Spellcasting Heavens

Chapter 1197: tree world

Climb the mountains, cross the swamps, and continue along the endless wilderness.

Eat some rough dry food when you are hungry, drink some cold water when you are thirsty, and if you are lucky enough to meet some animals, you can also eat a barbecue, or drink a bowl of steaming soup.

These church knights who slept in the wind, endured the unbearable hardships of ordinary people, and finally saw the magnificent canopy of the Chaos Tree two months later.

"The goddess of darkness is above! This... There is actually a giant tree here? How can it grow so high? You know that in my hometown, a tree can grow up to 100 meters, and it will be struck by lightning when it rains. In the thunder, and then completely burned." A man in his mid-thirties subconsciously opened his mouth and exclaimed in stunned surprise.

"Huh! It seems that this is the place that the bishop mentioned. Prepare, we will go in and find out now." The captain of the knight drank the last drop of water in the pot in one breath, licking his slightly dry lips and instructed.

Due to the existence of the Chaos Tree, there is no obvious surface water source for hundreds of kilometers around.

In the past, the flowing streams, rivers, lakes, mountain springs, etc., were all sucked clean, and even a slight desertification appeared in the edge areas.

Many people in this team have not had a decent drink for several days, and their mouths and throats have become like smoking.

However, after seeing the Tree of Chaos, the surrounding ecological environment immediately took a 180-degree turn. Not only can you see all kinds of strange animals and plants everywhere, but also the huge leaves and roots have a A small pit with accumulated water, some of which are more than a thousand meters in diameter, equivalent to a small pool or lake.

Without any hesitation!

The thirsty and hungry church knights rushed under the tree of chaos covered with intricate rhizomes at the fastest speed. Go up to the plump critters.

After only an hour and a half, they picked up a large pile of dead branches full of grease and lit a bonfire next to a pool, intending to enjoy a delicious and hearty wild meal.

Especially the translucent fish in the pool, so delicious that they almost swallowed their tongues together, without realizing that the danger had come silently.


"Hey! Rom! Did you hear any strange noises!" A knight who was gnawing on flesh and bones stopped his movements, and his glasses showed vigilance.

But unfortunately, another knight named Rom didn't take it seriously. After swallowing the food in his mouth, he couldn't help laughing and scolding: "Don't be nervous! What's going to happen? We didn't search for it just now. There are no beasts that are only threatening, so eat your barbecue with peace of mind."

"Well, maybe I'm a little neurotic."

The former shrugged his shoulders, opened his mouth and tore off a piece of golden-yellow bloodshot steak.

The two of them didn't even know that, just as they were talking, several dark shadows with primitive weapons had unknowingly lurked on the branches, staring at their green eyes, watching every move below.

You don't need to ask to know that these life forms are twisted and weird, and they have begun to have preliminary wisdom. It is those special species that have been affected by the Tree of Chaos and have begun to evolve uncontrollably.

To be precise, the few who came today are all monsters that like to eat the brains of intelligent life.

It's also unclear whether it needs something contained in the brains of intelligent life, or just to satisfy that soft taste.

In short, even within the sphere of influence of the strange Tree of Chaos, they are outright aliens, feared, repelled, and hated by other species.

Hunting is the instinct of carnivores, a killing instinct inscribed in the genes.

As long as a species hasn't permanently eliminated meat from its diet, this instinct will never go away, no matter how technology and society progress.

It will only be temporarily hidden under the shackles of law and morality. Once the existing order collapses or is stimulated by the outside world, the instinct of killing and hunting will immediately awaken, and make many unacceptable things that ordinary people living in a peaceful environment cannot accept. crazy behavior.

Obviously, these monsters who like to eat the brains of intelligent creatures are absolutely 100% meat-eating.

Although it was the first time they encountered the largest number of indigenous people on the planet, they were not afraid at all.

After briefly confirming the number of prey, the leader raised the sharpened wooden spear in his hand and waved at the other companions beside him.

The latter understood and jumped on the branches with the help of their developed upper limbs. After a while, there was at least one monster on top of each knight's head.

They were accustomed to plane battles, and undoubtedly forgot that their position was the root of a giant tree, and completely ignored the need to confirm whether the top of their heads was safe.

next second...

All the monsters jumped from the heights and launched a surprise attack on their prey.

Although the wooden spears were so crude that they could not even pierce the steel breastplates, too many knights had time to react before being pounced on by these powerful monsters, followed by being smashed on the head by stones. , with a bang, his head broke blood, and he lost the ability to fight back.

And the monsters are also unceremonious, directly using hook-like fingers to open the wound, sucking the red and white brains with big mouths.

This primitive, savage, and cruel scene directly frightened the captain of the knights. He suddenly pulled out his saber and chopped off the heads of the monsters around him. He roared angrily: "Go to hell! Monsters! Quick! Arms! If you don't want to die!"

"Sword! Give me the sword!"

"Shield! I need a shield!"

"Damn! I need cover!"


Several lucky people who survived the surprise attack immediately dropped the food in their hands~www.readwn.com~ quickly formed a battle formation back to back, and cooperated to resist the monsters with the dominant number.

Fortunately, these brain-eating monsters didn't seem to fight recklessly. After besieging them for a while, they found that they couldn't help each other. They soon brought their corpses, jumped on the branches in three or two times, and disappeared into the depths of the dense foliage.

Looking at the bloodstains left on the ground around him, the knight captain shivered and said to himself in a voice that only he could hear: "Great goddess of darkness! What kind of place did you lead us to? Those monsters? What is it? The devil?"

It is a pity that the goddess did not give him a clear answer, not even a single response.

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