The man is angry, and he has no tenderness even for such an exotic beauty.

The next action was even less gentle, as if expressing his emotions.

Cheng Yu drove the car to the hotel, explained it, and took the people upstairs.

Originally, I planned to go back to Huazhou Junting, but since the bidding meeting was held on Wednesday, there is no point in going back, so I might as well just wait here.

Go back when it's over.



Seeing that they were back, Gun Gun immediately rubbed up on it happily, circled around Cheng Yu and Lem's legs, then looked up at the... Mistress who likes to kill herself, hesitated for a while.

But still went up and spared two laps.


Ram was silent, but Tumbling was also satisfied, it was better than talking about himself. Because Ram didn't complain about himself, he barked at Ram and wagged his tail.


In the end, Gun Gun still couldn't escape Ram's fatal rant.

"Wang Woo! Woo!"

Gun Gun cried out in dissatisfaction, then ran to the side and lay down.


Qiuqiu looked at him calmly, full of elegance and dignity.

Cheng Yu guessed that, in Qiuqiu's eyes, Tumblr is also a fool.

It is mainly simple and honest.

Soon, the four hours of the cruise ship delivery arrived.

【Item has been delivered!】Soon, there are some proofs on the table, and a photo is attached to it.

It's really gorgeous! Meeting rooms, restaurants, water play facilities, etc., everything is available.

Just looking at the photos, they all have the urge to play.

It's just, if you want to go out to sea, I'm afraid you have to hire a captain, or Cheng Yu won't be able to.

Even if Ramrem is all-powerful, driving a cruise ship should be quite a challenge.

Soon, the daily spike sent another message.

[The cruise ship Yufeng has been parked at Haicheng Wharf, and users can go there at any time.

】 "Beautiful! But what if there is no captain, I don't know if the system can give one, if there is a ship girl, it will be even better!"

For example, King Kong, Akagi or Yi 19 can be, of course, it will be even better if they come together!

Chapter 73 Are you actually looking for feelings? 【5/5 please subscribe acridine】

Although I know that this opportunity is very slim, people always have dreams, and maybe they can be realized! Cheng Yu said that for the ship, as many as you can afford, you can buy a villa if you don’t have enough rooms! I’m just afraid that software Don't give yourself this chance.

It may be pitiful to have the strength to perform, but not the object of performance.

"Husband, come here quickly, the water is ready!"

Rem grabbed the door frame of the bathroom, exposing the upper half of his body and called Cheng Yu, who answered and took off his clothes and went in.

It was already half an hour after the three of them had washed up.

"After washing up every day, the first thing is to grab a drink and turn on the computer!"

Rem had already figured out the pattern for the past two days, so she hopped around in her pajamas and went to get water.

Three bottles of water, everyone has a share.

Ram also joined this time.

"Sir, where are we going to jump?"

"You just follow me, let's go and shoot with others: see who is stronger and we'll be done."

Today is the tense and exciting route. The previous strategy was to stick to it first, but this time the policy has been changed.

"Okay, wherever my husband takes me and my elder sister, we will follow closely."

"That..., Big Brother No. [-], if you're okay, take me one too and I can eat dog food!"

No. [-] weakly pleaded, even if the dog food is choked to the neck, it doesn't matter, as long as it can win.

Although it has always been a joke, e-sports does not need love.

But look at No. [-] again, e-sports and love really have both, envy! And listening to Rem Ram's voice, tears of envy flowed from the corners of his mouth.

"Ram, go search that room."

"Rem, you go to the front."

"No. [-], you are in front of me, there is a car coming over there, look at the situation first, don't be reckless."

In the early stage, what they liked most was resources, so it was the most irrational for four people to be in one room. Cheng Yu arranged for them all, and then went to another room.

During the game, No. [-] said that they would show their affection from time to time, and they were one man and two women, which was enviable, but they were not less protected in the game.

What's more, he is a big man, and he has to be protected by a woman. Fortunately, he is in his own home and no one sees him, or he must be ashamed.

However, if it is said that there are powerful girls, they are no less capable than boys.

"Come here quickly, hide behind the big rocks, there is a Voldemort in a lucky suit coming."

"Cowboy, buddy, you've seen it all."

"Small meaning, be sure to hold on, after the remaining six players, we will win."

"Great God, do you think there are several factions on the opposite side."

"It's hard to say, 3+, + and others are all possible."

For this, he really can't say it, because it's hard to speculate.

Coincidentally, their team is in the circle of destiny, if they don't want to be poisoned, they can only gather here.

At that time, either they will be surrounded, or they will break through successfully.

However, the final result was the latter.

After he went out, he directly added Cheng Yu's friend, but he didn't add it, and he was a principled young man.

Sure enough, when I see such a person, I feel delighted, "Hello, God, will it be good for me to play together again?"

"You want to lie down and win."

Ram was succinct, sorted out his final thoughts, and Player No. [-] really hummed for a while.

"If you insist, that's exactly what you mean, but I also

Try not to hold you back!"

"Okay, then come on."

Cheng Yu also agreed. Anyway, it's just to play with anyone. Besides, there are not many problems with this person.

After the three games were over, Ram and Rem turned off the computers at the same time, but Cheng Yu didn't get up, but just logged in to another game.



Cheng Yu: When he heard this voice, he was really a bit of a jerk! Fortunately, he didn't turn on the microphone, otherwise he would definitely gossip wildly based on the urination of sand sculpture netizens.

"Ramrem, what are you two doing?"

After Cheng Yu returned to the city, he looked back at the two of them, and then saw that Ram and Rem were holding each other's hands, and there was a horror movie on the TV.

"Hee hee, we're watching a horror movie, frightening each other to find feelings!"

"Well, you guys are pretty good at playing."

I have to say, this trick is really high, I'm not afraid to watch it, but I want to feel it.

Cheng Yu had to boast again: "witty!"

"Hehe, this is what Rem and my elder sister thought together!"

Rem said happily.

Although Cheng Yu said so on his lips, there was still a word in his heart: today's Ram and Rem, together with their IQs, can only be three years old and 3 years old, no more! However, they are so innocent, it seems It's so cute.

After Cheng Yu's game was over, he also turned off the computer and went to bed.

Ramrem's vocal practice phase is over, it's time for the main song! Evening.

Rem lay down and looked at Cheng Yu: "Husband, when are we going to sea for vacation? Rem has been thinking about it for a long time."

"Lam too, I want to go on vacation!"

"When I find the captain, I can leave at any time."

After all, the cruise ship thing is not... just drive it, or Cheng Yu will go up with his motor vehicle driver's license.

It's okay to leave tomorrow.

But no.

Everything can only be thought about.

However, he still hopes to have a ship girl, and there are many.

Cheng Yu thought about it here, and then opened the daily instant kill software.

First I glanced at the front page cover, it wasn't a woman! Then it definitely wasn't.


It seems that the daily seckill is random after all, you can't make a wish! Cheng Yu sighed, and in the end, disappointed that he didn't open the purchase, he turned off the phone and went to sleep.

He turned to look at Ramrem, the two of them had fallen asleep at some point.

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