Cheng Yu explained that to Ram's hearing, he seemed to be playing a riddle to himself.

As for Rem, she immediately understood.

"Dear Master, Rem understands it again."

Since the two of them came out, his blush has never faded. He has always been speaking in obscurity, but once he understood it, it was a cowardly thing.


"I know what you're going to say. Once you understand it, everything I do is not innocent, right?"

Cheng Yu knew what she was going to say, and took the lead in saying it quickly.

Rem nodded.

"Husband Honey, you know again, Rem doesn't have any secrets in front of you."

"Well, I haven't seen it, what secret do you want to have?"

Cheng Yu approached her playfully and asked, and her body fragrance faintly entered his nostrils.

He liked the smell on them, it was really unusual.

There is an indescribable fragrance, mixed with some milky fragrance, which ordinary people do not have.


No, Rem has nothing to hide from her husband, it's just that you can pretend you don't understand once, Oni-chan!"

"Well, do you want me to pretend I don't understand once? Well, let's do it again."

Cheng Yu waved his hand and looked at Rem who was packing up.

"Rem, what were you thinking about?"

He quickly dives into new plots, as if nothing had happened before.

"Rem's second understanding is inseparable from her husband's education"

She will naturally cooperate very well, even if she deceives herself, she will still feel happy.

Hehe, Education Rem, you are really skinny now! Only Cheng Yu used to say this kind of word, but now she has been immersed in it for a long time, and she can use it properly.

"Haha, as expected of my Rem! The ability to learn is super!"

Regardless of

In every respect, it is unquestionably powerful.


Cheng Yu raised his hand and scratched the tip of her nose, "Why did you learn my words so thoroughly?"

"Because Rem is with her husband every day, I learned it slowly."

Rem said with a smile, then stood up and pushed the cart outside.


Ram suddenly pouted and acted coquettishly, with his hands on his hips, with a look of "I am most wronged"


"What's wrong"

"Mr. Haney and Rem are talking like a riddle, and Ram doesn't understand at all! Do you not like Ram?"

She is not angry or jealous, because they are willing to serve Cheng Yu together.

What Ram is aggrieved is that she can't understand the communication between the two of them, because Ram also wants to fit in! "It's not easy to explain this to you fully for a while, but you will be able to draw inferences from it in two days."

Drinking more water, education, millions of tuners, etc., are basically based on Rem's own "being busy at night"

It was launched, and during this period, Cheng Yu's many points were naturally indispensable.

"Yeah but Ram wants to know now"

Ram is coquettish.

If you don't understand, you have to ask, and if you don't want to say it, then you will act like a spoiled child.

"You really want to know"

"Yes, Ram also wants to know the riddle whispers of Rem and Mr. Haney."

Riddles and Whispers Ram really thinks, they just kept the topic a little secret.

"Rem, please explain to Ram."

"Well, I'm here to tell my elder sister"

Rem said something in Ram's ear, and Cheng Yu saw Ram's cheeks quickly turn red at a speed visible to the naked eye.

This turned out to be what Cheng Yu meant.

No wonder I'm filling myself up a bit, and I'm talking about pushing a cart and practicing my voice, "Well, Mr. Haney, how are you?"

Ram buried her head very low, and now she is just as young as Rem who first came.

But people always have to grow up.

After dinner, Cheng Yu sat in front of the computer and played games. When he was tired, he went to play other games with Ramrem.

It wasn't until after three o'clock in the middle of the night that Cheng Yu leaned on the pillow and picked up his mobile phone when he was not sleepy for a while. When he saw that around four o'clock in the afternoon, Feng Xiang sent himself several messages.

He basically didn't take his mobile phone to look at it, because no one was looking for him, and those people in the group were talking nonsense.

Besides, with Ramrem by my side, the phone is not fragrant at all.

Who is more interesting, Cheng Yu is not stupid.

If anyone answers this option, it must be Ramrem! The paper man's wife has come true, don't you want to continue to appreciate it if you are not happy?

Chapter 65 Ram, what animal can sleep well? 【Please subscribe acridine】

Chapter 65 Ram, what animal can sleep very well [Please subscribe acridine] Cheng Yu glanced at the time, or put down the phone.

Anyway, I'm not in a hurry to reply at this time.

"Well, Ram is a little tired, and is going to sleep."

"Sleep, let's go together!"

Cheng Yu smiled and wanted to rest, it was indeed a little too late, and the biological clock started to mess up.

The next day, Cheng Yu first smelled a faint fragrance, then slowly opened his eyes, and then what caught his eyes was a white face with five 55-sized toes that were not as pink as pearls. Whoever stared at his face, Cheng Yu held the jade foot and moved it to the side, traced it back to the upper body, and it turned out that it belonged to the sleeping Rem.

And his actions just now didn't wake her up.

This little girl, sleep is too dishonest, what is it, did she dream that she was practicing Foshan Shadowless Foot? Just came out again.

Maybe it was too late to rest yesterday, and the two clingy goblins haven't woken up yet.

Cheng Yu sat on the bed and looked at Ram Lem's sleeping profile, the corners of his mouth raised slightly.

Thinking back to when Rem first came here, his sleeping position was relatively conservative, and he wouldn't make any big moves at night. Why now that he is familiar with it, he couldn't help but want to spin? Cheng Yu turned on his phone, and it was only nine o'clock. many.

Feng Xiang sent him a few more messages on WeChat. He didn't stay there all the time: he was bored and asked Cheng Yu if he had time, but edited everything and sent it over.

There is also a document attached to it, which was sent last night and which he has only opened now.

Cheng Yu looked at the homepage and laughed out loud when he saw the Charles Hotel.

If you say, some things are really coincidental, I didn't expect that their Charles project, Lin Anya's Qingmu also joined.

He sat down at the computer desk, took a serious look, compared with the standard budget, and replied: "I think it's OK."

It's not perfunctory, it's because Cheng Yu really thinks that this bidding book is very beautiful, and it is carefully planned at first glance.

If he is sure at that time, it is very likely that he will identify Qingmu.

Qingmu's strength is also considered strong in Haicheng, but it can't be ranked first, but the quality is absolutely guaranteed.

Feng Xiang sent things over in order to ask him to give some advice, but now he looked at Cheng Yu's five-character reply, not only fell into deep thought.

He showed this conversation to Lin Anya, and she also glanced at it and looked up at Feng Xiang: "Uncle Feng, what does Cheng Yu mean, so he won't say anything else?"

Lin Anya was confused, was there no such thing as such a remarkable sentence, which made her even more uncertain.

"Well, there is no text."

"He's not at home, so it's not good to invite him to the house to be a guest and ask questions."

"Then should I ask again?"

"Ask me, I'm always at a loss right now."

Lin Anya said that she didn't know when she started to become dependent on Cheng Yu. She also felt that this must be an illusion. Even if they ate together, they only met once after all. If it was dependence, it would be too much. Ridiculously frivolous.

Stable and heavy is her synonym.

Cheng Yu just put on his headphones and was about to watch TV, when he heard a lazy voice, and he knew he had just woken up.


Rem rubbed her eyes with her hands and propped herself up with one hand. She looked so cute and adorable.

"what's the matter"

"Rem woke up and wanted a hug"

Hug Cheng Yu without saying a word, immediately took off his earphones and hugged Rem

Come down, watch a movie or something, where can I give Rem a good morning hug, "Come here!"

"My elder sister hasn't woken up yet."

She put her chin on Cheng Yu's shoulder and looked at Ram who was still sleeping.

"It's okay, just let her sleep more. She played too long last night and she must not have recovered."

Cheng Yu read the details again yesterday, and it turned out that he missed something: Ram is indeed all-around, but he is not as good as Rem in fighting, but it is enough to protect himself.

Of course, Ram is really talented.

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