Chapter 458 Group members live broadcast function! Shock! The instant kill in Manhattan! Sentry’s surprise! Batman vs. Superman broadcast!

“What’s this?

There was a faint gleam in Sentry’s dazed eyes.

For some unknown reason, he insisted that he killed his wife.

Tormented by despair and pain, Sentry came to S.H.I.E.L.D, found Nick Fury, and insisted that he put himself in jail.

But even here, the pain in Sentry’s heart was not relieved in the slightest.

However, the strange screen in front of him still made Sentry feel a little surprised.

At this moment, he found that a series of scrolling barrages began to appear at the bottom of the screen.

John Constantine: My God, I’m sure you can’t imagine what happened to us before!

Deadpool: Is it necessary to make such a big Roar scream? Did you encounter an alien invasion?

Deadpool:…Aha! I remembered, the world you and that Batman are in seems to be really facing the invasion of gas star.

Captain the United States: What? Aliens are really coming! Have you resisted their invasion?

Clark Kent: We didn’t hold back, but others did.

Deadpool: Someone else? Even you, the Superman, can’t beat it. Who else can help?

John Constantine·: You can’t believe it. The one who shot it turned out to be the demonized Doctor Strange!

Stephen Strange: Huh? Me? That magical variant of me? (000)

Bruce Wayne: For some reason, he suddenly came to our world, and just by looking at it, he turned the invading General Zod to ashes!

Tony Stark: Ashes???

Tony Stark: You can call me jittery, but whenever I hear about the ashes, I think of that damn Thanos snapping fingers! Bulge (blood)

Peter Parker (Amazing Spider-man); I understand you.

Thanos Thanos: “Five Twenty Three” looks like, in the multi-universe, my variant finally came up with a useful one. Aah..

Wanda· Maximov: Damn! Purple potato monster! Shut me up! (voy#)

“Has Thanos snapped his fingers?”

In the live room, Bruce Wayne frowned deeply.

In fact, he had long suspected that Doctor Demonic might have mastered the power of 6 Infinite Gems just like the Infinite Ultron!

Therefore, he was able to turn General Zod into Meng Fan so easily!

But no matter how much Master Wayne thought about it, he couldn’t figure it out, why did the Doctor appear so coincidentally?

It was as if he had made a special trip to the rescue.

but why?

They don’t recognize this tragic Strange?

At this time, someone bubbled up in the chat group again.

Mordo magician: Speaking of which, Strange, the enchanted doctor, does have the ability to cross the multi-universe.

Mordo magician: In the battle with the infinite Ultron, he once created a golden portal to the zombie universe and released a large number of zombies.

John Constantine·: Golden Portal? No, this Doctor of Magic uses blue light doors when he appears and leaves.

Mordo magician: The blue portal? What kind of trick is that? We Kamar-Taj have never had such magic.

Bruce Wayne: That’s not right, even from the video, Dr. Demon’s portals are always golden!

Deadpool: You guys are too bored to talk about the color of other people’s magic?

Bruce Wayne: My suspicion is that it wasn’t Dr. Demon himself who opened the door to our universe.

Clark Kent: Who else could this be?

At the same time, inside a high-level apartment in Manhattan, New York, Diana Prince, who had changed into casual clothes, looked at the screen that appeared in front of her with a serious face.

“A magical doctor who spans the multi-universe?”

“Is that man actually a magician from another universe?”

Thinking of the sight of General Zod vanishing in front of her, Diana still felt ups and downs in her heart, unable to calm down for a while.

On the contrary, she was even more curious about the strange screen that appeared in front of him.

It seems that these people on the screen seem to know a lot about the mysterious magician.

Meanwhile, the supernatural universe.

“Damn, Carl, that pervert, it’s so hard to kill.”

Sitting on the throne of Tianren No. 7, the expression of the holy Kaisha is not very good-looking.

She didn’t even care about the big screen that appeared beside her.

Beside Keisha, Hexi and Divine Wings are also standing.

The war in the Styx galaxy has long since ended.

Under the command of the two Angel Kings, the Angel Legion was in a rush, quickly crushing the resistance of the Styx civilization.

However.. Death God Karl escaped.

In order to cut grass and roots, two Angel kings crossed the galaxy and hunted him down for a long time.

Although Karl couldn’t resist Keisha and Hexi’s alliance at all, the two Angel kings couldn’t kill him either.

Therefore, this chasing battle has evolved into a stalemate tug of war.

“Karl’s phantom body that is neither human nor ghost, what is it?”

“And the computing power of that big clock is really amazing.

Thinking of how difficult Death God Karl was, Keisha also had a little doubt in her heart.

Should this senseless pursuit continue?

And at this moment, the sound of the system suddenly rang.

[The system has newly developed a live broadcast “function.”

[In the interval between video playback, all group members can start the live broadcast, so that everyone in the group can see their behavior. ][Moreover, members of the group can also turn on the “recording” function in daily life to record valuable images in life. )

[This live Q&A will start in 10 minutes. ”

Everyone was surprised to see this new function.

Deadpool: Wow! This is interesting, I can show the handsome side of my uncle Wade’s life in front of all of you! ^__

Wanda· Maximov: Vomit! Help, I feel sick just thinking about it! (^)/-1

Galactus Daughter Ganata: Haha! Interesting maybe I can upload a food broadcast! Let you all see what I look like when I eat. ^_^

Starlight: Eat the planet? (A;)

Galactus’ daughter Ganata; don’t bullshit, I’m not my stupid dad! Lately, I’ve only eaten aliens that invaded Earth.

Galactus Daughter Ganata: Well, those symbiotes taste really good, they’re a first-class snack. o(***)o

Nick Fury; Miss Nata, I heard that in the depths of the universe, there is a planet full of symbionts, if you are really interested in symbionts, maybe

Nata, daughter of Galactus: No! Who knows how long it will take to find that planet, or the culture on Earth is more interesting.

Nick Fury:—

Dr. Manhattan: Live? It’s interesting, let me try it.

Wanda Maximov: Huh? Manhattan boss, you want to live stream. (200)

Deadpool: Okay, big guy! What are you going to broadcast this time? Are you going to destroy the universe?

Wonder Woman Diana; Destroying the Universe???


It’s just this kind of appalling speech that blew up these two newcomers who had just joined the group and hadn’t figured out the situation yet.

Soon, a new image appeared on the screen.

Looking at this fresh scene, both the new group members and the old group members focused their attention.

Then, a big blue eagle appeared in front of them.

Wonder Woman Diana:??? What’s up with this? Why is this man blue?

Deadpool: Hahaha! I thought…you’re going to ask him why he’s not wearing any clothes.

Wonder Woman Diana: In the realm of the gods, clothing is just an external decoration, without much significance.

Deadpool: Huh? The realm of the gods?

Just then, a new image appeared on the screen.

[I saw that Dr. Manhattan did nothing, and an oval blue light door appeared in front of him. 】

[He stepped into the door of light at will, and his body came to another place. ”

Manhattan [After crossing the universe, he seems to have come to a strange space, and in this space, there is another young man wearing a hooded robe. ”

As soon as they saw the image on the screen, the expressions of many people in the group changed.

Clark Kent: The door of light! I can’t read it wrong!

Bruce Wayne: Dr. Manhattan, it’s you! It’s you who brought that demonic doctor into our universe!

Deadpool: Huh? Is that the blue eagle? Why did he do this? (000)

Stephen Strange: I’m more concerned about how he knew my variant!

Holy Keisha: . …that man is Carl?

Landing on the throne, Keisha took a deep breath and her eyes changed.

She really didn’t expect that this Doctor Manhattan not only crossed the universe in an instant, but even found the Death God Karl she couldn’t find anywhere!

This miraculous means is simply unbelievable!

“You!!! How did you find this place?”

[On the screen, Carl seems to be researching what it is, but when he saw the figure of the blue eagle, he was immediately surprised.

Manhattan [his face didn’t change, he just looked at Carl and nodded lightly 🙂

“Yes, you have actually transformed your body into a high-dimensional existence.”

[“You who exist in this space are just the projection of the “real body” in the high-dimensional world. ”

【“But this kind of technology was not developed by you, it was taught to you by someone.”

“How could you!!!][Manhattan’s words were like a thunderbolt hitting Carl’s head, instantly shattering the arrogance and confidence on his face, and in their place there was only horror and stunned. ”

[Dr. Manhattan looks up, glances at the void above Carl’s head, and speaks in an unwavering tone:)

“Sure enough, those beings in other dimensions taught you the technology.

[“Also, they’re constantly spying on this side of the world. …”)

[“If left alone, this universe will only become a testing ground for these high-dimensional existences, and will usher in its ultimate destruction.”

[“This day won’t be too long.”

[Hearing this, Carl suddenly burst out laughing wildly:][“Hahaha! That’s right, this is the greatness of ultimate fear!][“Only by upgrading from low-dimensional to high-dimensional can we become truly beyond the universe! Become eternal!][“This eternal mystery, you low-dimensional beings, can’t even understand it!”)

[“Can’t understand? Manhattan” said indifferently:]

【“You just transformed your physical body into a high-dimensional body, and your spirit still relies on this low-dimensional projection to exist, which is at best a half-finished product.]

【“Also, you talk too much.”

[Before he finished speaking, a flash of light flashed in Manhattan’s eyes, and Death God Karl’s face changed drastically!”

I saw him open his mouth, as if he wanted to ask for mercy, or to ask for help, but in the next moment….)


[Carl’s body is completely wiped clean. ”

[As if it never existed. 】

“Boom…][Then, the entire mysterious space where Carl was located began to gradually collapse and collapse, and finally completely vanished. ”


Manhattan [The doctor’s body flickered, and he immediately came to a starry sky. ”

Seeing this scene, countless people in the chat group were shocked.

Deadpool: I’m going! What did the big man in Manhattan do? He wiped out that man… and the whole space?

Nick Fury; besides, that young man doesn’t seem to be any ordinary person, a guy who has taken refuge in a higher-dimensional existence, and may be a traitor!

Dr. Manhattan: Nothing special, I just relied on this person’s low-dimensional projection to erase his high-dimensional flesh.

Dr. Manhattan: You can understand that a fuse was lit, and then a bomb went off.

Reed Richards: Destroying higher dimensions from lower dimensions? And such operations? (mouth)!!

Starlight: I don’t understand it, but it blows my mind!

Holy Kesha:

Holy Keisha: You completely wiped out Death God Karl?

Dr. Manhattan: Not only that, but by destroying his higher-dimensional body, I also send a warning to those beings he takes refuge in.

Dr. Manhattan: In a few hundred thousand years, they shouldn’t be peering into this universe again.

Divine Kesha: The Ultimate Fear! You are aware of their presence too!

At this moment, the shock in Keisha’s heart is really indescribable in words.

For thousands of years, she could not even confirm the observations of her ultimate fear!

And the big blue eagle in front of him could even send a warning to them directly!

Such a method is simply beyond Keisha’s imagination!

Holy Kaisha: You…why do you do this? You and I should not be very familiar with each other.

Dr. Manhattan; Ha, just treat me like I have nothing to do.

Bruce Wayne: Wait a minute! Since you have such an ability, then the Demonic Doctor 4.8 Strange was also sent to your world, right?

Dr. Manhattan: Well…I’ve answered enough questions for today. I see, let’s watch the live broadcast. Time is running out.

Bruce Wayne: Huh?

I saw Manhattan on the screen, and suddenly a blue light door opened again. After he stepped in, the screen dimmed.

Apparently, Manhattan has turned off his live stream.

But in the chat group, there was already an uproar.

Wanda Maximov: My God, this blue eagle can travel through the multi-universe at will!

Bruce Banner: Unbelievable. Although I always knew he was strong, I never thought he was so strong!

Carol Danvers: Believe me, this blue guy is a thousand times more powerful than the most powerful you can imagine!

Sentry: A thousand times a million times?

Sitting in the filthy prison, Sentry’s eyes suddenly lit up with a ray of light.

Is that blue freak really stronger than the explosion of his million suns?

Just then, the screen began to light up, and a new image appeared.

(Start playing Batman vs. Superman: Dawn of Justice.”

[The city is suffering a terrible disaster. )

[One building after another begins to crumble and crumble into nothingness. ”

[All of this is because two extremely powerful beings are at war!)

[A man is on the ground, helplessly watching the disaster come, he is the Bruce Wayne of this universe. ”

Seeing this, many people in front of the screen recognize that this is the last battle in the previous “Man of Steel”!

Superman vs General Zod!

PS: In the future, the videos of doing things through the multi-universe can be turned into live broadcasts, so that everyone in the group can see them. AA

PS2: For collection! For flowers! For evaluation ticket! For monthly ticket! For full booking support!

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