StarCraft In the Palm of Your Hand

Chapter 148: machine gun fire

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At this time, the troops of the Telan Mercenary Group were like a sharp sword, and they plunged into the pirate camp without any hesitation. The pirates on the outskirts of the pirate area were shocked when they saw such an excellent large army, and they couldn't think of defense at all. They could only run or hide.

Some brave ones were upset at the sight of the majestic queue, and planned to surprise the Tran Mercenary Corps with cold shots, but the machine gunners were always paying attention to the surrounding environment, and they could find out in advance every time, and preemptively struck, and a shuttle of bullets passed by , even if the pirates hid behind thick steel plates, they were beaten into a sieve.

The machine gunners are all clones with combat talents, and their minds are filled with combat knowledge. They know clearly which corners are easy to hide in urban street battles, and which places are easy to be sniped.

What's more, the auxiliary aiming system in the power armor can also intelligently judge the hostility of the surrounding people. If someone in the field of vision takes out a gun and points it at the queue, the built-in computer will immediately issue a warning and display the enemy's threat level, direction, distance, etc. Wait for the information, and lock the enemy, display it on the screen, let the machine gunners find it.

The pirate area has a population of about 200,000, of whom only more than 10,000 pirates have actually sailed in the star sea and robbed. Pirate consumption feeds large and small businessmen.

There are also more than a dozen large group companies that fund pirates, sell stolen goods for pirates, and collude with pirates. They also set up their headquarters or offices in the pirate area.

People who live in the pirate area are inextricably linked to pirates even if they are not pirates.

As the troops marched, dozens of magnetic motorcycles carried messengers to deliver information to the leaders of various forces in the pirate area, and at the same time, countermeasures and orders were sent back to dozens of pirate strongholds.

The troops rushed through the four streets without any danger, and finally met organized resistance.

"Hey, that's..." Yang Ying was dressed in a ghost agent costume and used a visual sensor to zoom in on the scene ahead, only to see dozens of figures suddenly appearing on the roofs of the buildings on both sides of the road ahead, holding laser guns in their hands. Several people were still carrying bazookas in their hands, aiming at the street.

"Fight!" In an instant, the firepower of both sides was fully fired!

Then the battle is over!

Opening the way at the forefront of the troops are giant robots. The 20mm Gauss cannons in their hands are overwhelmingly powerful. The thick armor on their bodies prevents the laser light from having any effect at all. A few strafing shots knocked off the roofs of the buildings on both sides. Turns out, the advanced assisted aiming system can quickly lock the rocket flying in the air, and it can be blown up the moment the rocket leaves the launch tube!

All the pirates on the top of the building were captured by the targeting system, and all of them were smashed to pieces by the Gaussian cannon. If they were concentrated by any shell, their flesh and bones would explode into pieces.

All those who saw this battle that lasted only a few seconds in the light and in the dark were dumbfounded.

"What did I see?"

"I'm dreaming, hahaha..."

"Cutting people is like cutting wheat. This is simply the scythe of death!"

"I bet the pirates of Gray Harbor are definitely doomed now, I bet all my fortune!"

"I'm the banker, but I can only give you odds of 0.001 to 1."

"Okay, I'll buy one hundred thousand!"

"I'll buy one million!"

"I'll buy…"

What these bystanders don't know is that this is not the highest power of the Gauss cannon!

All the barriers of the space city are made of special high-hardness transparent materials, which have very high defense power and can block ordinary small meteorites, but they cannot block the penetration of the highest power Gauss shells!

In order to prevent the sky from being poked out of the hole, the giant robot army can only reduce the power of the Gauss shells to below safe levels.

A small group of pirates could not stop the march of the Telan Mercenary Group at all. The troops rushed past without stopping at all, and went straight to the building where Herman was.

More and more pirates got the news that the Tran mercenary group was marching, and the obstacles that appeared in front of Yang Ying also increased. Some appeared on the roofs of buildings on both sides of the road, some appeared at windows, and some opened Large trucks lay across the middle of the road, blocking the troops' way.

However, the best weapons in the hands of these pirates are just more powerful laser guns. For machine gunners, at least three or four shots are needed to hit the same place to destroy the power armor.

The fire-breathing soldier's armor is even more like an iron wall to the laser light, and the laser light hits it like a normal person.

These pirates only have one chance to attack at most. After the attack, they will be wiped out by Gauss bullets or Gauss shells within half a second.

Trucks lying across the road were also moved by giant robotic armies.

For the pirates at the window of the building, most of the bullets encountered are Gauss bullets, and their power has also been reduced, which is basically the same as the gunpowder bullets of the 20th century. Innocent casualties.

Some pirates seized hostages as shields, hid behind the hostages and opened fire, thinking that they could make the Tran mercenaries attack the rats. They would all be killed by a bullet from nowhere, but the hostages were safe. This is the action of the ghost agents hidden in the army. Their sniper ability is not inferior to the top snipers of the earth's military.

Pirates are not the army, they value their own lives and money, throwing their heads and blood for a word from their leader is not their way of doing things.

The march of the Telan Mercenary Group was invincible, and the news that all those who blocked it were wiped out in an instant spread quickly among the messengers, which greatly shocked all the pirate forces who had tried to stop the Telan Mercenary Group. They began to rethink the consequences of going against Yang Ying.

As time went by, the number of pirates blocked gradually decreased. Yang Ying led a large force all the way forward, piercing the sword into the heart of the pirates, and they came to the Herman Building in the center of the pirate camp.

Herman named the building after him. It is ten stories high and the floor is covered with dark blue glass-ceramic, which makes the whole building look like a crystal palace. The building occupies a very large area, and there is a Hermann Square downstairs, which is not much smaller than Gang Er Square.

At this time, the square was deserted and extremely quiet.

Yang Ying took a few ghost agents, turned on stealth, came to the edge of the square, and used visual sensors to detect the situation of the building. There were hundreds of windows in this building, and there were pirates behind almost every window. Look at the situation on the square.

Most of the weapons held by these pirates are laser pistols. There are about a hundred people with laser rifles, and only a dozen bazookas. Compared with the thousands of pirates in the building, the weapons are pitifully small.

This kind of situation is also reasonable. In Gray Harbor, there are often firefights, but large-scale firefights are not common, and fewer people dare to provoke Herman. Herman's men will never go out with laser rifles. , This kind of weapon is heavy in the hand, and there are not many opportunities to use it. They usually only carry a pistol for self-defense, which is enough for general situations.

There is an armory in the building, but it can only provide weapons and equipment for more than a hundred people. It could have called some weapons and equipment to the surrounding strongholds, but because of the communication failure, it took a lot of time to go back and forth. The command confusion caused, and the required equipment has not yet been transferred, is also normal.

Yang Ying had already found out that those who entered and exited this building were not good people, and no one had a life or two in their hands, even if they were all killed, there would be no wrongdoing.

Therefore, looking at the glass building, an idea gradually emerged in his mind to send them on their way.

After being out for so long, let them come back today!

After watching, Yang Ying returned to the army to show his appearance and ordered: "Let's go, let's put on a good show for them."

In an instant, the entire army turned into a torrent, rushing into Hermann Square like the Yellow River bursting its embankment, and with another order, it launched an attack formation against the Hermann Building.

More than a hundred lasers shot from the building, but the power was too low, like drizzle, and there was nothing they could do to the deployment of the troops.

There was a movie called "Hero" more than 500 years ago. Although Yang Ying didn't watch the whole movie, in those video clips, Qin Jun's overwhelming array of arrows left a deep impression on him.

"It's impossible for these pirates to be like the Zhao people in the film. Even with arrows stuck in their bodies, they still have to write. Pirates don't have such awareness. This big show will take advantage of you."

Yang Ying shouted: "All machine gunners obey the order and adjust the Gauss guns to the highest power!"

The machine gunners moved at the same time, making adjustments to the guns in their hands, and all their movements were in unison.

"Raise the gun and aim!" Yang Ying raised his hand. At this time, a laser beam hit his feet, but Yang Ying didn't care about it because his heart was calm. This level of marksmanship is not even qualified for him to react.


The machine gunners took a step in unison, raised their rifles and aimed at the building, acting collectively as one.

"Free fire, hit!" Yang Ying violently waved his hand down.

Immediately, hundreds of flames spewed out at the same time, making a chug chug sound.

In an instant the glass on the exterior wall of the entire building shattered, and large pieces of crystal debris fell to the ground like an avalanche.

The pirates holding rifles and pistols behind the window suddenly became a sieve, their bodies were pierced, and the bullets penetrated them and pierced the wall behind them, and then continued to penetrate!

Even the rooms inside would be pierced by bullets, and there was no wall in the entire building that could block a Gauss rifle attack.

In a few seconds, the walls, ceiling, and floor of the building were covered with small holes, and tables, chairs, ornaments, and other large and small objects were smashed into pieces.

The pirates staying in the building only felt that there was a storm of bullets in all directions, invincible, nothing could be used as a cover, there was nowhere to hide, and they were torn apart by the bullets without even a chance to call for surrender.

The terrified screams of the pirates came from the building, but as the machine gunners shifted their guns, a few voices stopped from time to time.

Yang Ying didn't call to stop, and the machine gunners kept pulling the triggers, shooting back and forth at the building, until they ran out of one magazine, then replaced it with a new magazine, and continued to fire.

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