

Li Muchen started, “Chen Xing, are you crazy!”

“Cha Cha Cha On the contrary, I’m very calm.”

Chen Xing analyzed quickly: “trifling is just a Level 8 terrapin, think of it as a Level 8 veteran, in fact, there is nothing at all at all. It is the worst. With our individual strength, we are naturally not the opponents of this guy, but we are a whole, as long as we cooperate well, we will definitely be able to kill it! On the contrary, if we are cowardly and only want to escape, we will be defeated by it. Catch up and destroy one by one!”

“Brother Xing! You’re right! We’re your people! We’ll do what you say!”

“Even if it’s doomed , we have to die vigorously!”

“Yes, Brother Xing! You don’t need to tell us the big truth, you can just give an order!”

“Okay! Ta, you and I are both at the level of genetic warfare soldiers. When the terrapin approached the rocky beach for a while, I would attack it from the front. You quietly circled behind it and waited for the opportunity to make a move! Zhao Dian, Nail, Big Head, you guys The three of them are all genetic evolvers, and close combat will only cause unnecessary casualties. I need you to stay here and set up a firepower network in the shape of a zigzag, and provide firepower to suppress immediately when there is danger between me and the turret!”

“Yes!” Dota and the others immediately raised their chests and responded loudly.


Li Muchen shook his head desperately and said, “All of you are crazy! How could you possibly defeat the Level 8 terrapin? This is jumping into the Fire Pit! Chen Xing, I’m a second lieutenant, you listen to me, run for your life as soon as you can, don’t worry about my burden!”

“Can you shoot?”

“en? What did you say?” Li Muchen couldn’t believe his ears.

Chen Xing handed the blasting gun to her, “Can you fire a blasting gun?”

Li Muchen burst into anger: “I am a top student at the main school of Zhulu Empire University, Although my expertise is genetic medicine research, not a battle-type person in the usual sense, but I also have the foundation of a genetic evolver, and my achievements have always been——”

Chen Xing stuffed all the magazines into Li Muchen On her wet chest, coldly said: “Shut up, shoot, and try not to hit me.”


No man has ever dared to hit her Li Muchen said this, and this man was a recruit without any rank!

Li Muchen can’t wait to smash all the explosive guns and magazines in her hands to the ground, but she knows that this is not the time to play the eldest lady’s temper.

In the face of this kind of life-and-death crisis, it’s not just a high military rank that can solve the crisis. The key is to look at one’s ability.

Obviously, Chen Xing’s ability in this respect is much higher than her medical second lieutenant.

“Chen Xing! Just wait for me! It’s okay if we die here this time. If we can go back alive, let’s see how I fix you!”

Li Muchenduan Holding the heavy blasting gun, he suppressed the peng peng’s dancing in his chest, and kept muttering in a low voice: “Li Muchen, you can do it, Li Muchen, you are a top student, Li Muchen, you will definitely not hit your comrade-in-arms…”

However, the pair of bright arms holding the handle of the gun was always trembling slightly, and he didn’t dare to fire a shot for a long time.

Chen Xing rushed to the terrapin in the blink of an eye with the help of the nails and the fire of the others.

There is no need to be so polite to deal with alien enemies. The genetic cells in Chen Xing’s body rapidly expanded and divided, and a burning sensation poured into his right arm. A dagger showing off one’s ability appeared on his wrist.

The two-story water beetle lets out a screeching hiss from its mouthparts, seemingly mocking the suicidal behavior of the recruit in front of it.

Although the level of the alien insects is not very high, they are also intelligent creatures. It can sense that the strength of Chen Xing is only Level 2. With its Level 8 strength against Level 2 strength, there is no suspense at all.

It flicked its left front claw lightly, and a sharp wind blade attacked Chen Xing’s front.

Chen Xing maximized the hydraulic power of the outer skeleton battle clothes, avoiding the wind blade at lightning speed, raising upwards with a “reverse scale punch”, very ruthless and accurate. It stabbed the chitin joint of the left front claw of the terrapin!

This move isn’t fancy, but it’s practical. Chen Xing unleashed all of his genetic power, just to hit a hit!

As long as the chitin joints of the terrapin can be pierced, the terrapin can lose part of the support center of gravity, so that even if the terrapin cannot be killed later, its tracking speed can be reduced.

However, as soon as the reverse scale punches with all their strength hit the terrapin’s joints, it’s like fiercely hitting the diamond stone, sparks flying in all directions, and the huge anti-shock force makes Chen Xing’s right arm twisted instantly! Severe pain is coming!

Not good!

Chen Xing inwardly shouted, and quickly removed the strength from his hands, his body rotated in the air for two weeks by the impact, and after completely canceling the anti-shock force, he turned to the ground!

didn’t expect!

The chitin shell of this terrapin is so hard!

It really is a Level 8 alien creature!

Chen Xing gritted his teeth and saw another slender and sharp claw, fiercely, inserted in, and hurriedly dodged again.

Fortunately, with the help of the outer skeleton battle clothes, his speed and strength have increased by 10%. With a little toes, he lightly avoided the “piercing blow” of the terrapin. .

But the terrapin’s attack did not stop, but became more and more crazy.

Its two strong and powerful forefoot claw impudent thorns do not give Chen Xing a chance to breathe at all!

Nails and the others saw that Chen Xing was in trouble, the blasting gun in his hand roared immediately, and the three tongues of flame spit at the terrapin!

Although the blasting projectile could not damage the carapace of the terrapin tenacious, the shock wave generated by the explosion of the gunpowder really slowed down the attack speed of the terrapin.

The knife tower has touched the back of the water turtle worm at this time, and finds an opportunity to attack with a knife!

His strength is even worse than Chen Xing’s large section, so he doesn’t expect himself to be able to defeat the terrapin at all, just try to delay the terrapin so that Chen Xing has a chance to breathe .

Sure enough, the water turtle roared angrily, turned around and waved its hind paws to attack the turret.

And the turret has long been prepared to avoid it quickly.

Taking this opportunity, Chen Xing finally stabilized his figure and jumped out of the extremely unfavorable danger zone.

His arm trembled slightly, and a stream of Yin Hong’s blood was slowly flowing down his arm.

After all, they are only Level 2 genetic soldiers!

To deal with a Level 5 genetic soldier like Zhang Mingqiang, it can still take some advantage, but to deal with this Level 8 alien insect, it is too cheap to take.

If you don’t even have the ability to penetrate the chitin joints of the terrapin, how can you defeat it?

Is it really going to die here today?


My teammates put their lives in their hands, how could I give up so easily? !

Chen Xing’s heart suddenly burned with a raging fire, and the blood in the blood vessels of his entire body also boiled.

Battle! war! war!

Chen Xing let out a roar, avoided the terrapin’s claws and stabs, and rushed directly under the terrapin. The “reverse scale punch” in his hand concentrated all the genetic power in his body, Fiercely stabbed at the soft, sticky abdomen of the terrapin!


Chen Xing was surprised at first, then held breath cold air in astonishment.

The “reverse scale punch” only made a tiny hole in the belly of the terrapin! No threat to terrapins at all!

The terrapin snarled, and the thick and long tentacles on the forehead suddenly flicked, fiercely on Chen Xing’s back!

Chen Xing only felt a burning pain in his back, and the outer skeleton battle clothes all split up and in pieces in an instant!

The whole body was shot up uncontrollably!

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