Start a mysterious island

Chapter 451 Mutation, amazing cultivation speed (two chapters in one)

Lin Li looked at the newly grown silver-white magical fruit, and his mood finally became better.

At the same time, he wanted to ripen this newly grown magical fruit more and more quickly to see what kind of new powers this magical fruit with a different color from the previous one would awaken in him.

Afterwards, Lin Li, who was in a better mood, went to pick some fruits and vegetables from the field he had cultivated. Before leaving, he watered the crops in the field. Of course, he did not forget to water the two spiritual plants on the mysterious island as well. water.

After coming out of the mysterious island, Lin Li took the picked fruits and vegetables to the kitchen and put them away. It was already quite late at this time.

Thinking that he had a busy day today and would go out to hunt strange animals in the wilderness early tomorrow morning, he went back to the bedroom to rest.


The next morning, the sun rose from the east, and the golden morning sun enveloped the entire city.

On the wall of Ping An Garden Community, there are two small wild cats squatting on it.

They looked at a certain location on the street outside the community, as if they were waiting for something.'s strange. That person didn't come yesterday afternoon, and he didn't come this morning either. What's going on? The little black cat retracted his gaze, looked at his friends beside him, and asked.

Meow...ask me, how do I know? Hearing this, the little white cat turned his head and rolled his eyes at his little friend.

These two little guys got up early this morning and came to the fence to squat down, just to see if the human they had suspected before, that he might be a bad guy, would come again this morning like before.

Unexpectedly, after the two little guys waited for the sun to rise, after a while, the human they suspected was a bad guy did not appear.

The two little wild cats couldn't wait for Zhu Daqi's arrival, so they jumped down from the fence and went to the green belt where they usually stayed.

It's early in the morning, and there are many people exercising in the community.

Some people saw the two little wild cats and wanted to go up and tease them. However, the two little wild cats were very agile and quickly avoided these humans who wanted to tease them.

As soon as they entered the green belt, a person appeared in the direction of the corridor of Building 3. Two little wild cats looked at this person in surprise.

Meow...he went out so early today! the little black cat whispered, as if he was afraid that what he said would be heard by the other party.

The little white cat nodded, Meow... Zhou Tongtong and her mother haven't come out yet! He actually came out early.

Lin Li wanted to let the new magical fruits grown by the magical tree mature as soon as possible, so he woke up not long after dawn.

He went to the bathroom to wash up, and after having a simple breakfast, he went out.

Lin Li came downstairs and walked to where he parked his car. He noticed two little guys looking at him in the green belt in the distance.

After a night, his mood had returned to normal.

With a thought in his mind, two ham sausages appeared out of thin air in his hands.

The little white cat and the little black cat were shocked when they saw this scene again, their little faces were full of question marks.

Just like last time, the two little guys still couldn't figure out how Lin Li conjured two ham sausages out of thin air.

Lin Li walked towards the two little wild cats, very wary of them as before.

When the little white cat and the little black cat saw Lin Li approaching them, they immediately stepped back.

Lin Li was used to this. Standing in front of the green belt, he took apart two ham sausages and threw them in front of the two little wild cats. Without saying a word, he turned around and left.

Meow... Xiaobai, have you seen it? Just like last time, he brushed something on his hand and turned into two ham sausages. The little black cat looked at Lin Li's leaving back, surprised. said.

Meow...I saw it. The little white cat recalled the last time he saw Lin Li conjuring something out of thin air. After thinking hard, he still couldn't figure out the principle.


The sound of the car starting sounded, and Lin Li drove the silver-white van out of the community.

Today, he did not go to the wilderness on the outskirts of the North District to hunt wild beasts like he did two days ago. Instead, he chose to go to the wilderness on the outskirts of the East District.

The two little wild cats saw Lin Li driving away from the community. At this time, they looked away and no longer thought about Lin Li's hand conjuring things out of thin air. They lowered their heads and looked at the man lying on the grass. Two ham sausages.

Walking forward quickly, they leaned forward and sniffed the alluring aroma. The two little guys were eloquent. No need to say anything, they immediately started eating the ham sausage with great pleasure.

When the two little wild cats were halfway through eating the ham sausage, two figures, one large and one small, came out of the corridor of Building 3.

The little white cat looked up first and said to the little friend next to him, Meow...Xiao Hei, Zhou Tongtong and her mother are out.

Today was different from the past. When Zhou Tongtong went out, she carried a small bag with two pieces of lean meat in her hand.

She followed her mother out of the house, and when the elevator door opened downstairs, she took the lead and ran out quickly.

When Zhou Tongtong came to the two little wild cats, she saw half of the uneaten ham in front of the two little guys, and then she asked in surprise.

Xiao Bai, Xiao Hei, do you have anything to eat today? These are two pieces of lean meat I brought for you guys. Can you still eat them?

The two little wild cats' eyes lit up, they licked their lips and said in unison, Meow... I can eat it.

Zhou Tongtong smiled and nodded, pouring out the two pieces of lean meat from the bag.

The little white cat and the little black cat stepped forward and each picked up a piece of delicious lean meat. At this time, Zhou Tongtong asked them, Who gave you the ham?

The little white cat replied,'s the ham sausage Lin Li gave us.

It's brother Lin Li! Then have you said thank you to him? Zhou Tongtong asked.

The little white cat and the little black cat looked at each other after hearing this. Zhou Tongtong looked at them and guessed that these two little guys didn't say thank you to Lin Li.

So, the little girl immediately taught the two little guys a lesson with a straight face and an adult-like tone.

It's very rude to accept gifts from others without saying thank you. You can't do that again next time. Do you understand?

The little white cat and the little black cat lowered their heads to admit their mistake, nodded in agreement, and promised that they would not be like this next time.

Zhou Tongtong saw that the two little wild cats had a good attitude towards admitting their mistakes. She stretched out her two small hands and touched their backs. Strands of light golden spiritual energy flowed out from the fingertips and penetrated into their bodies.

Because she still had to go to school, Zhou Tongtong told the two little guys that she would play with them after school, and left with the empty plastic bag.

Tongtong, I think those two little guys seem to be eating something? Xia Qing, who had just pushed the electric car out of the carport, looked at the two little wild cats eating in the distance and asked her daughter .

Zhou Tongtong threw the plastic bag in her hand into the trash can on the roadside and said to her mother, Xiao Bai and Xiao Hei are eating the ham sausage given by brother Lin Li.

Xia Qing heard this and thought to herself, Lin Li went out so early today. Does he have something urgent to do?

Mom, let's leave quickly! I have to get to school early today. Xia Qing's thoughts were pulled back by her daughter's shout.

Because Zhou Tongtong will be performing on stage during the Mid-Autumn Festival, she has to go to school early these days to rehearse her performances.

Afterwards, Xia Qing picked up her daughter and put her in the back seat. With a buzz, the electric car started, and she drove her daughter out of the community and toward school.

The two little wild cats who had just finished eating the ham and were about to eat the two pieces of lean meat that Zhou Tongtong fed them reacted belatedly.

Meow... Oops, I forgot to tell Zhou Tongtong that the bad guy we suspected before did not show up today!

After Zhou Tongtong, who was sitting in the back seat of the electric car, left the community, he subconsciously glanced at the parking spot where a suspected bad guy had parked his car.

She unexpectedly discovered that the stranger who looked like the bad guy in the movie was not here today. At this time, she thought to herself, That person is not here. It seems that Xiaobai and Xiaohei's guess is wrong.


The golden sunlight shines through the glass windows into the dim factory building, creating a large golden spot on the ground.

The quiet abandoned wood processing factory was suddenly broken by the sound of a bell.

Jingle Bell……

Jingle Bell……


The bell rang intermittently three times. When it rang for the third time, the bell suddenly stopped in the middle of the ring.

It wasn't that the person who made the call hung up the phone, it was because the cell phone on the floor in the factory ran out of power and automatically shut down.

Not far from the phone, there was a pile of ashes and a lifeless figure on the charred ground.

As the night passed, the small pool of blood dried up, leaving a dark red mark on the ground.

When he got up in the morning, Zhu Daqi went to the toilet and called Chen Xiaoyan on the spur of the moment to ask how things were going after a night.

As a result, he made several calls in a row but no one answered. The last call was hung up halfway through.

When he called again, it showed that the phone had been turned off. This situation made Zhu Daqi very confused.

What's going on? Why didn't Sister Yan answer my call and turned off her phone? The confused Zhu Daqi thought for a long time and couldn't figure it out. Then he decided to go directly to the city after breakfast. Nakamura looks for Chen Xiaoyan.


In the dim room, the golden morning sunlight shines on the curtains, and the light squeezes into the room through the gaps between the curtains.

The slim figure lying on the bed lay on her side, her white arms folded up and down, and her black hair spread on the pillow.

The long eyelashes trembled from time to time, the bright red lips opened slightly, and Rulan's breath slowly exhaled.

Su Yue, who was sleeping soundly, turned over and lay flat on the bed. The thin blanket covering her body could not hide her distinct curves.

Suddenly, a wave of spiritual energy emitted from the sleeping Su Yue.

The spiritual energy floating in the air was affected and instantly became restless, quickly gathering around her body.

When the concentration of spiritual energy gathered around Su Yue reached a certain level, a huge suction force came from her Dantian, which quickly absorbed the thick spiritual energy gathered around her.

In a very short period of time, a large amount of spiritual energy was absorbed into the Dantian and quickly refined.

This kind of cultivation efficiency can be said to be beyond the reach of most practitioners, and the cultivation has not stopped, and the spiritual energy in the air is still being absorbed by Su Yue's Dantian.

As more and more spiritual energy was absorbed, Su Yue, who was sleeping, felt her chest was tight and very uncomfortable.


She frowned, raised her left hand, put the back of her hand on her forehead, and placed her right hand on her heart.

The originally well-proportioned breathing became rapid, and the red mouth breathed rapidly.


The long eyelashes fluttered as fast as butterfly wings, and the uncomfortable feeling in her heart woke up the sleeping Su Yue.

The moment her sleepy eyes opened, her eyes, which were originally black and white, turned out to be golden, filled with dazzling golden aura.

Oh, it feels so uncomfortable! Am I getting sick again? Su Yue, who was panting, pressed her heart and muttered to herself.

The moment her soft words came out of her mouth, her Dantian, which was constantly absorbing the spiritual energy floating in the air, stopped practicing.

After stopping practicing in Dantian, Su Yue's uncomfortable feeling began to subside quickly.

The spiritual energy floating in the affected air also returned to calm, and the rich spiritual energy gathered around her body dispersed.

Su Yue felt that the uncomfortable feeling in her body disappeared, and her frown relaxed.

She patted her broad chest with her hand and muttered, It's not okay to go on like this. When I go home this time, no matter what, I have to find out the cause of the disease and cure it.

Su Yue is not worried about her physical condition. As she told Lin Li yesterday, her parents know doctors with superb medical skills.

Moreover, she conservatively told Lin Li about her acquaintance with doctors yesterday. In fact, her parents knew more than one doctor with superb medical skills.

No matter what kind of difficult and complicated disease it is, it's just a matter of how long it takes to cure it. As for the cost of treatment, given Su Yue's family background, it is simply not something she needs to consider.

Sit up, lift the quilt and get out of bed.

Su Yue, wearing a thin white suspender nightgown and cyan slippers, came to the window, stretched out her white hands, and opened the curtains in front of her.

The golden sunshine outside the window was no longer hindered, and rushed into Su Yue's bedroom.

The weather today is very bright, and there are no clouds in sight, which makes people feel better unconsciously.

The sunlight shone on Su Yue's smooth, jade-like cheeks, as if coating her with a golden coating, making her whole person look more holiness that made people lose their mind.

Su Yue, who was bathing in the sunshine, raised her hands and stretched her body. It was a pity that no one could see the magnificent scenery, otherwise it would make people intoxicated and unable to extricate themselves.

Raising her hands to tidy up the hair that fell in front of her forehead, Su Yue turned around and was about to leave the bedroom and go to the bathroom to wash up. But at this moment, the cell phone placed on the bedside table suddenly rang.


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