StarCraft In the Palm of Your Hand

Chapter 170: 1 one-sided military exercise

The ghost agent came back before the exercise started, and he also brought a gambling voucher issued on the counter in the tent, a total of two billion, betting on the special forces.

The odds are 1 to 2, that is to say, once the special forces win, in addition to the 2 billion principal, the gaming company will also pay 4 billion in bonuses.

Yang Ying put away the gambling voucher and platinum card.

"Commander Yang Ying, why are you so sure that the special forces will win? Would you like to share with me?" Yousuf was too excited just now, but now he remembered that he hadn't asked Yang Ying how he did it just now. judge.

"Actually, it's nothing. I just met two friends from the special forces team. They are very strong." Yang Ying replied.

"Your two friends are stronger than this subordinate of yours?" Yusuf looked at Agent Ghost, who was shocked by Agent Ghost's movement of squeezing into the crowd just now.

"Better than them." Yang Ying didn't want to say that Qingfengmingyue was an awakened person.

First, he thinks he is not a talkative person. This is Qingfeng and Mingyue's acquaintances. Maybe they haven't exposed the strength of the awakened people in front of the military; secondly, the awakened people generally have their own circles. Yang Ying said that he knew two awakened people, which may make Yusuf guess that he is also an awakened person.

With the attitude that one thing more is worse than one thing less, Yang Ying decided to keep his mouth shut.

At this time, the voice in the field happened to sound again: "The exercise has officially started! Repeat. Repeat, the exercise has officially started!"

Seeing that Yang Ying didn't want to say more, and since the exercise had already started, Yousufu didn't ask any further questions, and turned back to watch the exercise.

In the exercise site, in the special forces base.

Mingyue held Qingfeng who was eager to try, and said: "Don't forget to keep your strength. The old general just let us play for fun. There is no need to use mind power in this kind of low-intensity exercise that is not life-threatening."

"Don't worry, mere 100. I can deal with a mercenary without thinking power. People from the mercenary alliance dare to say that the first-level mercenary is better than the ace special forces. This time I will show them the strength of the ace special forces. By the way Say hello to these mercenaries, our Thirteenth Fleet is here!" Qingfeng said confidently.

At the beginning of the exercise, a total of about 100 special forces rushed out of the base under the leadership of Qingfeng.

Judging from the epaulets on their shoulders, both Qingfeng and Mingyue already have the rank of major, so they are obviously the commanders of this unit.

The terrain of the city in the exercise is intricate, like a maze, divided into two halves centered on the lake. Both sides have their own half of the map, but the enemy's half of the map does not.

Under the leadership of Qingfeng, the special forces had no intention of leaving some troops to guard the main roads. Their tactics were to attack, attack with all members, and win the victory as quickly as possible.

Every time Qingfeng reached an intersection, he chose the correct route without even thinking about it.

This was not the case for the mercenary troops on the other side. After they passed a few intersections, the commander had to take out the map to see if they had gone astray.

"Sigh!" Yusuf shook his head, "The memory of the commander of the special forces is really amazing. He didn't remember a single wrong route for such a complicated route."

The distance from the base to the lake was exactly the same between the two sides, and the breeze was so fast that he led the special forces to the lake first. He jumped into a speedboat by the lake and rushed to the center of the lake with two soldiers.

Since there was only one speedboat, the rest of the troops, led by Mingyue, made a detour to the shore and ran to the opposite side.

When Qingfeng pulled up the flag from the pavilion, the mercenary troop on the other side had just arrived at the lake, and seeing the special forces troop winning the first place, they were furious.

Under the command of the commander, three mercenaries immediately jumped into the speedboat and drove towards the center of the lake.

The rest of the mercenary troops took cover on the spot and began to defend.

"Okay." Yusuf nodded, "The mercenary army left 30% of the people behind to set up a defensive line, so the number of people by the lake is at a disadvantage. It is much better to defend on the spot than to attack rashly."

Qingfeng, who took down the flag from the Huxin Pavilion, got back on the speedboat and rushed forward, looking like he was going to have a showdown with the mercenary speedboat.

When Yusuf saw him, he shook his head and said, "The commander of the special forces is too reckless, and I'm afraid the future will be limited."

"Is the future limited? Maybe you made an empirical mistake." Yang Ying said with a smile.

As soon as the words fell, Qingfeng drew his gun and aimed at the mercenary speedboat and fired three shots in succession.

The laser guns used in the exercise were not lethal, but the referee system faithfully reflected the results and judged that all three mercenaries on the speedboat were killed.

Suddenly, there was an uproar in the stands.

This is not flat ground, but the water surface up and down. The speedboat is shaking and shaking. In this case, it has a 100% critical hit rate on the target on another speedboat hundreds of meters away.

If one shot is still considered luck, and all three shots hit, this kind of marksmanship can be described as ghosts and gods.

"This...good marksmanship." Yousuf thought that Qingfeng was too reckless just now, but when he saw such a precise marksmanship, his heart turned 180 degrees. With such marksmanship, there is really no need to avoid mere three personal interception.

After Qingfeng killed the mercenary's speedboat, he went back and forth on the lake, looking for opportunities to attack, and from time to time fired a shot into the mercenary position on the opposite bank to kill a protruding one.

Yang Ying saw from the screen that the mercenary camp was annoyed by Qingfeng's harassing attack. Under the commander's roar, they got up and attacked the speedboat in the lake at the same time.

For amateur shooters, the distance of hundreds of meters makes them unable to hit anything, but for elite B-rank mercenaries, the hit rate is much higher.

Qingfeng and his two subordinate special forces immediately bowed their heads and hid their whole bodies in the speedboat to avoid the laser light that came like a torrential rain.

Since the power of the laser light was very low, it was impossible to sink the speedboat, but the referee system judged that the speedboat was sunk a few seconds after the speedboat was attacked, and Qingfeng and the other two special forces had to jump into the water immediately.

Continue to stay on the "sunken" speedboat, but foul behavior will be judged as death by the referee system.

Although the mercenaries sank the speedboat, they paid a heavy price. When they got up to attack the speedboat, Mingyue ordered the troops to shoot intensively, killing nearly twenty mercenaries in a few seconds.

In this wave of attacks, Mingyue's marksmanship was also eye-catching, at least five mercenaries were directly "died" by his hands.

"Why are there so many talents in this group of special forces?" Yusuf was very surprised, he turned to Yang Ying and asked, "Could it be that these two major officers with excellent marksmanship are people you know?"

Yang Ying nodded slightly and asked, "Mr. Yusuf, I have a question for you. What are the numbers of the troops my two friends are in?"

"What is their designation? Let me think about it. By the way, it is the First Squadron of the First Squadron of the Special Battalion under the Thirteenth Fleet. As for the Thirteenth Fleet, I have never heard of it before. It is a newly established fleet. The military Our acquaintances gave us some news, saying that this fleet may replace the original Ninth Fleet stationed at the Ceres military base in the asteroid belt." Yusuf replied while thinking.

Ceres is the largest asteroid in the asteroid belt, with a diameter of nearly 1,000 kilometers. This planet has the largest colony of the Earth in the asteroid belt, and the surrounding area is the most tightly controlled by the Earth.

"Will they stay in the asteroid belt?" Yang Ying looked at the battle scene on the screen and said to himself.

"But this is just a rumor. After all, the military has not released an official document. It may or may not be them." Yusuf added.

"The Ninth Fleet has been away for four months. With more and more chaotic battles in the asteroid belt, the military really needs a fleet to come to the asteroid belt as a pinnacle of stability. Otherwise, if something happens here, it may It endangers the supply line at the front line." Yang Ying said.

"Why not?" Yusuf echoed.

While the two were talking, the fight continued.

The mercenaries found out painfully that although Qing Feng, who had perfect marksmanship, was swept into the lake by them, there was another bright moon who was also perfect marksmanship!

Almost every time Mingyue fired a shot, a mercenary was sentenced to death, and the guns were not far from the vitals.

As the distance approached, both sides began to greet each other with grenades. The mercenaries occupied the defensive terrain, while the special forces covered each other. Using the walls on the road as cover, they quickly rushed to the place close to the mercenary defense line.

While the two sides were fighting fiercely, another speedboat on the lake that originally belonged to mercenaries had an accident. A hand stretched out from under the water and grabbed the edge of the speedboat.

Then Qingfeng crawled out of the water, turned around and picked up the two team members from the water, and they occupied the mercenary's speedboat.

It turned out that the three mercenaries on the speedboat were sentenced to death, but the speedboat was still usable.

Qingfeng greeted the three "corpses" on the speedboat who were staring at, then turned the bow of the boat and drove to the opposite lake shore.

Under the attack from both sides of Qingfengmingyue, the mercenary line of defense quickly collapsed, and then retreated to the back line of defense, collapsed again, and continued to retreat.

B-level mercenaries are also elites on the battlefield. Regardless of their physical strength, marksmanship, evasion skills, and attack awareness, they are all outstanding. They are similar to ordinary members of the special forces, and most discerning people can see it.

However, the personal strength of the commander and deputy commander of the special forces is really overwhelming.

Under the cover of the two, the firepower of the entire special forces team was brought into play.

On the other hand, the mercenary troops fought timidly. They were suppressed by the special forces just after a few counterattacks.

After seeing that many mercenaries in the stands left early, they really couldn't stand it anymore.

The entire exercise lasted just over half an hour, and the special forces unit successfully planted the flag at the highest point of the mercenary base, winning the entire exercise.

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