Chapter 369 Soul Unity! Overpowering Infinite Gems? Resisting the Collapse of the World! Observer’s Wrath! New If!

[The two Doctor Stranges dress and look almost exactly the same.

[However, one looks like an ordinary person, while the other looks terrifying and gloomy, as if possessed by an evil spirit.

[Looking at the “self” in front of him who is not like a human, but not like a ghost, Strange asked in astonishment:

“What the hell did you do?”

[“Dr. Blacken” did not answer Strange’s question, but said to himself:

[“I need to talk to you alone, no need for the king or the Ancient One, they don’t understand at all!][Sadness suddenly appeared on his face, “Dr. Blacken” said sadly:]

“They don’t know her at all!]

【“When we all know her and we all love her deeply.”

[Strange takes a breath and suddenly interrupts Dr. Blacken:

“Can’t resurrect Christine, now the outside world is falling apart”][But Dr. Blacken was annoyed when he heard it 🙂

“You can’t lie to me, I am you!”

[He walks up to Strange angrily, questioning him. ”

【“How many nights have we sat in the Supreme Holy Place, holding the Time Gem in our hands, we could go back in time, but we still couldn’t summon the courage?]

(But I finally got up the courage!]

“I sacrificed everything for Christine over the centuries.”

[Looking at the completely different self in front of him, Strange asked in a deep voice:)

【“Then you can save her now.”

“No! Stephen!)

[Dr. Blacken reaches out and grabs Strange with a smile on his face:

[“We can save her.”


[As the scarlet portal light lit up, two Doctor Stranges came to the same place at the same time. ”

[This is where they had a car accident. ”

[Because the Ancient One magician used the power from the dark dimension to divide Skechers’ soul in two, so this caused their soul power to be weakened. ”

[In order to reverse the absolute time point and cast a spell to resurrect Kerry “Twenty Zero” Sting, the two souls of them must be one!]

“But Strange kept his sanity and pointed out, once again, that once Christine was resurrected, the whole universe would fall apart.”

【Even at this point in time, you can clearly see that the surrounding buildings are slowly turning into black mist and drifting away!”

【This is a sign of the disintegration of the universe!】

[As for Dr. Blacken, who has become obsessed, his thinking is somewhat abnormal, he ignores all these visions, and just insists on becoming one with Strange. ”

[Looking at himself completely insane, Strange categorically refuses:

[“You’ve gone completely mad.]

【Dr. Blacken has also lost his patience, just like he absorbed those demons, he wants to force Strange into his body!”


[But the “absorbing light” released by Dr. Blacken. However, it was resisted by the “White Magic of Weishan Emperor’s Guardian” set up by Wang. ”

[This time, the two Doctor Stranges completely tore their faces, and an earth-shattering magical battle began.

【”Boom. Crash.”

[Intense magical light waves are scattered everywhere, and everything in contact is smashed into pieces. ”

Although [the two Doctor Stranges should have almost the same strength when they first separated.[But for hundreds of years, Dr. Blacken has absorbed the power of the evil god and demon duplication! 】

Strength【The strength has reached an unimaginable level!」

[It didn’t take long for Strange to be completely at a disadvantage, and he could only parry and have no power to fight back!)

Seeing the worsening situation, there was an uproar in the chat group.

Starlight: God, what should I do? If the devil wins, the whole universe will end.

Ghost Rider: Totally incomprehensible! What’s wrong with this guy, is he going to destroy everything for a woman?

Agent J: I also find it very strange, why does that Dr. Blacken look like crazy, is it because of the demons he absorbed into his body?

After making this statement, the black guy James was stunned for a moment, and then a wry smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

Just a few hours ago, he couldn’t have imagined that he would be in a multi-universe chat group discussing topics like “absorbing demons”!

This strange feeling suddenly made him have the urge to recruit himself.

John Constantine: What else could it be but this?

John Constantine·: Damn it! I’ve also heard… some third-rate magicians fail to summon demons, resulting in being possessed by demons, and even eating their souls on the spot.

John Constantine: But this Dr. Blacken’s madness is on another level! He actually absorbed all those evil gods and demons! And to listen to his words, he seems to have been eating for hundreds of years!

John Constantine: Now this guy can’t count at all, I wouldn’t be surprised if he does anything! (0.0)

Even though his profession was dealing with evil spirits, Constantine was still terrified by Dr. Blacken’s madness.

He couldn’t imagine how this man maintained his basic sanity after absorbing so many demons into his body?

Wolverine: Is it because the body has absorbed so much demonic energy that it is completely insane? What a poor man.

His own life experience is also quite tragic, so Wolverine always brings a little sympathy to those unfortunate characters.

But at this moment, Strange suddenly spoke in the group.

Stephen Strange: No, I don’t think this “enchanted Doctor Strange” can be described as simply “crazy”.

Wanda Maximov: Ha Strange, what are you talking about? (oo)

Loki Odinsen: Magic boy, you’re not trying to defend your variant, are you?

Loki Odinson: Looks like this guy is going to destroy the universe soon!

Stephen Strange: What he did was absolutely wrong! But…  

Clark Kent: Let me understand, the Doctor Strange on the screen is your counterpart, or variant, in another parallel universe, and you think there’s a reason why he’s so crazy.

Stephen Strange: Well, that’s what I meant.

Clark Kent: So please tell me, what do you think is his reason?

Facing Clark’s calm words, Strange’s irritable heart also calmed down.

He organized his remarks before speaking in the chat group.

Stephen Strange: The reason I chose to learn magic was to heal my hands.

Stephen Strange: But in this universe on screen, my motive for metamorphic magic, from the very beginning, was to resurrect Christine!

Tony Stark: Ah, I see, which means this guy’s obsession is too deep to change?

Stephen Strange: No, there are others!

Stephen Strange; in the previous Doctor Strange image, another variant of me, who didn’t want to be a Sorcerer Supreme at first, just wanted to heal the hands with magic.

Stephen Strange: Later, it was only after the persuasion of the Ancient One magician before his death that he fully realized his responsibility!

Stephen Strange; in the end, he gave up using magic to heal his hands, choosing instead to use magic to protect the Earth!

Stephen Strange: But this “Dr. Demon” never experienced these struggles at all, and all he thought in his mind was to use magic to achieve his own personal goals.

Mordo magician: Sigh, Sorcerer Supreme is the strongest spellcaster on earth, but she also has a strong sense of responsibility to control these magical powers!

Stephen Strange: Yes, it is to protect the earth that the Ancient One magician will not hesitate to absorb the power of the dark dimension and survive.

Stephen Strange: But that Doctor Demon may have power, but he lacks that sense of responsibility, and has an overly powerful paranoia! That’s what makes him so crazy.

Peter Parker (The Amazing Spider-man): Great power, but no sense of responsibility at all? This is what I always say, the greater the power…  

Ghost Rider: Alright, alright, shut up, you kid, we’ll memorize two of your verses!

Clark Kent: I also agree with what this Mr. Strange said, balancing power and responsibility is indeed a very difficult thing.

Clark felt a little emotional when he remembered that his adoptive father taught him to “don’t show up. Don’t expose” since childhood.

Possessing great power, if it cannot be used effectively, it can only become a burden in the end.

John Constantine: No, I think this Doctor Demon’s brain has a problem from the very beginning!

John Constantine: After a dead girlfriend, would a normal person think about learning magic to bring her back to life?

John Constantine: I think he’s gone crazy!

At this moment, a new change appeared on the screen.

[Faced with the onslaught of “Dr. Demonized”, Strange was finally unable to resist, and gradually lost. ”

[Finally, Strange was locked by the magic chain released by the demonized doctor! And the white magic shield on his body was about to be broken. ”

[At this critical juncture, his floating cloak rushed towards Doctor Demon, sacrificing himself to entangle the opponent for a moment!)


【Strange didn’t waste this excellent opportunity, he raised his hands, tried his best, and released a powerful magic Shockwave to the demonized doctor! 】

“Boom!][In order to break free from the floating cloak, Dr. Demon’s movements slowed down a bit, and he was hit straight by this magic Shockwave. ”

[The strong explosion shook Yun Xiao, and the dazzling golden light suddenly illuminated the night. ”

[After the brilliance of the explosion dimmed, a white light suddenly lit up. ”

[Strange looked at the white light ball in the air with a puzzled expression, just before he could react, the shadow behind Strange suddenly came alive and caught him into a strange space !)

[In this space, Strange saw Christine again, but when he thought about the real world that was about to collapse, he still realized that it was just an illusion! 】

“I hope it’s true, but you’re not her.


[The illusion was pierced, and the demonic doctor became angry and broke the white magic protection spell on Strange directly with brute force!][“You can’t do that…)

[Seeing that the protective spell is about to be completely destroyed, Strange has a hint of pleading in his eyes. ”

【”I have to do this!”

[Finally, Doctor Demon forcibly stripped Strange’s Weishandi guardian magic, and the two Doctor Stranges finally merged into one!)

“Ahhh!][After obtaining his other half of the soul, Doctor Demon roared and activated the Time Gem hanging on his chest. ”

[Under the stimulation of strong magic power, the green radiance emanating from the Time Gem turned into a scarlet magic light!

[This demonized doctor actually used his own power to change the magic of Infinite Gems!)

[Not only that, but even the “time magic halo” wrapped around the arms of the demonized doctor has changed from green to red!)

[But after obtaining a complete body and releasing all his magic power, Doctor Strange lost his human form completely for a while! He became like countless demon monsters integrated together, and it looked like a stitched monster!)

[Because Christine, who is in his heart, is about to be resurrected soon, Dr. Magical did not notice the strangeness of his body for a while..

[With a move of his right hand, the wreckage of the Lamborghini at the scene of the accident floated into the sky, and the corpse inside regained its life under the illumination of magic light. ”

[Carefully holding the revived Christine in his arms, Doctor Strange, who has completely transformed into a demon, looks at his surviving girlfriend expectantly. ”

[But as soon as he opened his eyes and saw the terrifying monster in front of him, Christine’s face immediately showed a look of horror. ”

[“My God, this isn’t real, it’s a nightmare!]

【”Don’t! Stay away from me!”)

[Frightened by the terrifying monster in front of him, Kristin screamed desperately, and the whole person was about to faint from fright. ”

[And at this moment, the body of Christine, who had just been resurrected, also began to dissipate into a black mist.

“No! Christine! I can fix this.

[Dr. Demon hurriedly cast a spell to turn himself back into human form. )

[It wasn’t until then that he realized that because he destroyed the absolute time point, the whole world began to collapse and disintegrate, and turned into nothingness!)【”No!!”

[It took a lot of hard work to resurrect his girlfriend, Doctor Demon, or Stephen Strange simply couldn’t accept such a cruel reality. ”

[He used all his magic power to construct a scarlet protective cover against the collapsing reality. Try to end the collapse of the world, but that’s a drop in the bucket. ”

[But the red shield is constantly being shrunk, and the collapse of Christine’s body continues to intensify.

[At this desperate moment, Doctor Strange saw the observer’s figure again, as if he had caught a life-saving straw, and he shouted Roar:]

【“You can stop this, please! Help me.][Faced with Doctor Strange’s pleas, the observer finally opened his mouth and said in a nonchalant voice:

[“Like you did for Christine?”

“Someone has warned you.”

“I know I know.” Doctor Strange bows his head regretfully:][“But this world, should not pay the price for my arrogance.]

【“I read about you from the books in the library, and I also perceive your existence.”

【“You are God, you can definitely stop this.”

[The observer responded with an unwavering voice: “I am not a god, and neither are you.”

[At this time, Doctor Strange finally despaired, and he desperately shouted:

【“Then punish me, please let go of this world and Christie.”

Seeing Dr. Demonized’s sad appearance, the observer’s face was expressionless, but there was a hint of anger in his tone. 】

【“To be honest, if I could solve all this, if I solved this problem by punishing you, I would do it now!)

【“But I can’t get involved in 0.0.”

“And, as you should know better than anyone, disturbing the course of time will only bring more destruction!”)

[After speaking, the observer’s figure disappeared. ”

【“No, no!

[In Doctor Strange’s desperate howl, the whole world, including Christine, completely collapsed and disappeared. ”

[The only thing left is the tiny magical space constructed by Doctor Strange. 】

[With the power of endless demons, he will not die so easily, but he will also face eternal regret and loneliness in this space. ”

Seeing that the picture on the screen went black, Kamar-Taj’s square suddenly fell into silence.

From time to time someone looked back at Strange. His eyes were full of doubt, regret, worry and regret.

And the expression on Strange’s own face also became extremely wonderful.

He really didn’t expect that this “Dr. Demon” would end up like this.

Being imprisoned in this magical space constructed by oneself for almost eternity, such an end is simply more miserable than death!

To make matters worse, in this space, he also has to face the guilt that is enough to drive ordinary people crazy!

It was he who destroyed the entire universe with his own hands, and also killed his girlfriend for the second time!

Faced with such guilt, it’s enough to drive anyone to a breaking point!

And At the moment on the other side, Ancient One magician’s eyes suddenly widened slightly, and there was a hint of amazement in his eyes.

“Strange, who absorbed the power of the devil, used his own magic to change the energy output of Infinite Gems!”

“That’s why the Time Gem’s light changes from green to red.

“No wonder, he was able to destroy the absolute time point!”

“Moreover, it can survive the collapse of the world.”

At this moment, the Ancient One magician is almost certain that, in terms of pure power, that demonized doctor may have surpassed herself!

At this moment, another line of words suddenly appeared on the screen.

“Next to play “The End of the Avengers!”].

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