Chapter 501 Hawkeye’s Family! Tony’s Last Words! Destroy the Infinite Gems! Thor: I’m aiming for the head this time!

Although people like Tony have seen it before, under the snap of his fingers, everything turns to ashes…

But it was at war!

Everyone’s nerves are tense, and they are even ready to die in battle!

The scene in front of him was the exact opposite.

After waiting for 30 years and eliminating countless difficulties and obstacles, Hank Pym finally entered the quantum realm and successfully brought his wife out!

The family is reunited again!

No one would have thought that just behind this seemingly happy scene, the tragedy of the whole family’s destruction would follow!

Bruce Banner: Hey, I was relieved to see that Hank Pym returned successfully. Didn’t expect the end result to be like this.

Galactus’ daughter Ganata: Damn purple potato monster, for his heresy, he has wiped out half the life of the universe, this is simply crazy!

After hearing other people’s explanations, Tunmei also understood what the black ash floating in the air really meant!

This time, Rao, as a cosmic god, was also in a state of turmoil, making it difficult for her.

One snap of fingers to wipe out half the universe!

What a terrifying power this is!

What a terrible determination!

Deadpool: This result… I didn’t expect it.

Deadpool: That Hank Pym did not bring back any zombie virus from the quantum universe, but only brought back a wife.

Deadpool; and his wife, who lived in the quantum realm for 30 years, was fine, but when she returned to the real world, she was killed by Thanos instead!

Tony Stark:??? What did you just say?

Deadpool: Huh? I said a lot, which one do you mean?

Bruce Wayne: Alive in Prince Realm, dead in the real world?

Tony Stark: That’s right, that’s it, I’m starting to think that Scott Lang survived, maybe not because of luck!

Tony Stark: But because it’s in the quantum realm!

Deadpool: What are you talking about? My uncle Wade can’t understand?

Stephen Strange: Pocket Dimension?

Tony Stark: That’s right! I’m guessing that the quantum realm is a separate universe like the pocket dimension created by your enchanted doctor variant!

Tony Stark: As long as you stay inside, you won’t be affected by Thanos snapping his fingers.

Deadpool; late, this is an amazing discovery, but how do you use it? Packing the entire planet into the quantum realm ahead of time?

Tony Stark: I haven’t figured out the specifics yet, but there are definitely deeper secrets hidden in this field!

Deeper “Secrets?”

Sitting in the secret base of S.H.I.E.L.D, the brows of the black marinated egg also frowned.

Hank Pym is now locked up in a secret prison, a prisoner, though it’s impossible to have access to the Ant-Man battle suit.

But because of this, his knowledge of the quantum field can no longer be used by others.

“That black scholar, Bill Foster, seems to have research on quantum channels and the quantum field. Maybe it can come in handy.”

Just as the black marinated egg was contemplating, a man, a woman and one or two people walked in from outside the room.


Black widow led Hawkeye to the vicinity of the black marinated egg and said softly:

We’ve just reached out to Bill Foster and the Ghost Girl at 553 and have successfully recruited them.

It turned out that what Bill and the others were thinking about was to make the Ghost girl’s body return to normal.

When Black widow promised to give them the financial and technical assistance they needed, the two agreed without hesitation.

After all, Ghost Girl worked for S.H.I.E.L.D before, so there is no psychological burden to do it again this time.

As soon as a similar thought occurred in my heart, I got this good news, and the black marinated egg suddenly breathed a long sigh of relief.

At this moment, the screen that had been darkened lighted up again.

(Start playing “Avengers 4 Endgame”][In an open space outside a farm, Hawkeye Clint Barton is teaching his daughter to archery. ”

[In the distance, his two sons are practicing catching the ball, and his wife is preparing food for the family. ”

[It seems that it is the reunion scene of Hehe Meimei’s family. ”

But seeing this scene, many people in front of the screen felt a chill, and even their hearts were suspended.


In the live broadcast room, Xiao Wanda swallowed a mouthful of saliva involuntarily, with a nervous expression on her face.

In previous videos, the Hank Pym family seems to be doing the same.

The first second is a family reunion, and the next second is the whole family’s ashes!

Could it be that the same thing will happen again?

S.H.I.E.L.D underground base.

“Director, what’s going on?”

With the bow still on his back, Hawkeye looked at the scene on the screen with a strange look on his face.

This time, he was just here to report the mission to the black marinated egg. Who would have thought…to see such a strange scene!

Black Braised Egg looked back at his loyal subordinate, sighed secretly, and said softly.

“Clint, no matter what happens next, please calm down.”

“Remember, this is something that happened in another universe

“Huh? Another universe?”

[Video continues]

【“Enough practice, it’s time to start dinner.”

[Hawkeye smiles when he hears his wife’s cry, and goes back to his daughter to eat. ”

[But all he saw was a pile of ashes scattered in the air. ”


[When Hawkeye turns around again, he finds that his wife and two sons are also gone. ”


“Where have you all gone?”

[Both eyes are wide open, Hawkeye even showed a trace of panic in his eyes, and began to frantically search for his family around the farm. ”


[But no matter what he calls it, there is only deathly tranquility in the air.

“Well, what’s going on here?

Looking at the “self” on the screen running around outside the farm in vain, with the helpless Roar shouting, Hawkeye even frozen Roar’s suction, his eyes were full of fear, and there was only one thought in his mind:

Where has my family gone?

At the same time, there were sighs in the chat group.

Wolverine; alas, this is so bad. In a sense, even worse than Hank Pym.

Captain the United States: Yeah, that Dr. Pym at least went with his family.

Captain the United States: And this Hawkeye, left alone in the world, facing that loneliness and despair.

Looking at the deserted apartment around (ajeij), a gloom flashed in the captain’s eyes.

His relatives and friends are almost all dead.

In this sense, how much better he is than the Hawkeye on the screen.

Wanda Maximov: It’s all the fault of that hateful purple potato monster! Convex (L)

Carol Danvers: If there is a chance, we must kill him and kill this universe!

Although she said the most cruel words, Captain Marvel didn’t realize that she used “we” instead of “I”.

Since the last defeat, there has been a vague fear of Thanos in the heart of surprise!

This purple potato monster is already strong enough, and now he even got a power gem!

Who else can beat him alone?

Holy Kaisha: For his own mad desire, he will destroy half the universe! The sin of Thanos can almost catch up with the infinite Ultron!

Galactus’ daughter Ganata: Half-universe.. Damn! I don’t know.. “Did that snap of fingers affect me? (A)

Seeing one human being on the screen turned into ashes, even Tunmei felt a little panicked for a while.

Although she is known as the god of the universe, she may not be able to resist the power of the unity of 6 Infinite Gems!

Ghost Rider: Miss File size, you don’t have to worry. If this monster is not afraid of the Eye of Judgment, I will use the power of the universe, combined with hellfire, to burn it to ashes!

Ghost Rider: Just like… that other universe Ghost Rider did!

After seeing the record of Ghost Rider in the universe, Johnny Blazer’s heart was suddenly full of confidence, almost overflowing!

A Punisher of that age can do it. He is in his prime, and he also possesses cosmic energy, so why can’t he do it?

holy place No. 2.

“Want to kill me? Not a small tone.”

Looking at the endless stream of hate, curses, and even murder notices on the barrage at the bottom of the screen, Thanos relaxed, and a relaxed smile appeared on his face.

After running rampant in the universe for so long, in order to implement the big plan of “killing half”, the number of people who died in his hands has long been uncountable!

So, Thanos doesn’t care how far these losers are!

By contrast, he appreciates the feat that the alternate universe variant has done!

Although the current Thanos has changed his mind and is ready to save the universe in other ways, as long as the “kill half” strategy can be successfully implemented, at least that parallel universe has also been saved!

Just then, a new image appeared on the screen. . .

[Video continues]

【After Thanos snapped his fingers, only Tony and Nebula survived on Titan. ”

[Although they got on the spaceship, their energy, food, drinking water, and even oxygen were all insufficient, and they were about to die in space. ”

[At the last minute, Tony opened the helmet of his steel battle suit and recorded his last words for Pepper. ”

“I don’t know if you can see this, I don’t even know if you’re alive…]

{“God, I hope you’re all right.”

[Even though death is imminent, Tony is still worried about the safety of Little Pepper. ”

【“Oxygen can only last until tomorrow morning, this is the end.”

[Looking at the helmet in front of him, Tony takes a long sigh 🙂

【“I once said that there will be no more accidents.”

[“But I really hope to be able to finish the final mission, but now it seems…)

[“I will dream of you, I have always been you in my dreams…)

[After saying everything he could, Tony turned off the video device on his helmet, let out a long breath, and lay flat on the deck. ”

[Soon, he fell asleep.

[Seeing this, Nebula pulls Tony up and puts him on the cockpit seat. ”

As a soldier, Nebula still hopes that the man in front of him can leave this world with dignity. ”

[Just as Tony was dying in a coma, a golden light suddenly shone on his face.

(When he opened his eyes, Tony saw a figure as dazzling as the sun.”

[That’s Captain Marvel.

Not long after, Captain Marvel flew back to The Avengers Base on Earth with Tony and the newcomer’s spaceship.

[When the remnants of the Avengers reunited, everyone had mixed feelings, and Little Pepper even cried with joy. ”

[“I lost that child.

[Looking at Steve Rogers and thinking of Peter Parker who had turned ashes in his hands, Tony suddenly felt sad. ”

[“We all lost,” the United States captain responded heavily. ”

[Next, in The Avengers Base, everyone looked at the statistics of the “missing persons”, and they were all silent.

[Even Captain Marvel’s expression became very complicated when he saw the photo of the black marinated egg. ”

Facing the loss of half of his life, Tony Stark, who was already very weak, finally collapsed. ”

[He had a heated argument with the captain of the coming country, and in the end he even ripped off the Ark reactor and put it in the hands of the coming team, and then passed out. ”

[At this extremely dark moment, Nebula, who had been silent, suddenly provided extremely crucial information:)

“I can tell you where Thanos is.

[Xingyun’s face is like frost, and he said coldly:

[“He has been telling me about his grand plan for years.”

[“And when he’s done, he just wants to go to one place.

“That garden!][According to the information provided by Nebula, Rocket Raccoon also noticed that just two days ago, a certain planet in the universe also burst out the energy fluctuations released by Thanos when he snapped his fingers on the earth!)

[This planet is the garden of Thanos!)

holy place No. 2.

“What? I

Looking at the self who was talking on the screen and completely leaked the secrets of Thanos, Nebula was completely frozen, his eyes were full of fear, his heart was completely shrouded in fear, and he almost fainted for a while!

what to do?

It’s dead now!

“Ah… good daughter.”

Thanos glanced at Nebula with a half-smile but not a smile, and she was so shocked that she fell directly on the ground and screamed loudly:

“Father! No! I will never reveal your…

There was a flash of golden light in Thanos’ eyes, as if he was about to shoot out a terrifying beam of energy.

But after a second thought, he suddenly turned his head and continued to watch the screen, as if he put Nebula’s hand aside first.

Thanos really wanted to see how he ended up in this universe.

Also, he was a little curious

Since he’s already snapped that finger, eliminating half of the overpopulation in the universe, why did he snap his fingers a second time?

What’s the point?

[Video continues][In The Avengers Base, facing the eager companions, Bruce Banner rushed up and poured a basin of cold water. ”

[He thinks that they were so strong that they were beaten to death by Thanos!)

[Now that the number of people is directly reduced by half, how can it be possible to beat Thanos with 6 gems in his hand?)

【“You didn’t have me before.”

[Captain Marvel’s face is expressionless, but his eyes are full of arrogance and confidence. ”

(Seeing this woman’s arrogant attitude, Thor, who was eating snacks, couldn’t help but stand up, walked over to Captain Marvel, and extended his hand to her.”


[The Stormwind Battle Axe responded to the call, flew and fell directly into Thor’s hands! The strong wind it carried even blew Carol’s hair up!)

[But Carol’s expression didn’t change at all, and the corners of his mouth actually curved up slightly. ”

[“Okay, I think she’s pretty good.”

Seeing Carol’s calm demeanor, Thor also gave her a high score. ”

【At the moment, Team Mi looked at the projection of the garden planet on the screen, and couldn’t help but swear. ”

[“Let’s go kill this bastard!”)

[The remaining superheroes on the earth got on the spaceship of the Guardians of Galaxy together and rushed to the garden where Thanos was located at the fastest speed.

[In this trip, they have two goals, one is to defeat Thanos, the other is to capture Infinity Gauntlet and Infinite Gems, and then use this artifact to reverse everything Thanos has done!”

[On this planet, Thanos seems to have become an old and disabled guy who can only rely on some fruits to simply get by. ”

(Just as Thanos was about to eat, his daughter’s Nebula burst in with a pack of superhero like wolves!)

【”boom!][Captain Marvel took the brunt of the charge, the first one rushed in and knocked Thanos to the ground, then directly strangled his neck, making the purple potato monster unable to move, let alone use the Infinity Gauntlet.


【Soon, the anti-Hulk Iron Man and War Machine also rushed up and completely controlled Thanos’ body. ”

[Finally, Thor broke into the house and chopped off Thanos’ left hand along with the Infinity Gauntlet with an axe.


[After suffering such heavy damage, even the Crazy Titan couldn’t help but let out a miserable Roar. ”

Until [at this moment, everyone could see clearly that Thanos’ left body seemed to have fallen into lava, was burned beyond recognition, and was almost destroyed!)

[Rocket Raccoon stepped forward and turned the Infinity Gauntlet over, but he was shocked to find that there were no Infinite Gems on the glove at all. ”

[The United States captain carefully observed the empty Infinity Gauntlet, and immediately looked at Thanos and asked in a deep voice:][“Where are the Infinite Gems?”

(Thanos, who is almost a wreck, speaks the truth with difficulty.][It turns out that in order to prevent others from using Infinite Gems to reverse his own salvation, he used a finger cot to destroy the gem two days ago!)

[It is precisely because of this that Thanos’ left body is so scarred. ”

[As soon as he heard this, all the superhero froze in place, with a terrified look on their faces. ”

【Air. It all became heavy at this moment. )

【Without Infinite Gems, the lost half of life. Will it never come back?”

【“Impossible! Let’s find out here, he must be lying.

[War Machine is horrified, as if he can’t believe his ears. ”

【“My father can do anything.”

[Xingyun said with a gloomy face:

[“But he’s definitely not a liar.”

[Looking at his daughter who is speaking for him, Thanos raised his head, and there was a hint of strangeness on his face:

[Thanks a lot “Daughter, maybe I was too harsh on you in the past….)

[At this moment, without any warning, Thor raised the storm axe in his hand, and an axe directly slashed at Thanos’ neck. ”


[Like a red-hot knife slicing through the butter, Thanos’ head fell to the ground in an instant, and the splattered blood even shot onto Nebula’s face. )


[At this moment, all superhero are stupid. ”

[All the superhero looked dull, staring blankly at Thanos’ head that fell to the ground, almost forgetting where they are! What are you doing!)

[This incredible scene hit their hearts, almost making everyone feel unreal.

“You… what did you do?”

[Rocket Raccoon looks up at Thor with a ghostly expression on his face.

[Thor looked at Thanos’ corpse in a trance, and said slowly:][“This time, I did head straight for it!”

(Not long ago, Thor’s axe failed to kill Thanos, which caused him to snap that horrible finger!)

[What Thanos said to Tony at the time was that you should aim at my head!”

[Anyway, Thor now. Finally, I use my actions to make up for the mistakes I made in the first place…)

[Although he thinks so, the guilt in Thor’s heart has not eased in the slightest.

“Half of his life can’t come back, and it’s all because he didn’t aim for Thanos’ head in the first place!”

[And At the moment stood on the other side, looking at Thanos’ body, Black widow’s body was shaky, and the tears in his eyes couldn’t control the flow.

[Everything is over. ”

[The last hope of the whole universe has been shattered!)

holy place number 2!

“Thanos is dead!”

Gamora Roar sucked for a while, then lowered her head sharply, lest anyone else see the ecstasy in her eyes.

She really didn’t expect that the terrifying crazy Titan who seemed to be impossible to defeat would die so easily in the end!

– Axe, it’s done!

But just then, Gamora heard laughter.


Thanos on the throne… laughing!

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