Chapter 333 The rewards change: Strong! Ordinary punch! Magneto destroys the world! Quicksilver fights Apocalypse! Father and son meet?

Seeing that System Heart asked this question, everyone in the live broadcast room was stunned.

“Bald? That’s a weird question, isn’t it?”

Little Wanda blinked, a look of confusion on her face.

So far, the questions raised by the system have generally been related to the video being played.

Is there an exception this time?

“It’s amazing

Loki snorted coldly, his tone full of displeasure:

“Who knows why that Charles is showing off? Is it because of the overuse of Psychic Ability?”

As soon as he said this reason, Loki suddenly stopped, and there was a dignified look in his eyes.

No, is it really related to this?

That Charles, in order to fight against Apocalypse, caused excessive depletion of his mind ability, and finally became bald?

And when Loki said this, several people in the live broadcast room looked at each other, obviously thinking of this possibility.

“Excessive use of the brain may lead to hair loss, but will it be so fast?”

Tony muttered something in a low voice, with a hint of hesitation in his tone.

While theoretically unlikely, who knows if Mutant’s hair will be any different from humans?

Seeing that everyone around was thinking about the questions raised by the system, Bruce Wayne sighed and said helplessly:

“That blue-skinned monster is about to destroy the earth, and what baldheads are we entangled here?”

Seeing the regretful look on Master Wayne’s face, Tony Stark shrugged and said:

“Don’t be too nervous, that blue monster is probably bluffing.


After seeing the images of countless black missiles skyrocketing before, Bruce Wayne felt a little confused, and when he heard Tony’s words, he was like washing his hair with cold water, and he immediately woke up.

“By the way! That Apocalypse was originally a slave owner in ancient times. If he really destroyed the earth, then who would he rule?”

Bruce Wayne pondered for a moment, and a hint of bitterness suddenly appeared on his face;

“Maybe Apocalypse has no Ability and no will to destroy the earth, but he still has the potential to destroy human beings, or human civilization!”


Upon hearing this, Tony’s mind moved, and he immediately reacted:

“For since the resurrection, this blue-skinned monster has shown deep disdain and even hatred for modern human civilization!

“That’s why he made those black. All the weapons were destroyed. In his eyes, humans don’t need these things at all!”

“Destroy modern civilization?

Peter Parker opened his mouth slightly, his face full of incredulity.

“What does this mean? Does he want mankind to return to primitive society?”

“Primitive society? Hahaha! That’s right! That’s it.

Loki suddenly clapped his hands and laughed arrogantly:

“Do you remember? Before this blue monster was forced to sleep, he was an ancient man who lived five or six thousand years ago!

“What he wants is for mankind to return to that state of ignorance and ignorance!”

That way “…he will feel like he’s coming home.”


“Go back thousands of years?

“There’s something wrong with that guy’s brain!”

Hearing such incredible remarks, let alone the live broadcast room, there was an uproar even in the chat group.

Wolverine: This blue-skinned guy is crazier than I thought!

Captain the United States: Damn, he likes primitive society so much, why doesn’t he go to live in remote mountains and forests! But he insists on destroying civilizations all over the world!

Nick Fury: What Apocalypse wants is not just primitive, but primitive people worship and worship him! He wants people all over the world to regard him as a god!Nick Fury; and in modern society, he can’t do that!

Stephen Strange: So he’s going to destroy the modern world and bring the surviving humans back into ignorance? What a lunatic!

John Constantine·: Honestly, compared to that blue-skinned neurosis idea. I would like to know how to answer this question by the system.

Charles Xavier: Well, I can honestly say that my hair is still very thick! No matter how much I use Mind Ability, there is no sign of hair loss!

Deadpool: Hahaha! I can testify, this Charles does have a lot of hair! But his expression is not very good.

Charles Xavier: A wry smile, I’m thinking about closing the school and hiding somewhere off the beaten track!

Charles Xavier: This way, even if some supervillain wakes up, he can’t control me and destroy the world!

Magneto: You just want to run away from anything! Charles, you haven’t changed a bit, you’re still so cowardly!

Magneto: The future of Mutant must not be in your hands!

In the face of Magneto’s accusations, even the good-natured Charles was momentarily angry.

Charles Xavier: Erik, I haven’t told you yet!

Charles Xavier: Just now, I saw something wrong with your expression. Are you really going to do something to that sleeping Apocalypse?


Deadpool: Aha! Such a reaction! Wasn’t that the right thing to say?

Bruce Wayne: Hey! No kidding, that guy claims to be destroying the planet!

Bruce Wayne: This madman should be put to sleep forever.

Seeing Magneto’s silence, Charles Xavier in the tavern suddenly felt a little nervous.

He knows how stubborn Erik is!

Moreover, since Magneto (bcaa) got the ability called “Super Electromagnetic Cannon”, his mind control ability is also invalid for him!

“Trouble, I don’t have the ability to mind control, how can I convince Erik to give up this crazy idea?”

Just thinking of this, Charles Xavier’s heart suddenly moved, as if he saw a ray of light in the darkness.

“Mind Control Ability? That’s right! Judging from the image, that Apocalypse, when facing me, seemed to be full of joy in his eyes.

“Seems to be very envious of my Ability.”

“And this guy is able to grab the Ability of others through the transfer of consciousness!”

Consciousness “transferred!!!”

Charles Xavier took a deep breath, and his heart suddenly beat faster.

One of the biggest features of that blue-skinned Apocalypse is baldness!

So that’s the answer?

In the chat group, while the quarrel was still ongoing, Charles Xavier suddenly spoke.

Charles·Xavier: System! My answer is.. I became bald because I was forced to transfer consciousness by Apocalypse!

Soon, the sound of the system rang.

[Ding! After Charles Xavier answered, the question-and-answer system began to determine..

[Ding! Charles Xavier answered correctly.

Wanda Maximov: What? Shifting consciousness? (Qoo)

Peter Parker (The Amazing Spider-man); So, is this the correct answer?

Deadpool: Hahaha! I remembered that the queen herself is a big bald head. A_A

Wolverine: Did he lose his hair because he was taken over by that blue monster? That’s a tragedy.

Magneto: Possessing other’s body?

Wolverine: This is an Eastern way of saying that I learned when I was in Inatsugu.

Stephen Strange: Yes, Apocalypse gained so many super abilities by taking other people’s bodies!

Magneto: So, did he take a fancy to Charles’ Telepathy Ability?

Tony Stark: Well, it can be judged from this angle… Kai probably doesn’t want to kill all the human beings on earth.

Tony Stark: Otherwise, even if he has the Telepathy Ability, who should he use it on? Monkey?

Bruce Wayne: Wry smile, that’s true in theory, but who knows what’s going on in this blueskin’s head?

At this moment, the sound of the system sounded again.

【Charles · Xavier gets 100 live broadcast points, which can be used for multi-universe on-demand】

Charles【·Xavier gets a random bonus Normal Punch!]

“One punch? Or normal?”

Hearing the name of the reward, Charles Xavier raised his eyebrows, suddenly feeling a little puzzled.

So far, most of the rewards given by the system are extremely precious and have incredible effects.

But this time, the “ordinary punch” seems meaningless!

An ordinary punch, this kind of thing can be done by an individual.

Soon, a stream of information suddenly flooded into Charles’ mind.

[Ordinary punch

[After opening the “limiter”, the human body will exert the extraordinary power that was imagined. ”

“Even if it’s an ordinary fist, the fist style released is enough to level the mountain!”

[No matter what kind of monster it is, it is difficult to resist this ordinary punch.

[And if you punch more seriously, its power is enough to shake the entire earth!)

[After getting the reward, you will have the ability to hit a “one shot” normal punch. ”

[However, even turning on the limiter briefly will cause irreparable damage to your body.

【After throwing this punch, you will lose all your hair permanently, irretrievably by any means.

“It’s… just kidding.”

Sensing the message in his head, Charles Xavier opened his mouth slightly and fell into a sluggish state.

An indescribable shock shook his heart.

“With one punch…can the mountain be turned into a flat ground?”

“How can a human fist have such terrifying power? Even Mutant can’t do it!”

Forcefully suppressing his beating heart, Charles involuntarily reached out and stroked his thick hair, a wry smile suddenly appeared on his face.

Charles felt a sense of urgency at the thought that Erik.. might be driven by ambition and desire to resurrect that blue-skinned monster, Apocalypse.

And if the information provided by the system is correct, then this “ordinary punch” can even be used to save lives when necessary!

And just as Charles’s heart was up and down, a new image appeared on the screen.

[Video continues][Looking at modern Cairo, Apocalypse’s eyes showed inexplicable emotions. ”

[“This was supposed to be the center of the universe, but those humans betrayed me.”

【“And now everything will return to the right path.

[I saw Tianhou open his hands, and the originally prosperous city turned into powder under his super ability. ”

[Then, the endless powder began to re-aggregate, and finally turned into a towering Pyramids. 】

[Then, Apocalypse used his Ability to make a special helmet for Erik and gave him the order:

【“My child, you will explore downward, straight into the center of the earth.”

[“Let the ground be wiped clean of everything that humans have built. Clean up the world!][“And we will command those who survive. Lead them into a better world!”)

[After receiving the order, Erik directly used his greatly improved super ability to go straight into the depths of the earth’s crust and control the magnetic field of the entire earth!

[For a time, the metal substances all over the world began to have a terrible change!)

[According to experts’ inference, it won’t be long before metal riots will wipe out all the cities in the world!”

[But since the black weapons have long been cleaned up by Apocalypse, in the face of the current predicament, human beings are helpless and can only wait to die. )

Sure enough”! This blue-skinned madman does not want to destroy the earth, but wants to destroy human civilization!

Pressing the metal storm dancing wildly around the screen, Tony’s eyes became solemn.

Known as Iron Man, his battle suits and shapeshifting King Kong are all made of metal,

So, an enemy like Magneto may really be his nemesis for Tony Dark!

“This heartless man is actually so powerful.

Watching the metal dancing wildly on the screen, like the end of the world, Xiao Wanda’s face also showed an uncontrollable shock.She really did not think that it can only manipulate men metal, actually also hidden so terrible destructive power.


At the moment, Bruce Wayne glanced look gloomy Magneto, helpless sigh.

In all fairness, he does not understand his wife and daughter were killed brought despair and suffering.

But the screen that Erik, apparently Apocalypse to be brainwashed, he’s become a tool for people!

And Erik exhibited by ultra-Ability, also let Bruce Wayne of shock.

Control of the magnetic field of the entire planet!

Wipe civilization of all mankind!

This is how the power of terror!

“It seems now the only hope for mankind is that the Mutant!

Took a deep breath, Bruce Wayne eyes also showing strong color.

Scientific and technological inventions of humanity, in the face of strong Ability is how fragile.

To counter the ultra-Ability who really can only rely on those super-Ability!

[Video continues][At the moment on the other side, Qinge Lei, Mystique Raven et al., Drove x weapons base, fighters, according to informed before Charles coordinate Qinge Lei, is desperately rushed over.

[At this point, Qinge Lei sensitive to Charles looming crisis. )

[Original, Apocalypse ready to transfer his consciousness into Charles’s body, thereby obtaining the mind Ability to control everyone. ”

Found that [time constraints, after reaching the open Rowe, x-Men then three columns!]

Night [who first taught to use their Ability to sneak into the Pyramids, trying to rescue Charles. 】

[Quicksilver with Mystique Raven, find Magneto Erik. 】

[Face being carried away by hatred Erik, Mystique told him that he is actually still own and such a good friend Charles. ”

[Quicksilver and Erik had wanted his son to recognize the end, I still could not say. ”

[At this point, x-men remaining two were also three of the Knights of the Apocalypse.

[Just at this time, consciousness transfer ceremony Apocalypse has also been carried out in half!][Under Apocalypse sense of invasion, Charles heads of hair are all fell to the ground, turned into a bald!][While many people fall into a bitter struggle, Nightcrawler finally rely on their own transport Ability, Angel will be trapped in a steel prison inside.

[Greet Nightcrawler momentum, Pyramids in success on the Charles into bald!)

[Next to rescue Charles, x – Men and Apocalypse knights start fighting!)

[In the melee, x-men were riding aircraft also crashed. ”

[Fighter crashed to hear the sound, Quicksilver and Raven also decided to give up persuade Erik, came to rush to the rescue. ”

[After they left, Erik began to recall the past between Charles and various occur.

[Feelings of so many years, he really so simple to completely abandon it? ”

[At the moment the Pyramids, the sense of discovery and transfer ceremony failure Apocalypse, very angry!)

[He rushed straight out, want to seize Charles again. 】

[And in the Apocalypse angry when he was suddenly hit gave some unknown force to fly. ”

[ “Touch! Touch! Touch!”)

[Quicksilver full speed, the whole person as may be duplication in general, from all directions at an alarming high-speed attack days later, his body flying in the air play!)

[But even in this case, Apocalypse’s still some kind of super-Ability launched. )

[He saw through the action of Quicksilver, then sand with his leg to confined. ”

[ “Stupid kid.”

[Looked unable to move Quicksilver. Apocalypse severely kick, put the name of the person rapidly to a leg and broke! ”

[ “Ah ah ah!”)

[Quicksilver hear sounds, is far from manipulating Erik Earth’s magnetic field finally look for a change.

[This feeling is sad!

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