Starship Girl Express

Chapter 694 investigating orbit bombing

In fact, occasionally fighting the gap, the two parties, Juri, accurately, is Makikridman, will use phase communication, communicating with the Milky Way Command.

At this time, Qi Li'an can get the situation on the front of the main matter, the news of Bai Mo, nature is the first time to master - know everyone in the Milky Way, the war is still going, the wheel is still directly to the ecological planet On the other hand, all the planets are completely a peaceful world, and there is no war taste everything. It is also possible to communicate to worship tower and enjoy the holographic projection.

Time and space is too empty, even if a river's civil war ship is hot and chartered, it is also an incident outside of the light years. To observe the short time, and if the event is propagated, the planet is completely opposite to the quadrant, If you don't use the folding technology to leave the current time and space, then you will never observe the battlefield, "see" what happened there, the world is another alien ...

So I have not been observed, a new, naturally developed Milky Way, the human ecological society, naturally evoke people's interest, Bai Lingli knows that her Dad is more looking forward to seeing her father after giving her a social learning material. Also discover, develop biotechnology, develop biotechnology, make high-quality synthetic people, remote manipulation, "leaning over", directly go to Bai Mo's 82 school to be student, really cut white Mo Xie's class.

However, it is well known that the plan is caught up, and the climbing technology has no substantial progress. The hostile country suddenly uses the end of the weapon. It has changed the entire geographical map. The whole planet has been affected. Planetary quarter season is more significant ...

Although I know that the world of hot war, Kadrasia's peace is just false peace, but it is so faster, everyone is very shocking. Bai Lingli is still worried that the world has lost balance, there is a short time, and now there is a chance, which does not agree!

In the world, the world is not synchronized, the time and space is related to quality, the more the quality is, the more concentrated the gravitation, the faster the time flow rate - this is the time, black hole is extreme case. The quality of the river is concentrated. The river system of civilization, the time flow rate is not very different, and the time when the biology is affected by the environment, so the civilized alliance member civilization, mostly "human form" wisdom, because everyone has a common " Language, "Time" concept is close, which is the foundation of alliances.

The "human form" here refers to a head, a hands and feet, as for a few heads, it belongs to the difference between species that can "ignite".

There is no civilization of the Civilization Alliance. In addition to things that are not highly suspended, the absolute peaceful "vegetarian" civilization is absolutely peaceful, and most other situations have a huge difference in time, too slow, there is too fast, essential information Differences in flowing mutual use.

The example of Bai Mo is Bai Lingling. She has lived over more than three hundred years old by old writers. It is both superficial. There is no human social concept. The main body is as a star, her day, the human world has to pass one In a hundred years, she promoted the plan according to their own time ... and now she began to study human society seriously, which is why this is this.

Einstein relativity, the principle of light speed, refers to the upper limit of information transmission is light speed. If the information in different gravitational areas is directly interoperable, the obvious "clock slop" is felt in both sides, this is a curved spiral time, Uncommeted results.

So in what time and space environment, it will follow the time of time and space, leave the time space, just that there is another world, the event that happened over there will be impact.

At this time, it is a time when it is unveiled at the stage. It is folded, winding the short-space principle, crossing the speed threshold, over-distance communication, so that the two excellence can be exchanged in real time in real time in the same time dimension, turn the universe into A village.

These basic principles have appeared in Yin Alai, and now the planet is also the same. Baya is slow, but the planet is large, the star is also bigger, so the local time, the feeling of the body is almost the time of the imperial time, and 36 hours a day will be 24 hours a day, but it is almost 10 hours a day with the Empire. .

However, the physical objective time difference, the quality of the Milky Way is faster, and the density of the worship tower is much lower, the specific real-time proportional relationship, etc. After the information interference mechanism, you can know.

At present, it is only possible to communicate with phase communication, and the awareness of the large environment time is not equal, but this is not enough to be the iron card that is not in the Galaxy.

In general, the specific time relationship between Bai Mo's evil is that he suddenly received the notice of Mo Wei, and holographic returned to the Milky Way. It was on May 18th, and Mvasa was bombed by the track. On May 15th, the local time is the 5th, the local time is 10 stars on the 5th. It is the school to play a holiday. It is equivalent to the earth student summer vacation. Adults take high temperature subsidies, factories, malls to reduce noon, afternoon Summer season of the shift.

As a result, it became the last summer of most Mvasian.

After the situation, how is it, now everything is just just happening, May 15th, the end of the day, the first time in the world is naturally a shock, panic, fear, anger, etc. She will be a reflection on the road that just escapes back.

Instead of making her trouble, Bai Mo's evil chooses to put her into the newly built Visan cabin, maintaining her sleeping state, and let the health system provide psychotherapy, sleeping on her shallow sleep, that is, when you want to wake up , Slowly release information, use soft voice, tell her real situation in the world ...

The first thing to escape is to resettle card, the second thing is to communicate, call your system to check the base damage.

The two underground reinforcement bases are safe and sound, the kaeri base and the tree house base in the city, and the subway line of the observation of the base to the production base is naturally completely overtaken ... mainly due to timidity, and choose deeply to dig the base, secretly Decision of development, I didn't expect to play a role in unexpected place.

Although the observation base is built in the middle of the hill, it is not the foundation, but later the high-grade metal waterproof layer has played a role, although it is more stable ...

After confirming and dealing with self-employed and base security issues, Bai Moque will naturally begin to specifically investigate this track bomb.

As before the suspension, the anti-substance magnetic single pole reaction has been observed through the border of the base, and the gold fleet is too much in contact with the anti-substance equipment, so it is particularly sensitive.

Therefore, Bai Mo's evil inspected the base, restored production, and the Moidi was restored according to the energy trajectory on-site, and the method of analyzing report-attack implementation was to transmit with anti-substance magnetic single poles to scheduled tracks, adjustment Waiting for the best time, release the anti-substance magnetic monopathy.

The nature of the antimatter is annihilated, but after it makes a magnetic single pole, there will be a trend of positive material magnetic pole movement, and the worship tower of the magnetic field is unintentional is a large "magnet".

At the same time, the substance floating on the track will also be attracted by the anti-substance magnetic single pole, and the locusts swarmed, and they have to fall with it.

So, the Bayer Taro attracts the anti-substance magnetic single pole to chase the ground, and the anti-substance magnetic single pole attracts the track floating material together, resulting in the "last one hour" of Mvasa.

As for the final lower end of the anti-substance magnetic single pole, since the quality of the material is rare, it is consumed to be empty, and the high-altitude annihilation is like a supernova, and it is flashed.

And this flashes are like a sprint, and the material that has entered the fall orbit crashed into the ground.

In fact, the previous approval has been intermoded with Kaisi - this is the question of Bai Mo's evil just passed, why the big power missile does not have a nuclear warhead ... Later, after the history of the history, the previous question has been changed. It's common to care.

The signal of the Bay Tower World Cold War is a nuclear bomb, which is different from the situation on the earth. The opposition military organization of the worship tower is almost simultaneously completed scientific research, producing nuclear bombs, almost unbensed, completed Shot.

Then realize its power, the first reaction is the large-scale equipment that cannot be equipped, so it has not formed a scale. Only when several are numb, it will be lost, so it is full of war.

In the process, there is a throwing to the army head to gain a won that has always been victorious, but later began to close the facilities, the mine is lost.

Everyone understands the truth of the origin.

Under direct nuclear attacks, nuclear related factories, mining areas, and even scientific research organs have gone, of course, espionage, special forces, and army dinner, and also play a considerable role.

There are still a ballistic missile attack, destroying the basic factory, breaking off the industrial chain, can't make a screw, and the nuclear bomb is naturally can't make it.

Bai Mo, remembers the history of the earth, and the Bohr said in World War I, I want to produce the original bullet, I have to turn the entire country into a factory, and the United States is also doing, and they even took out all the silver reserves in the entire national bank. To do wire coils - although it can be melted after the end, the loss during this process cannot be estimated.

The United States has benefited from lonely overseas. It doesn't have to worry about attacks. It can rest assured that there is a matter of such a national factory during the war, but the situation of the Tower Planet is different. The sky land ocean does not have a safe place. Production gun cannon elastic medicine, said that a person hiding in the hilligou is also able to come out, such as the uncle of the refugee site, the uncle of Ramilbara City is the technical worker of frontline.

However, the national power is a factory, as long as one of the chains, the entire nuclear industry will stop.

So the final result is that the nuclear technology of the worship tower is hot and cold, in this way, it is forcibly returned to zero on the physical level.

There is no safe place on the ground, and the battlefield began to transfer on the planet track.

Unlike the earth, a large continent is developed, a continental original. The two continents of the Tower, respectively developed the industrial revolutionary civilization, and began to fight against the Great Haihang era.

Survival space needs.

Different two civilizations, just like each other, then find ways to eliminate the opposite sources. This kind of scientific and technological explosion effect, which brings the scientific and technological explosions, so that the development speed of both parties is rapidly, atomic energy, aerospace, and electronic industrial revolution in the Earth.

The space competing is hot from the beginning, and both sides are like throwing up on the other side.

The final result is the first hundred years, countless rockets rise to space, holding a great lofty, for the country, family dedication to the spirit of the warrior, and finally cover the near-way track over space garbage, forming the planetary radioplane.

In fact, the quality of the space, the quality is not big, although the satellite, space station, and space fighter, space walking air bag, etc., the total number of two parties exceeds 10 billion, but even if it is full of falling ground, I can't afford it. Wave, after all, it was already made into pieces.

The planetary radiopes, 99% of the artificial wrecks are small quality, and the air will be rubbed, and the remaining 1% quality is left, but the ground is also a ballistic missile. Therefore, it is only a white meteor rain in the eyes of the card, and the large-scale missile is coming.

However, why do you finally hit the planetial shaft, change the planet landscape with the throttle?

That is because of the planetary radioplasty, in addition to the hawthling wreck, it is a natural wreck - Bay Tower has many major quality nearby yield.

Today, the five moon, Zuo Yue, the textbooks taught in Kahi Science and Technology Course, is the common sense of these generations, and only three moon in the sky before, the name is Aiha, Yue, Amu, "Zhiyue", "Yue", "Orha", "Orham", and the two months before the two minces appear.

The moon is small with Amu, which is compared with a large sports venue. It is probably the volume of 188 bird nests, and Amuel is only 96. Two mows are on the distance track, look quite big in the night sky.

With these two small moon, the worship tower will enter the space, there is a springboard, plus the planet bigger, although gravity is the same as the earth, but the greater the planet means that the ground area suitable for the launch rocket is wider. So the time of the worship tower to the moon, too much too much in the earth, almost the age of Napoleon war, there is a man boarded the moon and Amu.

The National Stadium (Bird's Nest) is located in the south of the Central District of Beijing Olympic Park. It is the mainstay of the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games, accounting for 20.4 hectares, with a building area of ​​258,000 square meters, which can accommodate 91,000 viewers.

The above data came to some Baibo.

The top surface of the national stadium is a saddle. The long axis is 332.3 meters, a short axis of 296.4 meters, the highest point height is 68.5 meters, the lowest point height is 42.8 meters.

The above is coming to the web search.

Length: 333 meters

Width: 296 meters

Height (floor): 69.21 meters

Height (underground): 7.10 m

Base area: 69548 square meters

The above came to Beijing local treasure.

In this article, Beijing local treasure data is accurate, high according to the ground and below the ground 76.31, 333 x 296 x 76.31 = 7521724.08 cubic meters, about 0.0075 cubic kilometers

Chinese moon

Foreign name Moon

Alias ​​moon, too yin


Quality of about 7.342 ✕1022 kg

The average density is about 3.344 g / m3

About 3476.28 km diameter

Surface temperature is about -180 to 160 ° C

Escape speed is about 2.4 km / s

Reverse reference rate is about 0.136

The volume is about 2.2 billion cubic kilometers

The surface area is about 38 million square kilometers

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