
“That’s right! The Great Demon King of Blood Song has gone! We have nothing to fear!”

“Go! Drink spicy!”

Dozens of stray mercenaries immediately got out of the cat’s ear hole in excitement.

The mecha on their bodies is already rusted, and the energy value of plasma weapons is also close to the lowest red line-

The battle strength of such a group of mobs is at best to scare the unarmed. Just civilians, any two or three eagle emblem mercenaries can easily defeat them.

And they naturally did not dare to meet force with force with the eagle emblem mercenaries, so they chose to attack when White Wolf had no defenders at all.

In their view, this will be a no-suspense battle.

So, they rushed to the White Wolf military base without any scruples or even any tactical cover.

What they originally thought was of course correct, White Wolf has become a real ghost town, without any mercenary defense.

But they missed one point.

White Wolf is not the small town it used to be, but a standard military base.

In addition, it is an upgraded 3-Star level military base.

As a two-star military base, White Wolf has certain automatic defense and counterattack capabilities. After upgrading to 3-Star level, the effect of defense and counterattack is not to mention.

As soon as the fifty-sixty stray mercenaries emerged from the cat’s ear hole, they were immediately spotted by White Wolf’s auto-phase radar.

The combat system immediately reports to the intelligent AI Waner in the form of data symbols.

“Wan Goddess, White Wolf’s micro-phase radar detected the enemy’s situation.”

“What? Just as my master left, someone came to attack White Wolf’s micro-phase? This You don’t take my gods and daughters seriously, do you?”

Wan’er was in Hilux’s scientific research center at this time, and she was following Hilux and Wang Xin’s virtual hologram. Arguing fiercely.

Sensing the report of the combat system, she immediately allocated one-fifth of the computing space to talk to the combat system.

“The combat system, report the specific data to me!”

“Yes! In Wan’er’s dark blue pupils.

“Report to the goddess Wan, we have found a total of fifty-seven targets. According to the calculation and analysis of the enemy’s movement trajectory, the average strength of the enemy is War General level, and the firepower calculation is low, about 3 minutes. Afterwards, they will enter our fire control range, and it is predicted that within 30 seconds, our plasma close-up guns can destroy them all.”

“I rely on it!”

The intelligent AI Wan’er, who has always been gentle and elegant, couldn’t help but utter a dirty word when she heard this.

“It will take 3 minutes to reach our fire control range? Can it be eliminated by our close-range artillery in 30 seconds?” Wan’er said angrily: “It’s just a trivial matter, it’s worth alarming. Am I a child god? It’s a waste of my computing space! It’s a pity that I even allocated one-fifth of the computing space for them!”

“Uh… Wan child god, what should we do? ?”

“Doesn’t the combat system have presets?”


“Then let the combat system handle it by itself! Yes, in the future, don’t bother me with this kind of little bastard who can’t even last for 30 seconds.”

“Yes! God of God!”

The combat system immediately closes the data chat window.

Wan’er sighed helplessly, “What a waste of this goddess’s feelings.”

“What did you say?” Hilux looked at Wan’er unhappily.

Wan’er shrugged, “It’s not about you, it’s about those wandering mercenaries who are about to attack our White Wolf.”

“What? There are wandering mercenaries attacking us. ?” Hilux exclaimed in surprise.

“Aiya! White Wolf doesn’t have a single mercenary now! Would you like to inform your master!” Wang Xin also said nervously.

Wan’er waved his hand, “These are not the issues you should worry about! Your priority now is to remove the dark matter before my master arrives on the battlefield and fights Migu’s death beam weapon. The energy gem perfectly fits on the Arrogant Dragon mecha!”

“Miss Wan’er! You know, this is an almost impossible task!”

“Dark matter’s The energy is too strong and too unstable!”

“Even if we can put gems on the dragon mecha, the dark matter energy may destroy the dragon mecha once your master uses it. !”

“My master has already said that if he must sacrifice, then he would rather sacrifice the arrogant dragon mecha!” Wan’er said very firmly: “This war must be won!”

Wang Xin and Hilux are both startled for it.

Of course they know that a mecha with a father’s spirit is an important and meaningful piece of equipment.

And now, in order to avoid more casualties of his comrades, and in order to completely defeat Mi Gu’s Death Ray, Chen Xing is willing to make such a big sacrifice.

This can not help but make Wang Xin and Hilux feel heartache and admiration.

“Miss Wan’er, don’t worry, we know what to do.”

“We will do our best to protect Jiaolong mecha!”

Wang Xin and Hilux had always been quarreling, but at this moment, they were extremely determined to work hard for the same goal.

Wan’er solemnly nodded, “Let’s work together! In this way, after this war is over, we can also proudly say that we also contributed to the victory.”

“Okay! Let’s work together!”

The three of them continued to work hard again.

The dark nether? The arrogant dragon mecha, the spirit of war is burning in it…

The other side.

The group of wandering mercenaries were screaming and charging towards White Wolf.

As soon as they crossed the cordon, White Wolf’s hundreds of plasma close-in guns automatically bounced out of the weapon base, and the muzzles that stood in great numbers were aimed directly at the mob.


“What’s going on?”

“Why, how is the plasma close-in gun activated?”

“Could it be that there are still defenders in White Wolf?”

“Impossible! I’m almost number one! White Wolf is impossible to have mercenaries!”

“Then why did the plasma close-in gun suddenly activate!”

“Isn’t there an automatic defense system?”

“Fuck!” The leader of the wandering mercenary stomped abruptly, “Yeah! How did I forget about this! No wonder we were the only team to attack White Wolf! It turns out that other mercenary teams have long thought of this. From this point of view, White Wolf must have an automatic defense system!”

“Boss! What should we do now?”

“Yeah! The rush has rushed out. , do you want to shrink back like a turtle? Don’t be afraid! The other party is just a bunch of computer programs, no one is that smart! We can definitely—”

“bang bang bang bang!”

Before the leader of the wandering mercenary could finish speaking, rows of dazzling plasma beams slammed on him, directly blasting him into meat sauce.

The wandering mercenary next to him was startled first, then slaughtered pig-like howling up and running.

The plasma close-up guns lock on their targets and keep firing!

Twenty-five seconds later, the battlefield was quiet again.

The enemy has been wiped out.

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