
After the first round exam, nearly half of the more than 1,000 candidates were eliminated, and they could only sit in the waiting area obediently and honestly watch in.

After the second round exam, more than 400 candidates were eliminated due to insufficient physique average scores.

Now, there are only one hundred candidates left in the examination room.

Chen Xing, Shen Meng, and Lu Chenghe are among them.

Shen Meng’s results in the first two rounds were very good. She only got one question wrong in the first round and scored 99 points. In the second round, she scored 87 points for her muscular explosiveness and nerve endurance. Seventy-nine points, the body fat ratio got seventy-four points, and the total score barely reached eighty points.

It is said that this grade is a rare good grade in the entire history of Linhe Town High School, but Chen Xing’s grades left her far behind and became the subject of discussion. new focus.

Lu Chenghe scored 93 points in the first round and an average of 65 points in the second round – if he hadn’t been drinking gene-activating potions since he was a child, I’m afraid he would have no choice in this round of exams. No matter what.

The third round exam is a “practice simulation”.

The actual combat simulation is based on holographic projection, combined with nano-scale smart metal particles, to build a virtual war environment in the test field. Candidates need to defeat the enemy within the specified time and finally “survive”. , otherwise it will be eliminated.

At the end of the actual combat simulation, the top three candidates who “killed” the most enemies will be directly admitted to the main school of Zhulu Empire University, while the other candidates who have kill results and can guarantee survival will be According to their grades, they will be assigned to the branches of Zhulu Empire University in various places.

The educational level of the branch campus is naturally not as good as that of the main school, but the main school has only three places, so each candidate is full of energy and ready to give it a try.

The opponent of this actual combat simulation is the virtual alien beetle, the lowest level creature.

Candidates must wear outer skeleton battle clothes with most of their functions reduced, stay “alive” for the allotted hour, and kill as many Xeroxes as possible.

According to the regulations, one point is awarded for killing a Xerox, and one hundred points for destroying a cloned “Xerox Life Group Beehive”. But if its outer skeleton battle clothes are 100% damaged, it is declared “dead”.

In addition, “killing” friendly troops is a never-allowed violation and will be directly disqualified from the exam.

Colonel Mo Beiqing, the Head Examiner who presided over the third round exam, announced the beginning of the exam after explaining the precautions one after another.

With the combination of holographic projection and nano-scale smart metals, the clearing soon turned into a dark jungle.

The realistic thorns are overgrown, the vines hang upside down, and the dense vines are like terrifying claws, tightly grasping the rocks and spreading out along the rugged and changeable terrain. Come.

The candidates quickly put on their outer skeleton battle clothes, took their own combat weapons, and rushed into the vast darkness in groups of three or four.

Chen Xing alone hit the road, cautiously walking in the jungle, trying not to touch anything around him.

Although this is only a holographic projection, the outer skeleton battle clothes will actually feed back the data to the nerves of the body, so once it is attacked by the beetle, the body will still be very painful.

Different beetles belong to a low-level creature of the heteroinsect race in the alien race. They are like calves, with thick chitin carapaces, good at concealment and defense, and their attack power is not bad. The two tentacles are as sharp as spears, which can easily pierce the outer skeleton battle clothes.

Basically, if you are stabbed three times in a row by the horned spear of the beetle, the outer skeleton battle clothes will be scrapped, which is equivalent to declaring yourself “dead”.

Chen Xing carries an arm radar on his outer skeleton battle clothes, which can detect Xerox beetles within ten meters around him, and a blasting gun with two clips to blast dummy shells, a total of 60 hair, and four gravity collapsing grenades, which are also standard equipment for all candidates.

The formidable power of the blasting bomb is very large, but it doesn’t actually do much damage to the thick-shelled enemy like the Xenomorph. It is good to kill one Xerox every ten bursts.

The Gravity Collapsing Grenade can collapse the weightless space within ten meters, attracting surrounding objects to condense like a small black hole, and then suddenly burst and spread, with great formidable power, basically a gravity collapsing hand Ray can kill a Xerox.

However, the number of both is limited, and in order to achieve the best effect, you must use your brains and make good use of them.

Chen Xing placed the gravity collapsible grenade in the most convenient position, held the blasting gun in front of his chest, and silently moved towards the established route.

In order to ensure their own survival rate, other candidates often choose to fight in formation with other candidates, but in this way, it becomes a group of people to kill a different beetle, and the scoring efficiency is far behind.

Chen Xing has his own considerations. Although it takes a lot of risks to act alone, at least there is no need to compete for points with others.

After 3 minutes of walking alone, the radar on his arm alerted, and the radar screen showed at least five Xeroxes ahead.

Five Xerox Beetles were scattered within a ten-meter range, and if any one was alerted, the other four Xerox Beetles would move upon hearing the wind. This was undoubtedly a huge test for Chen Xing, who was fighting alone.

Principal said with a cold laugh: “Chen Xing’s family is poor, he has no money to play this kind of virtual game, and he doesn’t know that this kind of game requires cooperation with other teammates. The beetle is almost never alone, and his actions are only dead end.”

As he was talking, Chen Xing suddenly and quickly cut into the pile of beetles, and the first beetle raised its horn spear alertly, ready to follow. Chen Xing was fighting, but Chen Xing suddenly turned deftly, brushed the tip of the horn spear, and ran towards the second Xerox. Before the second Xerox Beetle could touch Chen Xing, Chen Xing quickly turned to the third and fourth Xerox Beetles, and finally took the disturbed Xerox Beetles to the fifth Xerox Beetle.

“Huh? Chen Xing, is this kid crazy? It’s already very hard to fight a single Zerg beetle, but this kid actually attracted five?”

“Haha, I think he thinks he didn’t die fast enough? At this level, he still wants to take the first place to date my goddess! Bah!”

The eliminated candidates finally found The opportunity to ridicule, he mocked Chen Xing on the field.

Colonel Mo Beiqing was also frowned at first, but when he saw the trajectory of Chen Xing’s actions, he suddenly realized, and said with sincere admiration: “Hehe, this kid is so daring. You have more experience than my most elite veterans!”

Lu Youfeng Principal said with a cold laugh: “Colonel, have you misunderstood, this kind of suicide is also called courage?”

Mo Beiqing ignored Lu Youfeng and just stared at the movements of Chen Xing’s hands intently.

Chen Xing pulled the five relatively slow-moving Xeroxes around the ring twice, and unconsciously gathered all five Xeroxes together. When the five insects almost overlapped, the gravity collapse grenade prepared in Chen Xing’s hand suddenly shot!

The five different beetles saw the Gravity Collapsing Grenade thrown at them, screaming and fleeing for their lives, but their speed was not their advantage. All objects in the space condensed into a gravity ball with a diameter of one meter, and then suddenly burst with a sound of “hong”!

A Zerg beetle at the center of the explosion was smashed to pieces on the spot, and the other four were also blown up with half their bodies, leaving only their last breath on the ground Final Struggle.

Everyone watching from the sidelines was stunned, no one didn’t expect Chen Xing to use a gravity collapsing grenade to such an extent. A Gravity Collapse Grenade can indeed only kill one Xerox, but the aftermath is enough to completely destroy the other four Xeroxes.

Chen Xing calmly picked up the blasting gun in his hand, walked to the four mortally wounded beetles in turn, and killed one with a blasting bullet.

In this battle, he only consumed four blasting bombs and one gravity collapsing grenade to kill five Zerg beetles and scored five points.

The spectators were stunned!

Colonel Mo Beiqing said laughed: “Courageous, resourceful and powerful! Principal Lu Youfeng, is this kid really the worst student in your Linhe High School?”


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