Chapter 499 Quantum Child Ghost! Shocked: Possessing other’s body’s Ant-Man! Open quantum channel! Magical Pym particle!

【”Well…][Scott wakes up confused in the passenger seat of a car. ”

[As soon as he opens his eyes, he is startled. ”

(I saw a few pigeons several meters high, pecking at the car!”

[It turns out that this car has been shrunk by the Wasp Woman Hope with Pym particles!

[Due to the exposure of Hank Pym’s quantum technology, the father and daughter have become wanted criminals at this moment, and now they can only hide everywhere. ”

[In order to bring out Scott, who was under house arrest at home, Hope also brought a giant ant to confuse the FBI tracker. )

Coming to Hank Pym’s base, Scott saw a quantum channel device. ”

[Hank Pym activated this device last night, and in a very short period of time, opened the door to the quantum realm.

[5 minutes after the door opened, Scott called to tell him that he had a dream about Hank Pym’s wife. ”

[Hank Pym believes that when Scott entered the quantum realm, he once had quantum entanglement with Huang Feng’s female Janet. ”

[In other words, Janet left a section of the prince’s coordinates in Scott’s mind. )

[Last night, when they activated the quantum tunnel, they just activated this message. ”

“As long as this information is found in Scott’s brain, it is possible for Hank Pym to bring his wife back through the quantum channel.”

[In order to do this, they also lacked a part to prevent energy overload. ”

[After getting the evidence from Scott’s words that Janet was indeed alive, Hank Pym and Hope were all excited and rushed out the door. ”

[After going out, Hank Pym pressed the button, and the car parked at the door immediately shrunk down like a toddler’s toy. ”

[Then, Pym opened another bag, took out a toy and put it on the ground, and with the push of a button, an off-road vehicle appeared again. ”

[Seeing this, Scott quickly said that he wanted to help, but if the FBI found out about his leaving home without permission, he would definitely have to serve 20 years in prison. ”

[Hope said that all they needed was the data in Scott’s mind, and they would send her back directly afterwards. ”

[Seeing this, Scott could only reluctantly agree, but he still wanted to try to stay in the building and didn’t want to leave with Pym and the others. )

[But who would have thought that Pym took out a remote control and pressed

【”what!][The whole building was shrunk to the size of a suitcase, Pym lifted a handle, pulled up the “building suitcase” and left. ”


[Watching Hank Pym lift the shrunk building and put it into the car, Strong’s eyes were sluggish, like a clay sculpture, and his brain was about to crash. ”

[Is the Pym particle so magical?]

Seeing this, the chat group also became lively.

Starlight: Wow! What kind of magic is that? It’s unbelievable! It can even shrink the building.

Bruce Banner: It’s not magic, it’s science!

Bruce Banner: It’s just that, as a scientist, I really can’t understand how Hank Pym did it? (@_@)

Deadpool: This kind of Pym particle is really amazing, no wonder even the planet eater was reduced by this trick. ^_^

Galactus Daughter Ganata: Shut up! There’s absolutely nothing wrong with that!

Galactus’ daughter Ganata: Yes, maybe just like the universe that was slaughtered by Deadpool, the universe where Ghost Rider is located is not normal!

Galactus’ daughter Ganata: Otherwise, how could my father, as the god of creation, lose to any particle?

Tony Stark: To be honest, I don’t understand how the Pym particle works.

Tony Stark: If old Pym wasn’t so nasty, I’d really like to talk to him.

Loki · Odinsen: Small exchange? To put it nicely, don’t you just want to be like your father, stealing other people’s technology?

Tony Stark: My dad is my dad, I am me.

Faced with Loki’s accusations, Tony seemed a little guilty for a while.

In his last unhappy meeting with Pym, he also had a faint awareness of…

Howard, his own father, seemed to have really manipulated Pym particles back then! He just didn’t succeed!

Reed Richards: I envy you guys for being in the same universe as this Dr. Pym! Otherwise, I’d like to have a good science exchange with him too!

Bruce Banner: Well, after this broadcast is over, I’ll go look for him. Unlike Tony, he and I shouldn’t have any personal grudges.

Nick Fury:

Just then, a new image appeared on the screen.

[Video continues.

Hope [Walks into a hotel and deals with a gang leader for the parts needed to make the quantum channel. ”

[Who would have thought that this gang leader actually found out Hope’s origin, and threatened her to cooperate with him, trying to make a lot of money from the quantum field. ”

[Seeing this gang leader toasting and not eating and drinking, Hope turned into a wasp without saying a word, beat his subordinates to the ground and snatched away those parts.

“But just as Hope was about to leave with the parts, a strange woman in white suddenly appeared in front of her.”

[This woman’s body is like a Ghost, and she can walk through objects at will, but Hope, the wasp girl, couldn’t beat him for a while.

[Seeing that the situation is not good, Hank Pym had to give Scott the Ant-Man battle suit that he had only finished half-finished, and asked her to save his daughter. ”

(Scott Lang also entered the hotel and joined Hope to fight together, but halfway through the fight, the Ghost girl suddenly disappeared.”

[At this moment, Hank Pym’s voice suddenly came from Hope’s earphones 🙂

【“I was on the monitor, I didn’t see anything, woohoo…][The two noticed something was wrong, and hurried back to the car, only to find that the Ghost girl had come one step ahead and snatched the building where the laboratory was located from Hank Pym!][The parts were not obtained, but they were lost in the laboratory. The three defeated generals gathered in the company opened by Scott’s cellmate and began to discuss the next action plan. )

[Hank Pym believes that the Ghost girl has the ability of quantum phase change, and can change at will in different forms. 】

[In order to get back to Hank Pym’s lab, their last hope is a man named Bill Foster. ”

[This person is Hank Pym’s colleague at S.H.I.E.L.D. ”

[However, now this Bill Foster has changed careers and taught at the university. ”

When everyone in front of the screen saw Bill Foster’s face, a startled Roar sounded.

Bruce Banner: This is… isn’t that Morpheus from The Matrix?

Bruce Banner: Is he actually an employee of S.H.I.E.L.D?

Nick Fury:………….Wait a minute…let me check. …

Nick Fury: Bill Foster! This guy left decades ago and I haven’t worked with him at all, so it’s no wonder I don’t recognize him.

Tony Stark: Fortunately, he left his job so long ago, otherwise, I am afraid that he would have been killed by HYDRA!

Tony Stark: In that case, Hank Pym and the others have no one to turn to!

Nick Fury:—


Taking a deep breath, Hei Ludan looked at Black widow who was standing beside him, and a smile suddenly appeared on the corner of his mouth.

There are only a few loyal subordinates around him now, but HYDRA’s power has been completely removed!

Not only that, but he also relies on his previously hidden funds to secretly build a new aircraft carrier! And… an underground S.H.I.E.L.D!

Now, he doesn’t care about power status.

The black marinated egg just wants to hide in the dark and silently defend the earth!

Therefore, he is also very attentive to the mysterious Ghost girl on the screen.

Such technology, if it can be mastered by S.H.I.E.L.D. It’s sure to come in handy!

[Video continues][The three went to the university to find Bill Foster and got help from each other.

[But even so, they needed a new diffractive device. ][This kind of thing is generally used on the Ant-Man suit. ”

[At the moment, Strong suddenly remembered that he had used Ant-Man’s uniform in his daughter’s trophy before!)

【Scott sneaked into the school with a half-finished Ant-Man uniform. Who knew that there was a problem with the uniform in the middle, and his figure became a child-like file size, and he couldn’t change it back!)

[After a lot of trouble, Scott finally retrieved his daughter’s trophy with Hope’s help. ”

[Through the Ant-Man suit hidden in the trophy, Hank Pym also obtained the diffractometer and located the location of the laboratory where he was robbed. ”

[Scott turned into Ant-Man, broke into the enemy’s base camp with Hope, and found that the Ghost girl At the moment was lying in a device.

“But when they started, the Ghost girl suddenly woke up and knocked down the two Scotts in an instant.”

【At this moment, Bill Foster actually appeared!】

[It turns out that many years ago, the father of the female Ghost was also a staff member of S.H.I.E.L.D, but was fired by Dr. Pym. ”

[In a fit of rage, he began to independently study quantum technology, but an accident occurred, not only killing his own family, but also turning his daughter into a shapeshifting state of inhumanity. 】

Bill Foster [as a friend of his father, took in the Ghost girl. ”

[Next, Ghost Girl was taken over by some people from S.H.I.E.L.D. She was also equipped with your battle suit, and was trained as an agent with invisible Ability, killing countless people.

It wasn’t until the fall of S.H.I.E.L.D that Bill Foster and the Ghost girl reunited again. ”

[But Ghost, your body has been shattered due to constant phase changes. ”

【Bill Foster believes that the wasp Janet should absorb a lot of energy in the quantum field. If she can be rescued, and the energy in Janet’s body can be extracted and poured into the Ghost woman, the molecules in her body can be repaired. structure to return to normal. )

[Hank Pym is shocked and thinks Bill Foster will tear Janet’s body to shreds!)

[Hank Pym also seems to have had a heart attack due to his excessive fury. 】

[Seeing this, Hope hurriedly urged Bill Foster to take out Hank Pym’s heart medicine,

[After hesitation for a while, Bill goes to get the medicine. ”

[Who knows that as soon as he opened the small box, several giant ants popped out from it!][Unpredictable, Bill Foster was caught off guard by these ants. ”

[The Ghost girl has no battle suit, so it is difficult to control the molecular phase transition in her body, so she can only watch Hank Pym and others rob the laboratory back. ”

[At this moment, the gang leader who had dealt with Hope actually approached Strong’s former inmates and wanted to find out the location of Hank Pym from them. ”

[No one thought that the Ghost girl would kill at this time! Just listen to the position of Pym and others!]

【At the moment, in the laboratory, Hank Pym finally successfully opened the door to the quantum field, and due to quantum entanglement, Scott Lang’s consciousness was replaced by Janet in an instant!)

[Scott, who was Possessing other’s body by Janet, immediately rushed to the console and madly modified the algorithm of volume 553 sub-channels. ”

“What? Are you crazy?”

[Seeing this, Hank Pym and Hope were both taken aback. 】

[“Trust me, I’ve been there for 30 years!)

[Scott utters appalling words while typing on the keyboard. 】

[“Jenny??][Looking at Scott who looks like a different person, Hank Pym opened his eyes wide and asked in an unbelievable tone:

【”is it you?”)

(Scott “reached out and stroked Hank Pym’s face with excitement, almost tears welling up in his eyes.”

“My dear, I finally see you again.”

[Then Scott turns his head and touches Hope’s face again, softly saying:]

【Little Gummy, you have grown so big.


[Looking at Scott, whose expression has changed drastically, Hope’s eyes almost popped out. ”

【Boyfriend becomes mother in an instant!)

[This jump is really too big! It blinded her. ”

Seeing this scene, the chat group exploded.

Wanda Maximov: Oh my gosh, this is disgusting too. (mouth)!

Captain the United States: A man calls another old man dear….

Ghost Rider: I wish my eyes hadn’t seen this.

Deadpool: Ahahaha! How can you have eyes? How can I remember that your eye sockets are empty!

Sentry: I don’t quite understand. Did that man suddenly become the old man’s wife?

Sentry: Then, are they going to get married?

Captain the United States: Get Married! (TA;)

Wolverine: This is too bad!

Ghost Rider: I now wish someone would wash my mind with Eye of Judgment.

Deadpool: Hey, if that Janet’s body can’t come out, but the consciousness occupies Scott’s body, maybe it really has to come this far in the end! o(n_n)O haha~

Wanda Maximov: Vomit… don’t say it, I’m about to throw up.

Nick Fury·: Bill Foster! And the Ghost Girl! Damn, I don’t even know these things!

When he thought that he was the elder of S.H.I.E.L.D, but everything was kept in the dark by the people under him, Hei Lu Dan suddenly blushed with anger.

At this time, Black widow, who was standing beside him, suddenly said in a deep voice:

“Director, the one who trained the Ghost girl should be the HYDRA who sneaked into the bureau!”

“Fortunately, we have wiped them all out.”

Black Egg nodded heavily:

“From the timeline, the Ghost girl should be with Bill Foster,

“So, it’s up to you and Hawkeye! All right?”

Black widow nodded lightly, and immediately turned his head and walked out.

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