Chapter 468 Doctor Strange’s Demon Lord! Hulk continues to crush! President’s plea! Iron Man’s death fight!

Seeing Doctor Strange being counter-killed by Hulk inexplicably, the chat group suddenly became lively.

Loki Odinsen·: This doctor is really stupid! Since he has trapped the other party in the spiritual world, wouldn’t he win by directly destroying the soul of that green monster?

Loki · Odinsen: No matter how powerful the body is and the soul is ruined, this big green monster is not the only way to die!

At this moment, Loki was really angry.

Just now, it can be said that Hulk was the closest to defeat!

Such a great opportunity was still missed by Doctor Strange!

Xingguang: What you said is too simple, that big monster is so terrifying, how can it be defeated so easily.

Looking at Hulk with the green disease like a devil, Xingguang’s face turned pale with fright.

In the world of black-robed pickets, although there is a superhero who acts recklessly, there is no supervillain who destroys the world.

And monsters like Hulk, who are like the incarnation of natural disasters, shattered her three views.

Stephen Strange: No! No matter how strong Hulk’s physical strength is, he can’t bring it into the spirit world!

Stephen Strange: Hulk wouldn’t have been able to resist if that Doctor Strange had killed him in the first place.

Having personally experienced Ancient One magician’s “soul palm”, Strange knows better than anyone else how terrifying this kind of spiritual blow is!

Mordo magician: Alas, that Stephen still values ​​friendship too much.

Captain the United States: He still considers this Hulk his friend.

Wanda Maximov: However, this also proves that Stark’s guess was not wrong!

Wanda Maximov: This quirky Super Hulk really integrates Bruce Banner’s personality!

Charles Xavier: In other words, on that alien planet, the one who married an alien and had children, was Hulk and Bruce Banner?

Charles Xavier: That’s too weird, isn’t it? Two personalities.. share a body? (000)

As a mind capable person, Charles was also shocked by the strange thing of “540”.

It is not that he has not seen patients with multiple personalities, but these personalities generally compete with each other for ownership of the body.

Charles never imagined that there are multiple personalities coexisting harmoniously in the world!

Tony Stark: I care more about Hulk’s conspiracy than the trivial matter of sharing a body!

Stephen Strange: Plot? You mean…

Tony Stark; I suspect that this Doctor Strange lost because he fell for Hulk!

Tony Stark: Do you remember? After Doctor Strange showed the power to crush Hulk, the monster immediately transformed into Bruce Banner!

Tony Stark: Not only that, but he pretended to be waking up!

Tony Stark: This made Doctor Strange put down his guard, thinking that his old friend had woken up, and this changed the spirit body back to the original appearance!

Tony Stark: From this moment on, Doctor Strange’s failure is doomed!

Bruce Banner: What? This mouth)!!!

Seeing Tony’s speech, even Banner himself was taken aback.

He really didn’t expect that in another universe, Hulk not only inherited his personality perfectly, but also could use such a cunning scheme!

An insidious and crazy Hulk, it’s unbelievable!

Loki·Odinsen: Hmm….this monster is too dangerous, people in that world should find a way to destroy it sooner!

Loki · Odinsen: Otherwise, the whole earth may be destroyed by him.

Wanda Maximov: Hey Mingming, you weak villain, you actually want to protect the earth? A_A

Loki Odinson: Hahaha, you say I’m the villain! But in my opinion, at least in the world on the screen, the superhero images of Tony Stark are also bad!

Loki·Odinsen: After they were defeated by Hulk, the passers-by on the street were still cheering for Hulk Roar!

Loki Odinson: And after all, isn’t this mess caused by these self-proclaimed heroes who banish Hulk at will?

Tony Stark:

Now, Tony has nothing to say.

In fact, after watching so many videos, Tony himself has almost come to a conclusion.

In countless multi-universes, variants of themselves are either arrogant or self-destructed.

Or it is because of excessive conceit that leads to more terrifying troubles!

“Damn it.

Tony sighed secretly.

Isn’t there a reliable Iron Man in the parallel universe?

Is it so hard to be a hero?

Just then, a new image appeared on the screen.

[Video continues][After defeating Doctor Strange in the spirit world, Hulk, who was sober, immediately noticed General Ross and others who were firing on him!”


With [with a terrifying roar, Hulk dashed towards the army in front of him!][Whether it’s a chariot or a helicopter, in front of it, it’s torn to shreds like paper! 】

[After Doctor Strange, the military’s all-out siege was also defeated by Hulk’s men. ”

[In the White House, the beautiful black president is being briefed by the S.H.I.E.L.D agent.

[“So, did Ross also lose the battle?”][S.H.I.E.L.D Deputy Director Maria Hill nodded 🙂

【“Yes, now we have no choice.

The President [asked in an icy voice. “How about black weapons?]

“No. Your Excellency.”

[Maria Hill replies in an unwavering voice]

“All the scientists told us, an attack like that would only make the Hulk stronger!)

[“Right now, our only hope is Sentry!][“He’s the strongest superhero on earth, but he’s also a terrible schizophrenic!)

“So he was very afraid that his actions would cause harm to the world and to himself.

【“Your Excellency the President, you must assure him that everything he does is correct.”

“So you want me to promise?”

[The black president breathed a sigh of relief, this kind of thing is what he is best at. ”

[Soon, the black president called Robert Reynolds’ home:]

【“Mr. Reynolds, I am your president.

【“I have a task for you, those heroes need your help.”

“They are your friends and they trust you as much as I trust you!”

“So please show your strength.

[Robert Reynolds’ face is expressionless as he listens to this series of lines, which are like reading a script. And just then, there was another messy voice on the phone 🙂

[“Your Excellency President, this is the latest transcript of the conversation provided to you by the advisor, and they want you to read it according to this]

“What are you kidding me about?”

【After a while of noise, the president on the other side of the phone seems to be finally angry 🙂

[“Okay, Reynolds, listen to me, my nerdy advisors told me you’re a lunatic.]

【“But they also say, you are a hero!”

“So get me over your schizophrenia and go!][Sentry, Robert Reynolds, still doesn’t move after giving a mess of orders.

[Standing by the window of the White House, the black president muttered as if giving up.

[“Now we’re done)

“Good guy.

Seeing this, the expression on Tony Stark’s face also became extremely strange.

The dignified and beautiful country has finally been reduced to the point where the president has to go out in person and beg a mentally ill person to save it!

The worst thing is that the mentally ill can’t even move!

At this time, Little Wanda looked back at Sentry and asked curiously:

“So, do you really have schizophrenia?”

“It’s still very serious?”

Sentry stretched out his hand and scratched his head, and said honestly:

“I do not know either.”

“However, every time I talk to those doctors about nothing, they’re scared.”

“In the end it was diagnosed…I have a mental illness.

Looking at Sentry, Bruce Wayne frowned slightly:

“Strictly speaking, dual personality is not a disease, but a mental phenomenon, and it cannot be equated with schizophrenia.”


Sentry nodded vaguely, as if he didn’t understand at all.

Seeing him like this, everyone’s little Wanda was also speechless,

This stupid guy…is that Earth 616’s last hope?

At this time, a new image appeared on the screen.

[Video continues. ”

[After defeating Black Bolt, MR.Fantastic, Iron Man and others, Hulk took these captives to the stadium in Madison Square Garden. 】

“It seems that he is going to transform this stadium into a death arena!”

[At the same time, Doctor Strange, whose hands were abolished, finally made his final move!)

[He took out a bottle of forbidden magic potion and chanted a spell. ”

[“In the name of eternity)


【”Summon the power from the hell plane…)

“The power of the Demon King Zom will be resurrected again!”)

【Seeing that the magic potion in his hand released a dazzling aura, Doctor Strange lifted the bottle without hesitation and drank it! At the same time, he whispered:)

【“May those who die die in their proper place!”

【As soon as he took the potion, Doctor Strange was instantly filled with the power of the Demon King from the hell plane!)


I saw his body swell to several meters in an instant, and his head actually burned with terrifying hellfire, it looked like an alternative Ghost Rider! 】

[His hands that were originally abolished by Hulk have been shapeshifted into hammers shining with magical flames!]


【Without even a second of delay, this “Demonized Doctor Strange” immediately magically teleported to the square of the stadium, facing the green disease Hulk!)

[“Come and experience the power of Doctor Strange!]

With a loud shout [After that, the demonized Doctor Strange directly raised the magic iron blade in his right hand and smashed it on Hulk!”

【Unpredictable, Green Disease Hulk was hit by this thunderous blow and flew far away. ”

【Green disease Hulk’s alien subordinates rushed up to fight, but Doctor Strange’s strength increased sharply after the demonization, and he beat them to nothing. ”


[After receiving another punch from the enchanted Doctor Strange, Hulk’s huge body was smashed into the sky like a ball, drew an arc in the air, and finally fell on the street!”


【Use magic to teleport to Hulk with green disease, and the enchanted Doctor Strange punches hard again, and the terrifying hellfire pierces out of Hulk’s body!”


[Hulk’s body was knocked into the air again, piercing through several buildings…)


[Seeing that the collapsed building is about to fall on the passersby, Hulk actually rushed forward and protected these people. ”

[Seeing this, the demonized Doctor Strange was also surprised. ”

【”My power is not easy to control…)

[In order to obtain the power of the Demon King, Doctor Strange also paid a great price,

“Furthermore, his form of a demon king can’t last, so the demonized Doctor Strange is eager to decide the winner at this moment!)

[Seeing the hesitation in the other’s expression, Hulk suddenly growled.

“Can’t control the power? Then let me teach you a lesson.”


[Although he was repeatedly knocked into the air by Doctor Strange, Green Hulk didn’t seem to be injured at all!)

【He slams Doctor Strange into the air with a punch, then rushes forward and hits a series of heavy blows, leaving no room for the opponent to fight back!】

“Ah ah ah..]

【Accompanied by the green sick Hulk’s fist that fell like a violent storm, the hellfire on the demonized Doctor Strange became more and more dim, and finally disappeared completely. ”

[Even though he obtained the power of the Demon King of Hell through a magical contract, Doctor Strange still couldn’t defeat this green disease Hulk!)

Watchmen Universe.

“Cough, this variant of mine is usually not well-prepared.”

The demonized doctor Strange shook his head regretfully.

Just the power of a mere hell demon king, how can that be enough?

At least it should be like me, devouring the power of hundreds of Mephistas and Demon Lords, and this will come in handy!

At this time, Dr. Manhattan said calmly:

“It took you hundreds of years to absorb that Beelzebub’s Power.”

“Now that the blue guy has knocked on the door, how can you still have such a time for your variant?”

Doctor Demon was speechless, but after a while, he suddenly discovered something,

“Huh? Depending on the situation, this variant of mine doesn’t seem to have mastered the Time Gem.”

“It’s a pity, if there is this artifact, a Hulk is nothing.”

[Video continues][At this time, all the four leaders of the Illuminati have been captured, and they have all become prisoners of the green disease Hulk.

【Green disease Hulk did not simply execute them, but brought these four people to the square. ”

【At this time, the audience seats around the square are already full!】

【The crowd of countless Hulks and brainless fans are cheering Roar here, applauding for the upcoming good show!」

[Next, the green disease Hulk found a group of victims to sue these so-called superheroes for the damage and destruction they caused to the people in the process of fighting for justice.

[An impassioned voice from one victim Roar said: “Some superhero always like to talk about the law, but the law doesn’t seem to apply to them!”

[Following a string of accusations, Hulk installed a control chip on the man 4, and would be struck by lightning if he didn’t obey orders.

[This technology was originally used by Sakaar’s tyrant to control his slaves. ”

4.8 [After overthrowing the tyrant, Hulk seems to have learned this method intact.

[After everything is ready, Hulk opens the gates of the stadium and lets in an alien octopus. ”

[It turns out that Hulk is the superhero who wants to force the 4 Illuminati to fight this octopus monster in the square like a gladiator! 】

(“I was very weak the day your ship threw me to Sakaar!][“I was caught, enslaved, and thrown into a gladiatorial arena!]

【“In order to survive, I have to keep fighting monsters.”

【Green disease Hulk sneered and looked at the heroes in front of him 🙂

【“Now, it’s time for you to experience this feeling.”

【Hulk At the moment, I just want those heroes who exiled him with righteousness in the first place, to be treated the same way!”

Injured [Iron Man, Black Bolt, Reed Richards, Doctor Strange, who are not light, had to stand up and fight against this terrifying octopus monster with the most primitive cold weapons. ”

“Damn it! Hulk crushed my hand and I can’t use magic.)

[Doctor Strange desperately tried to gather magic power, but failed in the end. )

[“Hold on! Stephen.

[Seeing Doctor Strange being entangled by the tentacles of a large octopus, Iron Man rushed up desperately and cut off the tentacles of the octopus with his long sword, saving his life.

[After a tragic and bloody battle, the four superhero finally killed the big octopus.

[However, worse things are yet to come. ”

[“When I came to Sakaar on day 2, they threw me and a bunch of other slave gladiators into a canyon.”

[Green sickness Hulk opens a door next to the stadium, and a pile of various weapons falls out of it. ”

【“Those slave masters ordered us to kill each other! Only one slave gladiator can survive.

【This is the second trial prepared by Green Disease Hulk for these heroes, cannibalism!)

【Only one superhero can survive! J.

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