Spider demons have attributes

Chapter 128 Flame Ghoul (1)

sizzle sizzle

Make a grid frame from the spider web and try to bake it on the head of the little fire man.

Fire burns spider silk,

The threads became hot and red, but remained strong.

It seems that the advanced spider silk is no longer comparable to ordinary silk threads, and it is no problem to use it as a barbecue net plate.

Set up the spider silk web tray,

The little fire man looked at the spider demon with confused eyes, and kept shouting the syllables of his father in his mouth.

"Yeah, yeah."

"It's time to play your part."

Horn said with a smile,

It's not a big problem to become the father of a little fireman inexplicably.

Anyway, she is already the mother of tens of thousands of briquettes.


He even wanted to try the feeling of barbecue.

I've tried using flame breath before, but it always felt a little less flavorful.

It feels a little better to have a little fire that never burns out.

Pick out the most delicious blood food from the food pantry,

Find the most delicious parts,

Pick out the fat and thin flesh and put them on the spider web,

The flames roast the fresh meat,

The fat sizzles,

The aroma of meat invaded the nasal cavity, and the food previously eaten in the stomach seemed to be swept away, and Horn had the appetite to devour it again.

When a large piece of fat meat is about to be roasted,

Apply some venom and corrosive fluid,

A novel smell of poison and meat made Horn salivate.

The little briquettes came running over smelling the smell.

They saw the little fire man with big eyes and the wonderful smell of barbecue.

double happiness,

Little coal ball is crazy,

They want to steal the barbecue,

The spider demon boss kicked him away, "Go away, you want to eat and roast yourself."

Lift the roasted meat high so that the little briquettes can't reach it.

The little coal ball was disappointed, but he soon found new fun and was busy playing with the little fire man.

They play with the little firemen by the fire,

Those who were brave jumped directly into the flames. After three or four seconds, the briquettes, covered in flames, rushed out of the fire screaming and rolling on the ground. The other companions came to help put out the fire, but they clumsily ignited the fluffy hair on their bodies.

The little briquettes set themselves on fire,

One by one they become bald,

Big eyes stare at small eyes,

They made fun of each other for their companions' funny looks, and then with a scratch, the hair grew out, and the briquettes rushed into the fire again, enjoying themselves endlessly.

They found new toys and new companions,

Coal Ball has a good impression of Little Fire Man, and makes faces at Little Fire Man from time to time.

The little fire man seemed to be very curious about the briquettes. He had never seen such a monster that was not afraid of flames.

The two wonderful monsters looked at each other, and their eyes showed kindness to each other.

Happiness is different,

Horn, on the other hand, was happy of his own. He finally tasted a decent roast. He put the roast in front of his olfactory organ and smelled it. His mouth began to secrete a lot of mucus, and his stomach was growling after eating monsters all day. stand up,


Take a bite of the barbecue,

The gravy explodes in your mouth,

Horn's expression became increasingly strange.

Barbecued meat still has the same familiar flavor. The lean meat and the hot fat complement each other perfectly. It tastes great and is definitely delicious.


The sad fact is,

Horn thinks raw meat tastes better;

As I kept chewing the delicious barbecue in my mouth, I became melancholy.

After swallowing the roasted meat,

Horn sighed, "It turns out that I'm used to raw meat. It doesn't matter. I just can't eat some food."

[To be honest, I have been reading books recently to catch up on updates. I can switch sources and read aloud with many sounds. It can be used on both Android and Apple. 】

After eating a big piece of barbecue,

Horn's longing for barbecue stopped here.

Although he did get a few pieces later, he mostly shared the barbecue with other briquettes.

After struggling like this for a long time,

Horn gave up on the idea of ​​keeping the Little Fire Man as a barbecue "kitchenware".

Then the little fireman has only one purpose left,

"Okay, don't jump into the fire pit."

Horn shouted,

It stopped the little briquettes from jumping into the fire pit. The jointed limbs penetrated into the soil and held up the little fire man with the soil.

The little fire man opened his eyes wide and shouted excitedly the only noun he knew, "Father, father."

Stretch out your flaming arms to possess the demon in front of you.


Huo Enmo responded with emotion, and then muttered to himself: "What a strange guy, but, I have encountered weirder monsters than you.

Tough luck for you, little one.

You can't hide even if you recognize your father.

It's time to transform you into a ghoul. "

The little fire man didn't know what was happening yet, but he still looked at the spider demon "father" with dazzling eyes.

The little briquettes sensed what the spider demon boss wanted to do.

They all looked at the boss eagerly, almost crying, "Eh~~~~~" "Hey~~~~~" "Ugh~~~~"

"Why are you looking at me? Although it is your new friend, the waste has only one purpose in my boss's hands, and that is to transform into a ghoul. Stop making noise and go play somewhere else."

Horn ignored the pitiful looks from the little briquettes.

Anyway, before some of the monsters that played well with or were played well by Little Coal Ball were transformed, these little guys also had expressions of reluctance.

three minutes,

Three minutes at most,

After the little fire man is transformed, the little coal ball will forget this new "friend" within three minutes.

Horn tried to activate [Ghoul Plague].

The infection ability begins to invade the little fireman's spiritual world,

The wolf head icon on the little fireman's head has already been lit, so triggering [Ghoul Plague] seems extremely simple.

The blazing flames burn more fiercely,

The flames rose to hundreds of meters high, sending waves of heat in the air.

Horn was frightened.

He hurriedly threw away the "big fire man" in his hand,

jump aside,

Watching the self-burning flame from a distance,

Is this a transformation?

There wasn't that big of a movement when transforming ghouls before.

Horn checked his talent, "Yes, the ghoul plague was indeed triggered, and it did not trigger other effects. Why is the ghoul infection of the little fire man different from other monsters this time?

The battle is a bit big. "

The flames burned more intensely, and the pillars of fire rose into the sky. In the midst of the raging fire, I could vaguely see the shadow of a ghoul.

The burning lasted for nearly ten minutes;

Until the flame shrinks,

In the flames, the withered limbs of the ghoul stretched out, like a phoenix reborn from Nirvana, and a majestic ghoul was born from the flames.

The skin on the body is different from other ghouls.

Ordinary ghouls are blue-grey in color and have lush animal hair.

And this ghoul transformed from a little fire man has no hair, and the skin on his body is like the earth flowing with magma, and there is strong steam all over his body.

Its eyes, ears, four legs, tail, and the raised ridges on its back are covered with burning flames.

Fire ghoul?

Is this a new breed of ghoul?

The ghoul leader Horn was shocked. After being infected with ghouls for so long, this was the first time he knew that there was such a transformation?

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