Spy Family

Chapter 89 Biological Protection

Being forced to reconcile with Cui Zhuning under the pressure of Guan Zhuqian has always been Mei Qianzhong's heartache. At that time, he said that if the problem could not be solved, the Cui family, specifically Cui Zhuning, would be solved.

"Now?" Lu Linbei asked.

"The sooner the better."

"Over there in front of Guanzhu..."

"You don't have to worry about it. I don't know for sure, but I guess the con man has already taken care of her." Lu Yezhou showed an ambiguous smile, and then asked in a low voice: "At what stage have you gotten along with Chen Mingshi?"

"Phase? Normal phase."

"No that?"

"what's on your mind?"

"Haha, that means no, I'm ahead of you." Lu Yezhou was quite proud and quickly put away his smile, "It seems you are serious."

"Yeah." Lu Linbei didn't want to discuss this topic.

"You should propose to her."


"You are serious, she seems to be serious, and they live together. Getting married is a natural thing, so what are you waiting for? Are you waiting for her to take the initiative?"

"I'm thinking……"

"You just think too much, so you live like this. You can think more about work, why are you so tired in life? Buy a ring, find a better restaurant, finish dinner, kneel down and propose, after she agrees , you still have time to eat the next dessert, without delaying anything, you..."

Seeing Chen slowly approaching, Lu Yezhou finished his persuasion and said, "Remember the business."

The business is to lure Cui Zhuning out of the cave.

But Cui Zhuning seemed to have the ability to predict the unknown. Before Mei Qianzhong's mission was officially assigned, Cui Zhuning had already heard about it and had taken precautions and refused to show up.

Back home, Lu Linbei checked his email first, and Mao Kongshan replied on time. There were indeed financial experts on board the Longitude, and one of them had written a paper waiting to be published, predicting the impact of the large amount of electricity from the eighth planet on the financial system.

Mao Kongshan forwarded the article directly, with a reminder not to spread it outside.

The article was very long and used a large number of mathematical models. Lu Linbei could not understand it at all and skipped directly to the conclusion.

What the expert means is that the Eighth Planet needs a multi-stage transition period, with complete isolation initially and then gradual opening to slow down the impact on the financial system. He predicts that the entire process will take ten to thirty years.

In order to achieve complete isolation, experts recommend the establishment of at least three independent development companies that can sell stocks, but all stocks must be set up with a "sleep period" without voting rights, and the time will be consistent with the planet's transition period.

Lu Linbei logged out of his mailbox, still not understanding the exact meaning of this article.

He heard Chen Manchi walking around outside, and suddenly remembered Lu Yezhou's suggestion. He thought it was incredible in the hotel, but now it became an extremely natural thing.

They would definitely get married, he thought, and proposing was the first step, and he felt a little flustered for no reason.

We have to wait until the current matter is over, which means that Zhao Didian will be arrested and all of Guan Zhuqian's plans will be revealed.

He gave himself a reason and calmed down.

Then he began to think about the task assigned to him by Mei Qianzhong, how to lure out Cui Zhuning, who was already on guard. He fell asleep before he could figure out the result.

In the next few days, Lu Linbei lived a very regular life. In the morning, he accompanied Chen Manchi to guard the store. When there were no customers, Chen Manchi taught him some knowledge about fortune-telling. When guests came to the door, Lu Linbei would hide in the store. In the inner room at the back, a microcomputer is used to view information.

There is a lot of information, often there is some experience, but when you want to find more evidence, there is too much missing.

In the afternoon, the two went to Ru's house on time. Ru Hongshang's enthusiasm for "spies" was decreasing day by day, and she often asked the valet to pass the news. She rarely showed up, but she refused to formally announce her withdrawal.

After that, the two usually go to Li Feng's home to stay for a while.

The new idea provided by Lu Linbei sounds simple, but it is not easy to implement. Just collecting information will take a lot of time. Li Fenghui has great ambitions and even retrieved the internal information of many companies. In his words: "I don't If it is made public and destroyed after use, it is not a crime.”

Li Fenghui's understanding of the legal provisions was quite in line with Chen Manchi's wishes.

Analyzing data is also difficult. Li Fenghui insisted on using his own method and writing intelligent programs to judge the value of the data. It would take several days just to select the parameters of the program.

Lu Linbei felt like an overseer. When he saw him, Li Feng's first words were always: "It's almost, it's almost, give me another day or two..."

There was no news from Professor Qiao. The agreed week had passed and the outline was still not completed. This made his temper even worse. Lu Linbei decided that it would be better to stay away.

Professor Qiao didn't need to push him. If he had achieved results, he would wake Lu Linbei from his sleep even in the middle of the night.

The Mei family seemed to have collectively forgotten about Lu Linbei. There was no news from the third uncle. Mei Wangzhen never cared about the results of data analysis, and Mei Qianzhong did not inquire about the progress of the mission.

Meeting Lu Yezhou was more frequent. We had dinner together every other day, chatting and laughing, and never mentioned "business".

Zhao Didian never appeared again. He either disappeared or was secretly arrested. In short, the news would not reach Lu Linbei's ears.

Mao Kongshan boarded the spacecraft bound for the eighth planet. This was a long journey that lasted for more than twenty days. The passengers were in deep sleep most of the time, so naturally they could no longer send emails.

The only hope turned out to be Li Qingyou's visit.

Shortly after ten o'clock on Monday morning, Li Qingyou showed up on time, and Chen Manchi told her fortune using playing cards for two thousand points, which was much more expensive than usual.

Li Qingyou did not bargain and said directly to Lu Linbei: "Team Leader Ning said that I can't give you the evidence directly, but I can give you a hint: the 12th 'Isolated Island Project' of the Mingwang Planet Biological Conservation Center."

"I need to see Cui Zhuning."

"Why?" Li Qingyou smiled.

"For the common good."

Li Qingyou smiled and said nothing, as if he heard a stupid suggestion.

"Please tell Cui Zhuning that if he is afraid of Mei Qianzhong, there is no need to contact him again."

Li Qingyou laughed again, "Okay, I will tell you."

The conversation between the two was relatively brief. Chen Manchi was still playing with the cards. After a long time, he asked Li Qingyou to draw three cards and asked: "What do you want to know?"

"Career, I'm more interested in it than love right now."

Chen slowly turned over the middle card, which showed a ship riding the wind and waves, "Your career will soon face stormy waves."

"There are ups and downs in love and ups and downs in career. I'm really lucky. Judging from the meaning of this card, I can ride the waves and get through the difficulties, right?"

"Water can carry a boat, but it can also overturn it. It tells you to be careful and get to the shore as soon as possible."

"Haha, I just love riding on the waves. Anyway, thank you so much, I won't bother you anymore."

After Li Qing walked away, Chen slowly sighed, "Like you, she doesn't believe in fortune-telling."

"So you charge her twice as much?" Lu Linbei said with a smile.

"The overcharged money will be handed over to the God of Fate and will not fall into my hands."

"You always say you 'pay taxes' to the God of Destiny. How do you pay taxes?"

"Donate to the 'Wanderer's Station' once a month. All fortune tellers who have been formally trained must donate."

"Wanderer's Stop?"

"It is an organization that specializes in providing help and services to homeless people. I have received a lot of help from there, and sometimes it really saved my life."

"This is a good thing, but what does it have to do with the God of Destiny?"

"Destiny is unpredictable, and all wanderers are measuring the breadth of destiny. Don't ask anymore, I can't answer. Anyway, these are the rules of our profession, just like your profession also has many rules, which seem strange to outsiders."

"You're right. We have a lot of weird rules in this industry. For example, if there is evidence, we won't hand it over directly. Instead, we will give you hints to find it yourself."

"What does the Biological Conservation Center do? Does it protect plants and animals?"

"Yes, all major planets have similar institutions, and the main means of protection are interception and massacre."

"Massacre? Why? Isn't it a 'protection' center?" Chen Manchi was shocked.

"The living things on the seven planets were all transferred from the earth, but the ecosystem cannot be transplanted, so it has always been in a state of imbalance. If there are too many certain plants or animals, they must be eradicated. If the number is too small, artificial intervention is required. To restore the population. The biological system is more complex than the weather, and it is still fragile after three hundred years."

"The truth is correct, but it still sounds cruel."

"This is also the 'breadth of destiny', which needs to be measured."

Chen Manchi was silent in thought.

"The Biological Protection Center is usually a huge organization with many employees. I wouldn't be surprised if Ming Wang Xing hides an intelligence agency inside." Lu Linbei directly used the chip in his body to search for "Island Project".

According to public information, this is a grand plan of Mingwang. It is to establish several "biological islands" on the surface of the planet. Whether they are prosperous or collapsed, they are allowed to develop freely and completely ignored.

The relevant theory comes from the kings. The kings are the only planets that have returned to their original state. There is no unified government and naturally there is no unified plan. The biological system has experienced many major collapses, but miraculously it can always recover and gradually become stable. .

The cost was also huge, and human society collapsed many times and retreated step by step from the technological era.

The goal of the "Island Project" is to find a compromise that gives biological systems space to develop freely while reducing the negative impact on human society.

The plan has been in the works for many years and has yet to come to a firm conclusion.

It seems that it is like many grand plans on various planets. It initially had a good goal. During the execution process, the goal was difficult to achieve, so it gradually drifted away. In the end, the entire plan became a channel for spending money, so smooth that no one wanted to close it. .

In the afternoon, Lu Linbei asked Li Feng for help, "There must be hidden content in the 'Island Project'."

"This is simple, just wait for me for a while." Li Feng returned to operating an idle microcomputer and invaded the internal network of the Mingwang Planet Biological Protection Center. "There is a delay in the interstellar network. It doesn't matter. The programs are all ready-made. It can only take ten minutes at most." , there will be information sent back.”

In less than ten minutes, the invasion came to fruition. To Li Fenghui's expectation, all the packets returned from Mingwang were empty packets without any valid information. The invasion was like a stone's throw away.

"Interesting." Li Feng got more and more frustrated, and contacted a friend on Mingwang Planet through the secret channel network, asking the other party to launch an invasion locally, and then said to Lu Linbei: "Come back tomorrow, the other party has already prepared, this It’s going to be more troublesome than I expected, but I’m sure I can make it work.”

The next morning, Li Qingyou actually came to the store again. Without fortune telling, he directly went to Lu Linbei and said, "Team Leader Ning is willing to meet you for no other reason. He wants to prove to you that Mei Qianzhong wants to get rid of more than just Him, and you. The time and place are decided by Team Leader Ning, just wait."

When leaving, Li Qingyou decided to add a few words of his own, "I really don't understand why you refuse to admit such an obvious fact? You have to let Team Leader Ning take the risk."

"Maybe it's because it's too obvious." Lu Linbei said with a smile. As soon as Li Qingyou left, he contacted Lu Yezhou and asked him to go out for dinner in the evening.

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