The weather is nice, blue sky and white clouds.

The lukewarm sunshine shines on the earth, driving away the chill of autumn.

But such coldness is just a kind of torture for Spider Zi who has lost all his divine power.

Without the ability to resist the cold, the cold autumn wind from the north blew into her clothes and wandered around the hem of her sleeves, taking away the little heat left in her body.

"A sneeze——"

"A sneeze——"

Spider Zi sneezed twice, then leaned half-dead on Zhong Chen's shoulder.

Because she is now very weak, any source of damage may kill her, so Zhong Chenjun is by her side 24 hours a day.

This may be the only gift God gave her.

It seems that she has become a god. Her skin is as young and tender as a baby's, and it is not stained by the world, nor does she sweat, and there is no problem if she doesn't take a bath.

It was precisely because of this that Spider Zi could curl up in Zhong Chen's arms like a dead person and not come out.


Zhong Chenjun is really great!!

"Is this lady okay?"

The soldier in charge of the interrogation asked with some worry.

As a gate guard, as long as he did not bring contraband, he would not make irresponsible remarks on the behavior of others. However, after seeing the dying Bai Zhi, he could not help but feel sympathy. Heart.

After all, anyone would care about such a weak and elegant young lady.

Of course, Spider Zi did not have the strength to answer

"She's fine."Zhong Chen could only reply like this.

"Is it really okay?"

Hearing what Zhong Chen said, the other party looked over with even more confused eyes.

He was a little worried. The man in front of him was the human trafficker who kidnapped this beautiful young lady.

Spider Zi cursed in his heart, saying you care so much If so, let them in quickly, she wants to rest early

"It's okay, it's okay, she has always been like this."

The Demon King on the side laughed and said

"Her physical condition is poor. Please let us enter the city quickly. Miss Bai needs to rest."

"Oh, that's right, you can enter the city, please be careful along the way."

After paying the toll, the group stepped into the city.

The mythical carriage was also allowed to enter the city. This carriage was driven by two tall and powerful dragons, so it was quite eye-catching after entering the city. Many children were He was looking at the group of people with envy.

Many people were also looking at Zhong Chen and the spider on his back.

Zhong Chen was reserved because of his divinity. Although he was still noticed by some women because of his handsome appearance, he was looking at After seeing the beautiful girl on his back, he no longer had any thoughts.

But Spider Zi was different. She not only attracted the eyes of men, but also many girls were fascinated by her.

Obviously, Spider Zi now is completely Unable to control his own divine power, those with weak will were immediately attracted.

For this reason, the Demon King had to activate the [Prepression] skill to disperse the Xiaoxiao disciples present.

The road ahead turned into a broad road, which seemed It was very peaceful.

This trip from the southern wilderness of the Liankeshandu Empire to the northern border, spanning the entire country, actually only took half a year, and there was no turmoil during this period.

If there was no secret help from Pope Dustin , Zhong Chen didn’t believe it.

It was also true that the carriage of Zhong Chen and his group passed through the checkpoints in every town with green lights, and there were no more troubles.

Even when they were short of water and food, they would always inadvertently One or two very well-intentioned innkeepers appeared from time to time, selling them food and supplies at low and preferential prices, and giving them all the help they needed.

Even the devil had to sigh.

Although Pope Dustin is one of the four giants The weakest among them, but he really knows how to behave.

This is the border town of the Lian Keshandu Empire.

A northwest town very close to the demons.

As the forefront of the war between the demons and humans, this place is always on guard. , keeping an eye on the arrival of demons.

But humans may not know that Ariel, the demon boss they fear most, appears in this town in an upright manner.

Leave the town.

Not far away is the rolling demon mountain range. As the name suggests , the Demonic Mountain Range is densely populated by demonic beasts and demonic people, with only a handful of human bases.

Only demonic tribes can endure the ultra-low pressure and thin air above. And the severe cold that is covered with ice and snow all year round.

Of course, it is not because the demons like this environment, but because humans have occupied the most fertile land and driven them into desolate areas.

Therefore, the two races hate each other, and from time to time One or two wars broke out.

As a giant of the demon clan, Ariel had a good personal relationship with Pope Dustin and had no interest in the war between humans and demons. Even if the demon clan lost, she would be indifferent to the situation.

According to her complaint.

If her combat power alone had not exceeded that of all the demons, otherwise the entire demon clan would have driven her out of the demon clan long ago.


Spider Zi was very contemptuous after hearing this.

This old demon is really hateful. He can suppress the entire demon clan by himself. Demons, why don’t the demons all revolt and resist the tyranny of the Demon King!

But she just thought about it in her heart. After all, she was being taken care of by the Demon King, so she didn’t dare to say bad things about the Demon King easily.

Especially after she became the so-called god. , she cannot use skills through the system.

Because she became the god of this world and an equal existence to Qiu Lie, she was also kicked out of the system that controlled this world.

Being unable to use the system means losing all abilities and skills.

In other words.

Her previous strength was based on the abilities and skills given by the system.

If these two things are lost, she will be reduced to a charging station with huge energy, but because she has no ability to output externally, she only has energy.

To use an analogy.

Just like you can't directly use nuclear power to charge your mobile phone, you need to go through various voltage converters before it can be smoothly delivered to the inside of your mobile phone.

Spiderzi encountered such difficulties.

She lost her voltage converter.

That's probably what happened.

There is a lot of energy in the body, but without a way to use it, everything is in vain.

Because of this, she is no different from ordinary people now.

Even a little weaker than ordinary people.

Recalling her previous life, Wakaba Hime, she was also the last person in the physical fitness test at that time, but she always attracted some inexplicable eyes during the physical fitness test.

But now it's even more outrageous.

She can't even walk anymore.

She was once powerful enough to deal with world giants like the Demon King and Potimas, but now she was reduced to lying in the arms of Lord Zhong Chen, like a princess with no power to restrain a chicken.

She doesn't want this!

"Zhong Chenjun......"


"You are a god, why didn't you become like me?" (To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"Maybe it's because," Zhong Chen paused for a moment, then said,"There is still a gap between gods. It's like being as powerful as Kyuledis, but still one rank behind Evil God D. Evil God D has the ability to create systems, but Qiuledis does not. As far as I know, the system of this world was created by Qiuledis asking Evil God D."

The young girl Sophia, who was originally looking at the clouds in the sky as if it had nothing to do with her, pretended to be indifferent when she heard the conversation between the two gods, but was actually eavesdropping.

She is still in a state of eavesdropping. She looks extremely arrogant. She obviously cares about Spider-Man, but she just wants to show her boredom.

This yandere state is really hard to describe.[]

And the vampire has grown a lot in the past two years.

Although she is still a young girl, she can already clearly see her beauty. Because her parents, Lord Galen and his wife, are both handsome men and women, Sophia's appearance is definitely not inferior to her mother's.

Maybe even better!

However, she seemed to have known for a long time that she would become a great beauty, so she didn't pay too much attention to her appearance.

But when she heard about God, her ears pricked up and she became more focused.

It seemed to her.

Knowledge about God is more important than becoming beautiful.

Not only her, but Emilia, Meira and others were all very interested in God. They all held their breath, hoping that Zhong Chen and Bai Zhi would continue talking.

Sure enough, because his senses had become weak, Spiderzi could not guess what others were thinking at all, and continued:

"No, why weren't you excluded from the system?"

She was very curious about this.

Obviously Zhong Chen has become a god and should be abandoned by the entire system, but Zhong Chen seems to still be able to use his original skills

"......"Zhong Chen was silent for a moment.

This is really hard to explain. the reason is.

His system is called the Wanjie Game System. It is compatible with the system in this world, but it is not the same one.type.

Just like win98 is backward compatible with win95, his system can ensure that he still has the power of a god after he becomes a god.

It's like Evil God D being able to use his skills in the system he created.

Think about it for a while.

Zhong Chen said:"You also know that becoming a god means having world authority, or being able to control the rules of the world."

"Trees wither, fallen leaves return to their roots, clouds roll and relax, the tide ebbs and flows, these are all determined by the rules of the world, and God has the right to change the rules of this world. Evil God D’s creation system changed the rules of this world"

"But gods and gods have different powers to control a world, just like Feng Boyu Master, their responsibilities are not the same, and gods with different divinities do not affect each other. However, if you evolve your godhead through the MA source, you still essentially belong to this world and are limited by the rules of this world, so you are excluded from the system."

This statement sounds very convoluted.

But in short, it's just one sentence.

I am not affected by the rules of this world, but you do.

That's it.

After hearing this, Spider Zi turned into a dead man again. He looks like a fish.

He is finished. It seems that he can only rely on his own strength and feeling to regain his strength. There is no shortcut at all.

"So, what exactly is Lord Zhong Chen’s authority?"

Meila suddenly asked.

But then he felt that he had said something that he shouldn't have said, so he shut his mouth again.

How could God's authority tell other people casually?

And Zhong Chen had no idea of ​​answering his question. This made the Demon King and Sophia a little regretful.

To be honest, after seeing Qiu Lie possessing such terrifying power, they also became very curious about the abilities of gods.

There were clearly two gods on their carriage, but Xiao Bai He had just become a god and didn't know much about god-related knowledge.

As for Zhong Chen, it seemed that he didn't want to tell them at all.

It wasn't that Zhong Chen meant to hide it, but telling them was useless. After all, their opponent Bodi Mars is not a god.

Finally arriving at the hotel, Spider went to rest early.

The next day, the sunlight coming in from the window was so dazzling.

Fortunately, the layout of this hotel prevented the sunlight from shining on the building.

Even so, even if It will not be directly illuminated, and cannot be taken lightly. Because just being scattered by sunlight can have a great impact on the spider.

Now she is extremely afraid of sunlight?

Because her whole body is white, once it is directly illuminated by sunlight It hurts.

Very painful.

Because the body cannot produce melanin, and melanin has the function of reducing ultraviolet damage. Without melanin, the damage caused by ultraviolet rays will be very serious.

Once directly exposed to the sun, symptoms of sunburn will appear immediately..Sunburn is not a small problem for today's spiders.

There is no such convenient thing as sunscreen lotion in this world. Even if there is such a convenient thing as healing magic in this world, it can solve the problem of sunburn, but still It will make me feel painful and uncomfortable.

In the past six months, the healing magic of the Demon King and Zhong Chen has helped her several times.

If they had not treated her, she would not have been able to reach the Demon Mountain.

She must avoid being attacked when she acts. Direct sunlight, but on long journeys, there will inevitably be some accidents.

In addition, her eyesight has also become worse.

Worse than before deification.

It seems to be because of the ten pupils. The reason why these did not appear before deification Characteristics, she is not afraid of the sun, because at that time she had an impressive ability value and a terrifying defense, so she was not harmed by ultraviolet rays.

However, now her ability value is almost zero and she has become a weak existence.

Spider After getting up, he took a look at the big sun shining in the window, thought about it, and decided not to go out.

Anyway, there was nothing much happened recently.

On the other hand,

Zhong Chen discovered his secret after getting up the building the next day. Suddenly, a cry for help came from space.

That was Oni-kun's voice.


Sasashima Kyoya, are you in some kind of trouble?

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