In addition to stone bricks, he also made all kinds of stone furniture and tools, as if back to the Stone Age, and how to illuminate and see things in caves-combat helmets have always been completely enclosed in metal, without glass, and no observation ports. By detecting and scanning, the computer builds a holographic scene.

This scene can be completely restored, and various light intensities can be adjusted. From the humid light and shadow of the seaside sunset to the distorted light and shadow environment of the heat wave in the desert, it can be made. This means that the cave like this underground garage can be above the sea. The sun can also be the sun in the desert.

It's just that these extra special effects naturally need to consume extra computing power, and the extra computing means more power consumption, so now Bai Moxie only needs a mechanical dark environment.

The helmet's built-in intelligence and detection are not powerful enough. The detection of the power suit can penetrate hundreds of meters of rock formations. In the world of Tongtian Tower, it was used countless times when exploring the maze of father and son in the mountains.

The helmet detection cannot go over obstacles. As far as the human eye can see, it can only see how far it is. It is a basic environmental information acquisition method...and then upgraded with more advanced detection equipment, more advanced intelligence analysis equipment, Or go directly to the battlefield LAN and share intelligence links. Then there is more than holographic sun light and shadow. The enemy will show you through. From the preview line to the enemy outline, the information provided is rich enough, let alone hiding in the mountains for several kilometers. , The flow of blood in the enemy's body in the blood vessels can be holographically established for you.

Of course, now Bai Moxie can't use it, the basic functions of the helmet are enough, and it saves electricity, not more than an LED flashlight.

At the same time, helmets used in combat and in space are planned for the final human safety agreement. The neck is cut off to save only the brain, and the brain is left alone to escape for the whole body to regenerate. At this time, the situation is definitely the case of the loss of the energy package , So the helmet comes with a thermoelectric generator, which can work even with low voltage and rare electronics. It's not like power armor and power suits. It can't move without an energy supply package.

The helmet comes with a multi-functional electronic storage device, which can easily store electrons without the high voltage of the energy supply package to meet the basic operation.So Bai Moxie no longer brought light bulbs, portable probes, thermometers and other survival equipment.

In the construction of the mountain, the experience of digging the mountain was not enough at the beginning, and the posture was wrong at the beginning, which wasted a lot of time and energy.

The five tactical daggers were grouped together in the form of long rods at first. When digging with a shovel, they were not easy to apply force. After changing the angle and combining them into two short stabs, they were much easier to use. Rock uses stab-like kung fu moves, and can easily sweep the gravel residue behind him.

It is easy to say that in the future, human beings will not be Yu Gong moving the mountain. With the same time of digging in the mountain, Bai Moxie can manually level the mountain with his powerful physical attributes—it is actually more troublesome to deal with the dug out rubble. Handling, in the absence of suitable handling tools, it is not a waste of a little bit of man-hours than just digging forward.

Except for the one-kilometer-long vertical passage from the top of the mountain to the bottom of the mountain, the base of the mountain is only 50 meters long, which leads diagonally to the surface and is an entrance and exit located in a hidden part of the ravine.

The vertical passage is a deep well, which is dug in three hours at a time. The method of gravel processing is to cut large pieces directly and throw them online. Every 100 meters, a 10 square meter ring platform is opened to store the stones dug up from below. Blocks, in this way, there is a temporary storage platform every 100 meters. When one platform is full, throw it to the upper level. The top one is thrown directly out of the hole, and the gravel at the bottom is thrown on five times.

It was very easy for Bai Moxie to throw a 20 kg stone 100 meters above it vertically.

And the reason why he threw it up in five times is because after digging 500 meters, Bai Moxie changed direction and dug from bottom to top-first into the ravine, dig a channel that is diagonally downward and then turned horizontally, which is the future At the entrance and exit, the passage arrives directly under the vertical passage, and then stab upwards vertically, and the efficiency will rise——

This is the optimal construction plan given by the main design based on the current situation of Bai Moxie. Although digging down was a relaxed and pleasant experience at first, after digging 500 meters downwards, dropping the stones vertically upwards, the physical energy consumption would not be worth the loss. It is better to open another thoroughfare directly below, anyway, sooner or later, the flat base space must be dug, and the entrance and exit channels should be dug first, and then expanded to the surrounding area without delaying the general project.

Because the stone cutting tool is sharp, when digging up, Bai Moxie does not cut large pieces, but breaks it like a mixer, leaving only the size of a fist...A power suit with a helmet, two feet against the rock wall , Make a hole up, do not evade the falling gravel, and dig iron all the way.

The rubble fell on a large raft-a two-meter-long and one-meter-wide transport slab made by Bai Moxie, so that after the rubble is piled up, it can be towed away at one time, which is the exit ramp. It's steep for sixty degrees, so you have to use another raft to push it up...

In the world of Tongtian Pagoda, no matter it is Niqiluna or whoever, in a power suit with a weapon, it is easy and pleasant to dig the mountain. They can dig as fast as they can walk and run.

That was when there was additional power provided by the power suit. Now there is no additional power. Bai Moxie relies purely on the basic strengthening of the body. It is the limit to dig a vertical deep well in three hours. It took three bowls of sauce to relieve it.

The rush to dig this well was mainly due to the urgent need for electricity.In addition to the wilderness and mountains, the choice of this mountain is also because of the metal content of the rock in this mountain. For his personal use, it is endless, and it is a good mine.

With stable electricity, food can at least be stable. Although the cooking function can produce energy particles without nano-biological robots, it is more than enough to supplement bio-energy, but the nano-robots in the human body are a consumable and a main design. The terminal part of the health system is now in an unknown biosphere. Without knowing what kind of microbial disasters will occur, maintaining the content of nanorobots in the body is a responsible attitude towards oneself towards this ecological planet.

At least let the nano-robot eliminate the confirmed flora in its body that is harmful to this ecosystem, adapt to this ecosystem, and avoid the tragedy of Dongdongke Black Star-although the civilization on that planet is for other reasons, in the final analysis It was destroyed by the third type of contact.

In short, it is to hold a more civilized world, take a responsible attitude, first manage yourself, and then take other actions after you understand the world. Self-sufficiency is the first step.In addition to preventing the biological crisis caused by the invasion of alien microbes, the manufacture of bio-nanobots has a more urgent and direct purpose.

In this way, relying on the foundation to strengthen the body, high-intensity excavation of the mountain, in the absence of auxiliary power, the physical wear is very terrible, after all, the inner body does not change the material elements like advanced strengthening, the knee is still the knee, and the muscle fiber is still muscle. Fiber...Basic reinforcement is just under the original carbohydrate framework, squeezing the potential to the limit.

The meaning of "basic" in "basic strengthening" does not mean low-level, elementary, or basic, but refers to the basic elements that make up the human body structure.The corresponding advanced level is actually relative to the "basic raw materials", so there is no "intermediate", "superior" or "super" reinforcement, because as long as it is not a basic composition, it belongs to the advanced category.

Regardless of Taqina's long and slender hands, she can squeeze water out of her smooth and delicate hands. She can smash mountain walls with her bare hands. She doesn't worry about hurting her muscles or bones, and she won't even wear out her hands. Bai Moxie won't work. , The whole body of the power suit was put on and started work, otherwise it would be covered with flesh and blood when it hits it casually.

This is the case for the outer skin and the inside. The damage to the lower tissues is completely repaired by nano-robots. If it is not for the bio-nano-robots in the body, Bai Moxie would have to lie down in pain all over the body within an hour.

Now three hours later, the concentration of bio-nanobots in the body has fallen near the danger line.If you don't add it in time, you will lose the protection of the bodyguard elf.

Therefore, in essence, the digging of the mountain consumes bio-nano-robots. If the project is not supplemented in time, it will not be possible to proceed. To produce nano-robots, the most important thing is to need electricity to drive the nano-manufacturing machine.

So the first thing in such a hurry is to dig a deep vertical well, mainly for the purpose of installing generators. Starting from primitive people lighting a fire, the process of civilization is the process of energy development and utilization-digging a mountain and sweating Bai Moxie , There is no more time to realize this more deeply than this moment.

Look at the vertical and horizontal coordinates of the map, let the helmet project a horizontal line on the retina, and calibrate the cave space coordinates. When there is no energy to use, there is no mechanical energy to operate, then you can only rely on your own hands to get enough food and clothing.

The immediate goal is to achieve industrial automation.After receiving the extraordinary regular contact, the sector fleet finally dispatched. Wei Fei personally went out and acted under the fleet. Without the battlefield of Bai Moxie, the Veronica enemy group had a fierce exchange of fire with the Imperial fleet. She has not yet completed the transformation. The battleship was able to retreat, and Ms. Pei presided over the follow-up debugging work——

On this timeline, the transfer back to the galaxy was naturally informed by Concubine Wei. When Mo Weiyi was in a hurry, he could immediately mobilize the fleet and fire the guns. This was considered to have obtained official acquiescence. After all, he talked with Bai Moxie." Alliance" clause.

But this time, it seems that due to the disappearance of Baishang and Bai Moxie, after the 13th, the Veronica enemy group retreated with the advantage of anti-matter stealth information warfare, and the battleship battle returned to the information search stage.

After all, the enemy group had been completely exposed before, and they had fought Moweiyi in close hands.

The enemies are obviously savvy people, it would be silly to use their stealth advantage to go head-to-head with the Galactic Empire.

So after breaking away from the exchange of fire with Moweiyi, and hiding where he didn't know, he kept sending out scanning probes to show his existence, which was disturbing until the end of the Imperial fleet.

Here the Galactic Empire fleet can't go to the Dirac Sea, can't cure the remnants of the Old Republic in the anti-matter world, and can't cure the remnants of the galaxy.

Even if the enemy has the next-generation technological advantage, the empire is crushed by the absolute number advantage, fighting for a small loss to get started with Veronica's enemy. Although he is passive, he still plays back and forth, and the galaxy is full of liveliness.

In Bai Moxie's eyes, everything is fine.As for whether or not to keep the declaration of "the world is not armed" in front of the people of the world, Bai Moxie can't worry about it.

What he is worried about is the construction of the second base.

Different from digging a production base in the wilderness, the observation base that started construction on the 19th was only three kilometers away from the nearest road, and the nearest cottage was five kilometers away. Because the construction was on the top of the mountain, the echo was amplified in the mountains. If you can't throw stones or crushed stones casually, your work efficiency will drop a lot.

It took him three days to build the production base. After selecting the two stone mountains on the 15th, he started construction on the one that was directly far away. From the 15th to the 18th, he digged all the mountains in the mountains. Come out to breathe, go back to the drop point and take a look at the portable equipment that runs automatically in the simple wooden shed. The cleaned wild fruit dipping sauce will replenish energy...

Bai Moxie left the production base and went to the site of the observation base selected on the 15th. When the construction officially started, it was already on the 19th. It is expected to be completed on the 25th, which will take twice as long as the production base.

Why it took so much time, of course, is because "home" is more carefully built than a factory.

The house in the mountain, a stone loft luxury apartment, was Bai Moxie’s childhood dream. It was not that he had the concept of buying a house since he was a child, but after reading and understanding the concept of "loft", he realized that it was like a playground. The structure is very interesting, and it is an interesting playground for everyone from Xiaohai to adults.

In my previous journey through life, I used to subconsciously repeatedly build out the loft house structure occasionally. The open floor below can be seen from the second-story platform. A side staircase connects up and down, making it unhappy to jump up and down.

And this time, I used all my architectural talents and spatial imagination to create a third floor, with an additional negative floor under the first floor.In the center of the ground floor of the first floor, a large circular hole is opened, covering a large area of ​​18 square meters. It is an indoor patio, and the new floor below can be seen.

A hollow spiral stone staircase spirals all the way from the first floor to connect the second and third floors. If there is a chandelier, Bai Moxie will hang a string in the middle of the spiral staircase to illuminate the upper and lower floors.Unlike the production base, the vertical shaft on the top of the mountain is the only entrance to the observation base. It is a 10-meter-long horizontal connecting passage that connects the shaft to the first floor of the loft. The connecting passage is blocked by a boulder as the last door.

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