Chapter 397 Little Black Spider Awakening! Multi-universe collision! Avenge Peter Parker! Save the cosmic crisis!

Since [the rest of the Spider-man doubted Miles’ ability, he decided to come to his uncle Aaron in a fit of rage, who would have seen through Aaron’s true identity by mistake! 】

[Myers’ uncle is actually Jin Bing’s super villain Prowler. ”

[In the beginning, the Prowler had chased Miles on the street several times and almost caught him. ”

[After discovering the truth, Miles instinctively entered stealth mode, but was still discovered by the Prowlers. ”

[The two started another chase on the street, and in the end, Miles managed to escape.

[The panic-stricken Miles hurried back to Aunt May’s house and reported the rest of the Spider-man to his uncle. ”

[But due to his excessive panic, he did not realize that he had been followed. ”

[The female Doctor Octopus, Scorpion, Prowler and other super villains all rushed over and fought with several multi-universe Spider-man in Aunt May’s house!][During the chaotic battle, Miles managed to climb to the top of the building, only to be caught by the prowlers. ”

[Seeing that he might die, Miles immediately took off his hood. ”

[“Myers? No no no…][Prowler Aaron Davis also took the lead, with shock written all over his face. ”

[He can’t imagine that this Spider-man who has been making trouble for the boss is actually his nephew. ”

[Moreover, he even discovered his true identity! 】

In the face of [Boss Jin Bing’s strict orders, Prowler finally pulled off the hood for Miles, opened his hands, and stepped back. ”

Seeing that [Uncle didn’t mean to harm him, Miles just breathed a sigh of relief when he heard a gunshot.

“boom!][It turns out that it was Kim and shot!)

[He saw that the Prowler let go of Miles’ behavior, and decided to get rid of the betrayal!)

[Holding up his uncle’s body in a panic, Miles led the seriously injured Prowler into the alley. ”

[But here. Prowler Aaron Davis could only look at his nephew and swallowed his last breath.

Seeing this scene, Peter in the live broadcast room also sighed helplessly.

He originally thought that the opportunity for Miles to become Spider-man was the death of the “original Spider-man”.

But now it seems that Miles has to die an uncle if he wants to really grow up!

And At the moment on the other side, Bruce Wayne also said thoughtfully:

“No wonder this Uncle Aaron would bring Miles to doodle near the collider lab.”

“He should have known about the existence of this experiment long ago.”

“Not only that,” Tony Duck said solemnly:

“I guess that the peculiar spider that gave Miles super ability may also be a by-product of the super collider experiment!”

“Huh? That’s okay too?”

Little Wanda sounded a little funny:

“I originally thought that this kid was lucky to get super Ability, but now it seems, isn’t it because he has a good uncle?”

“Hey… Loki sneered from the side:

“And this uncle sacrificed himself in order to make this boy Awakening. This really sacrificed everything.”


|Little Wanda blinked, as if she didn’t understand what Loki meant.

But Peter stood aside, his face sinking.

Up to now, he has also summed up this set of rules.

Regardless of the universe, for Spider-man to succeed in Awakening, someone important must die.

In Universe 56, Dr. Lizard Peter Parker was sacrificed for Gwen Spider’s Awakening!

[Video continues][A group of Spider-man came to Miles’ room and began to try to enlighten him. ”

“We’ve all been through something similar.”

[The middle-aged Spider-man said with a look of emotion:][“For me, what I lost was Uncle Ben.][Black and white Spider-man also puts his hand on Miles’ shoulder:]

【“What I lost was Uncle Benjamin.”

[“Loli Iron Man” lowered his head: “What I lost was my father.

[As for Gwen Spider, he lost Peter Parker. 】

[And just when everyone tried to Ann Miles, his roommate returned, and several Spider-man quickly jumped on the roof to try to hide.

[Who knew that Miles’ roommate was sitting in the chair and turning around, and finally saw the appearance of the Spider-man. ”

Seeing the appearance of [Pig Man talking on the roof, the roommate rolled his eyes and fell directly to the ground and fainted. ”

[Before the Great War, the middle-aged Spider-man claimed that he was going to stay in this universe and replace the dead Peter Parker as the new Spider-man. ”

【Myers is shocked when he hears this!】

【If the middle-aged Spider-man stays, the conflict between the multi-universes, that strange mosaic may kill him!」

[But in the end, the middle-aged Spider-man gave the real reason.

[To shut down the Super Particle Collider, there must be a person operating in this universe. ”

[And this middle-aged Spider-man does not believe that Miles can take on this heavy responsibility. ”

[After a dispute, Miles was still unable to control his super ability, and the disappointed middle-aged Spider-Man tied him with spider webs, preparing to leave him alone. ”

[Just as Miles was struggling in his chair, he heard his father speak to him outside the door. 】

[Hearing his father’s sincere words, the power hidden in Mimiles’ heart finally Awakening. ”

【”Zi La!”)

[The cyan electric current swept through the whole body, shattering all the spider webs wrapped around Miles.

[Completely Awakening the power of Spider-man, Miles first went to Aunt May, got a brand new equipment, and then rushed to Jin Bing’s base camp!]

【The final battle is imminent!」

Seeing this, Loki in the live broadcast room suddenly pouted and said in a low voice:

“If I forget in the future, please make sure to remind me..never be friends with Spider-man.

“Otherwise, one day he will fall into a trough, and maybe he will sacrifice me to gain a new life!”


Flushed by Loki’s sarcastic words, Peter couldn’t help shouting loudly:

“Who wants to be friends with you, you are too shameless!”


Hearing Peter’s scolding, Loki not only didn’t get angry, but spread his hands and laughed exaggeratedly:

“Then I really want to thank you in advance for your kindness of not killing.”

Seeing Peter’s angry face, Tony Stark At the moment said nothing and shook his head secretly.

To be honest, seeing those Spider-mans on the screen telling their tragic past one by one, he also felt a little nervous.

These Spider-man personalities are undoubtedly great, willing to sacrifice their lives to save others.

But is it necessary to be so sad?

Does a loved one have to die to become a real Spider-man?

What a tragedy common to all multi-universes!

It just makes my scalp tingle!

If all the heroes were so miserable, who would want to do it?

[Video continues)

[As soon as the camera turns, the rest of the multi-universe Spider-man have successfully infiltrated the underground laboratory where the collider is located. )

[And just when they were about to rely on the key to close the collider, the supervillains headed by the female Doctor Octopus also appeared. ”

[Due to the influence of colorful mosaics, these Spider-mans were unable to exert the strength of their heyday and fell into trouble for a while. ”

[And the middle-aged Spider-man was even more tightly entangled by the tentacles of the female Doctor Octopus. ”

【“Hahaha Peter Parker, do you have any last words?”

Facing the female Doctor Octopus with a face full of victory, the middle-aged Spider-man, who was almost breathless, still did not forget to rap 🙂

【“Can you give me some time to think about it? Also, do you have a pen? I want to write it down)

【”Humph!][The female Doctor Octopus snorted coldly, then said softly:]

“Goodbye, Peter Parker.

[At this moment, a mechanical tentacle suddenly squeezed into a fist and punched the female Doctor Octopus himself in the face! 】

【”deliver?][The female Doctor Octopus didn’t respond yet, and she continued to punch several times, and finally she was simply thrown away by someone. ”

[The middle-aged Spider-man was freed from the shackles of the mechanical tentacles, and saw Miles the little black spider at a glance. ”

[It turns out that he used the invisible ability to take the opportunity to fight off the female Doctor Octopus! 】

[Seeing that Miles finally successfully controlled his Ability, and also came to save himself, the middle-aged Spider-man was also very excited for a while 🙂

[“Boy! I love you, I am so proud of you!][At this moment, the particle collider began to accelerate, and the collision caused by it actually caused the multi-universe to begin to distort.

[[“The city hangs on the ground E…” begins) A large number of strange colored mosaics appear. )

[And just where the two energies meet, all kinds of buildings, cars, and even skyscrapers begin to emerge from it!]

【In this underground space, the multi-universe begins to meet and collide!」

[In the chaotic situation of the buildings flying around, the little black spider, the middle-aged Spider-man, and Spider-Gwen fought with the female Doctor Octopus. ”

[Originally they thought this battle would take a long time, but who knew that a large truck suddenly appeared from the side and hit the female Doctor Octopus into a meat pie. ”

[At the same time, the rest of the Spider-man have also defeated their opponents. ”

[Then, after saying goodbye to Miles, they jumped into the energy torrent of particle collisions and returned to their own universe. ”

[Seeing that this experiment that endangered the multi-universe has reached its final stage, the middle-aged Spider-Man decided to stay behind and turn off the particle collider!)

[But Miles finally stood up, he didn’t want the middle-aged Spider-man to take his responsibility. ”

[After all, he personally promised Peter Parker to end this dangerous experiment!”

[Looking at Miles’ determination and expression, the middle-aged Spider-man finally gave up, he handed over all the responsibility to the young successor, and let him throw himself into the torrent caused by the collider . ”

[This time, all Spider-man have returned to their own universe, and only Miles is left in the 1610 universe. )

[And what he will face is the last and most vicious enemy, Kim Bing, who once killed Peter Parker with his own hands!”

[Come to the top of a building gushing out from the energy torrent, Myers the little black spider and Jin Qi finally started the final duel. 】


[Jin Bing roared, and under his double punches, the terrifying punches actually stimulated a strong Shockwave! Not only shattered the glass on the building, but even pushed the body of the little black spider back!)

…for flowers 00

“Is this fat man named Jin Bing injected with super soldier serum?”

Sitting in his apartment, the United States captain Steve Rogers couldn’t help frowning when he saw this scene.

Even he did not have Jin Ning’s incredible punching power.

This kind of power that is like a destructive force has almost caught up with the card-style captain who appeared in the “What If” series!

[Video continues][During the chaotic battle, the two entered a train of carriages that were flying around in the turbulent flow of space.

(Although Awakening has the power of Spider-man, Miles is inexperienced in actual combat after all, and was grabbed by the neck of Kim, who is as powerful as a demon:]][“I can’t wait to kill the next Spider-man.”

[Just when Jin Bing sneered proudly, his wife and daughter in other universes actually appeared in front of him again!)

[The reason why Jin Bing used the particle collider to conduct such a terrifying experiment is to see his relatives again. ”

[His wife and daughter in other universes were all terrified and inexplicable when they saw the scene in front of them. ”

[“Where am I?”

[“Wilson what are you doing?”]

“Don’t come near us!”)

[“Vanessa, is that you?” Seeing the familiar figure like a colorful mosaic in the carriage, Jin Bing’s face also showed the color of extreme surprise. ”

[But seeing his ghostly appearance, all the wives and children in the multi-universe turned their heads and ran away. “[This scene is like a repeat of the original situation.

[Jin Bing’s wife and daughter drove away in panic just because they saw him insanely murdering, and finally died in a car accident.

[Thinking of what happened to his family, and seeing the family he finally summoned, abandoning himself again, Jin and finally fell into madness!)

【“Spider-man, I’m going to kill you!”

[After the madness, Jin Nian burst out with unimaginable terrifying power, and completely crushed Miles for a while!”

【“You took away my family, and you will never see your family again.”

[Looking at Miles who was knocked to the ground by himself, Jin and released a frantic murderous aura. 】

[In this almost desperate state, Miles was lying on the ground and raised his head slightly, but happened to see his father who was a police officer.

[It turns out that his father also rushed into the ground after he noticed the strangeness, and ran into this laboratory that has been caught in the multiverse turbulence!)

[Seeing his father’s figure, Miles suddenly burst out with new power. ”

[He gets up with difficulty and puts his hand on Jin Bing’s shoulder.

“Have you heard of shoulder kills?”


[Hearing such inexplicable words, Jin Bing was also stunned for a while. ”

[The so-called “shoulder kill”, even Miles’ uncle once taught him the technique of chasing girls.

[And at this last critical moment, Miles remembered his uncle who was killed by Jin and personally, and released a dazzling electric current from his right hand. )


[The power of this electric current is so strong that it actually knocked Jin Bing’s huge body into the air!)

[Aiming at Jin Ning, who was charged with electricity and flew into the sky, Miles shot the cobweb in his hand, sticking to the body of the big fat man. )

[“Jin Bing, help me press that green button!][Taking Jin Bing’s body around a few times in the air, Miles suddenly let go and threw the big fat man out like a discus!)

【”boom!][Beatly hit Jin Ning on the roof, hitting exactly where the “key” was!)


[The conflict of multi-universe begins to be reversed)

[The “multi-universe buildings” gushing out of the energy storm also began to be sucked back into the particle collider. ”

[lala][After everything was sucked in, the two huge colliders released a dazzling light, and then exploded!)

This crisis, which may have spread across several multi-universes, has finally drawn a stop.

[Miles the little black spider, defeated Jin and the culprit by himself, and completely destroyed his plan!)

And seeing this, Loki suddenly snorted coldly:

“This big fat man killed that kid’s uncle. It stands to reason that he should also kill the culprit and avenge his uncle!”

Bruce Wayne frowned, but before he could speak, Peter next to him shouted:

“What nonsense are you talking about?”

“This Miles is still a teenager, how can you let him kill?”

Loki laughed when he heard:

“Since you say it, when will it be the child’s turn to save the world?”

“In order to save the world, even children can be dragged into the battlefield.

“When it comes to revenge, it’s actually getting old again?”

Seeing Peter being choked again, Loki said leisurely:

What’s more, “This Jin Bian also killed the real Spider-man!”

“Don’t you think it’s unfair to let him live like this?”

PS: After the “Parallel Universe” is over, there will be a continuous broadcast of “Superman·Man of Steel” and “Captain Marvel”!

PS2: For collection! For flowers! For evaluation ticket! For monthly ticket! For full subscription support!_^Zero,

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