Jiang Tang then saw a fight in which his ex-wife was wanted to be murdered by his current wife.

The boy Thunder Dragon also protected Liu Feifei and her mother with his help!

Liu Junyao hired a private detective to investigate some matters, but by this time his memory had recovered.

I still remember the place where my ex’s wife’s hometown is!

I am anxious to see my lover as soon as possible!

Put down what you are doing and arrange a private plane to search for him!

Back then, he and his lover had children together and did not visit his father-in-law!

It's not that he didn't go, it was because he was hiding from his parents and arranged for the three of them to live in a villa. The news that he had obtained the certificate was always known to his family!

Afraid of causing harm to his wife and family.

Only secretly send a sum of money to my wife’s family!

We can’t let our family members find our father-in-law and mother-in-law, and we dare not visit their homes in person!

My father-in-law and mother-in-law have never met!

I have never been to the place where I am!

His wife followed him wholeheartedly, but she did not tell her elderly parents and did not dare to tell them that she was married!

I regret it very much now. Why didn't I go see him back then?

Why didn't you hand over the bank card for that amount of money to the old couple in person?

After he lost his memory, the money in the bank card was also confiscated, right?

I can’t imagine how my wife has been living with a child for more than ten years.

You have to raise children and take care of your parents!

The hardest thing is, as a wife who is an only child, how can she bear the thought of being criticized when she brings a daughter back home!

The people sent by Pan Yufeng arrived at the address of that place.

They didn't arrest the person immediately, but looked for him!

However, in that backward mountain village, it was quite exclusive, and they were curious when they saw strangers!

When I asked some people, those people looked at them defensively and refused to tell the truth!

Their people couldn't ask, they couldn't ask where the family was!

There were not many residents in that village, but after they spent money, a certain gangster helped them find out where the family lived!

So, led by the gangsters, they sneaked into that family's home in the dark that night!

But they found that they had closed the door tightly, and used their ability to pry the door open. They found that the things inside were very shabby, and the bed and all the furniture they lived in were very old!

The house is just that kind of old house, one brick and half mud brick, or is it a tiled house?

They searched several rooms, but there was no one there!

No one was found. After the people who carried out the mission went out, they asked the gangster again, thinking that the gangster had deceived them!

If you want to beat up the gangster, this is the price the gangster pays for cheating them!

The gangster looked at the ferocious man. He just took a little money and didn't want to be beaten. He thought for a while and told his guess!

"Brother, maybe they went to the hospital and haven't come back yet. The two elderly members of this family entered the hospital. They must be sick. His daughter works outside and is staying in the hotel, and the niece is staying in the school!"

These people were dubious, and the leader of the mission called Pan Yufeng, who was not at home with their family!

In the middle of the night, Pan Yufeng was still awake, and the man did not come home. Maybe she was waiting for news, or maybe she was waiting for the man to come back!

Saw it, call!


"Yufeng, that family is not at home. I heard from a gangster that that person's parents are sick and hospitalized. That person lives outside and her daughter is in school!"

"Whether it's a hospital, living outside, or school? We must arrest that bitch, his daughter, and his dying parents!"


The man didn't say anything, he agreed very gently and hung up the phone!

A man caught the gangster in the car!

The gangster was frightened, thinking it was just a transaction, and he could buy it with the money...!

Unexpectedly, it would still be in the hands of others next time?

Knowing this, he shouldn’t be greedy for money!

Their car drove towards the city, and in less than half an hour, they had arrived at the entrance of a certain hospital!

They asked the nurse in the middle of the night, already knowing this, the names of the woman's parents!

In addition to what the gangster said, they have already found their names!

Nurses on night shift can't just enter every ward in a large hospital at night!

At this time, a certain virus was in progress. Their people were not allowed to enter casually, and their family members were not allowed to enter casually either!

They all have time to visit patients, and there are dedicated people to accompany them!

The nurse refused these people access to the ward!

But they found out the name and the ward where he lived!

Someone thought of a way to sneak in quietly in the dark. They climbed into the water pipe!

Monitoring everywhere will be able to see it and check it!

In order to complete the task, they came up with some ideas and entered disguised as doctors and nurses!

This is entering a consulting room and putting on a doctor's white coat!

Wearing a mask and a doctor's hat, you really look like a doctor!

They entered the inpatient department and then went upstairs to operate from the surveillance blind spot!

After entering the inpatient department, they searched from floor to floor but found no one.

I was almost spotted by the doctors and nurses on duty!

That bastard in the street car downstairs, waiting for the center to pop!

His conscience pained him violently!

These people couldn't find the elderly couple. It was already late at night!

I just want to wait until tomorrow to ask where they are!

They never thought that the patient had been discharged!

They did not give up and went outside the school to search in a certain school or dormitory!

At this time, they were wearing masks, evading surveillance, and trying to find a certain girl in each dormitory!

They forgot that some schools were already on holiday!

Only senior high school students are taking tutoring!

Not everyone is studying there or living in the dormitory, some are studying day out!

No girls were found in this school or dormitory!

They caught the doorman and asked which dorm a certain girl was in?

In fact, not everyone in the senior year of high school can know the name of the guard!

When they were in school, they didn’t know their names when they met!

Someone asked them, even in the middle of the night, and everyone knew that they were not good people!

"She's not in school, she hasn't been in school for several days!"

He knew the girl's appearance as described by the guard to his captor. Even though there were several classes of high school seniors, the girl was so beautiful and dazzling that even as a middle-aged man, he still had the memory!

"Where did you go? Why didn't you go to school?"

"Ah, you have a part-time job, right? It seems that his grandparents are sick and they have to work part-time to make money!"

The guard didn't know where the girl was, and those people couldn't find out where she was, so they could only knock her out!

The methods of these people and the monitoring of their presence here will be wiped out!

Jiang Tang saw that this group of people was so rampant, he didn't mind letting these people enter a certain place to stay in a dark room!

When they still wanted to take action, they entered the fantasy with a wave of their hands!

But the gangster didn't deserve to die, so he was thrown out of the car.

The gangster was inexplicably thrown out of the moving car. Although he was not thrown to death, he was frightened to death. Of course, his body was injured!

That moving car, they kept driving in the hallucination, as if they had entered a place where only they were!

The car can't stop!

At first, they thought it was because of the dark night. After taking a plane and rushing for another day, they would be tired even if they were human!

I'm thinking of staying in a hotel for one night and finding out where this family is tomorrow!

It's just that their car has been driving for so long, why didn't they arrive at the hotel?

Obviously using navigation, a street never ends!

The driver didn't pay attention at first, but later he became frightened and told the boss next to him and the boss behind him!

They may have entered a ghost wall, and a weird scene like this scared them!

These people are not kind people. If they were kind people, they would not be ordered to arrest people!

Even people are afraid of death. Maybe they are not afraid of people, but afraid of ghosts!

The driver stepped on the brakes and found that the car had stopped. His voice was trembling when he spoke!

"What should we do, brother? It's been dozens of minutes, and this street hasn't even reached the end yet!"

"Let's just rest in the car and wait for rescue."

So they tremblingly hoped that this kind of scene would only happen in the dark and would be restored during the day!

These people didn't know that the car they were in was no longer in the original place, although they always saw a road in front of them and a road behind them!

There are houses around too, this is just an illusion!

In fact, their car entered a deserted place!

If there are really people and cars, this car parked in the middle of the road will cause harm to some people!

The car is real!

Their car was hoisted to the mountain. It was a deserted mountain, but the illusion was not lost!

How can it be so easy to be saved!

Jiang Tang let them be punished, in addition to hunger, thirst, fear, and death from thirst! They will starve them to death!

Although their car can be parked, they cannot open it and get out!

Their cars are locked!

If you can’t live without the car, you can’t get food in their trunk!

There was water in the car too, but not much!

Jiang Tang discovered that these people had lives in their hands. In addition to punishing them, these people could also be punished by using the law!

But with his punishment methods, without these people causing trouble, the Brontosaurus on the other side and the man he helped were not so easy to be caught among the people they protected!

Jiang Tangzai accepted this mission of protection, accepted this mission of returning, and let them change the fate of some people!

Pan Yufeng, she waited and waited and couldn't wait for that man to call again!

It’s not that the man wasn’t on the phone, his cell phone had no signal!

I can’t make calls, I can’t make any calls, and I can’t receive signals, let alone other networks!

If you want to ask for help, you can’t!

One day passed, two days passed, and Pan Yufeng couldn't get through his phone!

When Liu Junyao arrived in this beautiful place by helicopter!

It was already several days later and they arrived during the day!

They asked the person who picked the fruit at the orchard, who was said to be a relative of their family, and asked where their family lived.

The villagers were very surprised. Why do people always come to ask their family these days?

It seemed like they hadn't seen them for a long time, and even the little girl who worked part-time was not in the village.

Someone pointed at their house, which was the poorest house in the mobile village. Many people built villas with several floors!

Only their home is still the same!

The villages are all close to the mountains. When they leave their homesteads, there are no paddy fields at all. They plant in the mountains. More people use the mountains to grow fruits, dig fish ponds, and raise pigs and chickens!

Many have become bosses and they all make money!

In recent years, I have even bought a house outside and invited people to pick fruits, but they are just people from far away places!

The person who helped the orchard was an outsider!

The door was closed and there was no one inside. If anyone asked, they would not know where they had gone.

Someone else said that the daughter of this family works in the city and is an employee of a certain company. The old couple seems to be living in the hospital and the little girl is studying in a certain school.

Liu Junyao first bought gifts and went to visit two elderly people in the hospital!

After telling the old man's name, the answer he got was that the old man was discharged from the hospital!

So he searched for the woman he longed for, found that company, and asked their colleagues in that company!

I learned that the woman asked for leave again!

So they went to a certain school and asked the guard. The person they asked was the guard who had transferred classes!

The doorman is divided into two shifts, day shift and night shift in reverse!

He had just transferred to the day shift, and now someone came to ask the girl again!

The guard saw that they arrived in a luxury car and thought it was a helicopter. Moreover, he rented a luxury car locally!

The guard looked at them as if they were enemies!

You lied to me again, I am so easy to lie, I was lied to once, and you lied to me again?

The guard thought these people were from that night a few days ago and were in the same group!

"The student you are talking about has taken a leave of absence!"

Liu Junyao searched this city for a day, but couldn't find anyone, so he could only stay in a hotel in this place.

At night when he was sleeping, he dreamed of his ex-wife, daughter, and their couple getting on a plane, heading to Kyoto?

Is this what I think about day and night, or is it true?

After waking up from the dream, he made a call and asked a private detective to look for a boy he had seen!

This boy seemed to know him. He asked a private detective to check where he lived. The next morning, the private detective actually found him!

The person he was looking for was already in Kyoto and lived in a house in a certain community.

So he hurriedly asked the helicopter to send a group of them to Kyoto!

He thanked the person who entrusted him with the dream!

After arriving in Kyoto, I came to visit and finally met the person I had been thinking about day and night. I also met my father-in-law and mother-in-law whom I had not seen for more than ten years, and my daughter whom I had not seen for more than ten years!

When the two old men saw him, they certainly didn't have a good look on their faces. In their eyes, this son-in-law was a complete scumbag!

He can't bring them happiness now. When they meet again, he will explain why they divorced?

He has lost his memory after not looking for their mother and daughter for so many years!

I just remembered it a few days ago!

He wants to get Pan Yufeng divorced as soon as possible!

Find the happiness before you come back!

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