Starship Girl Express

Chapter 584 - The Eleventh Dimensional Space-Time War

The Imperial Fleet side naturally discovered this after the first round of flush fire was completed, and accordingly stopped concentrating fire, but it was impossible to just let target 713 finish slipping away stealthily, so it kept three to five General Starships maintaining a rotation of fire, always uninterrupted, keeping the coordinates in position while not letting the enemy ships feel at ease to make their next move.

The most basic conservation of energy, I'll come over with full transcendental strikes, you have to take out an equal amount of energy for full defense, active and passive power field shields, and deflection attacks can't be achieved out of thin air. So it's reasonable to say that 30 transcendental strikes is 30 times the amount of energy Target 713 can put out on its own, and in common sense, Target 713 should just turn into cosmic particles and spread into a plasma nebula.

5:64, only 1 minute of firefight, it seems that the Imperial side should have discovered the fact that the antimatter shield can't really be infinite energy, the protective layer is really getting thicker and thicker, becoming invincible, this is after all a positive matter world, the continuous output of antimatter energy itself is a huge burden, as long as the cumulative energy, let it overload, exceed the limit, it will be finished itself.

Don't look at the dark energy protection layer is getting thicker and thicker, while acting as a thick armor to protect target 713, it is also a cage of restraint, constantly shooting, target 713 has no time to digest and disintegrate the dark energy, accumulating, reaching a certain critical point, breaking through the threshold, it will self-destruct under the mass effect.

Time has passed 31 minutes, after confirming that target 713 will not make a mess again, Malvyi decided to teleport to pick up her husband, the estimated time has passed 1 minute, if you do not go to the neutron star side, I'm afraid it will be too late.

Malvoy: "Calling the fleet, Malvoy, calling the fleet."

Communication from the Imperial Fleet side: "Firefly Hatchery State of Affairs Response Force received."

Malvoy: "I'll be transmitting to Neutron Star next, sector 6, target 713 is in the full hands of your forces."

Imperial Fleet: "Roger from our side, Commander-in-Chief wishes your army success."

Malvyi: "Roger, next regular communication is scheduled for ...... 1 ......iaz ......"

Imperial Fleet: "Malvyi command, feed ...... signal ......mowl ......"

The military communications of the Cool Machine to Galactic Network were suddenly interrupted, and the data sharing with the Imperial Fleet was interrupted at the same time. Malvoy, who was inside the power armor, turned on the scanning probe on his equipment to scan the surrounding asteroid belt at once, although he could only scan a 20,000 km section, it was at least better than not seeing anything at all.

The next second the missile came, is to attack the fixed target of the folded warhead, comes with a cosmic fighter kind of folded engine, it is difficult to threaten the moving target, ships with close combat defense, but hit the fixed target without interception ability, that is a hit and miss.

Warheads are naturally not nuclear bombs this kind of cosmic weapons of limited lethality, to be in the vast cosmic environment, release enough energy to cause considerable destruction, in addition to antimatter annihilation reaction, outside the better choice of a bunch, depending on the purpose of combat ...... And now will throw missiles towards the Malvoy enemy, is undoubtedly target 713 their gang, and they are also a master of playing antimatter.

So in the space rock to detect the end of the guided warhead the first time, Jasmine Vey identified its energy destruction of the antimatter bomb, the current body power armor maneuvering, armed capacity, are not enough to deal with, change the universe fighter over can also consider intercepting or fleeing, however, now their choice, there is only transmission ......

However, the thing that shocked Malvai was that when the data that had been prepared was sent to Lab B, the transmission array did not move at all, or to be more precise, the transmission array moved and started to operate, but the one that did not move was on her own side, and what appeared around her was not a "door", and there was no transmission event!

With just a few seconds of delay, the sublight warhead has reached the head, entered the damage radius, and the warhead exploded ......

The violent energy impact, and did not push the asteroid belt space rock, heat-based energy, does not have mechanical energy, can not do work to make space rock displacement, can only heat the space rock, and the iron and silicon atoms that make up the space rock, when empowered to a certain strength, atomic kinetic energy is greater than the binding energy between atoms, the atoms will fly out freely.

Now the physical phenomenon happening in front of Malvyi, it looks like countless space rocks were blown up into particles by the warhead, but did not hit the surrounding space rocks, because the whole area of space rocks at the same time are blown up into particles, more direct plasma than sublimation, 300 million kilometers of the asteroid belt was blown up by this explosion, it looks like a fry was bitten down on a big bite.

Without any light and shadow effects, quietly closed eyes open eyes, the terrain and environment changed, only those who are in the middle of it, can cut the kind of energy in the wave of energy, like grains of sand powerlessness ...... but at least can be sure that it is indeed an antimatter missile.

It was a weapon used in close combat against slow-moving planetary strongholds, firing tens of thousands or billions of rounds at a time, a ball of Class X metal blown to smithereens, but the structure absolutely finished.

Likewise, in theory, a single soldier level ten metal is only equivalent to a battleship level five, a shot of antimatter missiles should be completely wiped out unable to send Mal Vaiyi, however Mal Vaiyi as a super brain, or endless war heroes of the existence of the war, the current situation a summary analysis of induction, and then out of a bunch of feasible options to pick the most appropriate to implement, the whole process than the missile explosion to spend less time.

The response plan chosen by Malvoy was very simple, although not sure why she couldn't teleport anymore, but it was known that it was still possible to contact the Cool Machine one-on-one on the Militus, the teleportation could be up and running, Lab B was still under control, and the main reason why teleportation couldn't be done was because there was some kind of disturbance in the perimeter that made the door unstable.

If the machine had started up properly, the door would have been open, but the discrepancy with experience was so great that it was not even recognized as a portal at first, leading Malvai to believe that the door was not open.

Then how unstable, leading to the first reaction is the door is not open, can not describe the super-brain analysis, can only image a metaphor, was open entrance and exit, now becomes a layer of flesh grating exit, all sharp blade, low entropy substances through the unknown after what will become.

So, although people can't walk this door, but itself is a disorderly energy turbulence to go, then it doesn't matter - Malvai directly to their own energy all sent away, can't be precisely located, can only in the power armor outer layer within ten centimeters, open a circle of membrane, through the energy, naturally, was sent directly to the Miletus military berth over there.

The conditions of phase transfer is very harsh, among them, the test model can only be transmitted when located in the transport array object, although later it was gradually discovered that does not need to be located strictly in the "field" within the physical space location, can use technical means to expand to a certain range around, but still can not be separated from the transport array for transmission.

So before sending Bai Mo Wu and Bai Gotham to the neutron star, it was through two gates, one from the Ying Chu Yuan to the vicinity of the Militis, and one from the vicinity of the Militis to the neutron star, the two gates were stacked together, and it looked like they were directly to the neutron star.

However, now facing the energy turbulence impact, too chaotic to open multiple gates, the first teleportation transfer attack, inexperienced, Malvai can only throw the energy to the side of the Militantes, and let the military port there to digest and deal with.

So in the energy turbulence, it wasn't that Malvay was being jolted and rushed, she was stationary relative to the center of the star field, and the entire asteroid belt was being shaken by the energy shock, so relative to the local coordinates, Malvay was shifting violently.

In appearance physical appearance, Malvai again open hand to block the missiles used to fight against the planet fortress, the wind blows away the sand dunes, and finally she is left alone on the empty earth.

This was again the first time, without any defensive test, direct combat, using phase shift defense successfully, let Malvai breathe a sigh of relief, at the same time now she can confirm one thing - the enemy strength really strong, in all aspects. Her side was constantly learning and studying the enemy to figure out how to deal with it, and the enemy was constantly studying her side to figure out how to target it-.

They apparently observed earlier, when she teleported with her husband to the Florescent Beginnings, that the residual interference of the phase shift counteracted the antimatter field of the hundredth moth's best move. Since the phase shift could affect the antimatter effect, the antimatter effect, naturally, could also affect the phase shift in turn.

The interference was mutual.

Previously disconnecting Malvoy's network communications was part of the normal application of their next generation information warfare, and interfering with her transmissions was clearly a countermeasure that had just been researched, and the response plan was now ......

Malvoy was floating in an empty space, pondering what to do next in response to the other side's response, when suddenly an open radio frequency band came in-.

"You shaped who we are now, drove us into the abyss, survived purgatory in pain, lived in despair, and were reborn as believers in Nirvana."

Using the power armor's auxiliary propulsion pack, Malvoy began to slowly displace while adjusting her communications equipment to dial into this familiar band: "Who are you. Why do you know this band. Say I shaped you?"

The helmet air environment, simulating sound waves through the speakers, sounded to the ears of an arrogant and cool female voice.

"An allegorical poem is just that, this 'you' is you, God, the Creator, the place of birth, the ultimate destination, or whatever, it's quite irrelevant."

"Irrelevant, then why are you telling me this. You're somewhere."

"Ha, that's not good oh, revealing that you can't track my location based on this primordial wave."

"...... So what if I meant to ask that? To paralyze you?"

"Hahaha! That purple heretic is actually lying now? Love really can make a foolish wood change into a man?!"

"Don't talk as if you know me well."

In fact, the tone of Malvoy's tone is indeed very mechanically dry, the question tone without change of tone, completely without any additional emotional redundant information, into the previous kind of work on the battlefield ...... fighting to death is just work, war preparation, claiming the enemy, taking over the enemy, engagement, aftermath, so mechanical like reciprocal cycle operation.

Just when being cross-examined, there was a slight fluctuation in tone ......

A light and cool female voice: "Familiar, how do you want to put it, familiar and unfamiliar, I'm sort of your mother?"

"Well?!" This time Malvoy's heart fluctuated even more, and his eyes gleamed, "Veronica!"

"Back then, Pavillion, when William Liu took me on a tour of the mother factory, you were still floating around in the culture module with no hair, this turn of events, but now you're a big girl ah ...... I've always wanted to meet you and talk... ...You decided your social identity as female all because of 'him'?"

"You're on target 713? No, the energy burst over there reached the eleventh dimension, there's no way this kind of primitive radio communication can be connected, you're escape pods cloaked away from target 713. It should be a frigate, your escort ship is cloaked."

"Surely you don't listen to people, why should I answer you if you don't answer my questions?"


"Let's make it so, we'll exchange equals, one question for you, one question for me. First, let me answer you - yes, I'm Veronica, the provider of the core technology for your country's 'Woodheart' superbrain system, and I was the technical representative of the Great O'Halloran Republic when it went to Pavelion... ...We'd love to, we've both ditched our past names, except you ditched the original name 'Woodheart' and I'm using the original name 'Veronica' back in the hyperbrain system."

"He prefers the name 'Malvoy'."

"Ooh, does that answer me? ...... I see, it's all about 'him' now, looks like it's hard for us to have anything in common, if I could have known your current strength, I should have found a way to get in touch with you in the first place. "

"No chance, hubby has been with Jasmine since the very beginning, you guys ...... have been enemies since the very beginning."

"Hahaha! Indeed, indeed, we who catch lab rats look like your enemies! So to answer your question - 'Target 713' is the name given to my ship, right? I'll switch to a frigate to evacuate target 713 when I detect your 'transient' presence ...... Your kind of transient tactics will change the war, and without symmetrical means, being posted by you solo, that's the only way to end up with a passive beating until destruction. ."

Malvoy corrects seriously: "It's not 'instantaneous movement' it's 'teleportation'."

Veronica: "Does it really matter if you tell the enemy your internal nomenclature?"

Malvoy: "It's your turn to answer the question."

Veronica: "You said this yourself, not my question, right, is the 'Eagle of the Republic' such a scoundrel?"

"...... "Malvyi did the spacewalk like the astronauts of old, relying on displacement to check the strength of electromagnetic signals in space, "So what do you want to know? Confidential matters I will not speak of."

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