fell. When the fireball entered an area with the largest number of hornet bees and exploded, countless hornet bees were affected by the explosion, falling directly from the sky like raindrops. dropped.

Some hornet wasps were killed on the spot by the shock wave generated by the fireball explosion, and some were burned to death by the heat wave generated by the fireball explosion.

The hornets that fell to the ground and were burned to death by the heat wave generated by the explosion emitted bursts of burnt aroma, filling a large area.

Buzz buzz...

The attacked hornet swarm did not disperse in a hurry, but looked around for enemies.

Their eyes were fixed on Lin Li, but they were unable to attack this enemy whose body was covered with flames, and they could not do anything to him.


As the thoughts in his heart moved, hot fireballs were born out of thin air around Lin Li's body.

Let's go...

Lin Li raised his hand and waved, and a dozen fireballs nearly two meters in diameter flew out together, hitting the hornets gathering in the sky.

Buzz buzz...

The hornet swarm, which was originally relatively calm, could not remain calm this time when they saw a dozen fireballs with a diameter of nearly two meters flying towards them.

The hornet wasps scattered around in panic. Unfortunately, the dozen or so fireballs with a diameter of nearly two meters shot by Lin Li were very fast. They were overtaken by the fireballs just as they tried to escape.

Boom, boom, boom...

A series of explosions occurred in the sky, and the spreading flames gave people the illusion of watching beautiful fireworks.

The huge hornet swarm was almost wiped out by Lin Li's violent bombardment, with only a hundred or so swarms left running hastily towards home.

Buzz buzz...

The alien hunters watched the arrogant hornet swarm in the wilderness being defeated in this way by their young counterparts, and the shock in their eyes could not be dissipated for a long time.

Second-level high-level cultivation, he actually has the second-level high-level cultivation...!!! The captain of the alien hunter team murmured to himself after sensing part of the spiritual energy fluctuations displayed by Lin Li.

Look at how young he is!

Yes, at most twenty-five or six years old, about the same age as my cousin.

You can actually have a second-level high-level cultivation at such an age? What a genius this is!!!

When did our Rongcheng have such a powerful cultivation genius, and I don't have any news about him?

After sensing the powerful spiritual energy fluctuations emanating from Lin Li's body, the alien hunters immediately became respectful towards this young colleague and talked in low voices.

Lin Li saw that after the swarm of hornet wasps was bombarded by the fireballs he used, only a hundred or so were left and fled in panic. He knew that the crisis was completely resolved, so he immediately canceled the superpower and returned to his original body.

Then, he quickly chased in the direction in which the hundreds of escaped hornets had left.

He went after those hornets.

It's so fierce.

What should we do now? Are we going to follow?

He did us a big favor just now by taking action like that. Let's follow him! See if we can help him in any way.

The alien hunters deliberated for a while, then stepped away and followed Lin Li.


The sun hanging high in the sky is emitting dazzling light.

There is a pond on the open grassland. The sunlight shines on the water, making the water sparkling and golden, as if it has coated the pond with a layer of gold.



The breeze blew, and the low shrubs around the pond swayed slightly, making subtle noises.

In this area, there is a sound that makes people feel a little panicked.

Buzz buzz...

After hearing the sound and looking for it, you can see many egg-sized figures coming in and out of the bushes next to the shining golden pond, and some flying around in the sky.


A hand stretched out from the grass and pushed aside the grass blades in front of him. A figure in camouflage uniform walked out of the grass.

Lin Li looked at the bushes in the distance where hornets were coming in and out, and grinned, I found it...

Just as Lin Li was about to break into the hornet's nest and eliminate the remaining hornets, he heard a movement behind him.

He turned around and looked behind him. After a while, a group of exotic beast hunters who had met him once walked out of the lush grass.

Hello, friend! The captain of the alien hunter team greeted Lin Li with a smile.

When they observed this young colleague at close range, they found that this young colleague with very strong cultivation was not in his mid-twenties or sixties at all. He felt like a fresh graduate who had just graduated this year, at most twenty-twenty-three years old.

Hello, what's the matter? Lin Li asked the exotic beast hunters.

He didn't know what these colleagues wanted to do, and he was a little confused.

The experienced leader of the hunter team saw the confused look in Lin Li's eyes and immediately explained with a smile.

Those hornets were coming to hunt us just now. Thanks to you, my friend, for killing them. You have helped us so much. We want to come over and do something for you.

Um... Lin Li thought for a moment and declined, No, it's just a simple task. There's no need to come here and do something for me.

If my guess is correct, your next plan is to eliminate the remaining hornet wasps, then dig out their hives and obtain the bee pupae, right? the leader of the alien hunter team asked with a smile.

Huh? This person actually guessed what I wanted to do next... Lin Li looked at the exotic beast hunter in front of him with some surprise.

He did not deny it, nodded, and said to the alien hunter in front of him, Yes, I have such a plan.


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