Star Master

Chapter 241: Sharp weapon

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"The host, Dean Tobeque, sent 156 voice mails, the subject content of which is to let you return to the Sarand Abilities Academy as soon as possible. "

There are still eleven days before the gathering time of the intercollegiate league finals notified by the organizing committee. Since the day when the notification came down, Tobyque has not stopped the serial killing call. Daily emails and newsletters leave as few as ten times or more Ten times, Mo Ye's uncomfortable disturbances have left Xiao Qi solely responsible for the communicator transfer task.

Xiaoqi is also very helpless about the communicator that is always beeping. It wants to browse the Internet to collect information, enrich the database for the owner to query at any time. Can you stop interrupting its activities with abhorrent ringtones?

Wisdom Brain also needs time to recharge and sleep. Wisdom Brain also needs time for independent thinking. This deputy dean is really too much, oh, it’s not that Wisdom Brain is irritable.

Is this deputy dean still afraid that Mo Ye can't run away with his pick?

The melancholy Xiaoqi flared blue light in his eyes. The behavior of the deputy dean can already be defined as harassment and unbearable. It decided to blacklist Tobikui.

"Master, can I put Deputy Chief Tobeque on the blacklist?"

The Master, who was sitting in front of the experimental workbench, didn't even notice what Xiaoqi said. He arbitrarily ‘um’ and continued busy with the matter at hand.

Xiaoqi consciously agreed when Mo Ye agreed.

In front of Mo Ye was the hammer made of demon-eaten iron. Mo Ye planned to transform it before the final. Luo Yuning brought the enchanted hammer and the combat power would definitely be improved.

Although it is not yet known what the final system is, the actual combat is necessarily more dangerous than StarNet’s virtual battlefield. Workers must first use their weapons to do their best. Sometimes the equipment is good or bad can dominate the battle.

The hot element of pure fire slowly wrapped the whole hammer under the control of Mo Ye's spiritual strength. The temperature was getting higher and higher. On the surface, there was no sign of the hammer being smelted.

Mo Ye took out a crystal container prepared in the morning and placed it under the hammer. Gradually, the entire hammer seemed to be sweating with heat. Black granular liquid appeared in the hammer handle. These overflowing black metal liquids It's the liquid state of Devouring Iron.

This particular method of refining metals was learned by Mo Ye from an ancient alchemy handbook. This technique can extract a specific part of a metal without destroying the integrity of the metal product. Of course, this is If there is a premise, it must be an unenchanted device, otherwise the original magic structure will be destroyed and the equipment will be destroyed.

When Demon Eater liquid in crystal ware reached one-fifth scale, Mo Ye stopped refining, and then continued to destroy the strength of the hammer.

Mo Ye picked up the hammer and found that although the appearance of the hammer at this time had not changed, but the weight was much lighter than before, this would not work. If the weight was not enough, the effect of the heavy hammer would not be achieved. Mo Ye thought of space. Several high-density and high-quality metal ores are found in the ring for selection.

Since it is necessary to mix to achieve the best results naturally, Mo Ye decided to use ice blue silver after a selection, this is a metal with ice properties, the density is very high, a small particle is very heavy.

The ice-blue silver and some mysterious silver were incorporated into the hammer. This time the feel was very heavy. After the hammer body was renovated, Mo Ye put it aside.

A glance at a small piece of demon-eaten iron in the crystal bottle at the table that had cooled and solidified, Mo Ye thought about it and decided whether it should be dealt with by now, so he took it out and began to tinker.

Mo Ye is not a blacksmith, forging this kind of thing is not possible, but now the most indispensable is the main material, there are a few daggers in the points exchanged weapons, to be precise, it can be filled with energy bombs in pistols and A weapon that freely converts between two forms of dagger.

Both long-range and close combat are very suitable for sneak attacks, it is simply tailored for 11.

Mo Ye was very satisfied to pick up the double form dagger and mix a small piece of Demon Eater Iron with Mithril into it.

It is a luxury to add Mithril to every enchanted weapon. With the support of the mountainous Mithril Mine in the space ring, Mo Ye did not feel distressed at all.

When the main body of the two weapons is completed, the most important thing next is to engrave magic on the two weapons. With the characteristics of Demon Eater, the two weapons mainly take the route of breaking defense.

Especially for Luo Yuning's hammer, Mo Ye this time did not engrave a single magic but engraved an armor-breaking magic pattern array, which was composed of three small magic arrays arranged on the hammer, and the three parts of the middle and lower to form a complete broken The A system can definitely break the defense without negotiation.

Defensive array Mo Ye did not consider, for Luo Yuning, the attack is the best defense, besides she has other defensive equipment.

The finished mini hammer has a slight change in appearance at this time, faintly bluish, which is the effect of ice blue silver, at least at this time, the appearance will not look like a household gadget sold on the ground, hitting the enemy Will cause the other party to freeze temporarily.

11 The dual-form weapon used, considering the long-range form in addition to two break defenses, Mo Ye also added a precision.

Enchanting the hammer and the dagger, Mo Ye was almost busy all day and night, and it was not so easy to form a complete system with three magic circles. Every detail must be paid attention to, and the stability of mental power and magic power is also very good. Importantly, if there is a slight error in the details, it will be defeated.

Fortunately, in the end, Mo Ye stretched out and looked at the materials on the table. This matter was busy, and the next step was the production of a high-level mental recovery potion.

Compared with the pharmacy of the primary mental recovery potion, the advanced mental recovery potion has more fat in the production materials.

But it is this little oil that can bring a huge boost to the effect of mental potions.

Starfish is a rare fish that lives in the deep sea, and the fish oil required for the preparation of the mental recovery agent refers specifically to the oil on its head. Each starfish can only extract less than one gram of brain fish oil, which is very scarce. .

Due to the need to live in the dark ocean, this kind of fish cannot be farmed at all. There are fishermen on the Lokal continent who specialize in catching this kind of fish. They will wait for the next generation when they float to the shallow sea to breed the next generation For several months, until catching star tilapia.

It is enough to catch a few fishermen’s family for a few years of living expenses. It’s a real job that doesn’t open for three years and opens for three years. This is a job that requires high skills and luck.

The difference between the primary and advanced mental recovery potions is not only reflected in their recovery speed and quantity. In addition, the advanced mental recovery potions have one biggest difference.

It can greatly increase the level of mental activity. According to some magical miscellaneous records, there have been local tyrant magicians who have tried long-term service of high-level mental energy potions, and eat it as a platinum-based nutritional supplement. The total amount has not increased, but the utilization of mental power has increased substantially.

Simply put, his one-scale mental power can be used as someone else's two-scale.

However, in view of the high cost of making this medicine, it has always been priceless and no market. Whether this argument is true can not be verified. For most magicians, unless they have the materials to prepare, it can only look forward to the existence.

Even if it can be modulated like Mo Ye, it can only be reserved for emergency use, when the nutritional products can't really drink it!

From the appearance, it can't be distinguished between the primary mental potions and the advanced ones by the naked eye. They can only be sensed by magic power. The magicians with poor sense of perception can only feel it after drinking.

After being adjusted to success, Mo Ye drank a bottle decisively in order to try it. The feeling could not be described in words. Long-term concentration caused the tension and fatigue of the mental energy to be instantly relaxed, and suddenly gave Mo Ye a feeling of resurrection. .

With a clear mind, Mo Ye can clearly feel that he is more relaxed than usual when mobilizing his mental strength. Perhaps the miscellaneous records are true, and a bottle every day can really work wonders, but Mo Ye does not have that condition. Tried it.

When Mo Ye's high-level mental recovery potions were all completed, two days had passed. Mo Ye couldn't remember Xiao Qi telling her about the gathering of Aoki in the past, and returned to the room and slept beautifully before thinking of the gathering. Things, but now it is too late to rush to the team of Ao Jupiter and Salander Ability Academy.

The team at Salander Ability Academy has been led by Tobikui to sit on the starship of the college and go to the final to gather the planet. As for Mo Ye, Tobikui, who was blacklisted, can only leave a message so she must be before the final day. Arrived to Larvi Star.

Mo Ye was stunned when she saw the message. She had planned to go to Larvi with Salander College, but now it seems that she can only go by herself.

Xiao Qi’s expression of doing something wrong, holding his own ears and kneeling pitifully on the brick carapace. “Master, I’m sorry, but Xiao Qi can’t stand the continuous and continuous communication requests from Deputy Dean Tobeque. He just pulled him to the blacklist, so the trip was delayed"

Half-moon smiled and looked at Xiao Qi "What else?"

"Xiao Qi shouldn't make decisions for his master without permission. He pulled the vice dean, Xiao Qi was wrong"

Mo Ye "..."

Uh... vaguely remember that Xiao Qi seemed to ask for it again, and she seemed to agree.

Little Seven was wronged, Mo Ye first discovered that Zhinao could also cry. Little Seven’s tears dripped down, turned into colorful light spots in the air, and then was absorbed by Xiao Qi again. The crying method of environmental protection and energy saving is pretty good!

Hey, Master, is the focus of your attention a bit crooked!

Mo Ye didn't care much about Half Moon's education children, knowing that Half Moon's nagging skill is about to start, Mo Ye decided to give Half Moon and Xiao Qi a separate space to leave the bedroom first. It's not easy to be the master this year!


Thank you for the pink ticket of 茕星105^_^

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