Spy Family

Chapter 30 Change of Position

Mei Wangzhen was sitting on the bow of the boat, with his back to the others, like an angry child.

Mei Qianzhong sailed the boat and asked, "Whose idea was it?"

Mei Wangzhen said angrily: "It's me, I can punish you as you want. I have no objection. The whole thing has nothing to do with Lao Bei. I ordered him to follow him in the name of deputy team leader."

"Why should we be punished? You two have made a great contribution." Mei Qianzhong introduced without looking angry at all: "This Lu Linbei is also from the farm. This police officer Lin Mo Shenlin is here." Police headquarters job.”

The two shook hands and said hello to each other.

Mei Wangzhen in front said angrily without looking back: "Lao Bei, ignore him. He is a traitor and betrayed my trust. From now on, we shall not cooperate with him again."

Lin Mo Shen showed a wry smile on his stern face, and when he spoke to Lu Linbei, he explained to Mei Wangzhen, "We often cooperate, but this time is different. The island is a mixed bag. It has long been concerned by the Police Headquarters, and we have received strict orders. , don’t try to scare the snake…”

"I'm just looking for someone. I'm not asking you to search the whole island. Why did you scare the snake? Two days ago, the police came to the island to arrest people, but they didn't notice anything." Mei Wangzhen interrupted angrily, Still not looking back.

"The current situation is really complicated. When police come to the island, they have to report to the headquarters, and..."

"I don't want to talk to you." Mei Wangzhen said sternly.

Lin Mo Shen showed a wry smile again and said to Lu Linbei: "Your name sounds familiar. Are you... that person in the news?"

"It's me." Lu Linbei nodded, "I didn't expect anyone would remember it."

"Professional habits, it seems that you are really not the heir."

Lu Linbei also showed a wry smile, "I haven't even had time to have a sweet dream yet."

"Haha, I'm sorry, I shouldn't have mentioned this..."

"Lao Bei, don't talk to him!" Mei Wangzhen ordered loudly.

Lu Linbei made a helpless expression, Lin Moshen returned an even more helpless expression, and the two shook hands again.

When they arrived at the shore, Mei Qianzhong grabbed Mei Wangzhen, who was about to leave quickly, "My good sister, I beg you to save some face for me. I am your team leader, regional team leader, you always What does it mean for me to do things without permission? The old director is not too busy, but now that the third uncle is here, he is the most rigid person. You know that when he gets angry, he will really drive us back to the farm. "

Mei Wangzhen's anger subsided a little, "I will definitely hand it over to you if I catch the person. Well, if I have any clues in the future, I will tell you in advance, but you are not allowed to hand over the task to others."

"When have I ever stopped you from doing what you want to do?"

"Don't be like him..." Mei Wangzhen glared at Lin Moshen who was standing aside.

Mei Qianzhong smiled and said: "Actually, you have to thank Officer Lin. If he hadn't informed me, you would have really gotten into trouble. Si Li wants to follow the clues and doesn't want to arrest people so quickly."

"Don't try to bluff me, it must be your idea to 'follow the clues'."

"Okay, it's my idea, can you listen to me for once?"

"You are the team leader, but when you arrest someone..."

"You have already reserved it, it must be yours."

Only then did Mei Wangzhen reveal a smile and said to Lu Linbei: "Let's go home with me."

Lu Linbei looked at Mei Qianzhong.

"You have to listen to the deputy team leader's order." Mei Qianzhong gave Lu Linbei a gentle push on the back.

Lu Linbei chased after him.

The two of them were silent all the way. When they found the car, there were fewer pedestrians on the street. Without the noise, the decay of the old city was clearly revealed. It was no better than a garbage island.

"Where to go?" Lu Linbei asked.

"Go home." Mei Wangzhen started the car.

"Can I still go back to that place?"

"Go back to my house."


"Well what, are you scared?"

"Not afraid, but..."

"That's no problem."

The car got on the road and drove out of the old city towards Linhu Street.

Mei Wangzhen's residence looks very big from the outside, but there aren't many rooms inside.

"I feel sorry for you to sleep on the sofa. I'll find a place for you later."

"Okay." Lu Linbei was not picky and was surprised to find that the suitcase he brought from the farm was placed in the living room, "Who sent it?"

"The logistics team is a group of cuties who can always handle things in an orderly manner. According to normal procedures, after you and Ye Zi leave the communication team, you should go to the logistics team to exercise for a while. The work is very boring, but you can understand the structure of the organization."

"When the mission is completed, Ye Zi and I still have to start from the communication team."

"I guess the department is very strict about the promotion process, but after meritorious service, the process will be shortened. Okay, you must be tired too, go to bed quickly, take a shower and go over there, I have to write a report first."


"The old man needs an activity report every day. He can be careless about other things, but he cares very much about this kind of thing." Mei Wangzhen walked towards the bedroom, his steps brisk, as if he was not tired at all.

Lu Linbei took out his pistol and put it away, went to take a shower, and went back to the sofa to lie down.

The sofa was very comfortable, but the living room was a bit too big and a bit empty. He said silently to himself: Don't get "sick" at this time and miss the emergency department's rare big operation.

He began to understand Mei Wang's "hope". Adventure was like the game on the island. When he first came into contact with it, the excitement was a bit frightening. But after he got to know the taste, it was no longer unbearable to play boring daily games.

"They are probably a couple." Lu Linbei thought, feeling calm, but past experience told him that this calmness might not be maintained tomorrow morning.

He fell asleep and dreamed of the game he had only played for five minutes.

When he opened his eyes again, it was already bright. Lu Linbei continued to lie down for a while, then got up and walked a few steps. He was relieved to find that he was not "sick" and everything was normal, or close to normal.

Mei Wangzhen walked out of the kitchen, holding two plates of food, and said with a smile: "What a coincidence, you can smell the fragrance of the rice. There are no good things, only convenient meals. I hope you can still eat it."

“I have fallen in love with convenience meals and can eat them for the rest of my life.”

"Haha, then your life is such a failure."

The two of them were eating on the sofa. Mei Wangzhen said: "It's still early, but we can go to the venue to observe the situation first. I read the information provided by Cai Zhuowu last night. This 1090 does not look like a serious organization. Like a company.”

"Most extremist organizations are like this. At the top are a few professional activists who make a living from this. The more members they attract, the more money they make, so their views become more and more extreme, but they talk a lot but don't do much. They are also afraid of going to jail. Then there’s no point in making money.”

"You know a lot about these organizations, but I don't. I mainly deal with the Cui family and alien spies. Cai Zhuowu, the informant, was taken over from someone else a few months ago."

"What I said can be found in public information."

"Then you have to spend energy to investigate. If you ask me to do this kind of thing, why don't you ask me to go to the emergency department to guard the door. Pack up, let's go, and see what clues you can find at 1090."

The two drove to a commercial building in the old city according to the address shown on the ticket.

The party was scheduled to start at 1:30, and they arrived nearly an hour early. The venue had just been decorated, and some staff were adjusting details.

The tickets for the two of them were in the most common category, and they could only sit at the back. Some spectators had already entered, and they were sitting in scattered places. They looked ordinary. They didn't look like extremists, but more like they were here to watch. Movie idler.

Mei Wangzhen was silent for a while, and then suddenly said: "I thought things would change after Third Uncle came, but it turned out that he was still so conservative, always monitoring and following, always trying to catch some big fish, but in the end even the small fish ran away."

She was still brooding over what happened last night.

Lu Linbei had been observing carefully and replied: "Uncle San is rich in experience. He must have his reasons for doing this."

"Third uncle himself said that his experience cannot cope with the new situation. Forget it, other than saying this, our level is too low, no one cares what we think. What do you see?"

"Nothing." Lu Linbei told the truth. The number of spectators in the venue gradually increased. Some people looked a little weird, but they were also common weirdness and not worthy of attention.

There were probably more than 400 people sitting in the venue, but only a few people sat in the first few rows near the beginning, and it was never full. It seemed that there were not many people willing to spend a lot of money.

Mei Wangzhen came closer and whispered, "You won't betray me in the future, right?"

"Selling out like Officer Lin? No, I won't as long as you are still my boss."

"Maybe in the future who will be whose boss."

"Officer Lin apologized to you later, right? I think you should accept it."

"He was... you eavesdropped on me last night?" Mei Wangzhen's face suddenly darkened.

"No, I guess Officer Lin will apologize to you in private."

Mei Wangzhen smiled apologetically, "You guessed it right, that guy... forget it, let's not talk about him."

About 70% to 80% of the audience were seated in the venue, which was considered a good result for this time period.

The speaker arrived on time and received warm applause, but the content of his speech was very cliche. All social problems were simplified into two figures: 90% and 10%: 90% of the land is undeveloped and 100% of the land is undeveloped. Ten percent of the settlements are crowded with people; ninety percent of the wealth is controlled by ten percent of the upper class; ninety percent of the labor is wasted, and only ten percent produces benefits...

Lu Linbei quickly changed his observation target and saw Cai Zhuowu sitting in the front row. He always took the lead in applauding or applauding at the right time.

Most of the people in the front row were senior members of the organization, but none of them could arouse Lu Linbei's interest.

The Emergency Department has been monitoring 1090 for many years, and any suspected targets should have been confirmed long ago.

Lu Linbei began to look for suspicious people in the audience. There were indeed a few people who were extremely excited. They applauded more promptly and harder than Cai Zhuowu, showing the temperament of a true extremist.

Some staff also noticed them and came up to ask questions in a low voice, probably trying to sell the set meal.

These audiences appear too raw to carry out a rigorous plan.

Lu Linbei observed again, from the stage to the audience, from the front row to the back row, but still found nothing.

"I think our trip was in vain." Lu Linbei said.

Mei Wangzhen felt the same, "Cai Zhuowu is inquiring about the person who planned that parade. Let's wait for news from him. Relax and treat it as a rest."

Lu Linbei huddled in his chair without resting his mind. Assuming that he was the mastermind behind the scenes, what was the purpose of attending such a boring gathering of extremists? Winning over senior executives? broaden knowledge? still……

Lu Linbei's heart moved, and he suddenly realized where he had made a mistake. The person he was looking for was not on the stage, not in the front row, or in the audience behind.

It was those staff members, some were maintaining order, some were selling products, and some, it should be one person, was looking for the most excited audience members, as if they were selling packages, but they never succeeded, and there was no trace of emotion on his face. A look of disappointment.

In fact, he is selecting targets from the audience - people with extreme ideas who can be trained to become killers, just like "Iron Fist".

After thinking about it from his perspective, Lu Linbei immediately found that it was very easy to find someone.

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