StarCraft In the Palm of Your Hand

Chapter 185: Mercenary Alliance Investigation Team

"Follow me, sir... I don't know if this will work... It's too abrupt, it always feels like a dream, but... I will try my best to do it!" Katerina's words sounded unassuming, but the meaning contained in it The determination is firm.

"it is good."

Yang Ying doesn't know how stubborn the first emotional order is, and whether an order can make it contradict itself, but even if it can't be done overnight, as long as Katerina stays by his side, there will be enough time and opportunity. Get rid of her heart knot.

"Let's take our time." Yang Ying reached out and grabbed Katerina's hand, gradually approaching her.

"Sir, what do you want to do?" Katerina turned her flushed cheeks aside, and leaned back slightly.

"Love has two aspects. I won't stand by and watch you struggle to overcome emotional orders alone. I will help you too." Yang Ying kissed her on the cheek.

Katerina's heart was pounding, and at this moment, she felt her hands were loosened.

"Let's do this for today." Yang Ying said.

"Okay...Okay, sir." Katerina was extremely confused. At the same time, she felt that her feet were a little soft, so she stretched out her hand to support the table on one side.

She felt an object in her hand.

Turning his head, he saw that it was Yang Ying's communicator, and there was still the communication number from Randolph on it.

Katerina picked up the communicator, held it in her hand, and asked Yang Ying, "Sir, what should I do with Miss Wen? This contact number..."

"Contact Wen Jing?" Yang Ying thought for a while and said, "For the time being, it's better not to do this. I don't know what she thinks. Contacting her rashly may cause misunderstanding."

"But, maybe, Miss Wen is waiting for your contact now..." Katerina said in a mosquito-like voice.

"What are you talking about? I can't hear clearly." Yang Ying put his ear close to him as if playing a mischief.

Katerina suddenly became shy, and said in a smaller voice: "I said, what should I do if Miss Wen also likes the officer..."

"Speak louder." Yang Ying pressed even more.

"Stop talking!" Katerina blushed and shouted into Yang Ying's ear.

She said she was shouting, but her voice was soft, that is, it was a little louder than normal speaking.

Yang Ying stepped back a little and said, "I understand now. Wen Jing's attitude is indeed a problem."

"What did you hear?" Katerina couldn't laugh or cry.

"If she expects me to contact her, I can't do that anymore. As I said before, I can't accept a natural person sharing my secret. Wen Jing is a natural person." The communication number disappeared and was hung on his waist again.

"Perhaps, the officer should clarify with her." Katerina said softly.

"Make it clear? How do you say it? What if she's not interested in me?" Yang Ying shook her head and said, "A person who is not interested in you specially contacted and said, 'Give up, I won't like you, I have a girlfriend', wouldn't it? Are you looking for a draw?"

"It's quite possible. A girl has self-respect." Katerina nodded. Hearing that Yang Ying said she was his girlfriend, she felt sweet.

"So, let's put it aside for the time being and talk about it later." Yang Ying said in conclusion.

The two were silent for about ten seconds.

"Sir, it's time to open the door." Katerina pointed to the door of the command room that had been closed for a long time.

"Indeed, I just came back from Worrell. A lot of things have accumulated in the base, so it's time to start working." Yang Ying said with a smile, and then he returned to his desk, picked up Kalia, and brought it into the command room The documents began to be reviewed.

And Katerina was shy, and quickly smoothed all the folds of her clothes, and then checked around in the command room. After making sure that there were no traces left, she came to the control panel next to the gate and pressed the door open button.

As soon as the door opened, Katerina saw three people standing in front of the door, Kalia, Randall, and a man in a general's uniform.

The person whose military rank is displayed as a major general is none other than Major General Howard, the captain of the Behemoth-class battlecruiser.

However, the behemoth-class battlecruiser has not yet been produced, so Howard can only command one heavy cruiser for the time being.

Although Katerina knew clearly that the door of the command room had excellent sound insulation, unless there was an explosion inside, people outside would never hear anything, but her heart was still beating violently, afraid that everyone in front of her would make fun of her.

But this kind of thing didn't happen. Randall and Howard walked in without saying anything, and Kalia left quietly when the door opened.

Seeing Randall and Howard coming in, Yang Ying asked, "What's the matter?"

As a major general, Howard is two ranks higher than Colonel Randall, so he first said: "Report sir, the crews of the three heavy cruisers have all been trained, and the three heavy cruisers are ready to be used at any time. I have entered the crew list. It has a computer and can be used by the officer for inquiries at any time."

"I see, is there anything else?" Yang Ying asked.

"One more thing." Howard said in a calm tone, "According to our performance test of the heavy cruisers, we believe that the combat effectiveness of these three heavy cruisers can still be tapped, but if they encounter artillery battles from large enemy forces, For example, if the enemy's firepower is more than double that of ours, it may be difficult to do it."

"The battle cruiser has not been finished yet, and I have wronged you by asking you to use the heavy cruiser, but for the time being, this is the only way to go. You will have your battle cruiser in a year and a half." Yang Ying first gave Howard a comfort, and then laughed Said, "The enemy's firepower is more than doubled, so doesn't the enemy need at least six heavy cruisers?"

"Yes, with the combat quality of my crew, we are 80% sure of fighting the battleships in the asteroid belt." Howard nodded.

"This is already a very good result." Yang Ying said with satisfaction, "We didn't expect the heavy cruisers to take the lead. If there is a war, we will try our best to arrange for the ghost fighters to deal with the situation of more than six heavy cruisers. Basically impossible."

"Thank you, sir, then I will take my leave first," Howard said.

"Go." Yang Ying said.

Howard saluted, turned and left.

"Where's Randall?"

"The situation is like this..."

After the relationship between Yang Ying and Katerina was confirmed, the two did not deliberately publicize or conceal it, because they were much closer in daily life than in the past, and they were quickly seen by others.

The people in the base are all from the clone production line, and they are all sincerely happy with the development of the relationship between the chief and Katerina. During this time, Katerina walked in the base, and the return rate was almost 100%. Especially those medical soldiers under her, as soon as they saw her appear, they surrounded her and asked her some difficult questions. She was a little shy at first, but she gradually got used to it within a few days.

A week later, the investigation team sent by the Mercenary Alliance came to Gray Harbor, intending to review the promotion qualifications of the Telan Mercenary Group.

Due to the war that happened not long ago, the number of people in Gray Harbor has decreased by about half compared to the past, so the port also appears to be much more empty.

An alliance official spacecraft gradually leaned against the trestle, and after it came to a stop, a closed gangway was connected to the cabin door, and then the cabin door opened, and more than 30 people wearing mercenary alliance uniforms walked out of the spacecraft.

The leader, a white-haired old man, said to the people behind him: "Remember what I told you, this time it's okay to be careless this time. The most important thing is to complete the task safely. Don't be as harsh as you are dealing with those mercenary groups who are not up or down. I know You all have some old problems of eating cards, but this Telan mercenary group is not a soft persimmon. The five large forces will be destroyed as soon as they say it. If you commit a crime and fall into their hands, the alliance will not be able to keep you. You know. Is it?"

"Understood." Everyone replied weakly.

The white-haired old man frowned, and amplified his voice again: "Pay attention to me, show some energy, and answer again, do you understand?"

"Understood!" Their voices rang a lot.

Although the white-haired old man was still dissatisfied, there was nothing he could do. He shook his head and turned around to walk outside the trestle bridge, thinking to himself: "These guys better not make trouble, I am a mere senior officer, not as high-ranking as the committee members." High weight, if they get into trouble, maybe I will be brought to Chiyu."

At the back of the line, a strong man complained softly: "It's unlucky, this time I was sent to this place where there is no oil and water. .”

"Shh, I don't want to live anymore." A short man beside him said, "You want to make money Don't even think about how the five major forces were wiped out, and you want to make money in Gray Harbor! Barrow, Isaac, and Three Eyes are all big figures who have been in the asteroid belt for decades. Even they all died outside the Gray Harbor. With this little ability, you want to do things that even they can't do ?"

"Old Barrow, Isaac, Three Eyes..." The strong man shuddered when he thought of these once shining names like stars.

The short man still refused to let him go: "Especially Old Barrow, even the combined fleet of Somali and Shapolang couldn't stop him from escaping, but he still died in the hands of the Telan Mercenary Group, and there were other large Small and medium-sized forces, as long as they are outside the Gray Harbor, they can't escape even a fly, and they are all finished. Just think about how terrifying this mercenary group must be."

A fat man next to him also said with a mysterious face: "I heard that they have the strength of a super mercenary group. Just think about it, Somalia is a super pirate group, and Shapolang is also the most powerful among the large pirate groups. Even their None of the combined fleets could kill the old bus, allowing some of the blood skeletons to escape, but the combined fleets of the five major forces outside of Gray Harbor, even on top of the original blood skeletons, can kill them all, and can do it How could this kind of thing be just a large mercenary group."

The short man nodded and said, "If you want me to say, just promote them to the super mercenary group."

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