Savoring the information that had just appeared in his brain, Peter looked at the almost invisible thread in his hand. Suddenly I felt a chill on my back, and a creepy feeling came over me.

According to the system, if this nanofilament thread is set in a place where someone must pass, then the person may be cut into pieces without knowing it!

Even if he drives a car, a yacht, or even an armored vehicle, the result will be the same!

Gently holding the”flying blade” in his hand, Peter suddenly felt a curiosity in his heart

“To be able to produce such amazing nanomaterials, how advanced is the technology in this Trisolaran world?”

【Image continues】

【After prevaricating Harry for a few words, Peter left the conference room.】

【Halfway there, he spotted Gwen Stacy】

【It turns out that Gwen’s search for information on the Electro was discovered by people from Osborn Company.】

【However, with Peter’s skill, he easily tripped up these people, and Gwen escaped unharmed.】

【Next, Peter dressed up as Spider-Man and met Harry Osborn.】

【Facing Spider-Man, Harry’s face was full of surprises, but Spider-Man’s words severely shattered his dreams.】

【”I want to help you, Mr. Osborne, I really want to help you, but I can’t give you my blood, I really can’t”】

【”What?”Harry’s eyes widened in disbelief.】

【”If the blood doesn’t match, you’ll die.” Spider-Man said】


【Harry’s body trembled slightly】

【”Your blood won’t make me die again”】

【Next, Harry even claimed to give Spider-Man money in exchange for his blood, but was rejected in the end.】

【In despair, Harry shouted:】

【”I thought you were helpful, I thought you could save people!”】

【Staring at Spider-Man, Harry’s eyes were full of despair:】

【”Could it be that…you just watch me die?”】

【Spider-Man said helplessly:”We need a little time to figure out some things now.”】

【After hearing this, Harry finally couldn’t stand it anymore:】

【”I don’t have time!”】

【He suddenly threw the wine glass in his hand towards Spider-Man、】

【But as Spider-Man moved out of the way, the glass smashed against the wall and the shards of glass even scratched Harry’s own face.】

【Seeing Harry’s hurt look, Spider-Man only said one word and jumped out of the window.:】

【”I’m very sorry”】

【Watching Spider-Man disappear from the window, Harry Osborn covered his face and fell on the sofa in despair. ]

Seeing this scene, the alien live broadcast room suddenly fell into silence.

Yide lowered his head in embarrassment, not daring to meet other people’s eyes for a while.

The Spider-Man on the screen refused so bluntly that even he felt a little uncomfortable when he saw it.

You can imagine how Harry Osborn would feel at this moment?

I’m afraid…it’s almost like a death sentence.

At this time, someone also bubbled up in the live chat group.

Peter Parker (Spider-Verse 1): Well, the me in another universe, I feel like…have you gone a little too far?

Peter Parker (Spider-Verse 1): To tell you the truth, there is also a Harry Osborn in my world. He is also the young master of the Osborn Group. He and I are also good friends. friend.

Peter Parker (Spider-Verse 1): If he asks me to save his life, I’m afraid I won’t be able to say no no matter what.

Magneto: Humph! The so-called human friendship… is inherently unreliable!

Charles Xavier: Eric, you can’t say that. The child had his reasons for refusing.

Magneto: Is it because you are worried that the other party… will have genetic mutations? What a joke!

Magneto: Even if you really become a spider-man or a lizard-man, it is better than death!

In the world of mutants, all kinds of weird orcs and half-orcs emerge in endlessly, and Magneto has long been immune to such things.

Seeing the fight in the group getting more and more intense, Peter finally couldn’t bear it anymore.

Peter Parker (The Amazing Spider-Man): In fact, what I fear most is probably It’s not that Harry turned into a monster, but… what happened after he turned into a monster.

Peter Parker (Spider-Verse 1): Huh? what are you saying? Why can’t I understand?

Tony Stark: I see, Peter, are you worried that you might have a conflict with Harry?

Peter Parker (The Amazing Spider-Man): …………That Dr. Connors was originally a good person, but after he turned into a lizard man, he went crazy and actually wanted to turn the entire New York City into lizards!

Peter Parker (The Amazing Spider-Man): What if Harry gets my blood and something goes wrong and he becomes a crazy monster like Dr. Connors?

Peter Parker (The Amazing Spider-Man): You know, Dr. Connors still has the antidote serum and can become a human again! And Harry…

Natasha Romanoff: Your biggest fear… is that you will have to kill him in the end!

Peter Parker (Spider-Verse 1):!!!

In Spider-Verse 1, Parker’s face instantly turned pale and he couldn’t help but gasp.

Kill Harry?

Such a thing…he simply couldn’t even think about it!

But just thinking about this possibility made Parker’s vest feel cold and even his hands and feet became cold

“No wonder…the other Peter refused to give his blood. If it really evolved to that point, it would be too cruel for him.”

Just as Parker sat in the room and sighed, in the live broadcast room, Black Widow glanced at Peter thoughtfully.

Here we are. Now she can determine the child’s character

“He is innocent and kind, has a very high IQ, and has a strong desire to save others. But his biggest character flaw… is his indecisiveness!”

【Image continues】

【After leaving Osborne Company and returning home, by chance, Peter discovered the secret base where his father had hidden information.】

【Arriving at a long-abandoned underground station, Peter opened a mechanism that raised a mysterious train from the ground.】

【Arriving on the train, Peter opened a computer that had been dusty for many years, and an image of his father, Richard Parker, appeared on the screen.】

【”My name is Richard Parker, no matter what the rumors say about me. I hope everyone can understand”】

【”Osborne Company leads the world in genetic research, but Norman Osborne has connections with foreign military organizations”】

【”I discovered that the real purpose behind them… is to create terrible biological, chemical and biological weapons.”】

【”So I refused, and now to get rid of me, Norman Osborne fabricated evidence against me. Want to keep my research results as your own……”】

【Seeing this, Peter in the image shook his head involuntarily. ]

At this time in the live broadcast room, Peter’s eyes suddenly became dull. The expression on his face was completely frozen.

That’s not right.

Whether it is the video shown by Harry before or the genetic lesions on Harry, they all show one thing…

The reason why Norman Osborn The purpose of conducting genetic research is to save his own life!

What about foreign military organizations and biological, chemical and biological weapons? What is this mess?

At this thought, Peter’s body shook violently. A chill instantly penetrates the heart and lungs! Almost cold to the bone

“Could it be that…Dad, he is actually……”

As soon as this idea came to Peter’s mind, a cold voice sounded in his ears:

“Your father is really an incredible liar.”

Loki first looked at Peter, then at the screen, and said with a sneer:

“You are obviously ready to run away, but you still leave such a thing behind. At the last moment, you still want to lie?”

Turning to look at Loki, Peter’s eyes contained anger, fear, disbelief and many other emotions. He opened his mouth but could not say a word. Those who can enter this live broadcast room are basically first-class elites. Rocky and Everything Peter could think of, they naturally thought of it too

Seeing this, the rest of the people in the live broadcast room were also silent.

“What an unlucky boy.”

Tony looked at Peter, whose face was pale and his whole body was shaking, and he had to sigh in his heart:

“It is obvious that my father is a cunning and changeable liar, and may even be a commercial spy.”

“But his son grew up to be a pure and kind-hearted good boy, and things in the world are really incredible.”

At this moment, Strange thought of two other people

“Uncle Ben…and Aunt May!”

“Perhaps, it is precisely because he was raised by these two people that Peter can retain the sincere character he has today.���”

“In a sense, the death of a parent…may not necessarily be a bad thing for the child.”

Next, Richard Parker in the computer video also explained his hidden backhand in the mutant spider

【”The DNA I implanted into the spider belongs to me, which means that without me and without my blood, the Osborne Group will not be able to continue my research!”】

【”I tried my best to destroy the relevant files, but I still couldn’t kill all the mutant spiders.”】

【”So as a scientist I have no choice but to disappear and go as far away as possible”】

【”But as a father, this means I may never see my son again”】

【”Nothing is more important to me than you, Peter.”】

【”But I have a responsibility to protect the world from being harmed by my inventions”】

Looking at Richard Parker’s high-sounding words on the screen, Peter closed his eyes in pain.

He has always had a bad opinion of his father, thinking that he was an irresponsible person who abandoned himself.

But no one expected that he had”underestimated” Richard Parker by a long way!

This person is really, as Loki said, a consummate liar!

In Spider-Verse 1, Parker also opened his mouth in shock.

The development of the scene before him was really beyond his expectation and completely unexpected.

As a top student, Parker is certainly not stupid, and he quickly figured out the cause and effect of this incident.

But after thinking about it clearly, he couldn’t help but feel sorry for Peter’s life experience

“I didn’t expect that my father in another world would be such a person.”

Shaking his head, Parker couldn’t help but sigh softly.

His parents also died in an accident when he was young.

However, both of them are engaged in very ordinary professions and will definitely not be related to any commercial espionage.

At this moment, the picture appeared on the screen again What’s new

【Harry Osborn was framed by corporate elders who wanted to seize power and was imprisoned in a mental hospital.】

【But Harry was no simple character. He launched a counterattack directly in the mental hospital, not only knocking down the guards, but even releasing the Electro who was imprisoned here!】

【Teaming up with Electro, Harry Osborn returned to the company headquarters and captured the company veteran who was trying to seize power, and escorted him into Osborn’s secret warehouse.】

【Here, in addition to the”black technology armor”, Harry also got another thing, which is the mutant spider venom stored here by Osborne Company】

【Pointing a gun at the company patriarch and injecting himself with venom, Harry thought his disease would soon be cured】

【But…the trap set by Richard Parker really worked】

【Without the blood of the Parker family, Harry Osborn’s genes began to change】

【The skin all over his body began to fester and even turned green. Harry fell to his knees in pain.】

【In his dying state, Harry climbed into the high-tech suit by some instinct.】

【Soon, the treatment device included in the suit began to heal the damage inside his body!】

【Dressed in a battle suit, the genes in Harry’s body began to gradually stabilize, and his eyes turned into reptilian-like vertical pupils.】

【The Green Goblin…Harry Osborn is born!】

“Harry…you are really……”

Looking at Harry’s hideous and terrifying appearance on the screen, Peter was so shocked that he almost closed his eyes, unable to bear to watch any more.

He was unwilling to give the blood to Harry because he was worried that something like this would happen.

But I don’t know if it was a trick of fate, but Harry Osborne finally ended up on this road.

Damn it! If this continues, will the battle between Harry and me really be inevitable?

Peter gritted his teeth and suddenly felt confused.

Although the variant of himself on the screen has also gained the power of Spider-Man, his life seems to be a bit too unfortunate.

Whether it is my uncle Such a relative, or a childhood friend like Harry Osborn, in the end… seems to have to part ways with him

【Image continues】

【Gwen took a taxi and was about to go to the airport, but on the way, she was surprised to find that Spider-Man actually used spider silk to draw the words”I love you” on the bridge.】

【Impressed by Peter’s incredible romantic approach, Gwen and he embraced each other again】

【But at this moment, the whole city suddenly fell into darkness!】

【”That is how the matter?”】

【Gwen and Spider-Man looked around, and suddenly there was a violent thunder and lightning in the direction of the city power plant.】

【At this time, the camera turned, and inside the power plant, violent thunder condensed together, and actually turned into an electric man in mid-air!】

“What… is going on?”

Seeing the lightning bolts condensed into the body of the electric man, countless people in front of the screen were shocked

” Elementalization is impossible.”

At Kama Taj, Master Modu exclaimed:

“This human being actually transformed his body into the element of thunder?”

Master Wang next to him also had surprise written all over his face:”This guy, how did he do it?”

Master Ancient One’s expression remained unchanged and he just nodded lightly.

It seems that this so-called Amazing Spider-Man universe also has extraordinary superpowers Level

【Image continues】

【Seeing that the entire city’s lightning was sucked away by Electro, Spider-Man was duty-bound and immediately put on his suit and attacked!】

【As soon as he arrived at the power plant, Spider-Man discovered that Electro, wearing a special suit, was waiting for him there.】

【”You came too late. Spider-Man!”】

【The electric man shouted coldly:”I designed this power grid, so you also belong to me.”】

【”I will be in control, I will be God to those people”】

【Although faced with a severe situation, Spider-Man couldn’t help but chatter:】

【”A god named Spark?”】


【Electro roared and fired a violent thunderbolt from his right hand, blowing the roof of the building under Spider-Man’s feet into pieces.】

【But Spider-Man had jumped out first and landed on a huge water pipe】

【He used a spider web to tear off the head of the water pipe, and a violent jet of water surged out, shooting straight at the Electro! ]

PS: The next chapter ends with”The Amazing Spider-Man” and the last scene of this live broadcast begins with”Spider-Man 1″!

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