SSS-Class Suicide Hunter

19. Coffee break. (1)



“Who really attacked the 10th floor? ”

“I keep watching the news, but it's not coming out. It's just a splinter. ”

“Don't you just hide it from the black dragons? Dramatically later · · ·. ”

“Ah. The sword is certain! ”

The city on the first floor of the tower. Babylon was in a frenzy.

People were happy that the 10th floor of the Imperial Deck had finally been raided. And he gathered in an outdoor cafe to talk about who the mysterious attacker is.

What do you think they'll do?


When I found out that I had broken through the 10th floor right next door.

“That's sweet.”

I said while sipping a caramel macchiato. An outdoor cafe situated across from its honeycomb headquarters, this is the only Szenbucks in Babylon.

I admired the challenge of setting up a chain point here, even though it was a tower where people couldn't leave once. Each of them had a red nose clown and a rich grandfather who was also the main mascot, Franchise.

Ah, human desire!

“What do you think, Mr. Sword? Isn't it sweet to win? Actually, I could use some espresso right now. Yes?”

- · · · · · ·.

“Ugh. Are these earphones broken? That's weird. I can't hear you. ”

I took out the earphones in my ears and slapped them. Of course, no sound was heard from the earphones.

Simple deception.

If you talk to yourself for nothing, you'll look like a maniac, pretending to wear earphones and talk to someone. This worked pretty well. None of the people in the cafe looked at me strangely.

“Mr. Sword? Hey, psychopath. Excuse me, madman? ”

- · · Come.

“Oh, I can hear you now. I was worried you were deaf again. Tsk, tsk, you really had me worried about that heavenly prince. Humans shouldn't do that. ”

- · · · · · ·.

“Oh, right. You were a ghost, not a human. I forgot because I have a bad head. Sword sword. Can we talk now? You call me Confucius, and it's a little weird for me to say something so respectful. Right?"

-Sea · · · Feet · · ·.

The messenger hovering across the table shivers his shoulders.

- I've never been humiliated like this in my life. How could the throne, once hailed as the Lord of Swords, die in such a catastrophe?

“Phew. Joking, joking. Of course, even if I were to be called Confucius, would you talk to Hunter who's a lot older than me? Of course you can. I do, but for the sake of my personality, I'll continue to call you Mr. Sword. Are you satisfied? ”

- Just kill me!

The messenger cries.

- Get a new skill and put it on the [Sword constellation] slot! That's all right, asshole! Kill me instead!

“No. He's yelling at me for something big. We're not naming partners, partner. Best friend for life. Somebody's killing their best friend. We stick together forever. ”

- Uh-huh. Never mind. I'm not saying anything. Marcus Grandfather. I want to go back to Grandpa. · ·

Oh, sweet.

I looked up at the sky while drinking coffee.

[22: 32: 50]

The heavenly clock already told us that an hour and a half had passed.

By the time I thought, "It's time to come now."



A brown furry cat crawls up. He was a well-groomed cat. What's unusual is that they have two gold coins on their necks, not droplets.

“ · · · · · ·. ”


I thought for a moment about how to deal with it.

‘The cat with gold coins. ’

- Yeah?

‘The cat with the gold coins. Extremely famous · · ah. People don't know that now. ’

This cat was no ordinary pet.

About five years later, it was a mascot that would harden into one proper noun.

‘· · · I didn't think a giant like this would come in person. ’

You have to pretend you don't know.

I calmly lowered my cat. Taking care of your face.

“Are you lost? ”


The brown cat hit my head on my leg. My heart was overwhelmed. It was a real cat that was friendly to people without knowing who it was.

“Do you want me to stay with your brother until your master comes looking for you? ”

- Mwah.

“Tsk, tsk.”

I raised the cat to my knees. The brown cat twisted its jaw comfortably from my knee, as if it had been aiming here from the beginning. Even yawning -- yawning and crying.

"He's crazy about cats. You've got some acting skills. ’

I stroked the cat's head with my tongue in my heart.

- Meow.

A group of hunters come to the cafe to watch the cat roar for a while. One of them spoke to me first.

“Excuse me, is your name Duke Kim? ”


I could see the equipment if I looked closely. I wasn't in the middle of anything.At least not until the guild leader. Such characters came to the outdoor cafe.

I showed him my ID with one hand.

“I wondered how long it would take. It only takes an hour and a half. ”

“ · · · · · ·! ”

Hunters who saw my ID shook their eyes. The turbulence spread. Hunters took out their fearless smartphones and began contacting somewhere.

“Yes, I found it! ”

“In a cafe right across from the bank · · ·. ”

“No, all the other guilds have gathered. Yes, yes! Yes, Colonel. ”

“Don't worry. I will never be taken away by another guild! ”

That was before the storm.

I was delighted to see what was happening in front of me.

I feel like a VIP. ’

- Well, every decent guild will light up their eyes to recruit you. You cleared the 10th floor nobody woke up on. Then it's a real VIP.

"Well, yeah, it's kind of weird for someone who's cleared 99 floors to be respected as Confucius, but not VIP. ’

- Fuck! Shit!

Hunters finish one or two calls.

And he looked at me with a nervous face.

The big blonde hunter is one step ahead of you, waiting for you to leave which guild first.

“I am the Head of Human Resources for the Vigilante Guild. Kim Gong-ja Hunter.As you know, the vigilantes are the most honorable guilds in Babylon. If you join our guild · · ·! ”

“Just a moment, please. ”

I raised my hand. The Chief of the Peacekeepers' Human Resources team has stopped.

“I'm so sorry to cut you off. But let's just get two things straight, and then we'll talk. ”

“ · · · · · ·. ”

“Number one. Don't leak it to the press yet. ”

I looked around at the Hunters. I can assure you that none of these hunters are ranked lower than me. These hunters wouldn't have dared look up if they were in the old days before they came back.

But I didn't like it at all.


I have my own record of attacking the top ten floors of humanity for the first time.

This was like a gold tower that nobody could damage, high rank or no rank.

Performance was more important as a competent hunter. If they're really capable, they can't treat me lightly.

“Any guild that leaks my name to the press will never sign a contract with that guild. I'm not going to make a living. Please remember.”

“That · · · ·. Uh, until when? ”

Another hunter raises his hand and asks.

“Right now, all kinds of guilds have been scooped up by newspaper reporters. · · Kim Gong-ja, even if we hide it, I can't tell you how much we can hide it, honestly. ”

“Well, I'm not asking you to hide it for long. ”

I pointed to the sky.

Hunters look up at you, too.

[22: 25: 31]

“Until today. Keep Embargo safe until that clock points to 00: 00: 00. ”

“Ah! Yes. That's how it is. I understand.”

Hunters sigh in relief.

I smiled.

"You can't just run into a reporter when you're on the 11th floor. ’

I opened my mouth again.

“This is the first condition. And secondly... ”

“ · · · · · ·. ”

Hunters stared at me with a firm look. This time, he was nervous about how difficult the conditions would be.

I pointed around smiling.

“- This is a public place. Let's be considerate to other guests. ”


“Can't you feel the guests staring here? You come in here all of a sudden, and everybody's embarrassed. ”

I was right.

The other guests sitting in the outdoor cafe were peeping over here. The Demibeast. Most of the guests whisper in their ears and look suspiciously. There were even customers who seemed to be trying to sneak their smartphones on and take pictures.

“It's a grievance.”

“ · · · · · ·. ”

“I'm sure you've all been busy looking for me, but let's take our time. I'm not running anywhere. ”

“Poetry, excuse me. ”

Later, the hunters regain consciousness and scatter around.

“I'm sorry, I can't tell you why, but if you'll excuse me... ”

“Master, how much would it cost to host a café here for an hour? ”

“Thank you, everyone, for your patience! If you come to the Moon Gate later, thank you separately. · · ”

Indeed, the executives of the giant guilds were different.

5 minutes to bow down and rent out the shop to the host. In less than five minutes, the cafe became neat and tidy.


I went inside the cafe outside and resumed the conversation.

“Then let the negotiations begin. Tell me the terms."

Interestingly, the hunters were holding a cup of coffee in each hand. I'm just saying, everybody ordered coffee. Cute.

“· · Our vigilantes offer 10,000 gold contracts. ”

That was the starting point.

“10,000 gold? Oh, you're making poor tea in a place like this. Kim Gong-ja Hunter! Join the Adventure Alliance. I promise you a commission of 20,000 gold on the deposit. ”

“Come to the Moon Gate. Hunter. Our guild specializes in training the most upright combat hunters in Babylon. I'll get you a criminal right away and I'll give you 25,000 gold contracts. ”

“Criminal status is a nuisance. Good thinking, Duke Kim Hunter! Please enter our Manchurian temple and we will guarantee you an honorary position. To be honest, I would like you to play a role in promoting the Pantheon both internally and internally. Another 30,000 gold deal! ”

“Administration! Please come to the Bureau of Administration's ambassador! ”

What a joke.

The HR leaders were desperate to seduce him. I understand their position. So far, all the top guilds have been secretly oppressed by the name 'Sword’.

Rank # 1 in Toddler Zone without joining any guild!

People think because there is such a thing. Do I really need to join a guild? After all, Hunter was right to play solo. · ·

‘The sword is special everywhere. ’

Guild images will definitely be hit.

‘In this situation, a new hero has been created that will be as powerful as the sword? ’

I smiled.

‘We must recruit the means and means. ’

At least stop what's being taken away from other guilds!

That's probably what the HR leaders were ordered to do. It was obvious.

“Now, vigilantes can pay 36 grand in · · contract money · · ·. ”

“Oh, dear. Let's step back for the poor guild. Yes?”

“Are we going to compete on a thousand gold levels? Don't you get the vibe? ”

“In our Alchemy, · · ·! ”

It was then.

“Xiong Xiong. ”

The heavy voice echoes somewhere.

“500,000 gold. ”

“ · · · · · ·. ”

Hunters turn their heads in unison. It's not just where their gaze is headed, it's my knee. It was a cat with a sprained ankle, precisely.

The cat howls, crying and jumps up. When I tapped my knee, the cat's hind paw was the foot of a fluffy beast. But not before landing on the floor of the café. The cat's hind paw suddenly becomes a human shoe and treads softly on the floor.

“500,000 gold for the contract. I'll give it to you from here, if you want. ”

He looks back. Chop, two gold coins hanging from the necklace clash and make a clear sound.

“And I'll give you vice guild leader. ”

Rank 3rd in Hunter.

The guild leader of the League of Merchants. The Earl.

“Vice guild leader for 500,000 gold. How's it going?”

[Transformation] A skilled woman grinned and said. She may be over 40, but she appears to be in her 20s. I'll be drinking Elixir of Top-Quality Fire every day.

It was a hunter with the most wealth in the tower.


I wouldn't have met him if I was me.

I struggled to stay calm and smiled.

“Now the negotiations are negotiated. ”

The first phase of the ransom negotiation is over.

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