StarCraft In the Palm of Your Hand

Chapter 173: acquaintance visit

The night sky of Worrell is slightly different from other space cities. From time to time, there will be meteors streaking across the sky with flame tails, and they will appear in all directions. The frequency is so high that thousands of them can be seen almost every night. It embellishes the sky of Vorrell with incomparable vitality, making the peaceful universe poetic.


If you look carefully with an astronomical telescope, you will find that these meteors are actually Sibei products. They often turn in the sky, or spiral and roll, and run out of strange curves.

Because these "shooting stars" are actually fighter planes!

Worrell not only trains ground troops, but also trains pilots and crews. There are tens of thousands of trainer planes in the city alone, and there are no less than half a million pilots who can go to the sky!

Mercenaries are not divided into professional arms like the regular army. Most of the battles mercenaries encounter are small-scale and extremely sudden battles. Sometimes they have no chance to choose the weapons they are good at, and they can only use whatever is around them. .

As a mercenary, especially those who hope to live longer and earn a high income, they must know a little about various weapons, including guns and ammunition, as well as aircraft and tanks.

When a mercenary just started learning to fly, he would not be allowed to fly a fighter plane directly. They must first pass the training in the simulated cockpit and complete the pilot course before they are qualified to fly a real fighter plane.

In the barracks where Yang Ying lived, there was a building for training pilots, with a thousand simulated cockpit seats for the mercenaries trained in the barracks to train their flying skills.

After dinner, Yang Ying sent two ghost agents to that building to try Vorrell's pilot course to see how capable the pilots trained by Vorrell were.

When he was resting in the room, the communicator in the barracks rang.

He turned on the communicator and saw the figure of a soldier appearing on the screen. When he saw Yang Ying, he immediately saluted and said loudly: "Your Excellency Yang Ying, this is the porter, Barches of the Kusen Corps." Miss and her bodyguard want to see you, I wonder if you want to see them."

"Let them in," Yang Ying said.

"I obey, Your Excellency!" The soldier seemed to regard it as a great honor to speak with Yang Ying, and his tone revealed a strong sense of pride.

After the communication was hung up, Ka Terina came over and said with a smile: "I'm still thinking about when will Her Royal Highness Princess Kusen come. She's a little later than I thought."

She and Christina have never lost contact, and they often talk on the communicator. The personal relationship between the two is very good.

Christina is the representative of the Kusen Corps stationed in the Mercenary Alliance. She works in the Alliance Building in Worrell on weekdays. She is well-informed. In addition, the Cuson Corps and the Telan Mercenary Corps are allies, so it is easy I found out that Yang Ying was in this barracks.

After a while, a magnetic car stopped at the gate of the barracks, and Christina and bodyguard Shiro came out.

Katerina came to the door to wait for them, and led them into the room.

After everyone met and greeted each other a few words, they got to the point. Yang Ying asked about the recent situation of the Kusen Corps. Christina said: "Since the Tran Mercenary Corps killed the five major forces in the first battle, our life has been much easier. We used to deal with the large mercenary groups around us, and we didn't have enough confidence. For example, there are several core members of the large mercenary groups who always come to Kusen to eat the king's meal under various pretexts, and even harassed female tourists. All of them have a lot of bad deeds. Although we have arrested them several times, it is difficult to stand firm when their backers come to ask for someone. The large mercenary group came to ask for people, and they have always let people go and reconciled."

"So there is such a thing." Yang Ying became more and more sure that it was a wise move to kill the old mayor.

"However, since the news of the annihilation of the five major forces in the Battle of Gray Harbor spread throughout the asteroid belt, we, as allies of the Telan Mercenary Corps, have gained the Tao alone." Christina said with a smile, "Those large The core members of the mercenary group have settled all the bills for all the overlord meals they ate in the past few days, and their backstage said that they will never set foot on Kusen's land again."

"It's fine if you don't come?" Katerina said, "If you want me to say, this kind of people must make them pay for what they have done, a promise to write off the past, Christina, you are too kind. "

"How can we just let it go like this." Christina said, "I haven't finished talking yet. For this matter, I went to Roland in your Kusen office and sent an entrustment, asking him to help us get these guys Give… uh… that…”

"Which one?" Katerina asked puzzled.

"I can't say it. Anyway, it's not a word that a lady should hang on her lips." Christina shook her head.

"Then, speak softly." Katerina leaned over curiously, "You can do it, but you still can't say it?"

"Don't say it." Christina shook her head firmly. She thought for a while, stretched out her right hand and made a cutting motion, and said, "It's this one."

"Killed?" Katerina said disapprovingly, "You are the daughter of the mercenary captain, so there is nothing wrong with that."

"No." Christina lowered her hands a little, reaching her waist, and said softly, "This."

"Hiss..." Katerina took a breath and took a half step back: "This..." She turned her head to look at Yang Ying, wanting to see the officer's reaction to this.

Yang Ying also understood what Christina was talking about. It turned out that she entrusted Roland to send people to **** those who harassed female tourists, and thought to herself, "This woman is so cruel."

However, without showing any expression on his face, he pretended to cough and asked, "What happened next?"

"Later..." Christina continued, "Roland did this very cleanly without leaving any traces. They can't do anything to us, and our backstage is the Telan Mercenary Group, which ranks first below the Super Mercenary Group. , It was the Kusen office of the Telan Mercenary Corps who made the move, and they may not dare to provoke them even if they have evidence."

"Okay, you're just going to bring trouble on us, aren't you?" Katerina whispered in her ear.

Christina suddenly became a little embarrassed, stepped forward to hold her hand, and said repeatedly: "Katrina, you clearly know that I don't mean it, I admit that I played some inappropriate tricks when we first met, But now that you are so powerful, how dare I play tricks? That's why I went directly to Roland and used the method of commissioning to do this matter. If Roland doesn't agree, just refuse the commission."

"She's right." Yang Ying interjected, "Roland agreed to this matter, so naturally he has his reasons. If he doesn't want to participate, he can refuse the entrustment. This matter is simple to say, but it's just... a few people , if you let me say it, it is better to kill it directly, otherwise it will be a disaster to leave a few cripples who hate us."

"Okay, now that the officer has said everything, don't worry anymore." Katerina said with a smile.

Christina nodded and continued: "Now there are several medium-sized mercenary groups planning to join us, presumably because the Kusen Corps is your ally, we are observing them, and if there are no bad intentions, we plan to accept them. .”

"It seems that the Kusen Corps has entered a stable development period." Yang Ying said, he had a new estimate of his influence.

"Actually, compared to us, Le Hai has benefited more." Christina said, "They even lost their only large warship in the Battle of Bosch. Originally, due to a shortage of funds, they could not make up for another ship." However, after the reputation of the Telan Mercenary Group spread, several financial groups contacted the bald head one after another, and offered to provide low-interest loans to restore the vitality of the Le Hai Mercenary Group. I heard that the bald head is recruiting everywhere recently. Just yesterday Bought a light cruiser, still named Le Hai, but more advanced than the original one."

"This is really in line with the saying that one person can achieve the Tao, the chicken and the dog ascend to heaven." Katerina said.

Everyone chatted for a while, Yang Ying asked: "Miss Christina, do you know the news about the Thirteenth Fleet?"

"Of course I know." Christina said, "The news of the Thirteenth Fleet entering the asteroid belt was on the evening news, and all the major news channels in the asteroid belt reported the news. But I knew it before the news was broadcast. In this matter, when the League Committee met in the afternoon, I went to listen in."

Although Christina is not a member of the Alliance Committee, as the representative of the Kusen Corps in the, she is eligible to attend the meeting as a nonvoting observer.

"This is just right. Tell us about the committee's reaction to the new fleet stationed in the asteroid belt." Yang Ying said.

Christina shook her head and said, "Those big bosses were arguing about how to deal with the Thirteenth Fleet. There was no resolution that could be settled in the entire meeting. I don't even remember what the quarrel was about."

"Just say what you can remember." Yang Ying said.

"That's right, you really don't remember anything. Then let me give you a clue. Think about Commissioner Yusuf, Commissioner Hines, and Commissioner Andre. These three commissioners all said at the meeting What happened?" Katerina and Yang Ying went to the training ground together, and she had seen all three committee members with her own eyes.

"These three are big men. Commissioner Yusuf is an old man of the Mercenary Alliance. He has climbed from the grassroots to the current position of committee member step by step. The two commissioners, Hines and Andre, are representatives of the Super Mercenary Group stationed in the Alliance. , the status is still higher than Yusuf, why do you ask them?" Christina asked in surprise.

Katerina briefly talked about what happened in the afternoon.

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