Spellcasting Heavens

Chapter 1176: response

"So... the woman who established the dark church not only did not die, but killed the **** she served, and has now become a real goddess?"

Sitting on the seat in the main hall of the capital of the kingdom, Villa frowned and listened to the news that Isolt brought back, her face full of confusion and worry.

You must know that according to the original plan, after Kerwin was removed, she planned to support the prince who had made a deal with her, tearing a third of the territory from the fallen empire in one go.

But now, due to the sudden addition of a god, everything has become confusing.

"That's right! Please don't doubt my judgment, because it was admitted by the master himself." Isolt reminded with a serious expression.

"Master? Could this be part of Master's plan?" Villa's expression changed slightly.

Maybe a **** who suddenly appeared is not enough to make her feel afraid, but if it is related to the mysterious and dangerous master, it is another matter.

Especially after learning of Kerwin's tragic end, she had already extinguished the last trace of luck, and did not dare to do anything against her.

Isolt shook his head with a wry smile: "I'm sorry, although I really want to give you a definite answer, but I really don't know anything. The master won't tell us his servants his real plan at all. Because we Too weak, too weak to participate in such a grand scheme. Think about it, he can even turn a mortal into a **** with his own hands. He can even do such incredible things, and what else can't he do? Woolen cloth?"

"Since that's the case, what kind of attitude do you think we should take towards this new country and the goddess of darkness that protects it?" Villa asked gently tapping on the armrest of the seat.

It can be seen that she is a little anxious now, just like when all the superiors who are used to giving orders from high above find that the situation begins to exceed their control.

After all, religion has always played the role of spiritual opium on this road, helping the nobles to extort money from the people at the bottom, so that people believe that status and wealth can be passed down along with the blood.

The descendants of nobles will always be nobles, and the descendants of serfs will always be serfs. Only the lucky few who are blessed by fate are qualified to break the barriers before class.

As for the magnificent statues enshrined in the hall, they are just some sculptures. No matter what the clergy do, they will not bring down divine punishment.

But now, suddenly there is a real **** standing behind a religion, capable of killing powerful tyrants with ease.

This strong contrast is a big challenge for any monarch.

Because they have to make a choice from now on, whether to actively give up part of their rights to embrace this religion that is destined to become more and more powerful, or become its enemy and limit its spread within their own territory.

The most important thing is, if the huge empire that has fallen into civil strife is still divided according to the original plan, will the goddess take any revenge?

In any case, this is the first goddess in the world to appear in her real body and show her divine power in front of everyone's eyes. No one can understand how a goddess's way of thinking is different from that of mortals.

Isolt obviously pondered for a long time, and then took a deep breath and replied: "I think you only have two options right now, one is to follow the other side and build a magnificent temple and declare that the Church of Darkness will be the only legitimate kingdom in the kingdom. Religion. Only in this way, your next plan will not be obstructed. Because in the eyes of the gods, they don't care about all the rights and interests in the world. They only care about one thing, that is, the number of believers, and Influence on the world. The other is to give up expansion plans and join forces with a queen who is as powerful as you to carve up this continent."

"Oh? You seem to admire the woman who killed her father with her own hands?" Villa raised her eyebrows in surprise.

This was the first time she heard who the old man in front of her praised. In addition, the other party, like herself, ascended the throne as a woman in a complicated political situation, so it was inevitable that she would have a strong curiosity.

"That's right! There is such a thing! You must understand that daring to kill your own father is also a kind of courage, especially knowing the consequences of doing so, but still daring to stand up and bear the heavy sin. Besides, she She is also very good at using her beauty and power to win and buy her subordinates from the enemy's camp. These alone are enough to prove that she is not a qualified king. In this regard, you are not as good as her."

Obviously, Isolt is not like the ignorant people who only see the stain of killing his biological father. Instead, he perceives the other party's true motive through this stain, which is to help his father end his pain.

"Really... I'm really interested in her. What do you think about inviting her to come to the border to meet me?" Villa's tone was full of emotion.

It may be sympathy, or it may be that she simply wants to take a look at her future opponent~www.readwn.com~ In short, she thinks it is necessary to have a face-to-face talk, whether it is for the complex situation now, or for the possibility of an outbreak in the future total war.

"I agree! You should indeed meet! If nothing else happens, both you and her will benefit from this meeting. To be honest, I sometimes wonder if the master did it on purpose to let three women stand in this era. to determine the future path of the world." Isolt seemed to realize something, and a strange light flashed in his eyes.

Villa was obviously stunned when she heard this, but she quickly smiled and shrugged her shoulders: "This world has been under the rule of men for a few years, and it's time for women to be the masters. On the one hand, I really appreciate the master's courage, at least he gave us a chance to prove ourselves, didn't he?"

"I hope so!"

Isolt sighed noncommittally.

For some reason, when he thinks of the towering Chaos Tree, he has a shuddering feeling, as if something terrible will happen.

"Okay, don't be so sentimental. Let the Royal Knights prepare for it, and it will be triggered in three days. By the way, send a messenger to send a message to the queen, saying that I will be waiting for her in the border town."

Having said that, Villa stood up and walked towards the study on the second floor.

She can't wait to write a letter by herself, imitating the meetings between the famous kings of the past, and leaving a strong mark in history.

: . :

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