Chapter 90 : The Godhead of Thor reappears! Crush the Destroyer! Father: Is this also in your calculations?

[Image continues. 】

[Looking at the appearance of the three warriors wolf fox, Thor walked forward and said eagerly: “You must return to Asgard and stop Loki.”][A three warrior looks at Thor and asks in surprise, what do you do?][Thor’s face showed a simple smile again. 】

[“Don’t worry, friends, I have my own measures.”][“Run away)

[The Three Warriors, Professor Erik and others are fleeing in embarrassment, and Jane Foster suddenly noticed something strange. 】

[“Wait, what is he doing?”][Watching Thor walk towards the terrifying Destroyer alone, everyone was stunned, and Jane’s face showed a panic that could not be concealed. 】

[“What is he going to do?”][Faced with the seemingly unstoppable Destroyer coming closer and closer, Thor’s face was full of pain. 1

[“Brother, no matter what I do, I am extremely sorry for what made you go such a wrong way.”][“However, these people are innocent. Kill them and you will not get any benefit.”][Just as Thor was speaking, the visor on the Destroyer’s face was removed, and the terrifying beam of destruction shone in the cavity of its skull, and it was about to lasing out. 1

[Looking up at the Destroyer, Thor showed an expression of resignation. 】

[“Take my life and end it all.”][At the moment in Asgard, Loki is sitting on the throne, his eyes are extremely deep. 】

[Immediately afterwards, the visor on the Destroyer’s face was regenerated, and the light of the Destroying Beam disappeared. 】

[Thor saw it, and the corners of his mouth curled upwards, and a simple smile appeared on his face again. 】

[Sure enough, his brother was still reluctant to attack him. 】

[Thor Thor: Hahahaha, yes, Loki, you still don’t want to kill me. 】

“Four four zeros” [Loki-Odinsen: Shut up, idiot, if you want to go on, I might be tempted to kill you. 】

[Thor Thor: Okay, okay, then I’ll shut up. 】

[Peter, Parker: Do your brothers usually get along like this?][Loki-Odinsen: No, after coming to the world, his condition seems to be more serious. 】

[Mado magician: So, Strange, you have to remember that the monks of my generation have to stay away from the mundane world in order to gain inner peace. 】

[Stephen Strange: I think that Thor was like this originally, but he just went to a completely strange place where no one knew him, so he let himself go completely. 】

[Tony- Stark: Are you kidding, is this over? Such a powerful destroyer, shrinks like this after a shot? (,▼目v)][Tony Stark: It’s brothers fighting, it’s more fierce than this!)

[Loki, Odinsen: No, if it were me, I would still teach that idiot some lessons. ]

【Thor: What? (ロー;)】

[Image continues][With the creaking sound, the Destroyer turned around, as if he was about to leave. 】

[But suddenly, the metal giant turned around again and punched Thor with a backhand, knocking him out. 】


[Jane yelled and rushed up with a panic on her face. 】

[Thor is full of blood, lying on the ground looking at Jane Foster with a panic face, whispered:][“It’s all over][Jane Foster kept shaking his head: “No! It’s not over yet”][“At least you are fine.”][After saying this, Thor closed his eyes and seemed to have fallen asleep. 】

[Seeing this, Loki in the Asgard Hall turned around and sat back on the throne again. 】

[The Destroyer under his control also turned his head and walked into the distance. 】

[Thor Thor: Hey, what’s going on? I’m the dignified Thor! Odin’s eldest son! But just a mere punch, how could he die?][Thor Thor: And how can I say this, what is the end? This must not be me, this is Loki’s illusion. (艹艹艹)】

[Loki-Odinsen: Brother, you really know yourself. Indeed, if you want to talk about the degree of resistance, no one in the entire Nine Realms may compare to you. 】

[Thor Thor: Hahaha, it’s still Loki, you know me. Since childhood, you have always liked to stab me with your little dagger, but what about it? Haven’t mosquito bites hurt?





A loud and deafening noise reverberated through the clouds, and a dazzling light blasted out in the sky, and even the sun in the sky was eclipsed. The sky shrouded in dark clouds suddenly became like daylight!


Hit by the Thunder Hammer head-on, the Destroyer fell from the sky like a big rock, fell to the ground fiercely, and never stood up again.

Thor’s resurrection battle. A complete victory was won!

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