Deadpool: Well, it’s not that I don’t want to help you.

John Constantine: What? Do you want money? I don’t have that much money!

Although Constantine exorcised evil spirits and subdued demons for people all day long, he had never saved much money.

When he thought about how much this miraculous cure for late-stage cancer might cost, he felt cold in his heart, his throat was dry, and he couldn’t help but swallow.

Deadpool: It’s not about money.

Deadpool: First of all, the person who treated me was an evil organization called Weapon X. They wanted to use gene therapy to artificially create superpowers.

Deadpool: And this gene therapy also produced some… side effects on my body.

John Constantine: I don’t care about the side effects, as long as I can survive!

Deadpool: Ah…if you knew that now my whole body is like mud from head to toe, maybe you would change your mind.

John Constantine: Huh?

Hearing this, Constantine suddenly felt a chill coming over him, his hands and feet were cold, and his whole body felt like he had fallen into an ice cave.

The whole body becomes like a puddle of mud?

Is this still a human being?

If it really turns out to be like that, even if the cancer is cured, what’s the point of living?

I just got a hope, but it instantly turned into despair!

Faced with such a heavy blow, Constantine trembled and tried to find cigarettes, but he couldn’t find any.

In the end, he sat on the floor of the apartment as if giving up, his face was ashen, and his whole body seemed to have collapsed.

Could it be that… I am destined to go to hell?

Wanda Maximoff: Covered in mud? Deadpool, you are too miserable. I’m beginning to sympathize with you.

Although, because she is in the rebellious stage, Xiao Wanda has always been a bit sharp-tongued.

But essentially, she is still a very sympathetic girl.

Deadpool: Oh! Beautiful girl, thank you for your kindness. Although I have never seen your face, I can guess… you must be beautiful!

Wanda Maximoff: …………I take back my words→_→

Deadpool: Haha, you don’t have to sympathize with me. Now, not only am I cured of cancer, I’ve also gained unimaginable superpowers! That is self-healing power!

Peter Parker (The Amazing Spider-Man): Self-healing?

Deadpool: That’s right! No matter what kind of injury I get now, even if my arms and legs are broken, they will grow back automatically!

Deadpool: In terms of self-healing power, not even the legendary Wolverine can compare to me!

Wolverine:? ? ?

Deadpool: No, Wolverine is also in this group? What a surprise!

Deadpool: Logan, it’s me! Wade Wilson, do you remember?

Wolverine: …………Sorry, kid, I’ve never heard your name.

Deadpool: No, we just met in Vegas two years ago. How come you forgot so quickly?

Wolverine: Two years? Two years ago I was fighting in Vietnam.

Deadpool: Hahaha… so funny, Logan! I didn’t expect you to be so humorous. It has been more than 30 years since the Vietnam War ended.

Wolverine:? ? ?

“Wait, what is this guy talking about?”

Hearing Deadpool’s speech in the group, Magneto frowned, with a look of disbelief on his face.

The man named Deadpool recognized him Wolverine, but in his era, the Vietnam War had been over for decades?

What’s going on?

But before Magneto could speak, Some people in the group can no longer bear it.

Charles Xavier: Deadpool, what year are you living in now?

Deadpool: Wow! Bald Professor Here, Charles’ pupils suddenly shrank! At this moment, he immediately thought of what he had seen before

……《Reverse the Future” video!

Sure enough, this Deadpool is someone from the future!

In the future… he saw himself after losing his hair!

Deadpool: Professor X, although you are here, my answer is still the same as last time!

Deadpool: I prefer to be free and do not want to join your X-Men.

Charles Xavier:…You answer my question first, what year are you living in now?

Deadpool: What a strange question you ask. Of course it was 2005.

Wolverine: What?

Charles Xavier: 20…05 years?

In the tavern. Charles and Wolverine looked at each other and almost gasped at the same time.

This nonsense-talking weirdo actually lives in the future decades later!

At this time, Magneto finally couldn’t bear it anymore.

Magneto: That boy named Deadpool, tell me quickly, in your era, have I successfully led the mutants… to overthrow the rule of mankind?

Deadpool: Wow! This is really incredible. The boss of the Mutant Brotherhood, the biggest Holocaust member on earth, is actually in this group!

Deadpool: Aren’t you wanted by all countries in the world?

Magneto: ……………Damn it!

In the live broadcast room, Magneto’s face instantly turned pale, his body shook violently, and he seemed to have aged 10 years in an instant.

Unexpectedly, even in the 21st century 40 years later.

Not only did he not rescue all the mutants, but instead, he just turned himself into a… wanted criminal!

If the future is like this, then why is he working so hard?

“A guy who lived in 2005? This is unexpected.”

After taking a look at the pale-faced Magneto, Little Wanda shook her head and did not intend to comfort him.

At this time, a new message appeared on the screen. images

【Start playing Avengers: Age of Ultron》】

【In a dark old castle, the siren rang loudly】

【”Report to your post immediately. This is not a drill. We are under attack.”】

【Amid the sirens, a man and a woman held each other’s hands tightly】

【They are none other than”Scarlet Witch” Wanda and”Quicksilver” Pietro!】

【Soon, the scene turned to the outdoors】

【I saw Captain America, Black Widow, Hawkeye, Thor, Iron Man and others going all out to attack the enemy in front of them.】

【The caller… turned out to be the Avengers.】

“What? This is……”

Seeing this scene in front of him, Xiaowang’s mouth opened slightly, and a look of uncontrollable shock suddenly appeared on his face.

Could it be that…in this universe, my own variant and the Avengers are really enemies?

PS: Wolverine series, modern X-Men series is ready to go ^_^

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