StarCraft In the Palm of Your Hand

Chapter 146: Preemptive interference

Chapter 146 Preemptive Interference

Today's Gray Harbor is not destined to be peaceful.

Yang Ying launched a large-scale communication interference an hour before the main force arrived at Gray Harbor.

There is a protoss observer patrolling silently around Gray Harbor all the year round. This kind of observer has undergone a sophisticated transformation in the protoss robot factory and is equipped with some advanced and effective equipment.

Speaking of which, Protoss technology is superior to that of Terran. In addition to being able to monitor spaceships coming and going from Gray Harbor, observers at this time have other more advanced functions. The interference waves it emits can cut off A contact signal in a large area of ​​airspace.

The new warships produced in the solar system also have similar technologies, but the depth and breadth of interference cannot match the technology of the Protoss.

"Boss, it's bad! Something serious happened!" A pirate shouted out of breath as he ran into Herman's office in a hurry.

Hermann watched coldly with a cane in his hand, feeling a surge of sorrow in his heart. Once upon a time, he was so glamorous and so powerful, besides pretending to be his grandson in front of a few pirate chiefs, who else was he afraid of?

In Gray Harbor, Lord Herman always used the tone of a superior when speaking, even if he wanted someone to die, he would give it in the tone of charity, just like the emperor many centuries ago.

Now, the big tree behind him suddenly couldn't take care of himself, and even a mere subordinate dared to lose his composure in front of him.

"My majesty has been completely lost, Yang Ying, the Tran Mercenary Group, you are the chief culprits, when you recover this time, you will surely die!" These words slowly flowed through the bottom of Herman's heart , his face suddenly became extremely ferocious, raised his cane and slammed it on the ground, and cursed at the subordinate in front of him: "You idiot, why are you screaming like dead parents!? Get out Do it all over again!"


Herman's prestige still had an effect, the pirate was stunned for a moment, then turned and walked out of the room, closed the door, then opened the door and came in, and said in a more gentle tone: "Boss, it's chaos outside!"

"'Chaos'? How could it be 'chaos' when it's going well?" Herman felt a bad premonition in his heart.

"Because of a communication failure, all the communicators don't work!" The pirate spread his hands, with a hint of panic in his tone.

The signal of the communicator is very stable. Under normal circumstances, there will be no failure at all. It is possible for one or two individual damage, but if they fail together, unless they are interfered by a strong signal. And only the most advanced large warships will be equipped with such powerful interference equipment.

"What!" Herman also knew the seriousness of the matter, took out the communicator from his waist, opened it, and dialed in words: "Connect to Eisen."

Eisen was one of his generals, commanding an army of one thousand people, who fought desperately and was loyal.

There was a snowflake on the screen, and a line of words "no signal" was displayed in the center.

"Call through Ralph!" It was another general.

Still "No Signal" on the screen.

Herman's complexion changed, he threw the communicator on the table, and asked the subordinate, "How much is the scope of the communication failure?"

"This..." The pirate wondered: "After the communication was interrupted, the news from other strongholds in the city could not be transmitted. We have already sent people to ask, and the communication in all the places we know is now in a state of failure."

Hearing this, Herman walked a few steps in the same place, suddenly thought of something, and turned around and said: "Then try using a computer network, no matter how powerful the interference is, it can only interfere with radio waves, and cannot affect network cables."

"There is a virus spreading on the Internet, and the computer system is paralyzed." The pirate said with a mournful face.

Of course, this computer virus was also released by Yang Ying. Under Kevin's manipulation, the firewalls of those computers in Huigang are no different from those made of paper.

"This must be a premeditated attack. Hurry up and gather people, fully armed, and maintain a high level of vigilance!" Herman pointed his finger outside the door and said, "Go!"

"Yes!" The pirate ran out quickly.

The same thing happened to all the forces in Gray Harbor, regardless of whether the mercenary group or the pirate group were extremely vigilant about this communication failure.

Meanwhile, the Gray Harbor Office troops are marching through the streets.

Opening the way were two formation mine-laying vehicles. This type of motorcycle also used the popular magnetic levitation technology. The weapon was a grenade launcher mounted on the front of the vehicle, and spider mines could be planted at the rear of the vehicle. The mines are extremely powerful, but each motorcycle can only carry three mines, and they can be replenished after they are used up.

Mine-laying vehicles lined up in two rows of twelve, ordering the vehicles on the road to avoid immediately and give way to the large troops.

After that came two columns of giant robots, a total of one formation, striding forward to keep up with the mine-laying vehicle in front.

Followed by teams of heavily armed machine gunners and flamethrowers, they stretched out pulleys from the soles of the power armor, opened several air jets at the armpits and thighs, kept a certain distance between the front and back, and followed closely Behind the giant robot.

The last one was a formation of tank troops. Since the streets of Gray Harbor were relatively narrow, the tanks could only drive one by one, so they formed a queue of more than 100 meters long. In order to prevent someone from getting close to the tank to plot evil, some machine gunners advanced together around the tank.

Whether it is a minelaying vehicle, a giant robot, infantry or a tank, the speed is exactly the same, and the distance between the two units in front of and behind the queue is exactly the same, showing strong discipline and coordination.

Such a team marched on the street, and an invincible momentum spread invisibly.

When the people on the street saw the troops passing by, they immediately chose to avoid them. They only felt that the murderous aura released by this army made people sweat down their backs, and they didn't dare to show their heads.

Several little boys in the buildings on both sides opened the windows and watched the troops marching with envious eyes, thinking that it would be great if they could join such a well-equipped army in the future.

In a few corners, the spies of various forces were constantly pressing the communicators in their hands, but all they got was a reminder that there was no signal, and it was impossible to send the news that the Telan mercenary group was marching. Method - Two legs to report to their boss, this time wasting a lot of time.

The destination of the march was Gray Harbor No. 2 Square, referred to as Gang No. 2 Square, which covers an area of ​​50,000 square meters. From here, it can lead to five port areas, from No. 6 to No. 10.

The square has a wide view, except for an artificial green space of hundreds of square meters in the center, there are no obstacles at all, which is a typical terrain that is easy to attack and difficult to defend.

Troops roared into the square, then stopped and began to unfold into battle formation for maximum attack power.

This time, Robin played a guest role as a mine-laying vehicle driver and led the troops to Hong Kong Second Square. As a ghost agent, Robin can master all kinds of weapons proficiently, and there is no need for him to drive a giant robot or fly a ghost fighter. Problem, even SCV he can handle.

Passengers passing by on the square saw such a well-equipped army forming an attack formation. They froze for a moment, then screamed and scattered to avoid it.

Robin took out a loudspeaker and shouted: "Don't panic! We won't launch an attack within five minutes. Passengers in the square please keep calm, be careful not to fall, and avoid stampede accidents."

Fortunately, there are more news about the appearance of ancient legion battleships in the asteroid belt recently, so the number of tourists coming to the asteroid belt has been greatly reduced. The square occupies a large area, and the passengers are not crowded. Quickly got up and continued to escape.

The security team patrolling the square was shocked when they saw this sudden situation.

They are neither mercenaries nor pirates. They usually do security work and get some money from passengers. When have they seen such a battle?

The team leader at the gate said to one of his subordinates: "Now the communication is cut off, you should report to the team leader immediately!"

Hearing that, the subordinate immediately showed a relieved expression on his tense face. He turned around, rubbed the soles of his feet with oil, and ran into the port. Several people beside him stared at his back with envious eyes.

Five minutes later, the team has been deployed, divided into five, taking care of all five ports.

Robin waved his hand and said, "Come on!"

Immediately, the five teams stepped up their horsepower and quickly rushed from one side of the square to the other, approaching the gates of the five ports respectively.

The so-called speed is the most important thing, Robin decided to directly crush the security team in the port with a thunderous force.

At this time, the time until the main force arrives at the Gray Harbor is running In order to minimize the reaction time of the various forces in the Gray Harbor, the action was delayed until now.

As soon as a security team member raised his laser gun, he was snatched away by several companions and punched him a few times. The team leader even slapped him and cursed: "You idiot, if you want to die, don't pull it!" Come on us, this army is not something we can deal with. What are we holding in our hands? Ordinary laser guns! What is on the other side? Powered armored infantry and armored troops! Even if we stand up and let us fight, our point The firepower is just tickling them."

While speaking, Robin rushed to them with the troops, and several machine gunners pointed Gauss guns at them. These security guards immediately threw away the laser guns in their hands and raised their hands high.

Robin was very satisfied and asked, "Which of you is in charge?"

"He!" Everyone pointed at the captain.

The squad leader scolded these dishonest guys in his heart, but he still put on a smile on his face and asked, "Sir, what are your orders?"

"Have you reported our arrival to the port commander?" Robin looked directly into the captain's eyes.

The little captain thumped in his heart, and said to himself, "Oh! Just now I sent someone to report. It seems that this time I might suffer a lot."

Seeing his hesitation and the expressions of the surrounding security guards, Robin understood: "It's okay to report it, it's just a little more trouble." Turning around, he said, "Gather them together and take care of them."

There are still hundreds of passengers in the port who have not had time to escape, and they are looking at it with timid eyes.

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