Spellcasting Heavens

Chapter 1171: Queen and Goddess

After a whole night of discussions, everyone finally finalized all the details, every possible problem.

When everyone left to make final preparations, the young queen stood alone by the window, looking at the last darkness before dawn in the distance, and muttered to herself in a voice that only she could hear: "Father murder! Murder! I'm really a wicked woman..."

"Evil? No! You're not evil! You're just more inclined towards darkness."

A pleasant voice suddenly sounded from behind.

I saw a mysterious woman with a thin black veil wrapped around her face and body slowly walking out of the dark corner.

Although he can't see his face clearly, he always gives people an indescribable beauty and noble temperament.

"Who are you? And how did you deceive the heavily guarded guards?"

The young queen raised her vigilance subconsciously, grabbed a sword and placed it on the table, whose decorative significance was greater than its use value.

Although she is not like her brother, she has received strict knight training since childhood, but she has some confidence in swordsmanship, and ordinary three or two soldiers are not necessarily her opponents.

"Put down your weapons, I have no hostility, otherwise you would already be dead."

The voice just fell!

The woman covered in black veil instantly crossed a distance of more than ten meters and came directly behind the queen, gently stroking her delicate neck.

If her knuckles exerted a little force at this time, she could easily break the fragile spine and completely incapacitate the target's ability to move.

You must know that high-level paraplegia, even on the earth with relatively advanced medical technology, is an out-and-out super intractable disease. In this backward planet where medical technology is still in its infancy, it is estimated that you can only lie in bed or a wheelchair for the rest of your life. spent on.

Feeling the touch of the delicate fingers repeatedly rubbing against the skin of the neck, the queen broke out in a cold sweat and asked without looking back, "Who are you? What do you want to do?"

"Who am I? I'm a god, a goddess of darkness. You can call me Musa." The black veiled woman whispered softly against the other's ear.

"Female... Goddess?! What's your relationship with the dark church that was wiped out before?" The Queen sharply grasped the point.

Because she knew that the reason why Kerwin led the expedition this time was to destroy an organization called the Church of Darkness.

But for some unknown reason, the army he brought out was almost completely lost, and only less than 200 people escaped by chance.

Interestingly, every participant was tight-lipped about the course of the war, even if they were bought with a lot of money, they would not reveal a word.

The only thing I know is that this church has completely disappeared from the world, and all its believers and backbones were all killed and injured in that war.

"You mean the Church of Darkness? It was originally created by me to awaken an ancient **** called Luwa. Unfortunately, he disappointed me so much, so I killed him and took his place. Now, kneel Come down, give your allegiance and faith, and I will give you inexhaustible power to make you my chosen one in this world. In exchange, you must erect my idols, build my temples, and spread my faith." Musa calmly offered the conditions.

As someone who built a church from scratch, she knows too well how difficult it is to build a church and spread the faith without the help of those in power.

The most important thing is that people will not easily join a church that is not officially recognized.

So this time, she decided to find a weak monarch directly, support him to regain his power, and finally make the Church of Darkness the state religion of this country.

As the saying goes, it is easy from top to bottom, but difficult from bottom to top.

With the support of a monarch, within six months to a year at most, the Church of Darkness can be revived, and even become the most powerful religion in the world.

"What do you use to prove that you are a goddess?"

The queen obviously did not easily believe the words of a stranger, and she cautiously stepped back and kept a safe distance, even though she was really interested in the infinite power.

"Hehe, it's very simple. Aren't you planning an assassination? I happened to be having a bit of a holiday with that mortal tyrant, so let me launch a divine punishment. You'll understand at that time, no matter how powerful a mortal is, in In front of the gods are like ants. Goodbye, my dear elect, your temperament is really in line with the dark power."

After all, Musa was enveloped by a mass of black energy from head to toe, and finally disappeared out of thin air, leaving not even a single footprint.

If it wasn't for the faint scent still lingering in the air, the Queen would even think that everything that happened just now was an illusion, that she was too tired, too nervous, and too worried, so she longed for a **** to help her.

But unfortunately, all of this is true.

"Do gods really exist?"

With strong doubts, she picked up a book called "Divine Books" by the bed and began to read it carefully.

This book is said to be a poem written by a great limiter in the age of human enlightenment. It has been more than 7,500 years ago, and the words on it have not changed at all.

As for the content, most of them are ravings of unknown meaning.

One of the names clearly mentioned in the third chapter~www.readwn.com~ is Luwa, the **** of darkness.

She is now eager to find out everything about this god.

In particular, is the opponent really strong?

Are miracles being revealed?

Can gods really be killed by mortals?

With a series of questions, she quickly immersed herself in the wonderful world depicted by the prophet, a world where gods and mortals have a close relationship.


"It's quite interesting! I didn't expect that three women would decide the fate of the world in the end. I have to say, in a political and social environment where men are dominant, this is really ironic."

Sitting in the magic tower, Zhang Cheng stared at the image displayed in the mirror and couldn't help but laugh.

Two queens and one goddess were created directly or indirectly by him.

Now, they have actually trained their hands to deal with Kerwin, who has been abandoned. Even with their heels, they know that the latter has absolutely no chance of being spared this time.

Similarly, the three of them joining forces also means that this continent is about to enter a new era.

When the new goddess of darkness gathers enough faith, the plan for the tree of chaos and the fruit of chaos will also enter the final stage, and a weapon that can really kill the master will be completely completed.

When the time comes, no matter what kind of enemy appears, Zhang Cheng is confident that the opponent will come and go.

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