Chapter 365 The true meaning of the observer! The whole universe of zombies! The shock of the Ancient One! The time paradox of Doctor Strange!

Just when Loki was shocked by Roar’s voice, countless people looked at the terrifying purple-skinned monster on the screen, all of them were stunned and could hardly believe their eyes.

In just a moment, I don’t know how many people are shocked!

Just kidding “Right? That’s the zombie Thanos!?”

“How can this be!?”

Wait a minute”, that place seems to be Wakanda.

“Damn it, what did that purple potato monster go to Wakanda?”

Just when everyone was horrified and their brains were unable to function for a while, the indifferent voice of the observer suddenly came out on the screen.

[“Even in the most difficult moments, human beings will spare no effort to save their homeland.”

[“Even if the price may be the entire universe…)

[Just as the observer said these words, Thanos, the zombie inside the Wakanda defensive force field, suddenly raised his right hand and showed the 5 Infinite Gems inlaid on the Infinity Gauntlet.

Immediately afterwards, the screen went dark.

Seeing this, there was already an uproar in the live chat group.

Stephen Strange: Weishandi! How did this purple potato monster come to the earth?

Strange’s eyes widened as he stared at the flashing green Time Gem on the Thanos Infinity Gauntlet. There was an expression of disbelief on his face.

This lively scene severely impacted his heart, and even made him feel unreal.

Did you make a mistake?

How did Thanos get the Time Gem?

And the most outrageous is the appearance of this zombie, he seems to know how to use these gems!

Loki Odinson; Strange, you idiot, do you have the nerve to ask such a thing?

Loki Odinson·: As the Sorcerer Supreme, Thanos must have stolen the Time Gem from you!

Stephen Strange; this…. 😉

In the face of Loki’s accusations, Strange was speechless for a moment.

But at the same time, he was also full of doubts.

According to the situation of another parallel universe, his variant is to take the spaceship of Obsidian General with Tony Stark to Titan, the home planet of Thanos.

On Titan, in order to save Tony Starr 12g’s life, his variant voluntarily handed over the Time Gem, which was hidden with magic.

But looking at this zombie universe timeline, Iron Man and Doctor Strange turned into zombies just before Thanos’ Obsidian came to Earth!

If so, how did Thanos come to earth?

At this time, other people in the chat group also expressed their doubts.

Bruce Banner: Something is wrong. In the zombie universe, my variant was sent directly to Earth by Heimdall using the Rainbow Bridge.

Bruce Banner: In other words, when “I” arrived on Earth, Thanos should still be on holy place number 2!

Bruce Banner: How in the blink of an eye, he not only came to Earth, but even unknowingly captured the Time Gem?

Peter Parker (Superman Spider-man): Yes, it’s really strange. According to the order, Thanos should go to the Void Land to capture Tai particles, then go to Vomir Star to capture Soul Gem, and finally return to Titan Star and Mr. Stark. World War I..

Loki Odinsen: Don’t say it anymore, idiot!

Loki Odinsen: By the way, are your brains filled with water?Peter Parker (The Amazing Spider-man): Huh?

Loki·Odinsen: Since Thanos has obtained the Space gem, he can open the space gate at will. Who stipulated that he could not jump over Titan and descend directly to Earth.

Peter Parker (The Amazing Spider-man):

Natasha Romanoff·Romanoff: So that’s what happened, I understand.

Natasha Romanoff·Romanoff: In this universe, after obtaining the Space gem, Thanos also took the Reality Gem and Soul Gem successively.

Natasha Romanoff: But then, instead of going to Titan, he went straight to Earth!

Natasha Romanoff·Romanoff:Unbeknownst to us, Thanos took the Time Gem on Earth, but he also contracted the zombie virus and turned into a zombie!

Mordo magician: Incredible, did he take the Time Gem from the Sorcerer Supreme?

Loki Odinsen: No! In that case, the timeline won’t match.

Loki · Odinsen: You humans may not know, Bifrost’s teleportation is almost instant! And Bruce Banner met the zombie Doctor Strange on the street immediately after he came to Earth.

Loki Odinsen: Do you remember the first World War?

Bruce Banner: As I recall, that “Zombie Doctor Strange” was quickly defeated by the Wasp’s swarm! But it didn’t drop any Time Gems.

Loki Odinsen·: Haha, this proves that this “Dr. Zombie” has long since left Time Gem somewhere!

Loki Odin Sen; so, it was picked up by Thanos.

Stephen Strange: Maybe that variant of mine is using magic to hide the Time Gem.

Loki Odinsen: Boy! What nonsense are you talking about? If that’s the case, Fire Dynasty doesn’t have magic either: how did he get the Time Gem out and get it on the glove?

Stephen Strange:  …

In the face of Loki’s questioning like a storm, Strange was speechless.

And at this moment, he also remembered.

At Kamar-Taj, the Time Gem isn’t always on the Sorcerer Supreme.

Many times, the gem is housed in the Eye of Agamotto and placed in the Holy Place behind the library.

Otherwise, in the “Doctor Strange” video, his variant would not be so easy to cast with the Time Gem to change the Apple’s time.

At this time, Mordo Magician seemed to have thought of something.

Mordo magician: Maybe a long time ago, because of the zombie virus spread by Hank Pym, Doctor Strange changed into a zombie, and Time Gem was forgotten in Kamar-Taj, and was finally taken by Thanos.

Peter Parker (Amazing Spider-man); but if that’s the case, Thanos has five Infinite Gems! Who can turn such a powerful guy into a zombie?

Tony Stark: Maybe that Hank Pym.

Loki Odinsen: Ahhh! Very likely.

Loki · Odinsen: That old madman not only turned into a zombie, but can also shrink his body at will!

Loki·Odinsen: He wants to turn himself into a zombie mosquito and run to bite Thanos, no matter how powerful the purple potato monster is, he can’t resist it!

Seeing this, almost everyone else in the chat group gasped.

It’s unbelievable!

With 5 Infinite Gems in his hand, Thanos, the overlord of the universe! He was planted on the earth in a daze and turned into a zombie that only knows how to eat people!

At this moment, Black widow suddenly spoke again in the group.

Natasha Romanoff·Romanoff: Do you remember, in the video just now, that strange observer spoke again.

Stephen Strange: I remember well, he said that humanity would do whatever it takes to save the homeland, but the price could be the entire universe.

Captain the United States: The entire universe? What does this mean?

Nick Fury: Could it be. No?

Loki·Odinsen; This is not simple, in order to save the human world, it brings disaster to the entire universe! There is only one possibility.

Loki·Odinsen: Those idiots sitting on the Quin Jet brought Mind Gem to Wakanda! But it happened to be in the hands of Thanos!

Loki Odinsen: With this gem, he can snap his fingers and wipe out half the life in the universe!

Starlight: What did you say?

Agent J; snap your fingers and…

Clark Kent: Erase half of the universe?

Alice: (mouth)!!

Just when these newbies were stunned by the power of Thanos, the old birds in the group were also stunned by another incident.

Wanda Maximov: Zombie Thanos snaps his fingers?

Stephen Strange: What are you kidding? That’s outrageous too!

Mordo magician: Yes! While snapping his fingers, Thanos must meditate in his heart and give orders to the Infinity Gauntlet before he can wipe out half of the universe.

Mordo magician: How could a zombie do such a thing?

Loki Odinsen: Hey, who said zombies can’t think?

Loki Odinsen: At the end of the screen just now, does Thanos raise the Infinity Gauntlet in his hand, looks like a mindless walking dead?

Mordo magician: This

Loki · Odinsen; and, you will not forget, that “zombie witch Wanda” had a very sad look on her face after seeing Vision’s body.

Loki · Odinsen: All these can prove that among these zombies, there are also individuals with thoughts and feelings!

Alice: A zombie with thoughts and feelings!!! This is unbelievable, I have never seen one like this! (000)

Seeing this, Tony Stark was also shocked!

Just now, after seeing the zombie witch’s actions, he also came to a similar conclusion.

And now it seems that there is more than one Scarlet Witch who possesses intelligence.

May also include a Thanos!

what does this mean?

Soon, other people in the chat group also thought of the same question.

Bruce Wayne: Maybe, even those powerful individuals, even if they turn into zombies, will still have some memories of their lives, even emotions.

Nick Fury; like Scarlet Witch and Thanos? Well, that’s pretty awesome.

Wolverine: If this is the case, then the Earth in this universe is miserable.

Wolverine: A wise zombie with the strength and thinking of his life, he can easily lead other zombies, and then form an army to conquer and devour the human beings on the whole earth! Turn them all into food!

Bruce Banner:!!!

Alice: Zombies all over the world??? My God.

Loki Odin Sen·: Hahaha, it’s more than that, if the number of such intelligent zombies is a little more, these zombie monsters may even be able to establish their own country and completely dominate the earth!

Wanda Maximov: Zombie Planet? This


Sitting in the empty laboratory, Alice’s expression stiffened and her eyes widened in an instant.

Zombies rule the world!

Loki’s words. It exploded in her mind like a thunderbolt.

An endless fear swept through the whole body like a tide!

In Umbrella’s underground base, Alice has seen with her own eyes how terrifying those zombies are!

If these monsters really spread all over the world, it would be a scene even more terrifying than hell!

Nick Fury·: Humph! Don’t be alarmist here, if zombies are really creatures, then they always need to eat, or replenish energy!

Nick Fury: Turning humans into zombies, who should they eat? Eat themselves?

Loki Odinsen: Hahaha, you humans are so stupid. How did Thanos come to earth? Do I have to tell you again?

Nick Fury:!!!

Tony Stark: Are you talking about the Space gem?

Loki Odinsen: Yes, as long as he holds this gem, Thanos can completely open the space door, take those zombies to other planets, and devour other alien creatures!

Loki · Odinsen: Maybe that’s what the observer meant by “destroying the universe”.

Wanda Maximov: Oh my god….A 😉

Stephen Strange: This is not a zombie planet, but a zombie universe.

Deadpool: Well… too bad.

Loki · Odinsen: Hahaha, I suddenly remembered something.

Loki · Odinsen: You, Deadpool, seem to have the Self-healing Ability. Well, if those zombies catch you, maybe they can raise you up and eat part of it every day!

Loki · Odinsen: In this way, maybe you can eat it for hundreds of years! o(**)

Deadpool:…………..I think my library is getting a little wet again. (0.0)

Saint Caesar: Damn it, in the face of this situation, we should destroy the entire earth decisively!

Alice: Don’t say such scary things casually. (mouth)!!!

Bruce Wayne: I would never let my world get down to that level!

Looking at the hypothesis proposed by Loki, the group members had just recovered from the state of shock caused by “Zombie Earth”, and immediately fell into an even more terrifying shock.

Under the command of the zombie Thanos, the zombies on earth may even march into the universe, turning the entire universe into a world of zombies.

How terrifying this is.

Looking at the chaos in the group, Tony Dark couldn’t help clenching his teeth.

No matter what, he would never let that old ghost Hank Pym do things that endanger the earth.

At this time, in Kamar-Taj, even the Ancient One magician’s eyes revealed a hint of shock.

Since the advent of this live broadcast system, Ancient One has no longer been able to predict the future with Time Gem.

Therefore, even she does not know whether this zombie virus will come to her own universe!

At this moment, a new image suddenly appeared on the screen that had been darkened.

(Start playing “Doctor Strange’s Time Paradox””

PS: For collection! For flowers! For evaluation ticket! For monthly ticket! For full booking support! A.

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