Knowing Ram's venomous tongue did not disappoint him.

You can become a pig, but it's alright if Lu Long heard this, he would probably hum in anger.

What he said above, Cheng Yu didn't listen to a word, anyway, he was not in his own consideration, let Shenglong Group participate, just to listen to Ram complain about them.

Even if everyone else is applauding, Cheng Yu still doesn't move, you don't want to follow the others and clap your hands.

Lu Long can't figure it out now, whether it's his character that's like this, or because he's deliberately targeting him. If it's the former, then that's fine, treating them equally, and he still has a chance to win.

If it is the latter, Lu Long has already thought of the ending: the big fat in his mouth is gone.

"Lin Shuo, have you... look at his expression"

"He's almost always inattentive, doesn't just come over for a cutscene and then don't get involved in the real thing."

Lin Shuo didn't dare to think badly, so he made an ambiguous excuse.

"If that's the best way, I'm afraid that Sheng Long has already been targeted by him."

"Brother Long, your company is one of the best in Haicheng. For the sake of the overall situation, he shouldn't be so naive."

If Cheng Yu knew that he was said to be naive, he might not be so happy.

Their own ideas are naive.

After all, Lin Shuo and Lu Long both have their own companies. If they have experienced the same thing as Cheng Yu, would they still cooperate with that person? Lin Anya and Feng Xiang have also seen everything: "Why does Cheng Yu look a little bit different? I don't care about Shenglong Group."

"Miss, did you say it was because of the incident in the video?"

Video! Lin Anya has a picture! At the same time, she clenched her fist and stared at Lin Shuo with hatred.

The two of them joined forces to deal with another company, and this kind of unscrupulous plan happened to be caught by Cheng Yu, the boss of Charles, so he was disgusted.

No one wants to cooperate with someone who is calculating behind others like this.

After all, cooperation is to treat each other honestly, and if one party makes small moves behind the scenes, it will definitely not be accepted.

Lin Anya guessed that Cheng Yu would definitely be disgusted even if they were not dealing with Qingmu but other companies.

Cheng Yu hated the person who planned it, not the company behind it.

Cooperation is mutual benefit and win-win, not one party's calculation and the other party's defense, playing psychological tactics in the workplace.

Although her relationship with Cheng Yu is not very deep, she can see from the few conversations that he is a straightforward man, open-minded, open-minded, principled and opinionated, and he can say anything on the surface.

Therefore, he doesn't bother to take a second glance at people who are secretly calculating.

Even if the opponent's strength is very strong.

In fact, there is only a Shenglong Group, and Cheng Yu will not put it on at all.

The company he cooperates with may not be big, as long as it can keep up, the managers behind it are not phony, and everyone shows the most sincere attitude to each other, that's all.

But since they looked at themselves first, don't blame him for playing the game of power.

"Wow, sir, this person is very thin, which is in contrast to that person."

"Hey, so square, his face looks like a rectangle."

"Well, sir, this man's voice is grunting and makes one want to sleep."

Every person who goes up, pulls

Mu will almost always complain, as if this is an aesthetic scene, ,, Ram is a judge.

As long as Cheng Yu listened to her words, he was always happy and smiling.

However, Lin Shuo and Lu Long were not happy at all.

He seemed to have been there all the time: chatting with the three beauties next to him, and he didn't even bother about the scene of the tender meeting.

However, his often serious expression gave them the illusion that he was really listening.

Seems like it's real, they can't tell the difference.

"It seems that several pairs of eyes are staring at Mr.

"Da Feng, don't worry about those people."

Cheng Yu said.

"Okay, Wren remembers"

The wren said, and moved closer to him, the blurred eyes made many men present excited.

However, they only dared to secretly move their hearts.

Before that, her red eyes had been looking at this side with a sharp state, and after looking at it for a long time, they couldn't help shuddering.

Such a cold look! She obviously looks so charming, but why does that look have a sense of abstinence?

It seems that after looking at it for a long time, ice spears will be shot from the inside, pointing directly at them.

It is such a woman whose eyes and aura are enough to force back other people's imaginations, and in front of a special man, she blooms with her unique charm.

God, this look is much better! It's a pity it's not for them.

The autumn wave turned slightly, and it was full of affection! The intermission was mainly for Cheng Yu to choose a company to cooperate with.

Zhu Xun gave him the form with the details already listed, and he directly ignored the first Sheng Long.

Those who were sitting in their seats waiting for the results were on pins and needles, and at the same time full of anticipation.

Since no results have been released yet, they feel they have a chance.

Cheng Yu took a look at the capital and the company's specific strength, and then thought about the amount of equipment needed by the hotel.

Sure enough, no one is more suitable than the fall of the wood.

It is true that Shenglong is the first and best choice, but Cheng Yu is too lazy to deal with people like Lulong.

Even if his company's business is quite good, it's not a problem.

He was looking at the strength of the company, not Lin Anya.

Even if Brother Tong came to bid today, he would choose a company with comparable strength, not a person.

Zhu Xun finally announced the result, but Lin Anya didn't react immediately, because her company won the bid.

It was Feng Xiang who whispered beside her, "Miss, we won the bid!"

"It's us"

Lin Anya asked again, thinking about it, Zhu Xun really seemed to be talking about the Qingmu Group! She was overjoyed, and luck actually fell on her.

Hearing the results of the bidding, it is undoubtedly the normal state of one family rejoicing and several worrying, but Shenglong is extremely angry.

He didn't believe it, he had the chance to win, how could he be robbed by others? "Brother Long, we"

Lu Long couldn't get cooperation, and Lin Shuo never expected that just as he was about to say something, Lu Long glared at him, then stretched out his hand and pushed it.


Lin Shuo panicked, he saw disgust in Lu Long's eyes! Lu Long brought his secretary to Zhu Xun and asked him why Shenglong lost the bid.

"Everything is up to the boss to decide."

Zhu Xun is not pushing the pot, and he really doesn't know the reason.

Chapter 103 The Charming and Coquettish "Fairy"


Lu Long's face was blue with anger, and he wanted to go to the boss to judge, but when he turned around, he heard Lin Shuo calling him.

"Brother Long!"

He stopped, thinking about it and thinking that the culprit was Lin Shuo. If he hadn't asked himself to help him that day, I'm afraid he wouldn't have gotten offended by Boss Charles.

On second thought, the reason why they would abandon Shenglong and choose Qingmu must be that he and Lin Shuo were mixed together, so they felt that his character was also detrimental.

After all, Lu Long was the boss of the small studio, and he was a businessman from the large office building to President Lu. Naturally, he was not stupid.

Moreover, he felt that Charles did not choose them, which may account for eight or nine out of ten.

"It's all you, if you hadn't brought me to provoked such a high-profile person, I would have firmly shaken hands on this project!"

As soon as Lu Long turned around, he pushed Lin Shuo aside, his eyes were cold and sinister, as if the previous brothers and sisters were just acting.

"Brother Long, what's wrong with you, why are you blaming me now?"

"If you hadn't taken me to find something, would I have lost all the fat in my mouth?"

Lu Long said that he can have a brotherhood relationship, but if it prevents him from making money 1.

, then I'm sorry, this friend didn't have to do it.

"It shouldn't be all my fault, right?"

"You dare to say that on the day of Juxiantang, it wasn't you who took me to find him. If you didn't provoke others, there would be the following things. Now the project has been obtained by your sister, and now you are riding comfortably, I think You are deliberately hurting Lao Tzu!"

Charles is a piece of fat, but anyone who has a chance to come into contact must be posted on it. This is good, let this all be "killed" halfway.

The brothers who came out were messed up.

It is most impossible for him to help Lin Anya design others! Even for the competition between them, Lin Shuo would not be able to help Lin Anya win this project.

But in the end, she actually got it. It seems that the distance between them is getting farther and farther. If you want to catch up with her company in a short time, you need to win a few extra large orders.

However, that kind of business is not like a street shop, it is available everywhere.

Eh, "Brother Long, it's impossible for me to help my sister. I've explained the reasons very clearly before."

"What does that have to do with me?"

Lu Long was furious, and the two of them were left to quarrel in the entire lobby.

The people from those small companies have already evacuated at the end of the year, and they only hold [-]% hope. After all, there are only two outcomes - winning the bid and losing the bid.

And Lin Anya and Feng Xiang have long gone out to find Cheng Yu, as for her third brother.

Hehe, Lin Anya was very proud of not letting him succeed.

The result was really heartwarming. In fact, she felt at the time that as long as Cheng Yu didn't choose Shenglong, she didn't care who else was, as long as the three 3s didn't succeed.

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